S2 Ep. 8 Spring Dance

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(A/N: You've been waiting for about several weeks...

I've been putting off grammar corrections for several weeks...

But now...

It's time.

For the 30th chapter milestone, we're throwing out the biggest chapter of Pokémon Universe yet!


-POV: Kaleb

"Esteban, bro we know it's you!" I shouted.

"You can stop acting all secretive and take off the sacks on our heads!" Percy added.

"He'll speak when he wants to!" one of the Ghastlies said.

"Does he want to speak yet?" Percy asked. I heard some whispering nearby.

"Yes," was all that Esteban uttered from beyond our blindfolds.

"Esteban, why are you doing this?!" I asked. He removed the sacks to reveal a small concreate basement. Must've been the one room we didn't see in his house. Oddly enough, it was lit by a candle. I wonder why the lights are off.

"Your friend must've not told you about everything," Esteban spoke.

"Ariel and Macy? What did you do to them?!" I yelled.

"I might as well tell you. It's not like you're going anywhere," Esteban decided.

-POV: Ariel.

I actually missed a day of school. Stupid ships. I knew it was stupid. I lived a perfect life, but some jerk had to make his way into my life!

"Ariel?!" my mom called, "Are you still going to that dance thing tonight?!"

Why should I. I'll just be another lonely person. Lizzie said she'll still go for her pika-senpai. At least that's her name for Percy. Not mine.


"Ariel, would you please answer the door for me?!" my mom requested.

"I got it!" I answered. I unlocked and opened the door. It was Macy.

"Heyo! I got crutches! At least I got to miss school!" Macy exclaimed.

"Are you ok?" I hesitantly asked.

"Yep! They put so much pain killer that you could punch me, and I wouldn't feel a thing!" Macy slurred.

"That sounds like a dangerous amount to take," I pointed out.

"I said if 'you' punched me. Of course I'd feel a slug from some other guy," Macy explained.

"Did you come to insult my strength, or is there something else?" I asked.

"Aren't you going to the dance? I came to walk over with you! Friends can still go you know," Macy told me.

"I don't really feel like it," I said.

"Oh come one! You don't need a date to go to these! You know how many awkward standing people will be there? We'll practically be one in a thousand," Macy mentioned. You know what. She's right. I shouldn't let this stuff drag me down anyway.

"I'll go!"


"But I might rant along the way about Esteban!"

"No!" Macy said.

"Wait, wait, and wait. I thought you hated him too for breaking your leg," I said.

"To be honest, I kinda provoked him. By provoking I mean punching him in the face and knocking him to the ground," Macy explained.

"I guess you did go pretty far, but I'm still not forgiving him ever. He stole for himself, and didn't accept the consequences! That's why your leg is broke," I reasoned.

"Yeah. Sure. I don't care. Let's just go already," Macy complained.

Lizzie didn't seem too happy about Percy being late to the dance.

"He said he'd walk over with me," Lizzie cried.

"He said he'd walk over with you AND Kaleb," I reminded her.

"Murmurmur," Lizzie mumbled.

"When you think about it though, it isn't like Percy to be late. Kaleb must've slowed him down," Macy mentioned. That is a little strange, but what's the worst that could've happened to them?

-POV: Kaleb

"So Ariel got mad at you? What does that have to do with us?!" I shouted as I struggled to get out of the ropes.

"Well, if all people can see me for is a jerk who hurts their friends, that's what I'll be. I'll see you guys later tonight when I find the rest of your buddies at the dance," Esteban stated. He walked out of the room and took the candle. It was almost completely dark apart from the orange glow from a small window from the top of the half underground basement. The sun was starting to set.

"Oh my pika! Too much pressure! I! Can't! Breathe!" Percy wheezed.

"Shut up Percy and calm down," I said. Percy began to regulate his breathing.

"Try to tear the holes in the bag so we can actually see well. Then back your chair up to mine to start untying the ropes," I said. I heard Percy fumbling around with the burlap sack on his head. I began to do the same by tearing it with my beak. After we got them off (for the most part), I scooted my chair against his and began fiddling with the ropes.

"Dang it! Why are the Ghastlies so great at knot tying? They don't even have hands!" I raged.

-Several knot untying minutes later...-

Finally free, we both rushed to the door. I could barely see the handle in the orange light of the sunset. If we didn't get out before dark, we'd be in even more trouble that we already are.

"The doors locked," I said as I jiggled the handle.

"Really?" Percy questioned as he also tried to turn the handle.

"You think I don't know what a locked door is?" I blankly asked as he finished his attempt.

"Well... Maybe you don't," Percy replied as he backed away.

"It's a good thing that I know how to pick locks," I revealed.

"When'd you learn that?"

"You ever wonder why things are always missing from your locker."

"No! You've been stealing my pika snacks all this time?!" Percy announced.

"I'll have you know that I smile while I eat them, and I still sleep perfectly," I maliciously pronounced. While Percy sat in shock, I proceeded to opening the rusty lock.

In just a couple minutes, we were ready to go. The old door creaked open to reveal a concreate staircase to the next floor. There was no light.

