S1 Ep. 10 First Day Part 1

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Scarlet's POV

Dang Munna so sleepy. Munna should've went to bed early like a good floating blob. Instead I was up all night watching the Pokemon anime. That would've been fine, if today weren't the first day of high school. I float above my chair listening to the home room teacher blab about his life. On a positive note, my friend's and I have the same home room.

"Listen up! My name is Mr. DinoRAWRous (emphasis on the rawr)." The teacher who was a Tyrantrum said. "But you can call me Mr. Dino for short. Anyway let's take role." Mr. Dino started calling out names, but I stopped listening.

I'm so tired. My eye lids began to feel heavy. I close my eyes for a moment. I open them, and suddenly I was at Macy's house.

"Macy! Where are you?" I shout.

"Right here. Hahaha." Macy says in a shaky voice. She comes out of the dark shadows of her unlit house. Her head is tilted to the left. Her eyes bloodshot. She floats over to me. Can Mincinno's float? I don't remember. Eh, I'm pretty sure they can. Macy comes up to me, and whispers to me.

"The Bidoof spirit is coming. WAKE UP!" She screeches, and spits up cold water on me. I open my eyes to find myself back in the classroom. Why am I drenched? I look over next to me. Ariel had dumped her water bottle on me.

"No sleeping in my class!" Mr. Dino yells. "Thank you Ariel for waking her up. Anyway back to my pointless life story." Ugh.

My next class is Biology. Luckily Kaleb, Macy, and Ariel were also in this class. Unfortunately the teacher is Mr. Dino.

"First things first lab partners!" Mr. Dino announces.

"I CALL ARIEL!" Kaleb, Macy, and I yell at the same time.

"Are you the teacher? NO! I'LL BE THE ONE CHOOSING THE PARTNERS." Mr. Dino yells."Lab Partners will be based off ships."

"Ships?" Ariel asks.

"You know, shipping. Basically shipping is when you think two people would be a cute couple." Mr. Dino lectures.

"Oh great." Kaleb says rolling his eyes.

"SHUSH OR I'LL KILL YOU." Mr. Dino yells as we all just sit there with blank expressions because our teacher just threatened to kill us. "Anyway the ships, I mean partners are Kaleb x Scarlet..." I stopped listening after the first one. I'm not sure how I feel about getting partnered with Kaleb. One part of me loves that it's him because we get along so well. Then other part of me realizes neither of us do work. I guess Munna will be failing biology this year.

My second class is Pokemon History. Well technically third class, but homeroom isn't really a class. It's just a waste of everybody's time. Anyway Ariel is also in this class, and our teacher is a Cofingrigus named Mr. Grave. He's better than the last teacher. Also his name gives me life.

Munna's third class is Algebra. Ugh Algebra. Such a stupid and pointless class. None of my friend's are in the class so I decided to skip. I hid in my locker and took a nap. These are the moments I'm glad to be a Munna. I can sit in my locker, and it's actually comfortable.

The forth class is Grammar. Kaleb is also in this class so we decided to skip together. We just wandered the halls avoinding teachers. A teacher came our way, and since I'm a Munna, I can hide under the lockers because I'm small. Kaleb got caught, but Munna didn't. The rest of the day is a blur. Munna just tired, and happy to have gotten through the first day of school.

Macy's POV

WHOO HOO! First day of school, and I'm pumped. Okay, I don't like the work, but I love being with friends. The teacher called my name.

"HERE!" I yell jumping up on my desk punching the air.

"We should all be enthusiastic like her!" Mr. Dino says.

"Just wait, by third period she'll be complaining." Kaleb said.

"Psh. No I won't. WHOO GO SCHOOL." I yell.

Anyway my next class after that is Biology. YAY! Mr. Dino is the teacher again. He chose labs partners for us. WHY CAN'T TEACHER EVER LET CHOOSE OUR OWN PARTNERS? Anyway I got paired with a stupid Carbink named David. He better be willing to do all my work. The rest of the class was BORING. UGH SOMEONE KILL ME NOW. I HATE SCHOOL. Finally after an eternity the bell rung.


My next class is Grammar. YAY! Lizzie is in this class. Best part is Miss Laveir, a Persian, let us sit wherever we wanted. YAY NO SEATING CHART. YAY I GET TO SIT BY LIZZIE. BEST TEACHER EVER.

