Ash, where are you from?

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"We just need to make a simple police report, since you were involved in the Team Flare incident, and you were a victim. We don't suspect you, but interviewing you could really help us with this investigation"

The boy stood still with a blank face and listened closely, staring into space. He was in pain. Shock. No one at the age of 16 should have had to go through what he had gone through. One thing he knew for sure was that Lysandre's deeds would not go unpunished.

He'd make sure of that.

Professor Sycamore watched from the window in sadness. He hadn't known Ash for very long, but he was a bright child who deserved so much better.

"We'll need some sort of document to verify your identity. If you don't have one, you can call from home to get something sent over"

Ash stayed still, not moving a muscle. His eyes shifted to make contact with the officer's, creeping him out a little. What was wrong with this kid?

"...Young man?", the officer uttered, about to place his hand on the boy's shoulder.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain. Something was wedged into his neck, piercing it, ripping his flesh apart. He seemed to forget how to breathe. Professor Sycamore covered his mouth in shock, and tried to go get someone, or at least enter the room, but somehow, Ash's deadly stare, although it was aimed at the officer and not him, was enough to convince him he'd bear the same fate. 

"You should've brought someone with you", Ash whispered in such a high-pitched voice that even the Professor could hear it, leaning in so that his mouth was nearing the officer's ear, "It would have been fun to kill two"

Ash yanked the knife from his neck, letting his body plummet to the ground and envelop the floor with blood. He then launched it at the window, so that it just missed the Professor's head, and shattered the glass. He quickly climbed through the window, stepping over the shattered pieces, and turned to confront the 16 year old.

"Are you insane?!", he yelled, hoping to get the attention of another policeman, "Why would you kill him?"

After a short moment of feeling dominance and responsibility, Sycamore found himself being pinned against the wall by his throat.

"That's none of your business. But if I have to, I'll do the same to you"

Even with his skinny arms, Ash was able to throw the middle aged man into the table, making him crash into and break it. As Sycamore attempted to get up, the teen slowly etched closer to him, paralyzing him with fear. He knelt down next to him, his eyes sharp with danger.

"And if you're wondering why nobody came", he mumbled, "I killed more than one person today. Maybe I can kill one more, if you'd like to see the police officer in heaven"

Ash ripped the mask off of his face.

"Would you, Lysandre?"

Professor Sycamore walked through the door, applauding the teen who was holding a knife to the scientist's throat.

"I must say, when I did all that research on you, I didn't think it was true at first, Ash, but you really exceeded my expectations"

Ignoring the Professor, Ash pushed the edge of the knife deeper into the edge of Lysandre's flesh, almost cutting it, although he didn't leave a scratch.

"Shut down your corporation. Team Flare must be disbanded. You never say anything about this to anyone, or I take your head, and your body is thrown into the sea, understand?"

"Yes! Yes! I understand! Now, please, let me go!"

Ash dropped the knife and stood up, allowing Lysandre to escape. He looked down to his arm, where there was an open wound. 

'Police station mysteriously burned down, dead bodies of officers discovered'


Ash and his friends had been invited by the Professor to stay at his lab with Mairin and Alain, to recover from the Team Flare situation. Tierno, Trevor, Shauna and Sawyer were invited, too, so they could all see each other possibly before they part.

"Hey, Ash?", Mairin asked as she saw the dark haired boy walk through the door to the kitchen.

"Yeah?", he replied.

"Where are you from?"

The boy froze, looking rather unsettled by the question. Clemont, Serena and Bonnie stared in confusion, having already been told by Ash where his home was. Why was he hesitating to tell someone else?

"Kanto. Pallet Town"

"Oh, okay. Just curious, since you're the only one who isn't from Kalos"

"Have you guys seen the paper?", Bonnie announced, getting everyone's attention as she read the headlines, "'Police station mysteriously burned down, dead bodies of officers discovered. Last night, just before sunset, was the last time the Lumiose City Police Station was seen standing. Minutes, later, it had been burned to ashes, and the remains left were scattered bodies of dead police officers assumed to have been murdered, as the fire has been identified as arson'"

"Bonnie, do you really have to read that right before breakfast?", Clemont moaned.

"Hold on, Clemont! 'Many claim there were sightings of Lysandre, the former leader of the now disbanded Team Flare. Some even say they saw the murderer, who is rumored, from what witnesses can recall, to have dark hair and an open wound on their arm'"

Most of the teens dismissed Bonnie's words, until Tierno saw a bandage on Ash's arm. But he said nothing, sparing his own life without even knowing it. Oh, but really, he should've said something.

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