Chapter four

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Has the next day came for are heroes after Ash defeated Valerie in Laverre City and meet his new rival Sawyer who is from hoenn later on in the story Ash and Sara went to Sara third showcase which shows that if she won she would have already all three princesses keys sadly she lost to girl name Lilly sadness stroke her but with the kind words of her boyfriend Ash(and maybe some sexuality)she got back ready to continue her training to get the last key on but some where else

???:I'm finally here kalos this gonna be great right pikachu
Pikachu:Pika(Yeah I cant wait to win)
???:To bad May and the others couldn't come and see me win this hole thing
Pikachu:Pika(Yeah but with the Pokémon that agreed with us and me this hole thing is gonna be easy
???:You got that right heard luminous has a gym leader let's go
???:And the giant tower

Has the ran there has he arrived

Computer:Hello and welcome to the luminous gym what is your name and region
???: My name is Max Max Maple

Has we go back to are Hero and his mate who restated their a tree and Sara was on Ash's lap has then

Sara:Whats wrong
Ash:I feel like my worse nightmares are happening
Sara:Like what
Ash:Don't know but I'll just forget it from now on let's go

Has was walking to get his hat until ones he pick it up there was a small green creature Ash grab it

???:Let go of me human
Ash:Who said that
???:What your holding

Has he look at the creature who showed him a serious face

???:Yes and can you put me down now

Has Ash did that he put him down on a big rock

Ash:So who are you
???:You two first
Sara:A okay I'm Sara Lee
Ash:And I'm Ash Ketchum
???:Wait Ash Ketchum the Ash Ketchum
???:Oh thank Arceus I found you
Ash:Why were you looking for me and who are you to be exact
Sara:Yeah the Pokedex is not saying nothing about him
???:Oh right forgive me I I'm one of the legendary Pokémon of this great region the protector of Kalos region I I'm the order Pokémon I I'm Zygared
Ash:Wait let me try

Has Ash grabs his Nanodex he types in the name and find the info

Ash:Is this you

Has he shows him the image

Zygarde:Yes that is me
Sara:But your so small
Ash:If there one thing I learned on my journey about legendaries is that never underestimate them even if they are small
Zygared:That's right
Ash:But why were you looking for me
Zygared:You see chosen one
Sara:Chosen one
Ash:It's complicated
Sara:Well can you explain
Ash:You see the legendary Pokémon I have save them many times and seen I was born and I was a kid of pure heart who cared a lot about Pokémon Arceus named his chosen one or it's just plot armor
Sara:Plot what now
Ash:Nothing so continue
Zygared:Yes so you see me and my brother have been send to get you and protect you seen it seems a danger to Kalis is coming and you are in the middle of this crisis
Ash:Did Arceus tell you exactly what would happen
Zygared:But he showed me and my brother who I think is still looking for you what will happen
Ash:And your brother
Zygared:stay here I'll contact him

Has on the other side we see Zygared two(But lets just call him Z-2)

Zygared:Brother do you read me
Z-2:Load and clear so what happened
Zygared:I found the chosen one and I have already told him
Z-2:Finally wow this guy hard to find
Zygared:I'll say
Z-2:Where could go to meet you guys
Zygarde:Give me a sec............................we heading to Anistar city
Z-2:Then I'll make way there
Zygared:Be careful don't forget does scum are after us
Z-2:Don't worry I'll make there

Has they finish

Ash:So Zygared is your brother coming to us
Zygared:Yes he'll meet us there
Ash:The let's go
Zygared:Mind if I borrow your shoulder I have been hoping around looking for you for some time
Ash:I'm not bothered get on

Has Zygared gets on his shoulder are heroes walk for awhile until they arrive at small town they went to the Pokémon center has Ash went to heal his Pokémon Sara was sitting with Glaceon

Sara:I should check if there's anything new for the showcase
Glaceon:Glace(Yeah we don't want to miss anything don't want to do what happened last time)

Has they head(Has to what it look like a tablet)has she activated it she look around to see there was something new has she opens it Ash comes by(And the same thing happens has they get invited to the party but Sara doesn't blush seen she and Ash are a thing)