"Wait a minute! I have a phone!" Percy exclaimed.

"Oh really? That would've been a big help while I was cutting my wings against the rusty lock without knowing what I was doing!" I sarcastically remarked.

"Would you rather help our friends or sit here and be sarcastic all night?" Percy replied. We continued to move forward. The staircase went up to an over-decorated hall that we'd never seen yet.

"Why does his house have to be so big!?" I complained. My voice echoed across the walls.

"You have to admit. It's pretty fancy," Percy said as we ran through the halls.

"Eh. Ariel's right. It is pretty tacky," I mocked. We wandered the halls of the maze of a mansion. If Esteban is the only one who ever seems to be here, why is it so big? Do neurosurgeons really make this much money?! We opened a door to reveal a huge room with a giant bed in the middle. Must be his parents' bedroom. There was a thin layer of dust over everything in it. Must've been empty for a while now.

We continued to check more doors that usually led to bathrooms, movie rooms, (was that an indoor pool), and kitchens. Seems like this house could hold the entire orphanage and more. Maybe I'll have to mention that to them next time I go to help with Ariel. Oddly enough, the lights were off in all the rooms. The only thing that lit the entire house was the same dim sunlight coming from the huge glass windows that lined the other side of the halls. The sun had almost gone below the horizon.

"This part looks a little familiar!" Percy shouted from up ahead.

"Great! Open it up!" I called as I caught up to him. It revealed the same opening area from our first visit here.

"Come on! We have to hurry! Esteban's probably already there..." I paused. He was still here. Standing in front of the door. He seemed lost in thought.

"Esteban?" I asked. He looked over. The evil expression that was on his face earlier was replaced with a more regretful look.

"Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere," Esteban muttered.

"But Why?"

"You know, I never wanted to steal. It was a gift for Ariel," Esteban revealed.

"Why didn't you just use all the money you have?" Percy inquired.

"Well, you see how all the lights are off? I can't pay any of the bills anymore. My parents, they uh, never arrived with another check. I assumed it would show up in the mail, but uh, that clearly never happened," Esteban said. He turned away from us. I saw a glitter of a tear hit the ground.

"I just wanted to give Ariel, the first real person I actually got to be close to, the best time that I promised. I wanted to reach her expectations, and I thought I could achieve them by going below them. I guess I didn't really think that through too well, huh," Esteban choked out.

"E, Esteban, we didn't know. We didn't know," I said.

"Naw. You have all the right to be mad. I'm sorry I kidnapped you guys. I didn't really think about anything but myself then," Esteban said.

"Esteban, we're not mad at you," Percy assured.

"I'm actually, kinda upset. You did tie us up in your basement and all," I mentioned.

"He'll get over it in a few hours. You're apologizing to the wrong Pokemon. There's still one who's still mad at you. I think you know who that is," Percy advised.

-POV: Ariel

Well, Percy and Kaleb still aren't here. It's not like them to be la...

The doors to the gym the dance was being held in opened. The music stopped. It was Esteban. He slowly trudged over to me. Everyone else was silent apart from a few gasp.

"I'm here because, I wanted to tell you, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done the things I did, and I also shouldn't have hurt your friends. I know you won't take me back, but I just wanted to be on good terms with you. I have no excuse for my actions. I'm sorry though," he said.

"E, Esteban, I'm not mad anymore. I may have overreacted and misjudged your reasoning. You are right. I won't take you back, but I will forgive you," I responded. Esteban gave the same charismatic smile with a laugh and turned around and walked back out of the gym. It's nice to know that things are good. Back to normal life for now.

The dance was as lively as can be. Percy and Lizzie were hanging out. Well, Percy was talking to other people while Lizzie followed behind. Kaleb and Scarlet were off in 'the emo corner' in the other side of the room. I'm pretty sure that Jacky and Kelly just kissed. Huh. I see Sally, but not Chub-Tyke. I hope he shows up soon.

I take things for granted sometimes. Granted that fact, (heh) I think I'll try new things more. I hope for the best for Esteban. I don't know what's going on in his life, but I hope for the best.

You know, I should get out of my head more and do something.

(A/N: WELL?!?!?! What'd ya think? I'd love to here in the comments your opinions on this five chapter attempt at an I arc that we've recently released. Please comment, vote, and follow the Pokémon Universe Crew of me, ItzChandelure and occasionally TacoJirachi for more! So, when the next chapter for the main series will be released is still up in the air, however on the B-Sides that I had mentioned before, I will be uploading a new chapter titled "OOOOOO" there immediately after this. It's an example of the content you'll receive until the main series is updated more. It's an official and cannon chapter of Pokémon Universe that has a ton of effort from us put into it and grammar checked as well. The only difference from a chapter here is the fact that it serves little purpose besides being absolutely hilarious and occasionally interesting, which is what you'll mostly get from the B-Sides. Closing out, I hope you'll read the B-Sides, expect it to be updated much more soon. Also ItzChandelure just fixed some grammar errors on Lizzie's first date so yep. Ok Bye!)

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