S2 Ep. 3 Jay's Horrible Day That's Probably Just Exaggerated

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(A/N: Hey Jay. How does it feel to have the 25th chapter all about you?
Jay: Meh.
What about the honor of having the longest chapter title?
Jay: Meh.
Let's just get started.)

-POV: Jay Eon the Jolteon

Ughh. I'm sure you know me by now. The writers explained our family twice already. If you need a refresher on me and all my siblings, go back to the previous chapters with us in it.

Ughh. I hate mornings so much. It's my least favorite part of the day besides noon, afternoon, and night. Midnight is the only time that understands me. I'm sure that everyone hates mornings, but mornings in the Eon household is horrible.

"EVE! BRUSH YOUR TEETH!" Lyric scolded from down the hall.

"Glace didn't brush her teeth!" Eve responded.


"Whyyyyy!" Glace whined.

"You've already been in the bathroom for an hour. Might as well do it while you do whatever's taking so long!" Lyric said.

"I need to look my best for Gale (Absol) today!" Glace said.

UGHHH! They always about me never taking a shower, but they never let me anyway. Ugh. Ella says that I say that too much.

We never have anything for breakfast because nobody in our family knows how to cook. Legend tried watching the cooking channel, but he always messes it up because he falls asleep. Nobody trusts Eurika with knives. Glace is a complete mess... Ugh. I'll just have some toast and cereal.

"Katrina! Where's the toaster?!" Ella shouted.

"I threw it out! You people depend too much on electronics to heat up your food!" Katrina, our activist sister, shouted. (Leafeons. I know right.)


Forget the toast. Just cereal.

I'm lactose intolerant so I'm stuck with no milk. Ugh this day is pretty annoying, but I always will have one thing to look forward to.

The series finale of Rage Lake is today! I've been watching this show for several years now. So many hiatus's and cliffhangers all lead up to this. Ella also likes Rage Lake too, but she watched the leaked episode on the internet and spoiled herself already. Only a true fan like me would support the actual show airing. I must catch it tonight at 7:00. Now I know something's probably going to happen, but our usual arrival time after school is 4:00. We get out of school at 3:10. Our house is thirty minutes away from New Dice City because it was the only house that was big enough for our family. If there is some sort of delay, 5:00 would be our arrival. Lyric is always on time to pick us up anyway.

"Time for all of you to run three laps around the track, because Jay wanted to be late!" our P.E. teacher barked at us.

I wasn't late on purpose. I was just in a... situation.

-Flashback or whatever...-

There she is. The girl of my dreams. A Delcatty named Claire. She probably doesn't know that I exist. It's not that she's your cliché mean girl or anything. I just don't make people know I exist. It's sort of my number one talent I guess. They changed the schedule for the next semester and every day I must pass by her. You may think that this makes me nervous, but I just feel neutral about all of it.


"Hey Ella," I said.

"Ohhh! So your new route puts you by Claire?" Ella asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"You know Claire is super nice! I know her pretty well," Ella said.

"Ok. I don't. The hall isn't over yet though so I guess I'll keep walking," I responded.


"Who are you two?" Claire asked. Ella didn't actually know her. Did she.

"It's me! Ella! I was there when you and that Riolu walked out of the building!" Ella said.

"Umm. Ok. I'm very sorry, but I don't know you or your brother," Claire said.

"Ok," I said as I walked away.

"But, but ,but!" Ella stuttered as she walked away too.

"I was rejected..." Ella said.

-Flashback's over I guess...-

I guess the few times I am noticed, it's because of someone else getting me in trouble.


"Yes," I said as I didn't increase my speed at all.

I hate gym class. Why should we be forced to exercise if we're just going to throw it away and watch anime on weekends with an entire pizza? It's not like I care about being healthy. I think this time could at least be used as a study hall so we could get our homework done and not miss our favorite show that we only get to watch once every other week...

Then again, it's easier to just run than make a big deal out of it. Isn't it?

"Now that you're all warmed up."

I'm actually dead tired now.

"Time for a game of soccer. GET YOURSELVES IN TEAMS! Ella and Jay, you're the captains!" the teacher said.

Ugh. Soccer. That's probably my least favorite sport besides baseball, hockey, basketball, golf, track, dodgeball, tennis, table tennis, volleyball, rugby, roller hockey, stickball, lacrosse, and football. Well, lacrosse isn't that bad, but everyone else hates it so, yeah. I guess I hate it too.

"Hmmm. I choose Jay!" Ella said.

"I'm on the other team," I said.

"Ok... Um, Kaleb!" Ella said.

"I choose the Wobbuffet," I sad.