Ash:So your going right
Sara:Of course and I already have a date
Zygared:What we can waste are time in silly parties we need to go Anistar city has fast has we can
Ash:Zygared did you brother tell you where he is
Zygared:Yes he's on luminous city
Ash:Do you know how far is that
Zygared:Wait then how the heck did you guys travel
Sara:We go flying with his charizard
Zygared:Well that explain things but I see your point fine I'll allow this
Sara:The Pokemon also need a date who do you say should go with Glaceon
Ash:How about Buizel they have been together a lot
Sara:Seem like and I idea

Has Ash take out his water type Buizel

Buizel:Bui(Whats up)
Sara:Buizel you see I was invited to party for the performers and I'm bring Ash has my date but you see the Pokémon need a date too so would you do kind to be Glaceon date

With that glaceon nuzzled and gave Buizel a puppy face making him blush

Ash:Great then let's go

Has they head to the castle has they arrive

???:Sara Ash!!

Both look behind them to see Concette

Sara:Oh hey Concette
Concette:Hi Sara and Ash so you came here too
Sara:Well we are pair of lovebirds so I would have pass this
Ash:Neither would I so Concette who did you bring you couldn't have come alone
???:I'm with her

Has Ash and Sara look to see her date

Ash:And you are
???:John nice to meet you Sara Lee and Ash Ketchum
Sara:She told you are names didn't she
Concette:What I had too if not he would have forgotten
Sara:Why you say that
John:I have terrible memory so I tell people to tell me thing sooner than later
Ash:Well that makes seem well let's head in sign up

Has they go inside and got sign up they were given cards that the people say is for a special event has they also got rooms to stay for the night and after that they got the clothes(Ash looking like in the series) has the boys waited for there dates

Ash:This place looks nice
John:Yeah it's nice no wonder the man lives here or is this Kalos queen castle
Ash:It could be I mean it is a castle

Has both boys look behind them to see

Ash:Sawyer what the heck are you doing here
Sawyer:well a friend of my called me to be her date so I cane here to give her company
John:So you got lucky too
Ash:Right Sawyer this John John this Sawyer
John:Nice to meet you
???:We back

Has Ash and John look to there right and what they saw made there faces go red has tomatoes

Sara:Why thank you
John:I have no words
???:Sawyer I'm back

Has they sans thing happens

Clarice:So how I look
Sawyer:You look beautiful

Has they party was fun Ash and boys dance with there dates and the other girls,Buizel and Glaceon had there fun and has for Zygared he was resting in the room after the party ended and they had a battle which was Ash and a girl named Elma vs John and Clarice has the day ended and morning rise and Ash and Sara say good bye to there friends has they hop on Charizard and fly away has days pass and Ash and Sara had there love moments they finally arrive to Anistar city has the first thing they do his go see the sundial

Sara:It looks beautiful
???:Sableye use Shadow ball
Ash:Sara get down

Has Ash pushed him and Sara out of the way of the blast Zygared got ready for battle transforming into its 10% form

Ash:The F^*##^ are you doing
???:I'm stoping you
Ash:Why I haven't done anything
???:Your lying to protect the future of Kalos I will destroyer you Sableye use sha.!

Has the girl and Sableye are being move up by psychic

Carrie:Miss Olympia
???:Carrie what are you doing why are you attacking this guy
Carrie:because miss Olympia vision of the future said he would bring destruction Charlene
Olympia:You poor child I said he be in the destruction not the cause of it
Charlene:Now say your sorry
Carrie:I'm sorry for attacking you
Ash:Calm down Zygared there not here to attack but got question are you the gym leader here
Olympia:Yes and I have been expecting you Ash Ketchum
Ash:Thought so you psychic user always know when I'll come
Olympia:I presume you are here to challenge me
Ash:Yes could we battle now and don't worry I know about what's coming this guy here told me
Olympia:Zygared you are aren't you
Zygared:Yes I'm the kids guardian
Olympia:Alright then let us go to the gym so are Battle may begin
Ash:Okay I'll reach the gym you people go
Olympia:I'll be waiting

Has they leave

Ash:Are you okay
Sara:Yeah I'm fine this normally what happens to us anyways

Has they back up they go to the gym has they arrive the go in to see

Sara:This place is much more bigger from the inside then out
Ash:Yeah what the heck
Olympia:Indeed this how I work so are you ready Ash
Ash:I was born for this Olympia and being psychic and all you should know this

