S1 Ep. 14 The Park

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-POV: Kaleb (Here we go...)

Since I was caught skipping, and since I blamed Scarlet as well, we're stuck having to rake leaves as community service for the local park. Crapo Park. (Yes. The name was a dumb choice because someone stole the 'O' on the sign.)

"This is soooo boring!" I moaned.

"Munna is insulted," Scarlet said. (She has no hands.)

"Just eat them instead," I said.

"Fine. I'm gonna go be a lake monster," Scarlet said she floated to the pond.

"Well hey Kaleb!" said a familiar voice. It was Percy, and he was holding a rake.

"I have come to help you!" he said.

"Are you just here to mock me?" I asked.

"What?! No! Raking is a fun activity that helps the community while you're at it."

"Yes. Indeed. DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!"

"Apparently so, since you've said that to me like two other times," Percy said.

"Just start raking."

-POV: Macy (You guys are gonna be dizzy from changing perspectives so much.)

"Aww! Come on! Someone just stole my gym at the fountain!" I moaned. Pokémon Go is fun, but stupid players keep taking my gym! Not to mention the fact that I chose the wrong team.


"Hey guys, what team should I choose?" I asked.

"Only the best team of course," Kaleb said. He chuckled a little bit.


"Instinct of course!" Percy said. He smiled a bit as well.

"Alright then! I'm choosing Instinct!" I said.


Life regrets.

"Hey don't you think you're overreacting?" Ariel asked.

"You would totally understand if you played," I said.

"Umm. No I wouldn't," Ariel said.

"Come on! Here, I'll get you the app and trade you some of my good Pokémon, and you can see the magic of this game as well," I said.

"Fine. I don't see how this game can become so addicting though," Ariel said.

"Hehe. Right."

"What team should I choose?" Ariel asked.

"Choose Mystic. Everyone chooses Mystic," I said. (No way! Was I gonna let Ariel be on the same team as me! Then again, the only other two Instinct players I know would be Andy, Mandy, and a Bonsly.)

"Ok then," Ariel said. Well she was in!

"Now it might take a while to find some rare Pokémon but that's o..."

"Hey I just found a Dragonite!" Ariel said.

"Wait! I need that....... SERVERS ARE EXPERIENCING ISSUES!" I shouted.


SQUEE! Percy let me watch his little sister, a Pichu named Chips (don't ask), for the day! It's like she's our kid, and we're parents. YAY!

"Umm. Miss Lizzie, why are your eyes exploding with glitter?" Chips asked.

"Oh you can just call me Mom," I said.

"Thanks, but I'm never gonna call you that ever in my life," Chips said. Fine. I guess it would be weird considering the fact that when Percy and I get married, she'll by my little sister as well not our daughter.

"Hey you wanna here some fun facts?" Chips asked. Chips was a super smart Pichu. (JUST LIKE PERCY!) Sometimes I think she's more mature than me! (That's totally not true.)

"Sure!" I cheered.

"Ok. Did you know that 11% of Pokémon are left handed? Also, did you know that birds need gravity to swallow. Oh! And did you know that the most commonly used letter in the alphabet is E!" Chips said. She kept going on and on and on and on. I think I might be falling asleep a little. But don't worry Percy Chips will never leave my si... Bleh.

-POV: Clean Mantyke

"Help! Help! Somebody help! Please help!" I shouted. I looked over. Oh good, Kaleb and Percy were here. They were raking leaves or something.

"Percy! Kaleb! Help!" I shouted. I ran over to them.

"What?!?!?!?!" Kaleb asked.


"Hey it's exactly what I thought it was. Stupid. Can't he just hop down?" Kaleb asked.

"No." I said.

"Ok then. Get a ladder," Kaleb said.

"Now why would they keep a ladder in a park?" I asked. Silly bird.

"Why would a Mantyke get stuck in a tree?" Kaleb said.

"He was trying to collect leaves," I said.


"Wait. He's part flying type. Can't he just glide down?" Percy suggested.

"Well he could, except for the fact that he's... well he's... physically challenged you know," I said. There are reasons for the name Chub-Tyke. (That reason being because his real name is Chubbington.)

(Random Person: I thought it was because he was chubby.) ZIP IT! Oh how am I supposed to get Chub-Tyke down now????? I ran to look for more options.

-POV: Scarlet

Munna still tired. Munna also insulted. How the heck is a pink blob supposed to pick up a rake. Munna wanna be a lake monster. So I hid in the pond for strangers to come by...

-POV: Chips Powers the Pichu

Miss Lizzie started to wake up finally.

"Oh my goodness! Where's Chips?" Lizzie screamed.

"I'm right here," I said.

"Oh! What a relief. I thought you were gonna wander off, and I would have to go find you. You know that basic plot stuff... BLEH!" Lizzie had fallen asleep again. Now that she mentioned it. That pond over there looks neat. I skipped over there to see any fish or turtles. The water bubbled close to me. I peered in closer to the dark murky water. Out from it rose a pink and green creature covered in seaweed.

"MROAR!" the creature roared.

"AHHHHHH!" I screamed as I dashed off in a random direction.

-POV: Scarlet (again.)

