Chapter 6: Biding your time

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Let's get started. Oh wait ! I was gonna announce something. I almost forgot. pretty soon by which I mean two or three chapters something, we are gonna take battles with brains of school. Come on, now! Ash can't stay in one place forever.

After leaving Eevee in Pokemon center , Ash carried on his way to forest. Meanwhile, team rocket fighting with each other lost track of Ash once again.


Ash was drifting through woods with Pikachu on his shoulders not knowing what to do . He thought that perhaps he will find another Pokemon and more he catches , the better.

But there was no luck so far except some sightings of beedril and others he had already caught.

He was looking for something he hasn't caught. It wasn't easy because in Clevan region, Pokemon of not only Clevan , but Kanto , Johto , Hoenn, Sinnoh ,kalos , Unova , Alola and galar all lived in equal proportions .

Or so was known.  Anyway he continued going through the forest hoping he will soon see a new Pokemon.

"We have been really walking now for quite a while, aren't we?" Ash said to Pikachu .

"Pika! Pikachu" it agreed.

"Let's take a break." Ash said and sat near a lake . There was complete tranquility there .

"It is nice here." Ash admitted.

"Pika" it agreed.

But all of sudden, there was rise in water of lake as both Ash and Pikachu started to step back .

From the water , came out a blue serpent like creatures with wings like ears .

"It can't be . Wow! It is . It is a dragonair ." Ash exclaimed.

"I gotta catch it."Ash all of sudden realized .

"Pikachu ! You ready!" Ash said excitedly.

"Pikaa" it agreed. But before Pikachu could get ready to attack , dragonair all of sudden moved swiftly and carried Ash on its back ( yeah ! I can't exactly define that area)

"What ?" Ash exclaimed as Pikachu gaped. Dragonair looked at Ash as if trying to tell to follow it .

"Alright! Dragonair. Show me the way . Come on, Pikachu." Ash agreed as Pikachu jumped on dragonair's back too.

Dragonair started to fly in the air as Ash and Pikachu struggled to keep their balance and from falling.

"Better hold on tight!" Ash nevously chuckled as the dragonair continued to rise in air. There was hard to see anything on ground being so up but Ash figured that dragonair must know the way .

After a while, dragonair started to land. As Ash climbed down with Pikachu , he saw that several of the Pokemon were caught in net.

"Who could have done such a thing?" Ash exclaimed.


"Prepare for trouble"  Jessie said coming to light.

"And I suggest you make it double" James precedes her.

"To protect the world from devastation"

"To unite all people within our nation."

"To denounce the evil of truth and love"

"To extend our reach to the stars above"

"Jessie "


"Team rocket , blast off at the speed of light "

"Surrender now or prepare to fight."

"Meowth! That is right." Meowth finished jumping in.

"Wobbuffet." Wobbuffet came out raising Meowth .

"You guys again! I should have known it was you three." Ash looked warily.

"Do you have any idea how many days we spent doing nothing because we were tailing you?" Jessie said.

"Yes! I can still remember the day we had to eat those awful berries!" James shouted.

"But don't you guys always do nothing at end of day ." He asked as all three fell anime style.

"Now listen! You twerp . We got no time for your twerpiness. After a week of chasing you , we think giving all these Pokemon to boss is gonna get a real big promotion for sure. So stay out of our way ." Meowth told him.

"I don't think so. I am not gonna let you take all those pokemon." Ash announced firmly.

"Oh yeah!" Meowth laughed as smoke filled the surroundings. Ash and Pikachu both coughed as dragonair blowed it away to reveal team rocket in hot air ballon carrying Pokemon in net.

"Pikachu ! Thunderbolt." Ash shouted.

"No wait !" Ash doubted just as Pikachu was about to hit with thunderbolt.

"If we use thunderbolt, all those Pokemon may get hurt too." Ash sighed. Pikachu nodded .

"See you twerp." James shouted.

"I won't let them get away . Pikachu ! Hop on dragonair and fly towards the balloon." Ash told both of them as dragonair quickly burst the balloon with its horn on head.

"No!" Meowth shouted as the balloon started falling.

"Now Pikachu! Use iron tail on net to free them." Ash shouted as all the Pokemon quickly jumped out with team rocket crashing down.

"I think my back is broken." James sighed.

"You sure it is not your brain." Jessie spat .

"Hey guys! I don't think those Pokemon look happy." Meowth told them as they looked at approaching pokemons.

"Now ! Now ! There is no need to get angry. We were just playing around ." Jessie nervously said.

"Yes! Exactly" James chuckled.

All of the Pokemon released their attacks together as the bright beam hit the ground flying them off in the air .

"We failed again." James sighed.

"At least! We got a part in story again other than cameos." Jessie looked at them.

"No doubt about that . But hey ! Why are we still blasting off again?" Meowth shouted .

"Wobbuffet" the voice faded as the team rocket faded into nowhere.

"Those guys don't catch a break!" Ash laughed.

"Well looks like it is pretty late. I am so late. We gotta go , Pikachu. Hurry." Ash exclaimed horrified looking at the time as both started running leaving dragonair as it looked at our hero fading away .

"Where were you ? It is so late." Dawn demanded as Ash came to pôkemon center .

"Sorry! I got bit busy. " Ash rubbed back of his head.

"So typical of you . Now go! Get Eevee." She sighed.

"Your Eevee is back to full health." Nurse Joy gave Eevee to Ash .

"Thanks! Nurse Joy." Ash told her as she went away .

" Let's go , Eevee." Ash told her as Eevee rubbed herself against Ash.

Ash had to apologise to the stern coordinator but finally he was let in to dinner room where all were already seated eating dinner .

Ash sat on empty table but soon he found Serena , Dawn and May standing there .

"You mind if I sit here ?" All three said at same time and looked at each other pierciengly.

"Sure! Why not?" Ash stated as he carried on with his dinner.

"Wow! This hamburger is really good." Ash munched it amazed .

"Pika" Pikachu agreed.

"Eevee! Why don't you try it too?" Ash asked her but she refused to eat anything beside Pokemon food .

"Alright." Ash went back to his food without noticing that all three were looking at him.

"Hey! What is that blue thing ?" A boy shouted catching evryone' s attention.

"Where ?" Stephan asked.

"Outside the window. Look. See , Stephano." He told him.

"My name is Stephan. But whatever." He sighed as all started to look through the window.

"Dragonair?" Ash wondered as he looked out .

As the journey continues.

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