Has she giggle to his answer Sara goes to the stands

Charlene:Alright the battle between gym leader Olympia and Ash the challenger will now begin this a double battle and there won't be any substitution
Ash:No substitution then this will be interesting
Charlene:Trainers send in your Pokémon
Olympia: Go my Meowstic's

Ash:Alright Greninja and Sceptile I choose you

Ash:You sensed it didn't you the power me and Greninja have
Olympia:Yes incredible
Ash:The question is will you give trouble that I have to use it
Charlene:Alright Battle begin
Olympia: Meowstic use Helping Hans and future sight
Ash:Greninja double team surround them Sceptile use Quick and move around the group

Has a lot more than five Greninja appear all around the gym leaders battlefield and Pokémon has Sceptile move around in the back of the circle

Meowstic:Use Dark pulse and Psyshock
Ash:Now split Sceptile attack the male Meowstic

Has some dodge or move around dodging the Psyshock has Sceptile in incredible speed makes contact with Make Meowstic but has that happened the future sight happened has the meteors hit sceptile in the back and the destroy the clones and hit Greninja

Ash:You two okay
Sceptile:Scep(Damm that's something)
Greninja:Gre(Yeah we can continue)

Has the two get up

Olympia:Still in the fight I see
Ash:Don't expect us to go down easy
Olympia:Then let's see what you'll do Meowstic use Helping hand and future sight again

Has they repeat the same tectonic

Ash mind:One minute that's how much it was if we can time it right we could either dodge it or counter attack
Olympia mind:His planning something so Ash what will you do

In the stands with Sara and Zygared

Sara:No ones attacking
Zygared:There not attacking because there waiting who will attack first now that Ash has seen her powers he's thinking what he would have to do

Has the moments pass and the future sight appears

Ash:Dodge and attack with Night slash and Leaf blade

Has the two were successfully able to dodge they charged at the pair

Olympia:use Thunderbolt and charge beam
Ash:Dodge it

Has Greninja dodges his he see that Sceptile will get so he blocks the attack with Night slash saving Sceptile but also getting hit and paralyzed in the attempt

Ash:Sceptile give some corner use Leaf Storm

Has he fired his attack the landed at the two sending them back

Ash:Greninja you okay
Greninja:Grenin(Yeah I can still battle this is nothing)
Ash:Retreat back her

Has they go back

Olympia:Now use Helping hand and Future sight

Has the repeat the ability ones again

Ash:Looks like there's no other choice you two ready
Greninja:Nin(It always works together)
Ash:Then together Greninja

Olympia:There it is
Ash:Sceptile let are bond become even stronger and mega evolve

Ash:The real begins

Has in that instant Future sight happened


Has with those word Sceptile and Greninja took one step has they boosted has the future sight missed

Ash:Night slash and Leaf blade
Olympia:Split up to dodge

Has both Pokémon move to opposite directions to then getting cut by Greninja and Sceptile

Ash:Now Water shuriken and leaf tornado

Has both attacks landed there hits both Meowstic feel to the ground and fainted

Charlene:Both Meowstic are unable to battle the winner is Ash Ketchum

Has Ash fist pumps his two Pokémon in the stands

Sara:Yay Ash you won
Zygared:Just what I expect from the chosen one

After Ash returned his Pokémon he was given the badge and warned ones again about the crisis has the wave good bye at the gym leader they go to the Pokémon

Sara:Only one more badge right I'm almost done and we can relax but first you have to win your third key
Sara:Right I think I know just the way to celebrate
Ash:I know it too well then let's go

Has they leave on Shalour with Max

Max:Damm we lost to Korrina hard there and even when we had the advantage we still lost the only Pokémon we needed to beat was lucario which could mega great you lost to that
Pikachu:Pika(Yeah it was hard battle but will recover)
Max:Yeah if it were that weakling he would have done it in his tenth try
Pikachu:Pi pi pi(Hahaha)

Has the two laugh but has they were very wrong with the jokes are hero only need one and he his done.Has the next morning came are two lovebirds site in the table eating there food until a pair of hands block Ash vision

