S1 Ep. 11 First Day Part 2

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Lizzie's POV

Okay so music class is very interesting. Our teacher is a Jumpluff. We call her Mrs. Grave. Did you know she's married to Cofingrigus? I was so shocked when I found out. Anyway Mrs. Grave said there's going to be a battle of the bands at the end of the year between all her music classes. YAY! That would amazing, if half the people in my class could actually sing. I'm a good singer. Like I'm not as good as pop stars, but I'm good enough to be on stage.

Then there's Kaleb whose a phenomenal singer! Seriously he's amazing. Problem is Kaleb doesn't participate. Then there's Jacky Cham the Pancham. He goes by Jack. Anyway Jack can't sing at all, but at least he can dance. He only chose music as an elective because his friend Kelly, a Kirlia, chose it. That brings me to Kelly. She's uh well... different. She can't sing. She's the worst singer out of the group, but at least she has the most spirit. Also there's Isaac Kay, an Inkay, whose actually really good. Finally there's Wobba Bob The Wobbafet. His name is Bob, but he prefers Wobba Bob The Wobbafet. He hasn't talked. All he ever does is repeat Wobbafet.

Oh I forgot there's also Tim Stranger the Mime Jr. He's just strange.

"Okay music is all about expressing youselves. Let's go around the room and describe ousrselves in one word." Mrs. Grave said.

I went first. "HYPER!"

Tim followed me up. He winked and said "I'm hot." What a creep.

Then Kelly. "IDK! Um, I have a fleshy dress. Wait that was more than one word. Can I have a redo please?"

"Sure." Mrs. Grave said.

"Okay um, the one word is... imbecilic!"

"Whoa big words!" Jack said.

"Actually imbecilic means stupid." Isaac said.

"I just wanted to impress you guys with a big word." Kelly complained.

Anyway the rest of the class went through the introductions. After music I had home mec, but I got lost on my way to class. IT'S NOT MY FAULT THE HIGH SCHOOL IS TEN TIMES BIGGER THAN THE MIDDLE SCHOOL. Well I ended up missing home mec. It's sad because home mec is the most fun class. After home mec I had art. YAY ART! Percy was also in the class. That's really all I remember about that class. Finally I had gym, which wasn't that bad. Only because Percy was there. All in all, high school isn't the musical I expected, but it's still an adventure.

Kaleb's POV

Okay so today's the first day of school. I freaking hate school. My first class is home room. Home room is so pointless. I don't care about Mr. Dino's life story. I just want to go home. Scarlet fell asleep in the middle of his life story and got in trouble. I don't blame her. I think the only one engaged in his life tale was Percy. Why? I listened to some of it, and it was pretty ridiculous. All I learned from Home Room is that our teacher is a nut.

After home room is Biology. Oh Biology. Mr. Dino has ships for us, and he barely knows us. I'm not complaining though because he shipped me with Scarlet. The other ships include Macy x David (Riolu), Ariel x Eric (Pidove), Ivy (Snivy) x Oliver (Oshowattt), Chub Tyke x Anne-Marie (Amoura), and Bidoof x Andy (Minun). Why does Bidoof not have a name? HE'S SO AVERAGE! IT'S ANNOYING. Biology was boring also.

After Biology is Alegebra. Yeah I fell asleep in Alegebra. Anyway after Alegebra was History. Macy and I decided to skip. So we just wandered the halls avoinding teachers, but we got caught by Mrs. Grave. I FREAKING HATE HER NOW, but her name is cool. She's a Jumpluff named Mrs. Grave. I don't know I just found that funny. I can't really take her seriously. Probably why Macy and I got detention.

My last morning class is Grammar. I skipped again, except this time with Scarlet. I got caught, but SHE DIDN'T. She hid under the lockers. Stupid Scarlet, and her Munna body. Luckily Grammar went by fast. Nothing really interesting happened in lunch, except Macy eating Ariel's lunch. Well I tried getting Ariel to skip the next class with me, but NO SHE JUST HAD TO BE A GOOD STUDENT. So I ended up going to music class. Music class wasn't bad. Only problem is that the class is full of imbecilics.

