Chapter three

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After the battle with Ramos which Ash won and Sara got her second princess key Are heroes now head to luminous city the battle between Ash and Clemont Will happen along the way Ash pick up two new Pokémon which are Meowstic a female and Furfruo which got a nice haircut

Has are hero has stoped has he was challenged by a girl named Astrid to four on four battle Ash defeated every Pokémon she had from her Goodra, Pyroar (Male) and her on female Meowstic and now she's on her last Pokémon

Astrid:Dang how are you this strong
Ash:Training that's all I did so give up our do you have a trump card
Astrid:You haven't seen nothing yet now Absol your up

Ash:Alright then Hawlucha I choose you

Astrid:Absol use Psycho cut
Ash:Dodge it and charge with High jump kick

Has he dodges the attack he at extreme speeds charges at Absol landing the hit pushing her

Ash:Now use Karate shop
Astrid:Dodge it and strike with shadow claw

Has with his right arm he missis has Absol dodges to
the right and attacks with Shadow claw only to get block by Hawlucha left arm Karate shop has both Pokémon push each other back

Astrid:Alright then it's time for mega evolution

Ash:Do you think you can still beat us
Astrid:I know I can Absol us Psycho cut send three
Ash:Dodge them

Has Hawlucha move around dodging the incoming attacks

Ash:Now strike with High jump kick
Astrid:Shadow claw

Has both collided but Hawlucha is the one through back by the attack

Astrid:I've got you use Dark pulse
Ash:Jump and dodge

Has he jump up dodging the blast

Ash:Now Flying press

Has Hawlucha lands his attack has the dust settled Absol has fainted has Astrid falls to her knees

Ash:Well done Hawlucha rest for now

Has he returns his Pokémon he heads to Astrid

Astrid:First that guy with the mega charizard and now I lose to this guy who didn't even use his mega evolve Pokémon
Ash:Astrid need help

Has she looks up and see Ash pointing his hand at her to get up Astrid accepted it and was pulled back up

Astrid:You are one heck of a trainer Ash
Ash:So are you
Astrid:But I lost and I could even beat one of your Pokémon
Ash:But you did land hits take a lesson from this battle and see what can you do to change your Pokémon abilities okay never give up right
Astrid:Right thanks I hope we get to bathos again
Ash:I know we will good bye
Astrid:See ya

Has the two trainers wave at each other

Sara:So ready to go
Ash:Yeah let's go we near

Has later on they finally arrive at the city has they go to prism tower they see in the distance Clemont and Bonnie waiting at the door

Bonnie:The lovebirds are finally here see Clemont why can't you be more like Ash when it comes to girls
Ash:So are you ready
Clemont:I've been ready ever seen you help free my gym from Clembot
Ash:Then let's start

Has they go inside to the battlefield

Ash:Hey Clembot
Clembot:Oh hello Ash and
Sara:Sara Lee
Clembot:Sara Lee
Clemont:Alright Clembot can you be ref for this battle
Clembot:Sure thing takes your position

Has Sara and Bonnie go to the stands Ash and Clemont go to there corners

Clembot:Alright the battle between gym leader Clemont and the challenger Ash will now begin this is a three on three battle trainers send in your Pokémon

(also before we start this battle I'm gonna say that buddlebee will not appear in this battle he did make friends with Clemont but seen Pikachu and him never had a battle and Ash and Clemont didn't have a battle when he first arrive he's not appearing)

Clemont:Magneton lets go

Ash:Time for you to meet one of my new ones Clemont I choose you Meowstic

Clemont:A Meowstic now this will be interesting
Clembot:Alright Battle begin
Clemont:But that won't stop us Magneton use thunder wave
Ash:Use protect and then use Psychic

Has the attack was block has she took it away she grab Magneton with psychic and slam him to the ground

Clemont:We are not done yet Magneton electro ball
Ash:Dodge it and use confusion

Has he dodges the three electro balls she confuses Magneton has the magnet Pokémon was just flying crazy Bonnie laugh at the action and Sara giggle

Ash:Okay let's see if this snap it out Meowstic use Psychic and toss him to the ground again
Clemont:Come on Magneton snap out of it

Has it was to late and Magneton was toss again to the ground has fainted

Clembot:Magneton is unable to battle gym leader Clemont scent in your next Pokémon
Ash:Think you can go on
Meowstic:Meow(Yes I can continue)
Ash:Good let's go on
Clemont:Alright your turn go Heliolisk

Clembot:Battle begin
Clemont:Heliolisk go straight to her
Ash:Im not licking this Meowstic use protect

But before she could do anything Heliolisk appears in front of her

Clembot:Now use Flash and then Dragon tail.

