Ash, who are your parents?

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After breakfast was finished, they had soon somehow spiraled into a conversation about their parents.

"My dad builds robots, just like my brother!", Bonnie shared.

"My mom's a Rhyhorn racer", Serena shared.

They all shared stories and facts about their parents, but soon noticed that Ash had nothing to share.

"Hey, Ash, what about your parents?", Bonnie asked as they all turned to Ash's seat. He wasn't there. How convenient. They soon found themselves looking up all the results for the name 'Ketchum'.

"I can't find anything", Trevor mused as he scrolled through endless web pages.

"Is Ash's name even real?", Sawyer asked, refreshing the page, as he had been doing for several minutes.

"But he was registered in the Kalos League as 'Ash Ketchum', so it has to be his name"

"Maybe we're spelling it wrong"


"Thank you for your time, Champion"

Alain nodded and headed out of the set as soon as he could. He hated it. People interviewing him, asking him questions. He won the Kalos League, but that didn't give Kalos the right to invade his personal life.

He just wanted to get back to the lab and relax on his own. Then again, all those people were there now. Including Ash. He'd always felt off around that kid. 

What he'd thought about most as he walked down the streets towards the lab, was where his trophy was. He wouldn't think of himself as egotistical, but that trophy was understandably important to him, and in between all of the hassle with Team Flare, it was forgotten. Getting another one made, which wouldn't be too hard for him, would make his victory even more meaningless. He'd won against Ash. Why couldn't he stop thinking about him?

As he turned a corner, a young woman with brown hair in a ponytail sprinted out of an alleyway, giggling with excitement as she raced towards him.

"Excuse me, Champion, please can I have your picture?", she begged.

Alain nodded his head as the camera was held in front of him, plastering a smile on his face. He hated it when people took pictures of him.

As the young woman happily dashed away, Alain couldn't help but feel grateful and proud of himself. He'd earned his victory, and a complete stranger idolized him because of it. It felt satisfying, in a way. That one fan of his could brighten his view by so much.

He began to walk forward before he felt something stumble to his feet. He looked down to see a small child with dark hair sitting in front of him.

"Oh, sorry, kid. Lemme help you up there", Alain offered, holding out his hand.

"It's okay, Mister", the child reassured as he got up and continued skipping while singing a peculiar song.

"La, la la, la la, la la"

Alain was slightly confused. Other than the fact that his voice and appearance gave him a strange feeling of familiarity, he didn't refer to him as Champion? Well, he couldn't expect everyone to be aware of his new status. One girl running up to him asking for his picture wasn't much compared to the rest of the population. However, it was still special. 

He suddenly felt the urge to see that special girl again.

He moseyed his way over to the alleyway, preparing to greet the girl. However, when he got there, he heard a quiet splash as he stepped forward. Looking down, he saw a puddle of red liquid, reflecting his terrified eyes. Next to it, a young woman with brown hair in a ponytail, laying still. 

Even thought he'd just met this girl, his hope came crashing down a little when he found himself standing over her corpse, her blood covering his hands. Her camera laying in her palm. 

"La, la la, la la, la la"

That song. He turned to his left to see a small child with black hair skipping while singing a peculiar song. He was still there. And she was dead.


Just as Alain had gathered everyone to tell them what had happened, armed men busted down the door and handcuffed him.

"Alain, you are under arrest for the murder of Delia Ketchum. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you"


Tierno, Trevor, Sawyer, Shauna, Bonnie, Clemont, Serena, Professor Sycamore, Mairin and Ash watched behind the window as Alain was interviewed.

"This is the evidence found at the crime scene", the officer stated as he put down the camera on the desk, "People in the area say you were the last one to see Miss Ketchum alive. Apparently she asked you for a picture. From what we can gather by talking to those who know you, you don't like having your picture taken. So our first assumption is that, out of anger, you killed her"

"I'd never kill someone over it", Alain argued, "Besides, she got a picture of me"

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, she took a picture of me. It's on the camera"

The officer shot him a suspicious looked as he pressed a few buttons on the camera and showed it to Alain.

"We looked through it. There's no pictures of you. See?"

Alain snatched the gadget from his hands and frantically searched through it.

"But, no, that doesn't make sense. I'm sure she took a picture of me"

"Well, there's nothing of you there, so our theory is that you killed her before she could take a picture"

"I swear I didn't kill her!"

"Then, who did?"

Alain thought for a second.

"A boy!"

"Pardon me?"

"A little boy, he was skipping around and singing a weird song. He bumped into me! He had dark hair and-"

"Do you really think a young boy would murder an adult and frame someone else? Are you stupid? What's even more ironic is that the boy you're talking about was a witness. He reported you"


A small child with dark hair walked through the door, holding a large golden cup. It was then that Alain and the others realized Ash was no longer behind the window. The child climbed up onto the chair next to the police officer and placed the item on the table.

"I saw him murder her", he testified, "I bumped into him after she asked for a picture and he said no. Before I turned the corner, I saw him follow her into the alleyway, so I looked, and she was lying dead. He had blood on his hands"

Murderously looking into Alain's eyes, he pointed to the trophy.

"He left this behind. Only he has it, because he's the Champion. So I took it away from him and called 911"

The officer shifted his gaze to Alain with a raised eyebrow.

"No, that can't be possible, I never had my trophy before the murder in the first place. Why would you take the trophy away from me?"

"You don't deserve it. You're mean"

"What kind of nonsense is that? Is he really a legitimate witness?"

"Hey! He's a kid. And he's right. A Champion is supposed to be someone he looks up to. And he just watched you murder someone, so don't try and challenge the witness! You can let the judge deal with that talk when you get to court. This trophy is no longer under your possession. And, as an order from Diantha, your Championship will be transferred to the runner up, due to your crime. You are no longer the winner of the Kalos League"


'Former Kalos League Champion Alain arrested for murder and serving 15 year sentence in jail'


"I'm so confused. I thought we couldn't find anyone under the name Ketchum. And now this woman, who Alain murdered for some reason, shows up out of the blue?", Tierno questioned.

"And she has Ash's last name, which clearly isn't very common, but Ash didn't look too disturbed at one of his relatives being murdered", Trevor added.

"And he just disappeared when that witness kid came into the room", Shauna pointed out.

"I've seen Ash's mom before. We called her once. She looks exactly like the victim"

"So, Alain murdered Ash's mom?"

"But why?"

They were all silenced when Professor Sycamore walked past them, Ash trailing behind him. A trophy in his hand. A smile on his face.

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