After music is Speech. OH SPEECH CLASS! Mr. Red, a Loudred, made us introduce ourselves, but he treated it like a speech. So we each had to spend five minutes talking about ourselves as a graded speech. We didn't even get any time to prepare. Some of the speeches were just sad to watch.

"Hi my name is Tory Burns. I'm a Torchic. My favorite color is red. It is currently 1:15. The are eight people in the room. I'm stalling. I really don't say. Um who likes clouds? I love clouds. Clouds are like white and fluffy and stuff." Yeah most of the speeches sounded like this one. Chub tyke actually was the only one who didn't struggle.

"Hi I'm Chub Tyke. Just because my name is Chub Tyke, doesn't mean I'm fat. I'm average size for a Mantyke. I want to talk about my favorite thing. FOOD!" Literally Chub Tyke speant five minutes telling us what's in his fridge. Then there was Wobba Bob the Wobbafet's speech. WHAT THE #### IS HE DOING IN SPEECH? I had to listen to five minuets of 'Wobba Wobba'.

After speech I had computers. CHUB TYKE WAS IN THIS CLASS TOO! I'm getting tired of Chub Tyke. HE'S FREAKING EVERYWHERE.

"Okay class. Let's get started. I'm Mr. Sparks." A Raichu said.

"Um Mr. Sparks, my computer has a virus." Chub Tyke complained.

"We've literally only been in this class for two minutes, and you already failed." I say rolling my eyes.

"EXCUSE ME FOR LIVING!" Chub Tyke cries.

"That's enough from you." Mr. Sparks yelled at me.

"Not my fault Chub Tyke is sensitive." I say.

"I'm not sensitive. I just react strongly when my feelings are hurt."

"That's called being sensitive."

"Anyway let's just see the problem. What happened Chub Tyke?" Mr. Sparks said.

"Well I went on the internet."

"Okay, and?"

"I clicked an add that said download virus."


"I wanted to see if it was really a virus, or if it was just a fake virus."

"What the heck? There's no such thing as a fake virus." I said.

"You don't know that." Chub Tyke said.

"Okay we will use this as a teaching point. Our first rule, do not download ANYTHING on the computers without my permission. Second rule, we will be nice to each other. Third rule, no looking up questionable things on the internet." Mr. Sparks said.

"Darn it." Tim the Mime Jr. said."Wait, what do you mean by questionable? Would-" Mr. Sparks interrupted.

"If you have to ask about it then yes. Yes it would be considered questionable." Mr. Spark replied.

"Uh Mr. Sparks." A Bulbasuar said.

"Yes Brendan?"

"Can we please ban Mime Jr from the class."

"I wish we could." Mr. Sparks sighed. After computers class was gym. Finally. Gym didn't last long luckily. This was only day one of the torture called high school.

Percy's POV

The first day of high school. So much stress. First impressions are important, and I want to leave a good first impression. The first Pika class is homeroom. Mr. DinoRAWRous told his life story. Basically when he was a Pika child he grew up in a small town. As a child, Mr. Dino was an extremely talented singer. So talented, he got picked up by a record deal and moved to the big New Dice City. He was headed somewhere in life. This all changed when he evolved into a Tyrantrum from a Tyrunt. His voice drastically changed. OH HIS LIFE STORY IS SO SAD. I'm pika tearing up inside. Obviously I'm not crying on the outside, because first impressions. I don't want to be know as the kid who cried from Mr. Dino's tragic life.

Anyway when his voice changed the record label dropped him. No literally, they dropped him out of the top floor of a ten story building. He was falling to his death. Out of pure determination of not wanting to die. He flew just before he hit the ground. He also gained laser eyes. He used his laser eyes to destroy the record company that dropped him. After that he decided to use his new big and powerful voice to become a teacher because it scares kids. Such a sweet story. Only problem is that Ariel, being the hater she is, found the story unrealistic and stupid. Well she's stupid because that was such an emotional story.

