Special chapter:Ash vs the Sinnoh battle frontier

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It's been four weeks seen are hero defeated Wulfric has the time pass he trained but then focus on helping his girlfriend Sara on anything she need after the master class she was able to get to semi finals defeat she was and sad but with the wise words of her boyfriend and friend she got back up has the league was next month are heroes are in Luminous City has they site in the table out side the caf Sara noticed that Ash look down

Sara:Babe is there something wrong
Ash:Yeah I had felt a little bored this pass few days I mean I know my Pokémon are in there prime by I feel like a need a test
Ash:I battled many gym leaders and trainers but I feel like to truly know that I'm ready I need to face something strong a test Gym leaders I already battled people like Gurkinn,Olympia and Wulfric who will I say did give me trouble
Sara:In the others
Ash:Not to be rude not that hard but I'll deal with that later if only there was something I know but don't see it yet

Has they over heard a conversation

Person1:Hey you want to have a battle
Person2:Yeah let's battle

In a another group

Person3:did you heard
Person3:In Hoenn there having a frontier against the gym leader of the normal types
Person4:A Frontier

Back with Ash

Ash mind:Battle and Frontier mhmm wait-That's it
Ash:The Battle Frontier
Sara:Oh Battle Frontier what's a battle Frontier
Ash:Well is basically a secret organization where you battle different people called frontier brains if you beat them you get what they call symbols there almost like gym leaders but much more stronger
Sara:Wait did you say you already conquered
Ash:Yeah but I just remembered something I need to make a call
Sara:Can we first finish are breakfast
Ash:Yeah sure

Has they finish Ash grab his phone and made a call

???:Hello who is this
Ash:Well hello Scott long time no heir
Ash:Yeah it's me what's old friend
Scott:Nothing much doing great and you
Ash:I'm great I'm in the Kalos region right now
Scott:Really are you challenging the gyms
Ash:I already finished that
Scott:Wo really even before the league that's a new record
Scott:So why you call have you finally considered my offer are you gonna be a frontier brain
Ash:Sorry to lower your excitement but I'm not calling for that
Scott:Oh that sad the others from Hoenn really expect you to be one
Ash:well they'll have to wait a little hey do you Palmer
Scott:Wait Palmer you know who's Palmer
Ash:Yeah meet him in my sinnoh adventure and found out that Sinnoh had a Battle Frontier
Scott:Oh what you planning you want to be a frontier brain there
Ash:Still no well I presume you know what happened right
Scott:Yeah those bastards how could they betray you
Ash :Yeah well that's the very reason I'm in Kalos to proof them wrong and winning this league but I'm a bit distrusted with my skill now and I was hoping I could challenge Sinnoh Frontier brains
Scott:Really I'll say compare to the ones in Hoenn this guys are more skilled they maybe only five but there not to be mess with
Ash:Makes it more fun
Scott:Okay I'll talk to them to see if there free for your arrival and I'll text you
Ash:Okay thank Scott
Scott:No prob man

Has they finish the call

Sara:So what he say
Ash:He'll talk to the brains and ask if there ready for me so for now let's go back to the room I think we did enough stretching

Has back with Scott who was in a video call had the people appear

???:Is there a reason Scott
Scott:Argenta,Thorton,Darach,Dahlia and Palmer how have you been
Dahlia:Well doing fine thank for asking but we been a bit boring without haven't to battle someone strong
Argenta:Yeah Scott when are you gonna send a worthy one
Scott:Right now

Has all the brains look at Scott

Scott:It seems I have your attention
Thorton:You could say that
Scott:I found a worthy opponent and someone you might know Palmer
Palmer:Really who
Scott:His the guy that was the first trainer to beat Brandon
Darach:This seems interesting what's his name
Scott:Ash Ketchum

Has then the brains look at Palmer seeing if he remembers the name

Palmer:Ash really that kid gonna challenge us
Scott:His not a kid anymore his a man
Palmer:It has been awhile seen my battle with him it's been the first time Rhyperior had and opponent
Scott:So what do you people say
Palmer:That's okay with me I been wanting to battle him again
Darach:I wish to make use of my Pokémon if that is possible
Dahlia:Sound fun I'm in
Argenta:He sounds strong
Thorton:Well I got nothing else to do
Scott:Great well then I'll see you all tomorrow

Has he ended the call he texted ash has back with Ash he was having some business with his girlfriend has his phone move they stop he picks it up has he see that it says "come by tomorrow" had the rights back