"So Lizzie how's your day been?" I ask.

"AMAZING! I'm in the same history class as Percy, and I my seat was right behind his. I got to stay at his back the whole class."


"Girls I'm going to have to separate you." Miss Laveir says sternly. She moves Lizzie away from me. WORST TEACHER EVER.

My third class is history. I skipped class with Kaleb. Now I have a detention. GLOB I HATE SCHOOL. My forth class is Math. Ariel and Lizzie were also in the class, but stupid Mr. Williams, a Typlosion, had a seating chart.

After that was lunch. YAY LUNCH. I love Lunch. I ate my entire lunch and Ariel's lunch. Yeah, she's kinda mad at me now, but she'll get over it.

After lunch I had more classes. UGH. I'm so flipping tired. First up for my afternoon classes is Home Mec. Finally an easy class. After that is Spanish. Yeah, that class was horrible, just horrible. The next class is Art. Art is also easy. Finally I had gym. All the wimps in my class were complaining about how we had to run around the school campus three times. Psh. That was easy. I was the first one done! I officially survived my first day of high school.

Ariel's POV

Today is the first day of High school. Yay! I love school. I mean it's just so exciting to learn new stuff. My first teacher for both homeroom and Biology is Mr. Dino. Yeah, he's kinda a nut job. He choose Biology partners based off ships. I was paired with a Pidove named Eric because we're both birds. Also our names Ariel and Eric made him fan girl because he's a huge Disney fan.

So homeroom and biology were really weird. Luckily it went by fast. Let's see my next class is history. YAY! I love history. Sadly we speant history class doing introductions over learning. DARN IT. After history I had grammar. Sadly, like history we speant the entire class with introductions. My last class is Alegabra. FINIALLY WE GOT HOMEWORK. It's about time. Next was lunch. I sat next to my friend's in the lunch room.

"So how were your days so far?" I ask.

"HORRIBLE." Macy yells. "Miss Laveir wouldn't let Lizzie and I sit by each other."

"I wonder why." Kaleb said sarcastically.

"I'm just so tired, bored, and HUNGRY!" Macy cries out. Suddenly she grabs my lunch and shoves it down her throat.


"Meh. I was hungry." She replies.

"Whatever." I said getting up. "Anyway I have to get going to my next class." I walked out of the lunch room making way to my next class which is Spanish.

"Hey wait up." Kaleb said running behind me.

"Do you have Spanish too?" I ask.

"No. Hey wanna skip class?"

"NO!" I yell.

"C'mon. Scarlet skipped with me earlier, but she doesn't want to now because she has Art next and it's her favorite class."

"Get someone else to go."

"Macy already got in trouble for skipping with me earlier so she refuses to skip again."


"She says she'll only skip if Percy skips."


"He panics under pressure. If a teacher catches us skipping, Percy would give us away."

"Well to bad because I'm not skipping." I answer. I'm a good student. I never skip class. I'm not a thug like Kaleb. I'm actually going somewhere in life.

"Aren't you hungry? We can go to the Spicy Kricket's and get something to eat."


"I know you're hungry. No one will notice. You won't be able to focus in class if you're hungry."

"Fine! Only because I'd be more productive on a full stomach." I have good reasoning right. I'm not skipping school on purpose. I mean Macy stole my food. It's Macy's fault I'm hungry. Everyone knows you can't focus on an empty stomach.

"Nice. I already took Scarlet and Macy out on a little skipping class date. I can't believe I got you to say yes too. I must be irresistible." He said. I slap him with my wing.

"Nevermind. I'll just starve in class." I yell storming off. The rest of the day was pretty normal, but by the end of school I was starving. I survived my first day of high school. Now I just need to hunt Macy down, and kill her for taking my lunch.

Lizzie's POV

OMG IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. Ah yes, high school. High school is full of romances, drama, friends, fun, stress, tears, joy, and best of all musicals! I'm so excited! Nothing can ruin this day for me. First up is homeroom. I sat by my hubby also know as Percy. We went through introductions first.

"My name is Mr. DinoRAWRous, but you can call me Mr. Dino for short. Anyway let's take role." The teacher who is a Tryrantrum said. After role Mr. Dino shared his life story, and after that Mr. Dino let us just hang out, and talk to each other. I go over to Tommy. If you don't remember, he's the ice cream shop employee.