Has he blinds her and then hits her with dragon tail tossing her to the wall

Ash:No you don't Meowstic use psychic

Has he was about to flash her he got stop has he started to float up

Ash:Payback time toss him to the wall

Has with full force Heliolisk crashes in the wall has Pokémon got back up to the battle field

Ash:Okay now use Spyshock
Clemont:Dodge it and then use Dragon tail

Has the blast followed him around until Heliolisk made a turn and went straight for Meowstic has he hits her with dragon tail but he also gets hit by the Psyshock has the dust left Meowstic has fainted and Heliolisk was still standing

Clembot:Meowstic is unable to battle trainer Ash send in your next Pokémon

Has he heads to his fallen Pokémon side petted it waking her up

Ash:Take it easy you lost but its okay because when we are done here I'll train you up okay

The Pokémon nodded and ash returned her has he got back

Ash:Alright then Goodra I choose you

Clemont mind:What could he plan
Clembot:Battle begin
Clemont:Alright do Flash and Dragon tail again aim for the head
Ash low voice:Close your eyes and wait

Has he closed them Heliolisk got to him Flash and then jump up to

Ash:Now catch it with your heirs

Has Goodra stops the attack

Clemont:Heliolisk get out of there
Ash:Use Dragon pulse

Has he fired the attack point blank he drop Heliolisk who has Fainted

Clembot:Heliolisk is unable to battle gym leader Clemont send in your last Pokémon
Ash:Return Goodra I'll call you back if you are needed
Clemont:I did not expect that

In the stands

Sara:That Ash for you bringing out every ability a Pokémon has in battle
Bonnie:You two have gotten pretty close to each other haven't you

Back at the battlefield

Clemont:Okay it's up to you Luxray

Ash:I just know how to end this Aurorus I choose you

Clemont mind:I'm at a disadvantage here
Ash mind:What will he do I wonder
Clemont mind:Should I forfeit no this isn't what he would want Ash would want me to continue even if I have a disadvantage
Clembot:Battle begin
Clemont:Luxray use Electric terrain

Has the ground start to glow yellow

Ash:Let's start Aurorus use Rock throw
Clemont:Luxray dodge it

Has he dodges the attack

Clemont:Now use Thunder fang
Ash:Block it with Aurora Vail

Has the attack was stop by the Vail

Ash:Now use Ice beam on the ground

Has the battlefield turns into ice Luxray lands but slip

Clemont:Oh no
Ash:this battle was already my when it began Use Aurora Beam

Has the attack hits Luxray has he faint

Clembot:Luxray is unable to battle the winner is Ash the challenger
Bonnie:Ash did it

After the celebration Ash was given the badge

Clemont:So where are you going
Ash:We talk about and we are going to Laverre city
Sara:There we get to meet the beautiful Valerie he is also the gym leader
Bonnie:Well hope good things for you two
Clemont:And good luck on your battle

Has the lovebirds hop on charizard and fly away has they fly they decided to take rest seen it was getting night so they found a nice place with a river right beside them so they land and make camp has he returned Charizard Ash got rested down has Sara got on top of him

Sara:Hey Ash
Sara:Remember that talk we had about you know that
Ash:Well no one can see us here right then are you sure I don't want to heard
Sara:~Oh Ashy~

Has she started to kiss which Ash let embraced has they had a tongue war which then change into Ash kissing her neck a giving her a hickey

Ash:Now no one can try to get to one another

Has they continued kissing until

(Warning warning lemon scene warning)
Has Sara's hand goes down and takes of a little of ash pants revealing his dick had the continued there kissing Sara stroke his dick moving her hand up and down has they continued Ash cum after that Sara went down for his dick has she begs to lick it after awhile of that she began to suck Ash giving a
force in that moment

Ash:Sara....It good

Has the guy moans

Ash:Your mouth feel so nice

Has then Ash Cum inside her mouth

Sara:Tasty now it's my turn
Ash:Then let's get you some pleasure too

Has both Ash and Sara took of there clothes has Ash started to suck Sara breast

Sara:Oh oh oh yes Ash keep sucking them

Has he then changed to kissing her while pinching in middle of this Sara grabs his dick and starts to place it in her Vagina Ash noticed it and put her on the floor with him on top

Ash:Ready I'm gonna place it in
Sara:Yes come on my Ash

Has he puts it in both moan both begin Ash moving his hips has with his left arm he holds her right leg has he keeps fucking her

Sara:Oh oh oh yes yes oh Fuck Adh keep going
Ash:As you wish

Has they changed positions with her looking straight and Ash behind her has he places it in her he continued

Sara:Faster ash faster

Has he increased his speed after awhile of that

Ash:Sara I'm cumming inside you
Sara:Yes Ash come on me give me all your semen

Has then


Has they were on the floor Dara gets on top of Ash has both look at Ash dick who was still in hard

Sara:Ready for round two
Ash:You know it

Has they continued the entire day
(lemon scene end)