Has he texted back he put his phone aside

Sara:Wa that the guy Scott
Ash:Yeah looks like they accepted my challenge tomorrow we can go there but first let's finish this
Sara:Yes please

Has that continued;The next day came by Ash and Sara pack there things and headed to the airport has they go to the plan Ash noticed a group up headed

???:I hope Max didn't lose himself out there
???:Don't worry May I'm sure he's still in Laverre city
???:I heard him say that he was winning but I'm sure he lost in mostly all of them
???:But yeah that's Max for you

Has they laugh Ash and Sara just pass them has they got in the plan and fly to Sinnoh along the way Sara slept on his shoulder after hours of flying are heroes arrive to Sinnoh has they were in the front of the airport Leafeon and Glaceon came out of there Pokeballs

Ash:Oh right Glaceon and Leafeon were originally located in the Sinnoh region so kinda like there home
Sara:Oh so are you happy to be home

Had the two nod happily

Sara:So Ash where is this Scott guy
???:Right here!

Has they all look to there left they see Scott with his car has they approached the guy Scott give Ash a hug

Scott:Good to see you bud
Ash:You too so are they ready
Scott:Yeah specially Palmer
Ash:Then let's not keep them waiting

Has they all get in the car on the round

Ash:So what I'm I expecting this time
Scott:What you mean
Ash:Well last time I battle and inventor,a material artist,a fashionista,a sexy woman, a monk,psychic girl and explorer what is it this time
Scott:Oh well I don't no how to say about Argenta but Thorton's a techno man,Darach a butler,Dahlia a fun girl and Palmer a very hyper man with a sense of battle
Ash:Okay so I now like them better than Hoenn
Scott:Well this time remember how Brandon had legendary Pokémon
Scott:So three of this have Legendary
Ash:Okay now I'm more hip than ever can wait to challenge them
Scott:I wonder how you'll do

Has they arrive to the place Ash and Sara pass through the gates

Sara:What is this place and why is it so cool
Scott:Welcome to the HQ of the battle Frontier of Sinnoh

Ash:Sow they live together
Scott:Yes on like Hoenn's frontier brains this guys are like a family they stick together only one move out here and is no a elite four your battles will be tomorrow first so you do t sleep out go to the battle tower an get settled in for tomorrow you'll begin

Has they get to the battle tower Ash and Sara got there room has they got to there room

Sara:Wow this place looks cool
Scott:Okay Good night you two
Ash/Sara:Good night

Has he closes the door

Ash:Okay you too can come out

Has out of Ash bag pack comes out both Zygared's

Z-2:So what is this again
Ash:Battle Frontier here I will battle trainers that are has strong or maybe even stronger than champions here I'll see if I'm truly ready for the league
Zygared:Seems like a truly great thing let's see if you are truly ready

Has they all head to sleep has the next day cane Ash and Sara had there breakfast has they headed out from the left side Palmer appears

Ash:Oh hey Palmer good morning
Palmer:Ash Good to see you young one so are you ready to begin
Ash:Of course
Palmer:Well then I'll see you here I got some things to do

Has they go outside they go to the middle has they also look around to see a lot of people they were arriving has they see Scott talking to a female figure

Ash:Morning Scott
Scott:Morning Ash and Sara oh I would like you to meet
Sara:Your Caitlin one of the most beautiful woman in the world and member of the Unova elite four
Scott:I see your girlfriends a fan girl
Caitlin:I like the compliment and yes I I'm Caitlin nice to meet you
Ash:You too so what brings you here
Caitlin:Well you see I grew up here Sinnoh actually my home region I was apart of the battle Frontier until I decided to go to the elite four
Ash:Oh okay
Caitlin:So are you beginning now Ash
Ash:Yeah so Scott who's my first opponent

Has he pointed at the first place

Scott:The battle Hall there you'll battle Argenta
Ash:Then I'll see you around Caitlin
Sara:Hey Ash you don't mind if I hag around Caitlin do you for awhile
Ash:Sure I'll see you Kate babe

Has they give each other a lip kiss before splitting has Ash arrive to the the battle hall he gets in has he see two doors one that says challenger and Spectator has he go through the challenger one has he eyes wider to see so many people has he walk forward to the battlefield

Ref:Hey young man are you the challenger Ash Ketchum
Ash:That's me
Ref:Get on the battlefield the brain will appear soon
Ash:You got it

