Chapter 8: A Green watcher

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Typically strange. Ah! Anyway let's get this started.

"Go Dragonair ! Use dragon rage." Ash called as dragon rage moved towards Eevee.

"Eevee! Dodge it and use copycat." Ash told her as she quickly dodged but wasn't able to copy the attack.

"You are never gonna make Eevee learn copycat that way ." A voice struck out Ash's attention from training. Ash turned to see a green haired boy looking at him with proud smile.

"Who are you ?" Ash asked .

" The name is Drew . Heard a lot about you . How could I not since you won the Hoenn league? Everyone in Hoenn region knows you . Of course leave Johto and other regions. I am still surprised that no one in this school knows you yet ." He stated.

"Well! I am not really one to brag but I do like the idea of being known by people of entire region." Ash chuckled.

"Tell me something, Ash . Why are you competing here ? I mean you could have challenged the Elite four of Hoenn league and then proceed to challenge the Champion." Drew asked.

"I am never much of a staying one place around. Plus! Clevan league is the biggest league of all and if I win here, then I will surely challenge Elite four and try to become Champion. There are Pokemon from all regions here so I had to visit it and what better way other than to compete."Ash explained.

"I guess she was right. You are interesting." Drew mumbled.

"Who is she ?" Ash asked as Pikachu jumped on Ash 's shoulders.

"Oh! Anabel , one of the Frontier brain. I met her on the way . She told me that a certain challenger was able to beat the whole Battle Frontier with unique strategy and then win the Hoenn league too. I just had to come." Drew flicked his airs.

"Oh ! I had a pretty hard time figuring hiw to beat her since she could communicate with her Pokemon without talking but I was glad I did. So what do you want to be , Drew ?" Ash asked.

"I want to be Topmost Pokemon coordinator." Drew stated.

"But it won't happen because I am gonna be topmost Pokemon coordinator." May came in the scene as Drew looked at her .

"You two are dreaming. It is gonna be me." Dawn said walking with Piplup. All three of them were looking at each other .

"Hey guys! What is a "Pokemon coordinator?" Ash asked as all fell anime style.

"Are you serious?" May came near him as he backed away.

"A Pokemon coordinator is people who compete with Pokemon to show their skills in beautiful and graceful manner and then in second round battle with each other but not like normal battle. The points are given for beauty of attack or defense by a Pokemon." Drew explained.

"I can't believe you don't know that ." Dawn bit her lips.

"Oh come on guys! It is not that big deal ." Ash said as all looked at him glaring.

"Never mind . I will just go back to my training." Ash sighed as both Eevee and Pikachu heaved a sigh of relief.

"So what are you doing back here , Drew?" May asked with her cheeks a bit red. Why I am getting that jumpy around him. Is it not the same as Ash ? Do I like Drew? She wondered.

"Well! When I heard that Hoenn league Champion was here , I had to come to see him." Drew said.

"Hoenn league Champion? Who ?" Dawn chimed in.

"Ash of course. You won't believe how cool his pokemons were there. I noticed Ash , that you have started brand newly again right. No older Pokemon except your Pikachu" Drew looked at Ash .

"Yes! I didn't want challenge to be nothing. If I use snorlax , Charizard and others , I can easily beat gym leaders and all here . That wouldn't be much fun." Ash confirmed.

"You are a Champion. Wow ! Why didn't you tell us, Ash ?" Dawn and May looked at him with their eyes gleamingly bright.

"Well! You just know now and see how you all are reacting ." He shook his head.

"Good point." May chuckled.

"Hey Drew! Wanna meet my other new Pokemon?" Ash asked.

"Sure why not!" Drew said . "Come on out ! Roselia ." Drew brought out a petal Pokemon.

"Meet my new Pokemon. Dragonair." Ash brought out dragonair as it floated in the air .

"Cool! You caught yourself a dragonair. An extremely rare Pokemon." Drew was impressed.

"Yeah! More like it caught itself. " Dawn giggled.

"Whatever! It is still with me ." Ash admitted.

"Ash ! Remember to make Eevee use some other move. Some pôkemon can't use certain moves even though it is possible to teach them.Well! I gotta go now. It was good to see you May . I am thinking of competing in Pokemon contest which are gonna be held here soon. I look forward to seeing you in finals " Drew told her as he started to walk away .

"Bye Drew.." May trailed off.

"Something wrong,May ?" Ash asked as she kept looking.

"Huh! No ." May shook her head .

"Hey ! Do people who are not in Pokemon school still have to beat brains of school to start their journey?" Ash asked Dawn.

"Yes! I mean they needn't beat just four brains of particular school. There are lots of school in different cities of Clevan region and they can challenge anywhere. So trainers challenge four brains of one city and defeat it , then they are allowed to start on their Pokemon journey." Dawn revealed.

"Oh! And what do you Pokemon coordinators do?" Ash asked.

"Well we have same rules as any other region. We are just in school to get more tips." Dawn laughed.

"Oh ! That is good. But I am sure we are all ready to take on a brain tomorrow. That is why we are gonna work on our moves. Both Eevee and dragonair. " Ash stated as he went away with his pokemons after him.

"Hmm." May sighed in her thoughts.

"What is the matter, May ? Thinking about Ash ." Dawn teased her .

"No! Drew. I think I should go with him. But he is already gone so..." May trailed off.

"Wait ! Are you telling me that your crush shifted from Ash to that green boy ." Dawn asked her .

"Don't call him that . And ya ! I mean I hadn't seen him in so long so I thought maybe I was over that sorta thing. But I guess today reminded me I wasn't and i was just thinking I like Ash to avoid that ." May sighed.

"Well! Go." Dawn touched her shoulder.

"What do you mean?" May asked surprised

"What are you waiting for, girl ? Go ! Follow him then. " Dawn smiled.

"Alright! Just wait . Drew , here I come ." May fixated her eyes at the path as the wind settled down.

As the journey continues

So May is out of game. Well you know the possible shipping game. It was good move. I mean he didn't have that great chemistry with May . Plus ! With three girls! Too crowded. Gotta focus on battles and Pokemon too. Tell your thoughts in comment.

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