S2 Ep. 4 Enter! The One to Charm Ariel!

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(A/N: And so begins the biggest attempt at a story I've ever done...

In case you do not read my rant book. (I post a ton of updates there) This will begin the five chapter arc and the first story arc for Pokémon Universe! (Cough* cool I guess.)

Well, I hope you enjoy!)

-POV: Ariel


"Who's him?"


"Who's Esteban?"


My goodness. Sometimes talking to people can be so annoying.

"Do you guys know who their talking about?" I asked my friends.

"Nope. But everyone else likes him, so I probably will," Percy said.

"I barely take the time to memorize your names. Why would I know a stranger?" Kaleb said.

"Munna knows herself. That's that," Scarlet said.

"HE LOOKED AT ME!!!" I heard from the crowd a couple feet away.

"WHO IS ESTEBAN!?" I shouted. Everyone turned over to me.

"Uhh. Well, who is he?" I asked. The crowd made way for the mystery Pokemon. Oh no. It was a Gengar.

Every book I read stereotypes these guys as evil. After all, they are a ghost type. Ghost type are commonly associated with crimes in the news. Plus, just by looking at Esteban, he looks like a jerk. Grey fedora, expensive looking grey jacket to match, gold necklace, and a charismatic smile are just a few things to describe him by.

"I'm sorry, I'm new to this school. I transferred from the other side of town. I'm Esteban. It is a pleasure to meet you," the Gengar said as he approached me.

"Oh, uh, I'm Ariel," I said.

"And what a lovely name for a lovely person!" Esteban said. The crowd cheered.

"I'm sorry about them. I really don't know what they love about me so much!" Esteban said. Another roar erupted from the crowd.

"Ok," I responded. I don't really know what else to say to this guy who doesn't seem to understand personal space.

"You do know that the New Dice High Spring Dance is this Friday, right? I'm new here so would you mind showing me aro..."


"Oops! That's the bell. Can't be late for class of course!" I said. FINALLY, AN EXCUSE TO GET OUT OF THIS MESS!

"Then I'll see you around," Esteban said.

"Umm. Ok I won't... WILL! I will see you around because I am not a rude person. Yes, yes. That's it," I said. Ugh. Why do the creeps have to talk to me?

-POV: Lizzie


Esteban is right! Someone (me) finally got the High School to hold a dance! It only took months of pressure on Principal Miller, and yay! My master plan for Percy to come has begun!

"So, Percy, who are you bringing to the dance?" I asked.

"We get to bring someone?! I'll bring Chips!" Percy said. IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR SISTER DUMMY!

"Umm. Someone else. Someone you like?"

"Hmm. I like Kaleb," Percy said. AHHHHH HE'S SOOO DENSE! Ignore it Lizzie! Calm down. You have a week to do this. The dance isn't until Friday night! If it comes down to it, I'll claim that Percy is my pika-senpai regardless of what he thinks. Whoop! Whoop!

"Lizzie!" I heard from the teacher.

"UHHHH YES MR. DINO!" I responded. Oh no! Caught not listening again? It'll be a blue slip if I get caught now!

"I just wanted to say hi."

Thank goodness, he's an idiot!

-POV: Ariel

Now it's the worst part of the day. School's over! (You are the only one...)

Well, at least I don't have to see him again. He's been giving me these charming looks all day. I've read enough books to know the story here.

Esteban seems all bad, but soon gets me to come to the dance with him, and it's a happy ending.


I hate stories with cliché endings so I'm not going to let it happen.

"Hey Ariel!" NOOO.

"Why do you look so stressed? It's just me, Percy," he said. Oh, thank goodness.

"And Esteban."


"Uh. What brings you here again?" I nervously asked.

"Well, Esteban invited you, Kaleb, Lizzie, Macy, Scarlet, and me to his huge mansion!" Percy said.

"It's got a swimming pool in a swimming pool," Esteban added.

"See Ariel!!! They found out how to put water in water!" Percy said. Because that seems like such a hard process. Not even the great Einstein himself could figure it out. 

"Um. Yeah," I responded.

"So, I guess I should ask you myself. Would you like to join us?" Esteban asked. UGH. Why does he have to sound so stupid? Does he think he's charming me because I'm not lying, he isn't?

"Do I have to?" I asked.

"I suppose not, but all your other friends are coming, why not join them?" Esteban tempted.

"I have work to do," I said.

"You have work to do like every single time we do a group activity though!" Percy pointed out. Oops. I used an excuse one too many times.

"I guess I'm really busy," I said.

"Aww! Come on Ariel! Pwease come for your pika pals," Percy begged. UGHHH!

"Fine. I'll come, but I have to be home by five so it'll be quick," I said.

"Then I guess we should leave. I wanna have enough time to show you everything" Esteban said. He led us to his limousine parked in front of the school. A bunch of students were gathered around it. Pshh. These guys are too easily impressed. It's not like this is the only one in existence! We got into the very overdone limo and headed off to his mansion. Doesn't this guy have any humility? I despise people who think that they're better than other people, yet don't even realize it. You know what I mean?