Has he goes to the left side of the battlefield

Ref:Sir he's here

Talk to his communicator on the other line in Argenta office

Argenta:Alright I'll be there

Has he looks arc the cameras looking at ash

Argenta:His one handsome man I'll give him to bad he already has a girlfriend so would have let that kid F*%^^* all day but looks like I'm never lucky all the handsome ones that battle me are already taken we then let's go and meet him

Has she leaves the room back with Ash

Ash mind:I will say this actually a bit better than Hoenn hope I never say that in front of Brandon
Announcer:Alright everyone is time for the battle so start cheering because here she comes

Has the people start screaming for cheers

Announcer:I give you your battle Hall Frontier Brain the one and only Argenta!!!!

Has the middle door opens and she comes out

The people cheer load has she comes to the battlefield she goes to the right side

Argenta:So you must be Ash
Argenta:I've heard a lot about you from Scott now let see how strong you really are

(oh one thing we don't know exactly what Pokémon Argenta has the only Cannon part that was found is that she has a Dragonite but with some goggle search I found that she use Pokémon that can match the trainer Pokémon so don't ask me questions of why she has a specific Pokémon)

Announcer:alright everyone the battle is about to start between are frontier brain Argenta and the challenger Ash will now begin this is a one on one battle trainers send in your Pokémon
Argenta:You first
Ash:Sure Sylveon I choose you

Has the eevolution fairy type Pokemon appears on the battlefield

Argenta:A Fairy type strong agaist dragon type then I'll use Froslass show him how we do it

Has the ice/ghost type enter the battlefield

Announcer:Battle begin
Argenta:Use mist and double team

Has the surrounding area starts getting foggy making sylveon vision dark has she also see different shadows around her

Ash:tsk so you fall back on cheap magic trick trying to disappear yet you don't know how to be truly invisible Sylveon Fairy full strength blow it all away

(Bane quote Death battle:Bane vs Venom)

And with Sylveon unleashed here must powerful fairy wind blowing all the most and the clones has they spotted the real one

Ash:Now moon blast
Argenta:Use Shadow Ball

Has both attacks collided with each other

Argenta:You are strong I would say even stronger
Ash:Thanks for the compliment but shall we continue
Argenta:Yes use Ice crash
Ash:Dodge them and use Swift

Has ice spike appear Sylveon dishes them smoothly has she fired a barrage of starts

Argenta:Dodge them

Has she dodge three but the other two landed the hit

Argenta:Froslass are you okay
Froslass:Fros(Yes I can continue)

Has with Ash and Sylveon she look around to see so many people has she starts to feel nervous

Sylveon:Syl(There so many people here)
Ash:Don't lose your focus forget them focus on your opponent Sylveon

Has she gains her confidence again

Argenta:Are battle continues I see
Ash:What you thought we be defeat easily how will I keep my reputation if I lose here
Argenta:Fare point then let us continue Froslass ice fang
Ash:Block it with Protect

Has the protective shield stops the attack

Ash:Now push it back with Fairy wind and finish it with Moon blast

Has with that Froslass was push away and Sylveon fires her attack landing the hit has Froslass has faint

Ref:Froslass is unable to battle the winner is Ash Ketchum

Has Ash was petting his Pokémon Argenta returned her Pokémon and headed to Ash

Argenta:That was the most exciting battle I had ever had Ash has for your victory here's the idol symbol

Ash takes the symbol and shakes hand with the frontier brain has he leaves outside the Hall he gets hug from behind

Ash:So how was the conversation with Caitlin Sara
Sara:Won't lie she's very nice and sleepy but at least I got to see your battle and it look nice
Sara:So where to now the day still on and you only fought one of five
Ash:I thought I challenge the one over there

Has he points at a big building

Sara:The battle Factory
Ash:I see you know the name
Sara:Yeah the one in is the battle Hall,where we sleep is the battle tower,the one your going is the battle factory,that ones the battle arcade and lastly Caitlin home the battle castle
Ash:Then to the factory we go

Has the walk to the next area admiring the scenery has they arrive to the place the step right in

???:are you Ash
Ash are you the frontier brain
???:That I I'm call me thorton

Has they shake hands they go to the battlefield

Ref:Alright the battle between frontier brain Thorton and the challenger Ash will now begin this is a two on two battle substitution is allowed now trainers send in your Pokémon
Thorton:Ursaring let's show him are power

