Chapter 7: A Voluntary capture

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This is no typical title if you compare to anime episode titles. Gosh! When they titled Pikachu's good-bye, it gave so much misconception at first. I am glad Pikachu didn't go though. Ah ! Getting sidetracked. Let's get started.
"Dragonair?" Ash wondered as he looked out . Ash couldn't believe it . It was the same dragonair from before. He was sure of it . But why was it flying outside window?

All students quickly ran outside with their Pokemon eager to catch it .

But dragonair blew all their pokeball away before they could fight it and landed in front of Ash .

"You wanna battle me?" Ash asked  and it nodded.

"All right! Here we go ." Ash moved his cap ready to battle as all started watching eagerly.

"I choose you , Pikachu." Ash said as Pikachu landed in the field. Both dragonair and Pikachu looked at each other no one making the first move. There was a strange silence in the air . Almost like wind had died.

"Volt tackle!" Ash commanded breaking the silence as Pikachu ran at incredible speed with lightning surrounding him towards dragonair .

Dragonair flew up in the air dodging the attack easily.

"Pika" Pikachu looked back stopping in his tracks.

Dragonair quickly launched Dragon rage towards pickachu.

"Dodge it , Pikachu." Ash told as Pikachu barely escaped.

"That dragonair is fast . But we are faster. Let's show what real speed looks like. You ready , Pikachu!" Ash pumped up his fists in the air as Serena looked at him fixatingly .

"Chu" Pikachu agreed with sparks coming out from its cheeks.

"Alright! Use iron tail on the ground." Pikachu used iron tail on the ground breaking it as the rocks flew in the air . Dragonair kept looking at the scene while floating in the air as the rocks rose at its level.

"Now climb those rocks ." Ash said as Pikachu jumped on the rocks .

"What is he doing?" Paul wondered.

" Now use quick speed while leaping from those rocks." Ash said as Pikachu ran so fast from one rock to another , it was hard to see where it was .

Dragonair closed its eyes.

"Why is it closing its eyes?" Ash wondered as Pikachu continued running.

All of sudden, dragonair opened its eyes and a bolt of lightning hit Pikachu blasting off rocks into ground as the smoke came out.

"What was that attack ?" Ash was surprised.

"Ash! It is because of the crystal that surrounds neck of dragonair . It allows to change the weather to their advantage but is also takes lot of energy. That is why dragonair closed it's eyes." Stephan shouted.

"Got it ! Pikachu! Can you still battle?" Ash asked as Pikachu struggled to stand .


Pikachu can't take another heavy attack now . I need to come up with a plan . Let's see.

"Alright! Here it goes.Pikachu jump on Dragonair by using iron tail on ground to bounce." Ash told as Pikachu jumped on dragonair who felt surprised by sudden attack .

"Now ! Use thunderbolt." As bolts of lightning fused with lightning falling from changed weather due to Dragonair's crystal and hit the dragonair shocking it .

The bright light filled the field as all waited to see who won. The light faded to reveal both knocked out.

"Pikachu !" Ash ran to pick him up .

"Are you okay ?" He asked .

"Pika!" It nodded.

"Well! I didn't defeat you really. But I time." Ash smiled as dragonair stood up . Before he could say anything, dragonair picked a pokeball from his belt and touched it as the pokeball caught her turning green. All were shocked.

"Well! We are gonna be great friends . I just caught myself a dragonair." Ash jumped in the air as victory stance with Pikachu in background "pi Pikachu"

"Wow! It is so cool. Now you have Dragonair." Cilan congratulated him.

"Thanks Cilan . I can't wait to train with it . Now I am gonna work on Eevee and Dragonair and soon start challenging brains of school." Ash told him.

"Sounds like a great idea . " Stephan said coming in.

"I know right, Stephen." Ash laughed.

"My name is Stephen !  But whatever!" He shouted but then calmed down.

"Ash ! You were so great." May placed her arm around Ash .

"Oh thanks May " Ash nervously said as she tightened her grip.

"Can you let me go now ?" He asked as she backed away quickly. Soon all except Paul were there .

"There was nothing interesting. You didn't beat it . It caught itself as a self pity prize to you ." Paul smirked as he walked away .

"That guy !" Ash stomped his feet . "Pika Pika" Pikachu patted Ash to calm him.

"Don't let him get to you , Ash . He is just jealous je couldn't catch it ." Dawn told him.

"You are right! I won't. Because now it is time to eat." Ash announced as all fell anime style.

"That is not what I meant but ok." Dawn shook her head. Soon all went to bed after eating.

"From tomorrow, we are all gonna train harder than ever. We are gonna make you learn new moves , Eevee . And so does dragonair." Ash told his pokemons as he went to sleep.

The sun shone brightly marking the herald of new day . But this time to Serena's surprise, Ash was already out of bed nowhere to be seen.

Because he was running with Pikachu and Eevee on the field .  Unaware of the fact that someone is watching him .

" Well well! So this is Ash she talks about so much . Time to know him better ." He spoke as he watched them from a distant view .

As the journey continues

Short chapter. Yeah a bit . I guess. But really! Title wouldn't have covered so much stuff and still be apt. Plus! Who is this mysterious boy watching Ash .

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