Has the next morning came Ash and Sara wake up both naked

Ash:We May have party to hard yesterday
Sara:Yeag but it was the best thing that ever happen to us
Ash:Your right in that okay let's go Laverre city close

Has they put on there clothes they head to Laverre city has they arrive both look amazed at what they saw

Ash:This place is beautiful
Ash:Well then let's go to the gym

Has they go there they find the big tree that is the gym has they go inside they see many girls carrying packages has they heir a boy talking to one of the Furisode Girls

???:Please you got to let me battle the gym leader
FG1:I'm sorry but because of this event we must not do any battling
Ash:Excuse me
FG1:Yes sir
Ash:Your saying there no battles for today
FG1:Correct you'll have to come tomorrow
???:Your here to challenge her too
Ash:Yeah but I can wait hey question do you have any like museum or something here
FG1:Actually yes upstairs are all the dresses miss Valerie has created
Ash:Thank you get Sara you wanted to see her dresses right
Ash:It's upstairs let's go
Sara:Thanks babes
???:Can I tag along
Ash:Sure what's your name
???:I'm Sawyer from the Hoenn region
Ash:Ash Ketchum from Kanto and this my girlfriend Sara Lee from Kalos alright let's go up

Has they go up Sara drags around Ash poking at the dresses but then two other Furisode Girls came to them

FG3:Could we borrow her for a little
Ash:Well it's her decision what you say
Sara:I'll go wait for me in the show

Has they leave Ash sites with Sawyer

Ash:So Hoenn right how long have you been on your journey
Sawyer:Well not that long actually I still got my starter in his first level and I brought with me was four of my Pokémon that I caught in Hoenn
Ash:Hey how about after are battles we have a battle of are own
Sawyer:yeah That sounds cool
Ash:Well lets go to where the screams are coming

Has they go to the back to see a big crowd(Oh and has for Sara basically what happened in the series happened has she meet Valerie)has the show began many girls came out but one in particular caught Ash is eyes

Ash:So hot

Has she noticed him and smiles at him before coming back to the entrance(Has the events happen again Sawyer was chosen battle but gets defeated by Valerie)back at Ash and Sara room

Ash:My arceus you look sexy please tell me they let you keep it
Sara:Don't worry babe they did so with what you saw do you thing you can beat her
Ash:She's strong I'll give her that but let's see how strong can she be when she's at a disadvantage

Has the day went by normal and a new day cane has Ash goes to the gym he opens the doors

FG:With been expecting you
Ash:Ket ya start

Has they to the battle field has then Valerie appears

Valeria:Welcome Ash
Ash:Hello Valorie are you ready
Valerie:Sure I'm so let's us begin
Ref:Alright the battle between Gym leader Valerie and Ash the challenger will now Begin this will be a one on one Pokémon battle trainers send in your Pokémon
Valerie:Sylveon come here

Ash:Has much has I would want for both are Sylveon's to battle she's still shy
Valerie:Oh poor her
Ash:But that doesn't mean I'll give up Lucario I choose you

FG4:Battle begin
Ash:Lucario use Metal claw
Valerie:Don't let it come use Disarming voice

Has Sylveon unleashed her attack Lucario fall to her knees with the sudden attack

Ash:Lucario use Aura and block your heirs and focus on your surroundings and charge with metal claw

Has she closes her eyes she looks for Sylveon after she found her with Aura she charged at Sylveon

Valerie:Sylveon dodge it

Has she stoped Lucario opened her eyes has she slash at her landing the second attempt has the first one Sylveon dodge

Valerie:Now use Fairy wind
Ash:Counter it with Force palm

Has Lucario collide her force palm right at the moment sylveon was launching her fairy wind the affect being both Pokémon were punch back

Ash:You okay
Lucario:Yes I'm fine ti this is nothing
Valerie:Syl Syl(Sylveon are you okay can you keep going)
Sylveon:Syl(Yes I'm okay)

Has both Pokémon got back into the battle field

Valeria:Now use Moon blast
Ash:Counter it with Aura sphere with one hand and fire the other one

Sylveon fires a moon blast has with one hand Lucario fires her aura sphere has she created another one

Ash:Now fires the other one
Valerie:Use Fairy wind to counter it

Has the wind was able to push it aside

Valerie:Now gigaimpact
Ash:Dragon pulse

This left everyone confused has the attacks collided but then has g thy es dust settled Sylveon was on the floor has faint and Lucario was standing over her

Valerie:But I don't understand Dragon pi Luke shouldn't have done this
Ash:Because the dragon pulse was to make the smoke and then strike with metal claw
FG4:Then with that Sylveon is unable to battle the winner is Ash

After he was handed the badge and wave good bye at the Fairy type gym leader the next day he battled Sawyer meeting three of his Pokémon Began, Swellow and Grovile has Ash Sceptile meets a new rival after that Ash and Sara left but before they go to another gym there a showcase nearby and Ash and Sara went there

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