After homeroom I had pika history with Mr. Grave a Cofingrigus. The same freak who tried capturing Lizzie. Anyway History was boring, and I had to deal with Lizzie breathing on my back the whole class because her desk was right behind mine. After History I had Alegebra. Luckily Kaleb is also in that class. Kaleb and I are taking on Algebra together. The only thing is that Kaleb bailed on me. We got to choose partners, so Kaleb and I chose each other obviously. Well in the middle of class, Kaleb falls asleep making me do all the work. Next time I'm choosing Bidoof as my partner just to see how Kaleb would react. Third class was Biology. Yeah I got shipped with Lizzie. Lizzie won't shut up about it now.

My last morning class was Grammar. Scarlet and Kaleb are also in the class, but they skipped. Why can't they just show up like good pika friends. In grammar we got to sit anywhere. I sat by this girl I kinda like named River. She's a Manaphy. My master pika plan is coming into action. She'll finially notice me if I sit by her.

In the middle of Grammar Kaleb came in because a teacher caught him skipping. Since he came in late he didn't get to choose a desk. Instead Miss Laveir made him sit in between Chub Tyke and Andy, a Minun. Andy is pretty annoying. I'm not too easily annoyed, but even I find Andy annoying. Every conversation with him goes like this...

"Hello friend." Minun says.


"Friend, how have you been? My friend."

"Good Good. What about you?"

"Friend, I've been having troubles."

"Oh... what's wrong?"

"Friend, I feel like some of my friends avoid me. Friend will you hang out today?"

"Um sure."

"Okay friend. I have an idea friend. Let's have a sleepover friend."

Basically Andy is that overly clingy person who calls everyone his friend. See I don't mind hanging out with him, but he just won't leave you alone. To make things worst he has a twin sister whose a Pulse named Mandy. Both of them are the same. They're very annoying. Kaleb deserves sitting by them for skipping. All class Chub Tyke and Andy annoyed Kaleb. It was actually pretty pika funny.

After Grammar it's lunch. YAY! Lunch is my favorite class. Ariel says lunch doesn't count as a class. Well yes it does. Lunch is a learning experience. You get to learn which foods taste good. Macy ended up eating Ariel's lunch. Serves her right for not taking lunch seriously. My next class is computers. Let me just say, Mr. Sparks is my favorite teacher so far. He's a flipping Raichu. Pikachu's look out for other Pikachu's.

"Let's take role. Percy the Powerful Pikachu." Mr. Sparks said.

"Here my Pikachu brother." I say.

"Let me guess, just because Percy is a Pikachu, he's your new favorite student." A Jolteon said.

"Why Pika no. Jay you should have more trust in your pika teacher. I don't choose pika favorite!" Mr. Sparks said.

"You just said pika in that sentence like three times."Jay said.

"Are you questioning my pika authority?" Mr. Sparks said.

"He said Pika because it's Pika cool." I said defending him.

"Thank you Percy. You get a gold star." Yeah, Mr. Sparks is pretty much the coolest Pika teacher there is.After computers I had home mec, art, and gym. None of those classes were really interesting.

"High school wasn't as pika bad as I pika thought it would pika be. Sure there were some pika dull moments, but school was actually pika fun. It's even better that I have pika friends in a lot of my pika classes. I pika survived my first Pika day of Pika High school. I'm Pika proud of myself."

"Why are you narrating youself? And stop saying Pika."

"Kaleb pika complained. As we Pika walk home from pika school."

"Dude seriously stop."

"Kaleb said. Can he pika read my thoughts?"

"You're thinking out loud. Stop it's annoying."

"Kaleb pika said. Then a pika bus ran over him, and he pika died. It's pika karma for not letting me pika narrate. The pika end."

"Stop making up endings."

"The pika ghost of Kaleb said."

"I'm not dead."

"The pika ghost of Kaleb said."

"Whatever. I don't ####### care."

"The pika ghost of Kaleb said. Geez for a pika dead person he talks quite a lot."

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