S1 Ep. 13 Corn Maze

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(A/N: If you haven't noticed yet, I update the cover every month according to the time of the year because the order of events in this story are the same in real life: At the time of writing this it is fall.)
-POV: Percy

So it's officially fall now. That's cool! That also means it's time for our tradition we do every year. Since it's Saturday night and school is a problem of the past (until Sunday,) we're going to a classic corn maze. (In fact: It's the world's most popular corn maze for it is also the biggest one as of right now.) It's also so popular because they have added games, a playground, a farm related store (cuz everyone needs a pumpkin,) and a snack bar! I bet Chub-Tyke would love that. Speaking of all this stuff.

"Now that we're here, let's check out the gift shop!" Lizzie yelled. So of course we walked over there.

"It's too bad that Scarlet couldn't come this year. Apparently her family wanted her home tonight. At least Chub-Tyke is here to fill her place," Ariel said.


"Pretty much anything with sugar is your favorite," Ariel said.

"YOU CAN'T INSULT ME NOW! I'VE OFFICIALLY GONE TO HEAVEN!" Lizzie screamed. Lizzie rushed over to the store, but in a couple seconds, she came crawling back to us with her head to the ground.

"I don't suppose you have some money I could possibly have or use to purchase some items," Lizzie mumbled.

"Boom!" I said as I slapped some money down on Lizzie's hand, "That's some premium pika money," I said. Lizzie squealed with excitement and ran off again.

"Hey Chub-Tyke, I've been needing to ask you. Why do you have a paper bag over your head?"

"This is just my style now. I guess you're gonna have to accept it," Chub-Tyke said. I didn't buy it. So in response, I pulled the bag off his head.

"AHHHH!" Chub-Tyke squealed.

"What? Why?" I asked. Chub-Tyke was too huddled in fear to answer, so Ariel called Clean Mantyke for answers. He gave us his number just in case Chub-Tyke did something weird.

"Hey Clean Mantyke, Why was Chub-Tyke wearing a paper bag? We took it off and he went bonkers," Ariel explained.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you guys. Chub-Tyke has an extreme and unatural fear of anything harvest time related," Clean Mantyke said. Harvest time? What?

"I don't belive it! How did it even start?" Ariel yelled.

"I don't know. He just is," Clean Mantyke said.

"Ok. Fine. I guess we'll take him to the snack bar. Food always cheers him up," Ariel said. She ended the call.

"We're gonna go to the snack bar," Ariel said. Sounds grea... Hold that thought. Someone that I happened to know was walking by. It was River (the Manaphy.) She was the prettiest girl that I have ever seen and if you haven't picked it up yet, I like her. The only problem was that she was a Senior and I'm only in ninth grade. (You can save the comments. Kaleb has made every possible statement about it already...) The other glaring flaw is that I tend to lose character when she walks by. (Oh pikagoodness!)

"Oh heyyyyy," I said. River and her friend (a Cinccino) , Claire walked over. Ughh! Pikaproblem number three! Claire was kinda annoying. She always seems condescending to me whenever I'm around. (It's probably cuz I'm younger.)

"Hi Percy," River said.

"Oh your the eigth grader River is friends with," Claire said. See what I mean?

"So what you brings, brings you here?" I asked. (NAILED IT!)

"The corn maze. Duh," Claire said. (SEE WHAT I PIKAMEAN!)

"Same here," I said.

"Well duh," Claire again said.

"Hey you guys should come with us. It's always more fun with a group," River offered. (YESS!)

"Sure," I said.

"Well I'm not coming," Macy said. Oops! I forgot to mention one more thing about Claire. She was Macy's older sister, and if you haven't noticed, they're complete opposites. They're relationship isn't the best either.

"Yeah. I gotta watch Chub-Tyke anyway," Ariel said. I knew the real reason. They also hated Claire. So did I, but I got to hang out with River, so that was an OK payoff. Kaleb almost decided not to, but I begged him to stay so it wouldn't be as awkward. He agreed after I offered him money. (If I have any left after Lizzie spends it all.) So off we went into the maze. Ariel, Macy, and Chub-Tyke waited at a table at the snack bar.

-POV: Ariel

Of course I wanted to go into the maze. I just didn't want to go into the maze with Cinccino. I don't care whether Chub-Tyke was scared of breathing or not. I just used him as an excuse. I looked over to Chub-Tyke, who was completely pale and shaking.

"So many pumpkins..." Chub-Tyke whispered to himself.

I could tell that Macy desperatly wanted to go into the maze, but shee agreed that Claire was annoying. I guess it shouldn't take that long. They'll get outta the maze and leave, and Percy and Kaleb can go a second time with us. If I have to put Chub-Tyke on a leash I will. Watching Chub-Tyke didn't seem like a hard job. Right? Apparently I was wrong because I left Macy to watch him while I went to get him some chips and he was gone.

"How in the world did you lose something that big?!" I scolded.