Has the normal type enters the battlefield

Ash:I know who choose Goodra time for battle

Has the slime dragon type enters the battle field

Ref:Battle begin
Thorton:Ursaring use Focus punch
Ash:Freeze him with Ice beam
Thorton:Change tactics dodge

Has he quickly dodges the ice beam charging again with Focus punch

Ash:Use vide

Has he lands the hit and pushes Goodra back

Thorton:Focus Punch again and keep it up
Ash: Just hold on

Has Goodra gets hit 5 times by the focus punch charging up Vide

Thorton:Now earthquake
Ash:Now fire

Has he point blank blasted Ursaring to the other side of the battlefield but he's not yet

Thorton:You okay
Ursaring:Ur(Yeah I'm fine)
Ash:Doing okay there Goodra
Goodra:Go(Yeah I'm fine)

Has both Pokémon grin at each other

Ash:It seems are Pokémon have become rivals
Thorton:It seem so well let's have fun use Hyper beam
Ash:Counter is with Dragon pulse

Has both attacks collided with each

Thorton:Go forward with earthquake
Ash:Stop him in his tracks ice beam aim for the legs

Has then Ursaring legs were freeze solid

Ash:Now Dragon pulse
Thorton:don't stop use hidden power

Has both fired powerful blasted neither side holding back

Ash:Now time go push and give it your all
Thorton:Let's not disappoint full power now

Has both increased the power but Goodra had more has it push through lading the hit has the dust settled Ursaring has faint

Ref:Ursaring his unable to battle Frontier brain Thorton send in your next Pokémon
Thorton:Okay I got it
Ash:Take rest now my friend you deserve

Has both trainers returned there Pokémon

Thorton:Then it seems your winning Ash
Ash:Don't tell me your baking down already
Thorton:A normal trainer would but us frontier brains are not normal trainers go Ledian

Has the bug and flying type enters the battlefield

Ash:Cool my turn Meowstic I choose you

Has the psychic cat of Kalos enters the battlefield

Ref:Battle begin
Ash:Let's start it off use Psyshock
Thorton:Use agility to dodge them and then attack with Focus punch

Has Leadian move around and then he started to charge at Meowstic

Ash:Use protect

Has the attack was block but then from behind he gets hit by the Psyshock

Ash:Works every time
Meowstic:Meow(Yeah it does)
Thorton:Leadian you okay buddy

Has the Pokémon nud

Thorton:Then use Super Sonic
Ash:Oh come on!

Has the attacks start hurting Meowstic heir and Ash's

Thorton:Now use Focus punch

Has with that he landed the hit sending Meowstic back

Ash:You okay Meowstic

Has the Pokémon nodded and got back up to the battle

Thorton:Still uh then let us continue use Agility use again

Has he start moving around like crazy

Ash:Close your eyes sense it out and then grab him with psychic

Has Ledian just keep Flying arrogant like a bug around Meowstic which is in eyes close

Thorton:Now use focus punch
Ash:Catch him

Has Ledian was about to land the hit he gets caught by psychic which Meowstic opens her eyes and smirk at the Pokémon to then Ledian getting slam to the ground

Ash:Now use Thunder bolt

Has with that attack lands and hits Ledian has faint

Ref:Ledian is unable to battle the winner is Ash Ketchum
Thorton:He's strong thanking you Ledian rest
Ash:You did good

Has Ash petted his female Pokémon has Thorton approached him

Thorton:Here the wisdom symbol
Ash:Thanks man

Has he grabs the symbol

Thorton:Well good luck or something with the others

Has he reunited with his love

Ash:So how I do
Sara:Great has aways Goodra and Meowstic were amazing
Meowstic:Meow(Thank you Sara)
Ash:Well with the time I got one more frontier brainI could battle today
Sara:I was thinking you should may be Darach Caitlin butler but is your choice not mine
Ash:Actually not bad I'll go there

Has they go holding hands to the last of today has they arrive to the battle castle they go in to be greeted

???:Hello there and welcome to the battle castle how may I help you
Ash:My name is Ash Ketchum and I'm here to challenge the frontier brain
???:Oh so your my challenger
Sara:Than that would make you Darach

Darach:Indeed I I'm miss Sara Lee so Ash are you ready
Darach then follow me

Has they go with him they find themselves in the battlefield in the higher site is Caitlin

Caitlin:Oh Ash Sara your finally here
Sara:Oh hey Caitlin are you gonna be the ref
Caitlin:Sure I'm so how about you join me here

