S1 Ep. 5 Love Experts

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(A/N: Ok so my co-writer has been on my case about uploading this, but I forgot (and it was like eight at night) and was late in uploading this. My bad :)

Tommy's POV

Hey, I'm Tommy Jude. You may or may not remember me from the chapter 'Lizzie's First Date'. I was the ice cream shop employee who was a Froakie. One third of my life is spent on my part time job. I like it, I guess. Except when a crazy customer come in. Like that Jirachi who came in trying to order all the flavors. I guess strange customer do make my day interesting. Other than that, my job is pretty boring.

The shop is pretty small. The walls are lime, and the floors are tiled black and white. The counter top is granite. The place only has three table. The table are black, with lime seats. Neon lights hang from the ceiling. My uniform is a striped lime and white polo, and I wore a white hat. The shop is too flashy for my tastes.

I see the front door creek open, and four Pokemon come in. Oh great. That Lizzie girl is back, but this time she brought four different friends, a Starly, Munna, and Minccino. The Jirachi wears a pastel pink T shirt, and she has a crescent blue moon clip on her head. The Munna wore a simple black cap with some kind of graphic design on it. The Starly had a red vest on, and the Minccino wore a baggy white T shirt.

"Hey Mr. Ice Cream Man, I want all the flavors! This time there's no Percy to stop me." She declares while slamming a twenty on the counter.

"A twenty is not going to cover all the flavors. At best you can get three flavors." The Starly scolds.

"AW! That's not fair." Lizzie whines.

"Just order a flavor already." The Starly demands.

"If she's not going to order, I will. All the flavors please!" The Minncino declares while slamming a twenty five on the counter. "Keep the change."

"I'm sorry, but a twenty five isn't going to cover all the flavors either." I say sliding the money back to her.

"Honestly Macy did you really think twenty five dollars would buy you twelve flavors of ice cream with spare change?" The Starly says in a condescending tone.

"All flavors please." The Munna says placing five hundred on the counter. "Keep the change."

"Whoa! Where'd you get this money?" I ask in astonishment.

"Munna's family is really rich." The Munna says expressionless. "Munna pays for ice cream for friends."

All of them thank the Munna. I make them the ice cream, and the Muna gives me a fifty dollar tip. She gives me a flippin' fifty dollar tip! All the things I could do with this kind of money. I'm going to be able to take my girlfriend out on a fancy movie date! Okay, well not really a girlfriend. Her name is Amber Brown, she's a Fennekin. She's been one of my bestfriends along with Seth Wate, a Chespin, since elementary. I've kind of had a crush on her for the longest time. We started out as bestfriends, but by fifth grade I developed a huge crush on her.

Everyone whose met me has figured out my crush. It's not like I tell everyone I see. I guess it's just obvious I like her. Seth figured it out before I even told him. For some reason it seems everyone knows I like her, except her. I've tried confessing, but I get too nervous. Even though I haven't told her, I would've thought she would have figured it out by now. I mean I'm really awkward around her. It's obvious I like her. For some reason, she doesn't even notice. I've even asked her to dinner before without Seth, and she just thought it was two best friends hanging out. I guess I'm just stuck in the friend zone.

"Hey ice cream dude, do you get bored working here your whole life?" Lizzie asks. Lizzie and her friend were sitting at a table closest to the counter eating their ice cream.

"Honestly are you that dense!" The Starly says whacking Lizzie on the head.


"He doesn't live here. You've seen him in school." The Starly says.

"Oh right, Tommy!" The Minccino states. "He's always hanging out with Seth and his girlfriend, Amber."

"She's not my girlfriend. She's just a friend." I mumble.

"Well do you want her to be your girlfriend?" Lizzie asks apparently hearing what I had said.

"No that's ridiculous." I laugh awkwardly, embarrass even they asked. "Okay maybe." I mutter under my breathe.

"No fear, Ariel Jay expert on love is here." The Starly yells jumping on top of the tables.

"Oh great not again." The Munna says rolling her eyes.

"Don't you think you read too much tragic romances?" The Minccino questions

"Yay! The love experts are here." Lizzie squeals jumping on the table with Ariel.

"What's going on?" I ask. Suddenly the lights dim. The Munna turns off the lights.

"There's no stopping them now." The Munna sighs.

"Macy Grey, the least qualified of all of us. Even though she knows barely anything about love, do not be fooled. She watches a lot of Si-fi and superhero movies. Movies like those usually have a romantic subplot." Ariel announces as a spotlight shown on the Minccino. Don't even ask me where the spotlight came from.

"This is stupid." Macy complains.

"Scarlet Quinn, the second least qualified. You might be asking, 'why is she more qualified than Macy'? Well Macy is dense, and she hates things likes boys. So does Scarlet, but we all know she has feelings for Kaleb. Okay, she never actually told us if she likes Kaleb. It's just a theory Lizzie and I have as the love experts. Also Scarlet watches anime of all genes including romance." Ariel continues announcing as the random unexplainable spotlight in the ice cream shop moves on top of the Munna. Munna made no comment. She just floats under the spotlight with her normal expressionless look.