"Percy!" Ella cheered.

"I choose the Mime Jr."


"I choose the Carbink."

Bu the end of the choosing. It was all the athletic or enthusiastic people on Ella's team vs. the people who don't care. That's my team.

We lost 50-0. Ok. At least none of us care. Plus school's finally out. All we have to do is get home.

"HEY JAY!!!!! IT'S ME!! GLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEEEEE!" I heard. Oh no. I didn't plan for this.

"Lyric was busy. So she had me come to pick you all up!" Glace yelled into my ear.

"Ok. I'm right next to you so you don't have to yell," I said.


"Where's Eurika and Jamie," Ella asked.

40 minutes later.

"Sorry we were late! Jamie got us in detention for talking in class. I'm not upset though. Just more people to add to the list," Eurika said in an oddly cheery tone.

"What list?" Eve asked as she got into the van.

"The list."

Ok. So we had a 40 minute delay. That just means we'll get home somewhere around 4:40 to 5:00. Just as I predicted. I'm still not worried though.

"Hey Glace, where are we going? This road doesn't go to our house," Katrina asked.

"We're going to see Gale!" Glace said. Ughhhh.

"Do we need to?" I asked.


"Don't call me child. I'm your brother," I said

"Anyone who disowns my Absol is disowned by me child!"

"I wasn't disowning anyone," I said.

"WE'RE GOING TO GALE'S! I gotta give him this box of chocolates," Glace said. Ok so 5:30.

"You mean the chocolates that Ella and Eve are eating?" Jamie asked.

"WE'RE GOING TO GET MORE CHOCOLATES!" Glace screamed. Ok so 6:00.

Well, that was a long trip, but it still looks ok. Glace knocked on the door.


Glace opened the door. There was Gale tied up in a chair and several guys standing over him with mallets.

"Oops! Sorry. I didn't know you were having the guys over today! Sorry... I don't want your friends getting jealous that you have such an epic girlfriend so I'm just going to leave these chocolates right here on the table ok! Bye Gale!" Glace said.

"WAIT HELP!" Gale shouted as the door closed.

Ok so 6:10. I'm going to call the police first.


"You don't have to yell Glace. I'm right next to you," I responded.

"UMM! OK!"

Yeah. Sure.

"So, you know how cars need fuel to run and stuff..."

Please no.

"Well we don't have any! You guys will have to walk to the nearest gas station!" Glace said.

"Well good for us. I love long walks on the side of the highway. Especially when we have places to be!" I sarcastically said.

"If you care about your show that much, you'll do what your master tells you," Glace said.

"What's with all these titles your giving yourself and us?"


"Fine. We'll go," I moaned.

"You know the tall grass is a great place for hiding bodies. Not that I'd need to or anything," Eurika said. Wow. A murder lesson. This trip just became ten times better.

"We wouldn't be walking for gas if you guys didn't use those horrible, land-killing machines you call cars!" Katrina protested.

"No. We'd be walking because we think that blades of grass are more important than living," I said.

"WE'RE BACK GLACE!!!" Eve chimed.

"You never left the car," I said.

"I was gone in the depths of my mind," Eve explained. I'm always lost in my mind.

"What time is it anyway?"

"6:40! Now does anyone know which place is the gas tank?" Glace asked. -Face palms-

Ugh! That drive took way too long! I rushed into the house forgetting my backpack. There are more important matters at hand right now! I looked at the clock as I rushed by.


LEGEND'S ASLEEP ON THE REMOTE!!! He's also on the cooking channel... Good for him, but not good for me.

"LEGEND MOVE!" I shouted.

"No Lyric... I didn't move the car, I swear! It always had those 87 dents in it," Legend mumbled in his sleep.

You know how they say super-pokemon strength is achievable in times of crisis? Like the times when a person can lift a car to help someone else out. I have just experienced that now.

I threw Legend on to the floor and changed the channel.


"No. Just me again," I said.

"Jay, are you robbing us?" Legend asked.

"No. We have nothing to steal anyway," I responded.

I quickly shooed him out of the room. All these episodes and long hiatuses lead up to this!

You know, I may have come off like I hated this day and my family, but this day was actually quite normal compared to other times. I don't hate my family. (Well, Glace and Eve are close.) I'm usually neutral on most things I complain about.

Anyway I have a show to watch, and a long drought of no shows to watch immediately afterwards so see ya!

(A/N: I think I embodied my inner Jay while writing this one. Honestly, I don't relate to Jay at all, but he's still one of my favorite characters and is super fun to write for. Anyway please vote, comment, and follow @ItzChandelure and I for more content. Bye!)

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