Goal. Achieved.

-POV: Kaleb (umm excuse me. hey writer can you stop switching perspectives so much? Answer: No.)

Ughhh! This is taking wayyy too long. How are there so many leaves already? It's only the beginning of October and we've ben raking for half the day. It's already 3 in the afternoon! I looked around. I had found the source.

I pointed Percy over to a Phantump who had decided to drop leaves everywhere! I stomped on over to it.

"Hey buddy!" I shouted.

"Yeah?" the Phantump asked.

"You mind dropping your leaves somewhere else?" I asked.

"It's not my fault that my leaves change color every fall!" the Phantump said.

"Why of course not. It's you're parents fault for having you born a Phantump," I said. The Phantump's expression changed. Oh no.

"So how'd it go?" Percy asked.

"Well I guess I'm cursed. I can't eat sushi anymore," I said. What a weird curse! I don't even like sushi! I guess I never will anymore either. Meh. I heard a faint yell. Oh no. Clean Mantyke's back.

"Help! Help!" he shouted.

"Is Chub-Tyke still stuck in that stupid tree?" I asked.

"No! Little Chub-Tyke fell down a well," Clean Mantyke said. What?! How'd he fit?

"How did that even happen?!" I asked.

"He finally jumped out of the tree, but he landed in a well," Clean Mantyke said.

"This is too dumb for me to care about. Goodbye," I said as I walked away.

-POV: Macy

What? It took me a month to get to level 23 and Ariel's already more than half way there! Maye I can distract her.

"Hey Ariel, I bet I can fit in that tiny swingset over there," I said as I pointed to a tiny seat.

"What if you get stuck?" Ariel asked.

"That's the point," I said. Hehe. I wouldn't get stuck. I ran over and squeezed into the tiny thing.

"See! What'd I tell you," I said. Yep. All I gotta do is climb out of the chair. Yep....................................................................................................................................I'm stuck.

"ARIEL HELP! HELP! I'm stuck!" I yelled.

"Oh yeah sure. I'll find help," she said as she pulled out her phone.

"Hey! Are you just gonna play Pokémon Go?" I asked.

"Oh don't worry. I'll find someone after I steal all your gyms," Ariel said.

"But I haven't even collected my coins!" I shouted. She left. AWW COME ON!

-POV: Lizzie

OH MY GUMRDROPS! Where's Chips?

"Help..." I heard. It was faint, but it was Chips. She was somewhere, but where. I stubbed my to... well, stub on a small well. I looked down it. Chips was there! Also Chub-Tyke.

"Miss Lizzie! I was scared by the monster in the lake and accidentally tripped and fell into this well," Chips said.

"Wait. Your name is Chips?" Chub-Tyke asked.


"I like chips," Chub-Tyke said as he drooled.

"DON'T YOU EAT MY CHILD/SISTER!" I shouted. Still wondering how that would work?

"Do you know Percy?" Chub-Tyke asked.

"I do know him. He's my brother," Chips said.

"And my husband!" I shouted.

"If you eat a bag of chips, would you consider that cannibalism?" Chub-Tyke asked.


Oh. This was going nowhere. I saw Clean Mantyke come running up.

"Lizzie? Why are you here?" he asked.

"Oh. Percy's sister is stuck down there too," I said.

-POV: Ariel

I'll take a couple gyms, then I'll help Macy. Wait. I'll take a couple gyms, collect a couple pokestops, and then I'll help Macy. Yep. I looked for any potential pokestops. What the heck are Lizzie and Clean Mantyke doing here? They noticed me.

"Ariel! Help! Chips! Well! Chub-Tyke!" they shouted. You know, I wonder what would happen to Chub-Tyke if he was left on his own for a day. I walked over to the scene.

"Ariel! Fly Chub-Tyke out please!" Clean Mantyke begged. They wanted me to carry that thing. No way. Not by myself. Wasn't Kaleb here?

"I can carry Chips out, but I can't carry Chub-Tyke on my own," I said.

"Is it because of my handsome good looks?" Chub-Tyke asked.

"Umm. Sure," I said. Chub-Tyke is sensitive and anything can set him off.

"You're gonna need to find Kaleb," I said.

"Why have a Chatot, when you could have a Munna!" said a voice. It was Scarlet and she was covered in mud and algae.

"Lot's of reasons Scarlet, but I guess you'll work," I said.

"Wait! That's the sea monster that scared me!" Chips shouted.

"You scared a kid down a well?!" I scolded.

"Munna tired. Munna don't think when tired," Scarlet said. (I wish she wouldn't talk in third person. Proper grammar is not a hard concept to grasp. We eventually were able to lift The Handsome Chub-Tyke (that's what he told me to call him) and Chips out of the well.

"I'm sooo sorry Chips! If I'm gonna be a good mother, I'm gonna start to practice no... Bleh!" Lizzie said as she fell asleep.

"It's ok. Hey Ariel, can you help me find Percy," Chips asked me.

"Sure," I said.

-POV: Kaleb

"We're finally done!" I cheered. After all that hard work, after all the sacrifice, it's over!

"We are done. Just in time for the annual Phantump convention. Here they come," Percy.

No. Never. Again.

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