S2 Ep. 9 Murder Mystery

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POV: Ariel

"Hello, my wonderful music class! I've got a special announcement today!" our music teacher excitedly giggled as she quickly waved us in with one of her candle arms.

"Umm. Miss Chandy," I peeped out.

"I've been your music teacher for almost the entire year now. You can call Claudia, not my teacher name!" our Chandelure music teacher interrupted.

"Ok Miss Chandy, I mean Claudia. I was just wondering if this announcement happened to be."

"As amazing as last week's? OF COURSE, IT IS!" Miss Chandy cheered, interrupting me again in the process.

"Last week's announcement was about the new soap the school got and how it smells like citrus instead of lavender!" I burst out. I covered my mouth (er, beak) immediately afterwards, realizing the many other classmates of mine were staring at me.

"Ooo. I can still remember first realizing that. I understand your concerns sweetie."

"Can you not call me sweetie please?"

"I understand your concerns POKEMON WHOSE DAILY MOTIONS INTERSECT WITH MINE, but I promise this one will interest you much more. As a MANDATORY class assignment, you are all to join me at a mansion (that I am renting out because I'm not that rich) for dinner. That is all," Miss Chandy concluded.

"But why?" I had to inquire.

"Because it's going to be..........................................................(page filler......).......................... A MURDER MYSTERY!"

Crap! This time it's actually somewhat intriguing.


"Ugh. Why did I join music class?!?!?!" Kaleb whined as we walked towards the rented-out mansion to house Miss Chandy's dramatically interesting event.

"Because you have a good singing voice and hate art even more," I quickly replied.

"But why should I spend my 5 in the afternoon and beyond on a stupid murder mystery game?!"

"Because Miss Chandy threatened suspension."

"But why did..."

"Just shut up," I silenced. We continued as the sun set and turned the sky to an orange and purple hue. A nice addition to the ambiance of the under lit mansion up ahead.

The door creaked open (with the help of Miss Chandy making the effect) as we slowly and awkwardly walked into the darkened dining room lined with white accent. The wallpaper was a light blue that looked like it was from the 1800s and sorta killed a little bit of the mood. Apparently, we were the last to arrive (because of Kaleb's laziness) as everyone else was waiting when we took our seats at the huge dining table that stretched down from one end to another. I saw the Kanto starters, Kalos starters, Hoenn starters (minus four-year-old Mark), Chub-Tyke, a Bunnery, a Swirlix, a Budew, and finally a Litwick.

Miss Chandy floated in through the doorway giving off a purple light (AKA the only light) that shone through the room. She took a place above the dining room table... as the chandelier of all things. (Seems a little predictable but whatever.)

"Welcome class. Now you all know me, but I feel the need to properly introduce myself. As you all know, I'm your dorky and amaaaaazing music teacher, Claudia Chandy. I've invited you all here today because murder mysteries are cool, and none of the other teachers would agree to do it with me. So, I chose you guys instead," Miss Chandy announced from above the table.

"Wait. So, we're plan B?" Jay, the narcistic, self-enthusiastic Squirtle who's a jerk said.

"Nonsense! I would always invite you Jay. (You're amazing.) Oh! That reminds me! We have a guest of honor! Everyone please turn your heads to my niece who hates being looked at, Lucy the Litwick!" Miss Chandy said as she gestured towards the corner dimly lit by Lucy's small candle flame.

"30+ chapters and I don't get introduced until now... I guess they just don't think I'm special enough to be included because I haven't evolved into a Lampent like all the other Litwicks yet! It's not my fault that people keep blowing out my flame as a joke before it's big enough so that I can evolve. Nope. I'll be a poor little Litwick for life!" Lucy complained to herself. We all turned back to Chandy.

"So, when does this start?" I shouted up to ask.

"I believe it starts when one Pokemon does something dumb enough to be murdered," Kaleb explained in a mock-scientific voice.

"It probably won't be me because I'm her favorite little Litwick who will never evolve so of course she'll never murder me. I'm not special enough to be the first..."

The lights went out and quickly turned back on to reveal that Lucy was gone.

"So, it seems the first murder has happened. I wonder who did it?" Miss Chandy tried to say without sounding suspicious.

"Uh. Guys, I think Miss Chandy is the murderer," Seth the Chespin blankly stated out loud. The lights went out again. Once they came back on, Seth was gone, of course.

"I think you're supposed to do that before he says it's you..." Tommy the Froakie said just before the lights went off. Another one gone. Miss Chandy attempted to whistle and look away as if she had no part. (Except she couldn't whistle and it really was just her spitting on the food below her.)