Sara Look at Ash and he nod that it's okay has she gave him a kiss she went to her has then the two boys pick there side

Darach:I should warn you that I I'm very strong
Ash:That just make it more fun to battle you
Caitlin:Alright the battle between Frontier brain Darach and Ash the challenger will now begin this a three on three battle now trainers send in your Pokémon
Darach:Empoleon let us give a show to mistress Caitlin

Has the water and steel type Pokémon enters the battlefield

Ash:Hawlucha I choose you

Has the fighting and Flying Pokémon enters the battlefield and start doing his posses

Darach:What interesting Pokémon you have there Ash
Ash:Well Hawlucha is ready for battle what about you and Empoleon
Darach:Don't underestimate us we are always ready
Caitlin:Alright then battle begin
Ash:Hawlucha charge up with swords dance

Has with that he powered up his abilities

Darach:Empoleon:Use Hydro pump
Ash:Dodge it and use High jump kick

Has he side dodge to the right and charge with its attack landing it sending empoleon back a few steps

Ash:Now use Karate shop
Darach:Counter it with Earthquake

Has both Pokémon clash there attacks deciding to use there other arm they clashed them until they split

Darach:Now use Flash Cannon
Ash:Dodge it and attack with Flying press

Has he was able to dodge the flash cannon he charge with Flying press lading the hit sending empoleon back but not defeated

Darach:Interesting well then use Drill peck
Ash:Counter it with Karate shop

Has they did that but Empileon has more force and pushed away Hawlucha hand landing his hit sending it back

Ash:Hawlucha you okay
Hawlucha:Haw(Yes this is nothing)

Has he gets back up the battles continued Hawlucha and Empoleon battles strong and brave but at the end it was a draw and both took each other out with Flying press and Drill pick has there next Pokémon entered the battle that being Lucario and Gallade both match the fist and kick with clothes combat,clash there stack with metal claw and leaf blade and collided there blast with Psycho cut and Aura sphere has then Gallade was able to defeat Lucario to then getting destroyed by charizard

Caitlin:Gallade is unable to battle Darach send in your last Pokémon
Darach:Return Gallade you did excellent

Has he returns his Pokémon has Darach attention turned to the boy petting his dragon

Darach mind:That fire sparks like the sun then let's match his with mine-Now Ash I'll give you a great battle
Ash:Bring it Darach I'm ready
Darach:We shall see let's go Entei

Has one of the trio of Pokémon Entei the fire type enters the battle

Ash:Entei incredible

Has Charizard roared

Ash:Your excited aren't you

The Pokémon nodded

Ash:Then has he gives his all let's give the same ready

He nod again

Ash:Then charizard let are bond become even stronger and mega evolve

Has the Pokémon transforms into its Mega form becoming fire,Flying and dragon

Darach:Fascinating so this is mega evolution it looks amazing
Ash:It is isn't now let's see who's Fire is better

(In this form Charizard is able to use more than four or six attacks in his arsenal)

Darach:Entei use Fire blast
Ash:Show him your fire blast

Has both collided with each making and explosives smoked screen has Entei look around trying to find charizard but he only see shadows that appear randomly

Ash:Dragon tail
Darach:Dodge it

Has Entei was to dodge almost getting hit has Charizard disappears

Darach:Entei use Calm mind

Has he calms his mind and increases his senses

Ash:Flame charge
Darach:Dodge it and use Shadow ball

Has Charizard charge Entei dodge to the left and fires his attack lading the hit has then he roared load making the smoke blow away has Charizard then comes charging at him with dragon rush landing the hit sending him back

Ash:Always keep eyes on target now use Wing attack and drag him
Darach:Use Hyper beam

Has Charizard spin roll around the blast landing his hit taking Entei high up has the reach the roof

Ash:Now Seismictoss

Has Charizard grabs the lion he comes charging to the ground to then tossing Entei to the ground has he crashed to the ground has fainted

Caitlin:Entei is unable to battle the winner is Ash

After Ash was given the honor symbol Ash and Sara left the castle seeing has it was getting dark they head back to the room has they got there Sara tackles Ash to the bed

Sara:For battling so great today how about we reward you
Ash:I like that

Has they began to kiss

(Warning warning lemon scene warning)
Has they got the wild kiss they began to take off there clothes has they were fully naked Ash dick getting hard and Sara tits getting hard and here vagina getting wet has they continued Ash change to start sucking her tits and will that he puts his dick in her has they go all out

