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*Spark Of Love*

Your pov


I yelled as I search for my yellow colored partner


I heard a yawn near my couch, looking at whom it was, I saw shaymin, she was sleeping peacefully

"Hey shaymin, have you seen pikachu by any chance?"

I asked her as she open one of her eyes looking at me giving me a shake head, meaning no

"Oh?, okay we'll sorry for waking you up"

I said giving her a pat in the head smiling


She growled stretching a little then going back to sleep, I checked every where I could but no sign of him, I was now in my room searching if pikachu is sleeping anywhere in here, when suddenly I heard a 'thumb' like something or someone was falling, going down stairs, I heard some weird noises coming from the backyard, as my curiosity kick in, I found myself going out the back door that revealed my beautiful backyard

"W-who's there?!"

I said stuttering as my voice crack, no body responded, I keep hearing that weird sound like someone struggling to get free

"Tell me who's there!, o-or I won't hesitate t-to attack!!!"

I yelled, revealing a handsome male, he has yellow hair with brown highlights on the tips, he has brown eyes, perfect face, and a good looking body 'wait, wait, what did I just say?, erase that!!, I just think his handsome that's all'

"W-who are you?!"

I said my voice cracking a little from nervousness and embarrassment, he then looked at me with those brown eyes of his making me tense up


He said my name almost a whisper, 'h-how come he knows my name?'


Was all I could manage to say with all the questions going on in my head

"Don't you recognize me?"

He asked me his stare dippining that made me feel anxious


I said trailing off looking down the ground

"It's me, your partner!"

He semi-yelled, that made me flinch

"How is that even possible!"

I yelled back with confusion written on my face, looking at him, his brown happy eyes became lifeless


"B-but how do you know me?"

I asked full of curiosity in my voice and face

"Because it's me pikachu!"

He almost fully yelled at me with a hint of pleading in his voice, I look closely at him not noticing that my own feet was walking to where he was, our face inches away from each other, those brown sparkling eyes that shows bravery, I slowly gulp, it's really hard to believe that his my partner, that's when it hit me, there have been news of pokemons turning into human


Daily news: there have been news that pokemons have been turning into humans lately, trainers have been shocked about the weird things that been happening to there pokemons, we advise that if this ever happened to your pokemon, please do not panic because it is normal

Third person's pov

You put you're thumb and index finger on you're chin, you inhale then exhale, well to be honest it's more like a sigh

"Do you need help getting out of that bush?"

You asked him as you extend you're hand, gesturing him to take it, but he shook his head meaning no, you look at him confused once again


You said tilting you're head a little to the side, that made him smile

"Because I have no clothes on"

He simply say as he smile cutely, you don't know if your blushing because of his cuteness or is it because he said he was naked

"Oh....u-um...I'll get you some clothes, wait here"

You said about to turn around when he suddenly pulled you down to where he is positioned, you fell on his chest, you can feel his muscles that made you a blushing mess

"Stay...warm me up for a bit"

He lean down to you're ear, saying those word, that made shivers run down you're spine


You we're then cut off by soft pair of pinkish lips, it felt so warm that you, yourself can't even deny it, just when you we're starting to melt in between the kiss, pikachu parted his lips, but it was too short for your liking, you felt kinda sad and wanted to pull him into another kiss but longer, he was looking away a tint of blush form in his light skin, but you didn't even notice it

"(y/n)-san, can we go inside now?"

Pikachu asked you, that made you're eyes widen then quickly got off, of him rushing inside, you got inside panting a little


Shaymin growled in confusion, that made you blush just thinking about what just happened


Pikachu said going in the house as well, that made you tense up


You asked gulping, you then saw that he was naked, you're eyes grow wide as you yelp with a blushing face

"Put some clothes on!!!"

You yelled throwing a pillow at him, that made him blush as well, he then took the pillow you throw then made it his cover for his naked body

"I-I'll get y-you some clothes"

You said running up stairs in a hurry, covering your face not to see pikachu, pikachu then look at you worried and hurt, he looked at shaymin, shaymin gave him a smile that everything will be okay as he return it gladly

Your pov

I got a swag like rip jeans that is like military style and a gray v-neck shirt, and a boxer as well, glad my cousin visit me sometimes and leave some clothes, I was going down stairs, hearing pikachu talking to someone, I took a pick to whom it was and it was shaymin, they we're talking in pokemon language so I couldn't understand, shaymin then looked at me then smile, pikachu's attention turned to me as I remember the scene that occurred at the backyard, I look down cheeks all red again


I gave him the clothes that I've found as he gladly took it going to the comfort room to get dress, after minutes of waiting, I heard the rest room door open then close, I heard foot steps coming in our direction, looking at the person it was pikachu, he look so damn hot, I felt like I was looking at a handsome and rich prince, like in fairytales, I took a big gulp as my cheeks start to fire up once more

"H-how d-do I look?"

Pikachu asked me that made me look at his brown eyes

"You look fantastic~"

I said softly with a blushing face, that made pikachu a blushing mess, and that made me giggle

"You're so cute"

Pikachu suddenly told me, that made me freeze

"E-excuse me?"

I said in confusion and admiration, he then got close to me, I couldn't help not to back away, when all of a sudden I was finally pin on the wall

"(y/n).....I know it's stupid but ever since you took care of me I started to.....have feelings for you"

He said as the last part was like a whisper I could still hear it, he then put his forehead on the bridge of my neck, that made me tense up but then relax afterwards

"I know this is stupid as well but I've had a major crush on you pikachu, even when you we're a pokemon, I have to admit I got shock when you said you we're my partner but looking in your eyes I saw that it was really you"

I said as I play with some of his soft yellow hair, he then smile but it then quickly faded away

"But why did you run away when I kissed you"

He asked now looking straight into my (e/c) orbs that made me blush

"Because I was scared that if I fall for you more then you turn back into a pokemon.....I....I could never think of it---"

I was then cut off as a pair of pinkish soft lips touch mine and this time it was full of love and sweetness, I slowly melted into the kiss and kissed him back, as we parted for air, he looked at me again those eyes of his giving out a spark

"Don't ever think of anything like that, because I will never leave your side ever again"

He said giving me a pick in the forehead then resting his head on mine, I gave a relief sigh and just pull him closer to me

(Awww a little fluff hehehe *~* 1509 words, anyway sorry haven't been updating, please don't kill me but I'm still taking request so just comment a character you would like and what type of character and story it would be and thank you for reading, I wav u all ;*)

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