"Oh, I see how it is!" another student, Tobias the Treecko, blurted out, "Pick off all the unimportant 'side characters' first because they don't matter as much and have as much comedic effect!"

Oh yeah. I forgot he had a weird obsession with making side characters main. I feel very sorry for the Bunneary (I think her name is Sasha) that he constantly tries to shove to the spotlight.

"Tobias shut up! You're gonna get yourself murdered," the hotheaded Torchic named Tori mentioned.

"DON'T WORRY! You'll never see a main character like Percy or Ariel go first. They're too main for that..."


Tobias was the next to disappear.

"Good grief! What a relief! I'm glad I got to let him go next... I mean I respect the murderer's taste in his victims. At least the rest of the side characters can go now," Miss Chandy mumbled (way too loud) to herself as she swung back and forth.


Goodbye Budew, Bunneary, and Swirlix. Wherever they went, Tobias must be furious. We all quietly sat as Chandy continued to swing back and forth and sing to herself, "I'm gonna swing from a chandelier..." way too loud once again.

"Umm. Miss Chandy, may I go to the bathroom..."


There goes Chub-Tyke.


The rest of the starters were finished off. That course of events leaving Kaleb and me.

"You know I've had a fun night here and all, but I think I'm gonna go. If this one scene is stretched out any longer, I'm not going to be happy," Kaleb sarcastically said as he stood up from his chair.

"You're already not happy," I said.

"WELL I CAN BE EVEN LESS HAPPY IF I WANT TO!" Kaleb raged. (His words accompanied by a dramatically loud and scratchy chair push in.

"Oh, please don't go! We're just starting to get to the good part! Nobody's even guessed who the murder was yet!" Miss Chandy said while swinging in the opposite direction.

"Umm. Actually, like six people have. You murdered them like five minutes ago," I answered. Miss Chandy took a surprised glance around the dining table to see nobody else left. Kaleb was just about to open the door to leave.

"Oh. Umm. Uh. Please don't leave. I'm sorry that I'm terrible at hosting these. I just really wanted to do something for once and be the 'cool' teacher, or the 'cool' Aunt, or even the 'cool' friend among her co-workers. I've always been a huge dumb dumb. I guess I still am," Chandy said as she stopped swinging back and forth.

"Chandy, I'm sorry. I didn't know. But from a Pokemon who happens to also be socially awkward, I can relate," I said as an attempt to make up.

"It's just that, everyone who I talk to says that Mr. Dino is the best teacher. They say he's much cooler than poor old me," Chandy said.

"I don't know who you talk to. (Probably Percy) But I happened to think that you're the best and most quirky," I said to back up my statement with a little more sincerity.

"Really? Aw shucks, that means so much to me you know! You get an A plus in my class! Can I hug you?!"

"Please don't break the law and boost my grade. Also, please don't hug me, or you might burn me alive," I quickly replied as she floated down towards me.

"Ok Lucy, you can let them out now," Miss Chandy called over to a door that led into a closet in the dining room. The door bust open and a mass of Pokemon fell out.

"Miss Chandy, I don't have to go to the bathroom anymore," Chub-Tyke said.

"I'm not going to ask," I said.

"Poor little Lucy demoted to a guard once again... At least I got to absorb a lot of soul energy for my candle," Lucy murmured.

"Oh look! Birthday candle!" Chub-Tyke said as he blew out Lucy's flame.

"Somebody kill me," she whined. Tobias brushed the dust off himself and quickly ran to Sasha the Bunneary.

"Sasha! Tell them who the murderer was!" Tobias said as an attempt to give her a main role.

"Oh. Well. I think it was Tobias," she simply stated.

"No Sasha. The other one," Tobias said.

"You mean Miss Chandy? At least she's not murdering my side character lifestyle."

Tobias seemed utterly distraught by those words and slumped down to the floor.

"We should do this next week," Chandy said.

"With all due respect, never do this again please," I said.

"Oh right. Gotta be original. Next time, it will be LARP!"

"That's fine. Just don't invite Kaleb again. He's currently kicking holes into the wallpaper out of rage right now," I said as I pointed over to Kaleb.

"Stupid mystery murder takes place in dining room even though I haven't even gotten anything to eat. Such a waste of time. Murmurmurmurmurmur..." Kaleb mumbled in the corner.

"I see your point there, Ariel," Miss Chandy finished.

(A/N: Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment, and follow ItzChandelure and I for more!)

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