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*My saviour*

3rd person's pov

You we're running away from a pack of zubat with a poisoned vulpix in your arm's, trying to get down from the cold mountain, and to your luck you trip on a rock, you pull vulpix near your chest protecting it from the impact of the white snowy ground, which made you rolling down the white colored path, and being stop by bumping into a big rock, your eye's became blurry and heavy, it slowly closed as darkness swallow you

Your pov

I slowly flutter my eyes open, I was in a cave?, my back hurts and so is my head, I feel a little dizzy, I looked around my surroundings, there was fire with a young boy a little older then me, with a pikachu on his side, and something red on his lap

Then I froze, that red thing is my vulpix, I gasp, my voice crack all of a sudden, the boy looked at me, putting vulpix down, he got up walking to me while his pikachu following behind him

"Your awake"

He spoke in a husky voice, that made me blush, 'why em I blushing?, I'm a guy!', I said in my mind scolding myself

"Are you feeling okay?"

He asked again that made me look up at his red crimson orbs, giving me chills all over my body, he then averted his gaze from me

"I'm okay"

My mouth muttered to speak, I sat up gaining his attention again, when all of a sudden my stomach growled

"Your hungry"


I said scratching the back of my head, feeling embarrassed of my actions

"I'll cook some food"

He said in a plain tone walking to his backpack and grabbing some stuff, I looked at his back as his pikachu stare at me


I hummed looking at his pikachu, pikachu then gave me a close eyed smile, that made me giggle a little


I heard him hummed, I looked up at him and to my surprise he was looking at me, he then averted his gaze again, 'I am getting pissed at him trying to avert his eyes', so I got up from the sleeping bag I was sleeping on, then walked and then sat beside him, he moved a little so we could have a little space


I made a 'tsk' sound that caught his attention, he looked at me with curiosity, so I looked at him as we'll

"You know I won't bite"

I said not taking off my eye's from our little staring contest

"I know you won't (y/n)"

I froze once again, 'he knows my name?, but how?', my eyes widen as I look at his crimson eyes, my eye's became blurry with tears

"I-Is it really you?"

I asked, he gave me a small smile, opening his warms wide, beckoning me to hug him, so I did, I couldn't hold back my tears, it was really him, red, the one who saved me from that dratini, and the one who helped me catch my partner vulpix

"I'm so glad I saw you again"

"Yeah and you saved my life again, I'm so grateful red"

I said smiling at the raven haired boy, while tears fall down my eyes to my cheek, he put his warm pale hands on my cheek wiping the fallen tears, he then gave me kiss, I wanted to push him away but it felt so right, so I melted into the kiss, as I kiss him back, we then parted for air

"(y/n), I love you, I've missed you so much"

He said in a loving voice that made me smile

"I love you too red, please never leave me again"

He kissed my forehead and nodded, smiling his red crimson eyes full of joy

(Yeah, I'm lazy kill me hahaha anyways this was 651 words)

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