???:Guess who
Ash:That voice is that you Shauna

Has he could see again he turned to see his friend Shauna

Shauna:Hey Ash long time no see
Ash:No kidding oh right I want you to meet someone Shauna this my girlfriend Sara Lee
Shauna:So your the lucky girl nice to meet you Shauna
Sara:Nice to meet you too
Ash:You see I meet Shauna in Professor Sycamore camp so is it just you or are
???:Whats up Ash

Has they turn to see two other guys Tierno and and orange haired kid

Ash:Hey Tierno
Tierno:Good to see you Ash old buddy

Has they dust pump

Ash:And you must be Trevor
Trevor:Right nice to meet you Shauna and Tierno have told me a lot about you
Ash:So Shauna are you competing in the showcase
Shauna:Sure I'm
Sara:Well then let us have a good contest
Shauna:Yeah let's see who's the better one
Sara:I think we know who
Shauna:Oh is that sow
Ash:Alright calm it down I don't want see no cat fight now come on let's go it's about Skimory yone and you two need to register

Has the group goes to the showcase.Sara and Shauna were able to register had it begin both were able to win the knowledge part has then cane the performances both Sara and Shauna caught Ash's interest but we all know who got it more has Sara was able to win her last princess key has she is now able to enter the master class the group celebrated her victory Ash then noticed that Shauna look down

Ash:Are you okay
Ash:Look I'm not much of a wise guy but you may have lost that's true but that just means you'll only have to work on what happened wrong and then make it better next time
Shauna:That would mean
Ash:Don't give up you only need one key that's all and you got one way ticket to master class so think of the good and go with it
Shauna:Thanks Ash
Ash:Your welcome

Has they give each other a friendly hug has they wave good bye Ash and Sara go to there next destination snowbelle city there will be Ash last battle of the gym leaders but before that

Ash:Hey Zygared where's your brother
Zygared:He said was arriving

Has then out of the bushes cane out Z-2

Z-2:I'm.....Her...e oh my arceus
Zygared:What happened to you
Z-2:I have been accidentally disturbing dog like Pokémon all the way here
Zygared:Well good that you arrive now get in the chosen ones Shoulder

Has they did that

Sara:What just happened
Ash:Family stuff lets go

Okay now continuing on has are heroes ari evat SB they buy snow gear so things would get freezing except Ash he didn't want one seen part of his training has that some of his Pokémon resisted the cold so he got not cold feel here has they arrive at the gym it look like a factory has they go to the entrance

Ref:Hello who is this
Ash:My name is Ash Ketchum from Kanto and I have come here to challenge the gym leader
Ref:Oh okay one second

Has the doors began to open has they step in they could both see the gym leader sitting in his ice throne has Sara and the two Z go to the stands

Wulfric:Mhmm oh my challenger has arrive you must be the one Gurkinn spoke of
Ash:So he has told you of me
Wulfric:Yes I can see the fire in you but it looks small and ready to be shot down
Ash:Then do you think you are able to do that
Wulfric:Well I would say I could but with what Gurkinn told me I shouldn't underestimate you so shall we begin

Has both got to the there corners

Ref:Are trainers ready
Wulfric:Let is start
Ref:Alright then battle between Gym leader Wulfric and challenger Ash will now begin this a two on two battle and substitution is allowed now trainers send in your Pokémon
Wulfric:Avolugg lets go

Ash:Braixen I choose you

Ref:Battle begin
Wulfric:Use Avalanche

Has then a cloud appears has tiny particles of snow fell has they touch Braixen they sting her

Ash mind:So that's what it those but that won't stop us-Braizen use Scratch
Wulfric:Avalugg use Crunch

Has she's lips into action both attacks collided with each other but Avalugg seem to be more damage has Braixen pulled back

Ash:Now use Fire blast
Wulfric:Use Double edge

Has the Pokémon blasted him self straight to Braixen lading the hit sending her to the wall

Ash:You okay

Has small pieces land on her and sting

Braixen:Brai(Yes I'm fine I can go on)
Ash:Okay then go with Fire blast again

Has there battle progressed Braixen got hits but Avalugg hit harder has at the end Braixen was weakened