"Lizzie, second in command. She has experience with Percy. She also is the only one to come with me to movies made after my favorite books. Also speaking of movies, they're never as good as the books. Like Moonlight for example. Don't even bother with the movies. Anyway, Lizzie has seen all those movies with me, and she's is an expert." The spotlight moves over Lizzie standing on the table. Lizzie takes a bow.

"Moonlight is way too dramatic. It's very unrealistic. And how does reading a stupid unrealistic book qualify you as a love expert?" Scarlet asks.

"Finally there's me, Ariel Jay!" The bird says pointing to herself. "I've read every single romance novel that exists! So I know what I'm talking about." Ariel announces as the spotlight shines on her.

"If you're such an expert then why are you single." Macy teases.

"Shut up!" Ariel yells hitting Macy with her wings as Macy continues teasing her.

"It's fine, I don't need help." I say trying to shoo them away.

"Munna hacked Tommy's phone." Scarlet states.

"What?!" I yell snatching the phone away from her.

"Munna sent Amber message to come here."

"How'd you even type that without hands?" I scream trying to delete the message before Amber sees it. NO! She saw it. Life is over. If she finds out I like her, it could ruin our friendship. Amber and Seth will stop hanging out with me causing me to be depressed. A depressed Froakie ends up giving up on life, and living a pointless life in a box. I drop the phone and lay on the ground.

"What have you done?" I ask while staring at the ceiling.

"Munna says Amber will be here in twenty minutes."

"No way!" I shout grabbing my phone checking the message. She's right.

"Okay, that gives us twenty minutes to train Froakie!" Ariel announces. Oh great.

"Example time! Munna confess to Lizzie, but pretend she's Kaleb."

"You're face, I like that junk." Scarlet says.

"This is hopeless." Ariel shakes her head. "Maybe we can do something about your face."

"What?" I ask.

"No offense, but some girls really don't like a frog face." Macy points out.

"I can't help that I'm just a Froakie. Anyway, how is this supposed to help me?"

"Okay, ignore everything Ariel, Macy, and Scarlet has said. They're stupid. Actually they're really smart, but when it comes to love, they're stupid. Just be yourself, and just be honest. If she rejects you, it'll hurt, but that shouldn't stop you from being friends. If she rejects you, that also means you don't have to stop loving her. Maybe she'll eventually come around. I speak from experience." Lizzie reassures. I nod my head. I don't even know why I'm scared. It's not like she'll hate me. The worst that could happen is her saying no.

"I'm going to tell her." I announce.

"Good for you! You should put on a big show and tap dance on the tables when you tell her." Macy suggests.

"Why would he do that." Ariel said slapping Macy.

"Go big or go home." Macy said rubbing her head where Ariel hit her. The doors of the shop open and Amber walks in. Scarlett, Macy, Ariel, and Lizzie quickly dash behind the counter. Their heads pokes out so they can watch. It's painfully obvious that they're hiding. I'll be surprised if Amber doesn't notice.

Amber is wearing a beautiful pink dress. She comes in, but pauses to hold the door open for a Chimchar. Wait! She has other friends besides Seth and I? My frog eyes start clapping together. Seth has pointed this out to me several times. Whenever I'm jealous, I have a bad habit of clapping my eyes together.

"Hey Tom Tom!" Amber calls out. Tom Tom is her nickname for me. "Meet my boyfriend, Todd Johnson!"

"Boyfriend?" I stutter completely crushed.

"Yep! I love him because he's so honest and humble." Amber praises him.

"Hello, I am Todd Johnson. You can call me just a guy. For that's all I am, just a guy." Todd said with a taunting voice.

"Nice to meet you." I say casually. "Not really." I mutter under my breathe.

"I, Just a Guy, has an announcement!" He shouts as the spotlight falls on him. Seriously where is the spotlight coming from? "I'm taking Amber to her favorite singer, Lady Ninetails." Lady Ninetails is a popular singer. She's an Alolan Ninetails, with a very powerful voice, yet her voice goes to waste with trashy pop music. I'm not a huge Ninetails fan if you can't tell.

"Oh my Arceus! I love you!" Amber squeals kissing 'Just a Evil Girl Stealing Guy' on the cheek. "Well see you later Tom Tom. Just a Guy and I are going on a date." Amber says as she leaves the store with her boyfriend.

"Yikes, I'm sorry man." Macy says patting my back.

"Well I can't compete with that." I groan. "He has it all, for just a guy."

"Sure you can! I'm sure they'll break up eventually." Lizzie encourages.

"You're right! I'm going to try win her over."

"It's a beautiful love triangle. Who will win over Amber's love? Will she fall for her childhood friend, or the lovable Just a Guy? Keep reading 'Pokemon Universe' to find out!" Ariel announces with the spotlight on her.

"We've broke the fourth wall so much this chapter it's not even funny anymore." Scarlet complains.

"Since when did you decide how much we get do break the fourth wall?" Ariel questions.

"Shut up! You're just makingu it worse." Lizzie yells. The four keep rambling, but I decide to just ignore them. I'm going to win Amber over with my Froakie charm. I can't give up on the girl I love. I'll strive to be someone she loves. My new goal is Amber Brown.

(A/N: Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment, and follow ItzChandelure and I for more chapters! Also check out Pokemon Universe The B-Sides for more chapters!)

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