"I got distracted by Lizzie getting pulled into Harvest Jail for stealing candy and Chub-Tyke was gone!" Macy said. Seriously? And what the heck is harvest jail!

-POV: Percy

Just keep walking... Just keep walking... It's too pikaquiet here. Ugh, I feel awkward now. I'll just start some casual...

I was interrupted by Kaleb who stupidly asked, "Hey if you're a Manaphy, which come from the ocean, then why are you named River?" Luckily, River was too busy talking. Goodness Kaleb. River is a pika beautiful name, but you're too pika dense to realize that.

-POV: Kaleb

I'm getting tired of this. Time for something to happen...

-POV: Percy

This was going, eh? I don't know why, but Kaleb suddenly grabbed my arm and dragged me down the opposite path of River and Claire. (They didn't seem to even noticed that we left.) He let go of me like two minutes later.

"Well it looks like we're good and lost now. Time to find our way out," Kaleb said.

"Why the heck did you do that?!" I shouted.

"I did it for you! Don't you realize that you just ditched everyone else for River!? It's not that we're jealous, it's just that we already had plans tonight! You completely ruined all of it for yourself! Looks like that didn't work out either!" Kaleb scolded. Oh pika wow. I was out of character. This isn't pika me. I must pika change and pika apolo... (IF HE SAYS PIKA ONE MORE TIME!) gize.

"Hey, I'm sorry about everything tonight. I'm sure if we make it back in time for a second round with them. Where's the map and flashlight?" I asked.

"Uh? Don't have one," Kaleb said.

"Well then just fly us out of here," I said.

"You're too heavy," Kaleb said.

"Or maybe you're too weak. Zing!" I said.

"Do you want to die?"

"Sorry. Can you fly up and see which way is out?" I asked.

"It's too dark. Let's just cut through the corn," Kaleb said.

"NOOOOO! That's breaking the rules! The sign says that if we're cornfused,"

"Please don't ever use that word again,"

"Then we should use the map, but never cut through the corn," I said.

"Ugh! Fine. You're such a rule follower," Kaleb moaned.

"Yay! Wandering it is," I cheered. And so we were off.

-POV: Ariel

"Have you seen a Mantyke with a paper bag on it's head?" I asked a nearby Whismur.

"No..............................................................................I'm blind," it whispered. Dang it! How is something so out of the ordinary so hard to find?!

"Macy, have you seen him?" I asked as we regrouped.

"Yes I did!" Macy said.


"He's making a scene in the parking lot!" Macy said. (Face Palm)

Chub-Tyke was indeed in the parking lot. And he definetly was making a scene.

"I was left alone in a corn maze! Wandering for days on end! Surviving off of the rain that fell from the skies, and the corn that grew up from the ground! Back and forth! Left and right! So many punny signs about corn! There was no end to the field! I almost went mad until just barely did I make it out with my sanity!" Chub-Tyke told the crowd in a shaky voice. Yeah I think he lost his sanity in the maze.

"Chub-Tyke!" I shouted. He turned over.

"Friends!" he cheered as he ran... um, waddled over.

"Finally! Why did you run off?" I asked.

"Well... I saw a guy selling apple cider so I went to go buy some, but then I realized that it was harvest related and started telling the crowd my story," he said.

"Did that really happen? Is that why you're so scared of harvest time?" I asked.

"No and no. That was a dream I had and the whole act was because my therapist Hector (a Hypno) said that I should roleplay. So Clean Mantyke and I chose to roleplay as a guy who has an unatural fear of harvest time and a guy who's friends with a guy who has an unatural fear of harvest time," Chub-Tyke explained. (Talk about lazy plot points. Am I right?! Oh wait I'm writing this.)

"What!?!?!?!?!" I shouted.

"Um, Ariel. You're sorta making another scene?" Macy said.

"Oh shut up! Chub-Tyke you're gonna get it!!!" I shouted.

-POV: Percy

"This place is pretty aMAZEing! Right?" I said. No response.

"Yeah I guess that joke was pretty CORNy," I said.

"That's it I'm cutting through the corn," Kaleb said.

"No! The law!" I shouted.

"Shut up and follow. What's the worst that could happen?" Kaleb said. Two minutes later we were arrested... by the harvest police. (It's what they call the security here.) They threw us into Harvest Jail where we met up with Lizzie, Ariel, and Chub-Tyke.

"Well hey guys. How was you're night?" I asked.

"Eh. It wasn't too bad," Ariel said.

"You smashed a pumpkin over me!" Chub-Tyke said.

"You're over reacting! It was only a medium sized pumpkin!" Ariel said.


"Where's Macy?" Kaleb asked.

"I think she ran into the maze right after I threw a jug of apple cider at Chub-Tyke," Ariel said.

"Yeah. She didn't have a map or anything," Chub-Tyke said.

"So we're just gonna sit here all night until she bails us out?" I asked.

"Meh. Could be worse," Kaleb said.

"I agree," I said.


(A/N: Look at me with the fancy fin ending)

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