Wulfric:Now use Gyro ball

Has he began to spin he charge at her

Ash:Use psychic to stop it and send it back

Has she was able to stop it she with full force push it back sending it to the wall

Ash:Now Fire blast
Wulfric:I'm ice has not melted yet use double edge

Has both attacks collided only that it was fire last that landed the hit better has Avalugg has faint

Ref:Avalugg is unable to battle Wulfric bring out your next Pokémon
Ash:You okay
Braixen:Brai...xen(Yeah just......very very tired and need of rest)
Ash:Alright return and rest you deserve

Has they both bring back there Pokémon

Wulfric:I did not expect that your fire is strong boy
Ash:Thanks but it's not extinguished yet is it
Wulfric:No it seem it has not
Ash:Shall we continue
Wulfric:Yes let us okay Abamasbow show him your ice

Ash:My turn Infernape I choose you

Ref:Battle begin
Wulfric:Abamasnow use Earthquake
Ash:Counter it with Mach punch

Has both Pokémon collide there attacks has

Ash:Now close combat kick him with your left leg

Has with that Infernape kick him in the face and then pushing with both legs

Wulfric:Now use ice shard
Ash:Dodge them

Has he showed some acrobatic skills dodging the in coming attacks

Wulfric:Now wood hammer

Has he extended the attack that aim straight at Infernape landing the hit

Infernape:In..fer(I'm fine dang that was a strong hit this actually gonna be fun)
Ash:don't start getting cocky on me buddy there still a battle head of us

Has he gets back up

Wulfric:Still burning good then let's continue use Ice shard
Ash:Burn them with flamethrower

Has he burned all of them with the flamethrower

Ash:Now use Mach punch
Wulfric:Counter it with Wood Hammer

Has both Pokémon clash there attacks has they had a stand off

Ash:Use the other arm

Has Abanasnow had the same idea and both arms of both Pokémon were on a stand still one will fall

Wulfric:Ice beam
Ash:No you don't Close combat both legs kick him in the face

Has with that both Pokémon were separated from each other

Wulfric:Rhos battle has been interesting Ash I will say that but is time I finish your spark Abamasnow mega evolve

Ash:We are not out yet right Infernape
Infernape:Infernape(That's right it takes more than this to take us out)
Wulfric:Than May we continue Abamasnow ice shard

At first he fired 10 has Mega he fired 20 has they split to attack from all directions has Infernape destroyed 12 the others were able to hit him has the dust settled Infernape saw Abamasnow charging up and attack

Wulfric:Now ice beam
Ash:Infernape Dodge it

Has it was too late and Infernape was freeze solid

Wulfric:It seems that the flame has extinguished
Ash:Is that what you think

Has the ice crack

Ash:This battle not over Wulfric my Fire hasn't been shorting down it's been holding back I'm gonna set it free Infernape!!

Has Infernape broke out and with a red aura around him

Ash:Unleash your

Wulfric mind:This boy
Ash:Let's end this use Flare Blintz
Wulfric:Ice beam full power

Has Infernape just burn through the ice beam landing g it's attack has the dust settle Abamasnow has faint

Ref:Abamasnow is unable to battle the winner is Ash

Has Infernape was about to fall Ash catch him and smiled

Ash:You did it
Infernape:Infer(No we did it together)

Has Ash was given the badge

Wulfric:So Ash what will you do now
Ash:Well the league is month later so I got time to relax and train but someone here has a master class to go too
Wulfric:Well I wish you the best of luck young girl

Has they wave good bye and leave

Ash:So do we know where it will be
Sara:Yeah but let's go relax first

Has they arrive to there room Ash sites in the chair has Sara then sites i the position I front of him

Sara:Wanna go wild
Ash:Arceus yes

Has they began to kiss

(Warning warning lemon scene warning)
Has they did there kissing both move there hands to different places Ash left hand move to her tits pinching them he was has Sara made a hole in his pants and started to stroke his dick has they did that the milk in Sara's tits came and so did Ash semen after that Sara went to change to her performers clothiers has she cane back they continued has then Ash place in his dick in her vagina has they began there wild one

Sara:Ah ah aha keep going Ash I'm loving every second of this
Ash:So I'm I

Has they continued the night
(Lemon scene end)

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