"This place is beautiful!" Percy exclaimed.

"I'd say it's a little tacky," I said.

"Pika pika pika murmurmur... You're just pika jealous" Percy murmured.

"Yes, I'm really upset that I don't get to have eight separate bathrooms in my house," I said.

"Hmmmmmmmmm," Percy grumbled. I'm not being negative. I'm just thinking logically. I

"Where do your parents get all this money?" I asked. This seems like an oddly big estate for some people that I've never even heard of until now. If it was a celebrity, Lizzie would at least point it out.

"I don't see them that often, but they said that they're neurosurgeons. Because of that, they have to pretty much live at the hospital because they're so busy. Every now and then, they come to drop off more money, but it mostly comes into the bank account directly," Esteban said.

"Servants?" I asked.

"Look. They're paid servants. They actually make twice as much as minimum wage employees so don't worry about it," Esteban said. I was still skeptical about it all, but I guess they make a lot of money, and it is their choice.

Esteban walked us through the garden up to the front door. He began to open it.

"Welcome to my family's house, make yourself at home," Esteban said.

"My home is dumb, I'd rather be here!" Kaleb said. His words echoed off the high ceilings. The purple painted interior lined with gold siding, the white tile marble floors, and the many expensive looking paintings were a few descriptors of this place.

"Hey Ghastlies! Come on and get my new friends some refreshments please!" Esteban shouted. Those must be the servants. About seven Ghastly rushed into the room with platters of many different kinds of drinks.

"Go ahead, take as much as you'd like," Esteban offered. Percy, Macy, Lizzie, and Kaleb quickly took several cups.

"No thanks," I kindly replied.

"You sure? I could get you some water," Esteban suggested.

"Um. No thanks. I'm fine," I said.

"Aww. Come one! What's a host if he doesn't provide his guest the best hospitality there is?! Hey Ghastlies, music please!" Esteban shouted.

"Um. Chapters," I said.


"Writing. No sound."

"I'm sorry what?"

"Just don't do a song. It won't' work. Trust me," I said.

"Well then, ok. Can I show you around at least?" Esteban offered.

"I think we've seen enou..."

"CAN WE SEE THE STATUE OF THE PIKACHU!!?" Percy eagerly asked.

"We got a statue for pretty much any Pokemon you want!" Esteban said.

"A Chatot?" Kaleb asked.


"Gee, thanks."

-POV: Lizzie.

WHOA!!!! The front yard landscaping was absolutely stunning, but the backyard is out of this world!!!!! So many mini ponds and statues of gold! This place is awesome! They even have pools in pools! Poolception! My mind is blown away! So, romantic as well...

"Hey Percy, you wanna go explore somewhere else along together?" I asked.

"Ok. WAIT A MINUTE! That hedge is in the shape of a brick!" Percy interrupted... (himself.)

"Well yeah. That's how hedges are supposed to be shaped," Esteban said.

Next, he took us to his room.

"This place is the size of my house!" Macy exclaimed.

"Naw, don't think about it too much. Honestly, this is a little too much space for me," Esteban said. Oh, my, he is so humble! (What are you saying Lizzie. Percy would be so upset. He's probably so jealous.

"This had been great Esteban, but we should le..." I interrupted Ariel.

"But he hasn't even shown us the theatre yet! It'll be the last thing. I promise!" I said.

"You said that about Pika Statue! Plus, we already wasted thirty minutes in the hedge maze!" Ariel said.

"Oh yeah. It is pretty late now anyway. I guess we do have to leave now Esteban," I said.

"Alright, I agree, it's almost dark out. How about I walk you back down," Esteban offered.

-POV: Ariel

Finally, it's almost over! I just gotta walk out the door...

"Hold on!"

What now?

"Ariel, I need to ask you one thing," Esteban said. Oh no.

"I hinted at it earlier, but I'm just going to say it. Ghastlies! Lights please!" Esteban shouted. The lights went off except for a single lamp above us.

"Ariel, will you go to the Spring Dance with me?"

KLHFDFHASNC IODFHLJDHDIFHKCD! I knew it! I shouldn't have come! This was stupid! Percy, I am not joining you on trips to random stranger's houses anymore!

"So, what do you say?" Esteban.


"I see. I see. I shouldn't put you on the spot like this. I let you decide," Esteban said.

"Uh. Ok," I responded. Esteban let us out.

Ugh. What did I just do to myself?

-POV: Scarlet Quinn the Munna

"HEY! WHO ARE YOU IN THE BUSHES!?!" I heard. Oh no. Munna's hiding place has been spotted. Munna must escape back into the hedge maze. Munna like house. Munna hide in house. Munna never leaves.

(A/N: Once again! Thanks for reading! Please remember to comment, vote, and follow the lovely other writer ItzChandelure and I for updates. Like I said, my rant book contains many updates and schedule changes so if we don't have a chapter out on a Friday, the rant book might give some info on that.)

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