"Hey Hey Tommy!" I say. "How's things with Amber." I wink at him. You see, Tommy has a huge crush on his bestfriend Amber a Fenniken.

"Can you just stay out of my love life."

"NOPE!" I shout. "I'll go talk to her for you."

"No! Please don't."

"TOO LATE!" I run over to Amber who is sitting in the front of the classroom.

"Hey there!" I say.

"Oh hi! I remember you. You were at the ice cream shop the other day."

"Yep Yep!"

"Nice to finnaly meet you." She said extending her paw. I shook her paw.

"Nice to meet you too!" I said. "So how close are you and Tommy?" I'm such a nosey person. One of my many 'Lizzie Quirks'. Kaleb came up with the phrase Lizzie Quirks, and it kinda stuck with me.

"Oh very close. Tom Tom is one of my bestfriends. Along with Seth. Have you met Seth? YO SETH COME HERE AND SAY HI TO THIS FLOATING YELLOW THING I JUST MET." Seth, a Chespin, comes over.

"Hiya! I'm Seth." The Chespin said.

"Together Seth, Tommy, and I make the Kalos Krew!" Amber shouts.

"Kalos Krew, spelled with a K." Seth said.

"Doesn't crew start with a C?" I ask.

"Now it starts with a K!" Amber cheers.

"Yep. We thugs. We don't follow no stupid alphabet." Seth said.

"Cool. Well I'll see you around." I said.

After homeroom I had history. Percy is also in this class. HALLELUJAH! Anyway in history class we have assigned seats. BLARG. On the desk beside me to the right sat a Sylveon. On my left side there was a Squirtle. Best of all, PIKACHU WAS IN THE DESK IN FRONT OF ME. SQUEE! I look over at the Sylveon beside me.

"Hi! I'm Lizzie." I introduce myself. Might as well make friends with my desk buddies.

"Hi Liz, I'm Ella." The Sylveon said.

"I'm so exicted for my first year of high school!" I say trying to make small talk.

"OMG SAME! Before high school ends, I want to find a cute boyfriend. Hey that Pikachu in front of us. Looks cute." She rambles.

"PERCY'S MINE." I yell in a demonic voice.

"Oh okay. I'll find another dude like maybe Jax!" Jax is the Squirtle sitting next to me. He's also been one of the more popular kids. I've never actually talked to him, but I've seen him around.

"Heh good luck with that." I laugh.

"Okay class let's get started." I reconized that voice. I look up at the teacher. It's the same Cofingrigus that tried taking me while I was on my ice cream date with Percy.


"I'm a teacher here. Call me Mr. Grave." He said.

"You better not try anything funny." Percy said. AH! Senpai is standing up for me.

"Don't worry, my job takes first priority. Anyways everyone turn to chapter one of your books." Mr. Grave said. Good thing I won't have to worry about him. At least I hope so. I should probably pay attention. OMG! The back of Percy's head looks so perfect. AH! His Pikachu ears are just adorable. The way he tilts his head when he's bored. He's just perfect.

Anyway my next class is Grammar. Sadly Percy isn't in this class, but at least Macy is in it. We even got to sit by each other. SQUEE! Well until we kept talking. Then the teacher moved us. She made me move seats. So I sat by Clean Mantyke. We also talked. I don't know why the teacher keeps moving me. I talk to everyone. Finally she just made me sit in her desk away form everyone. OMG I FEEL SO POWERFUL SITTING IN MISS LAVEIR'S DESK. I feel important.

After Grammar, I had Biology. Percy is in Biology. SQUEE! I don't remember anything else about Biology. I was caught in a Percy trance the entire class. My last class of the morning is Algebra. Yeah, Algebra was just a nightmare.

Welp, I've made it to lunch. YAY! But why isn't anyway breaking out in song and dancing? Did I miss something about high school? The only interesting thing that happened in Lunch was Macy stealing Ariel's lunch.

After lunch I had music. The music class was smaller than my other classes. There were only eight of us. Kaleb and Chub Tyke were in the class. YAY! Also there was a Kirlia, Pancham, Inkay, Mime Jr., and Wobbafette in this class. This class was really interesting. It's a long story.

~To Be Continued~

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