Sara:Keep going don't stop
Ash:I'm not stoping I'm increasing

Has they changed position to one(That I will not say names I only describe whate happens) has she on backwards on top of him has he continued sucking her tits his dick goes in and out of her vagina

Sara:Ah ah aha that's it Ash keep sucking my milk

Has they continued the entire night doing this)
Has the next day came Ash wakes up to see by his side his naked girlfriend has she also wakes up seeing her naked boyfriend has they smile at each other

Sara:Morning Ash
Ash:Morning do you think we over did it
Sara:yeah that's why I like it with
Ash:Same okay let's get dressed and eat breakfast

Has they did that Ash and Sara left the tower

Ash:Okay time for my last battles seen I'm battling Palmer at the end then I'll go to the battle Arcade
Sara:then let's go

Has they head there inside they see many people having fun and hanging out with others has they also spotted a private room there they see clear that is a place that specific place is porn area has he reach the doors of the battlefield has he gets in he see the people dancing

Ref:Excuse me are you the challenger
Ash:Yes Ash I'm here to challenge the brain
Ref:One second please

Has the ref goes to crowded area there

Person1:Dahlia your amazing

Dahlia:Thank you
Person2:Miss Dahlia May I have your autograph
Person3:Miss Dahlia you are the best frontier brain
Dahlia:Oh you flatter me
Ref:Your challenger is here

Has she looks at the entrance we're Ash and Sara was she gets out of the crowd and goes to the pair

Dahlia:So you must be Ash the guy who's already won the battle frontier and has defeat three of us
Ash:That's me and you are in my way and I need to win this
Dahlia:Such confidence let's see how well you'll do

Has they go to the battlefield

Dahlia:Alright then let us begin
Ref:the battle between the frontier brain Dahlia and the challenger Ash will now begin this a four on four battle substitution is allowed alright then trainers send in your Pokémon
Dahlia:Scott no holding back against you then I'll use my best three go my cute Togekiss

Has the fighting and psychic enters the battlefield

Ash:Alright then Talonflame I choose you

Has the flying and Fire appears on the battlefield

Dahlia:A Sky battle this will be interesting
Ash:It's been awhile seen I had one so let's make this interesting
Ref:Battle begin
Dahlia:Togekiss use Aura sphere
Ash:Dodge it and strike with steel wing

Has he dodges the attack he lands his hit has Togekiss fell she(or he) recovered quick

Dahlia mind:It's fast but let's slow it down
Ash:Talonflame use Flamecharge
Dahlia:Togekiss use psychic and toss him to the ground

Has Togekiss grab hold of him he got toss to the ground but then got back up

Dahlia:Now use Air slash
Ash:Dodge them with Flame charge

Has he lighted up he flew up doing a circle fishing the incoming attacks has he landed his hit

Dahlia:Togekiss are you okay
Togekiss:Toga(Tired but I can continue)
Dahlia:No not yet return for now

Has she brings back her Pokémon

Dahlia:Now Dusknoir go forward with style

Has the ghost type enters the battlefield

Ash mind:Mhmm wonder what she'll do
Dahlia:Let is resume
Ash:Alright Talonflame use Flamcharge
Dahlia:Dodge it and use Will o wisp

Has he move to dodge the attack and fired his flames has Talonflame dodge them he went for another hit

Ash:Now use Bravebird
Dahlia:Shadow punch

Has both attacks collided Talonflame was stronger and Dusknoir gets the damage had the bird flies around

Dahlia:It's time to slow it down use trick room
Ash:Shit Talonflame quick Flamecharge

Has he charged at Dusknoir he was going slow

Dahlia:Here let me help use Shadow punch

Has he lands his hit sending Talonflame to the ground

Dahlia:Now use Dark pulse

Has with that attack loading it's hit has Talonflame faint

Ref:Talonflame is unable to battle trainer Ash send in your next Pokémon

The people cheer at the victory Dahlia had has Ash returned his Pokémon

Ash:Alright then if that's how I'd gonna be then I choose you Krookodile

Has the dark and ground enters the battlefield putting on his glasses but trick room it still on

Ash mind:I can't use dig I already learned that the hard way so I'll just have to think what can I do to attack
Ref:Battle begin
Ash:Krookodile use Rock throw
Dahlia:Dodge them and use shadow punch again

Has he with incredible speed dodges easily the rocks has he then charge his attack

Ash:Now use Bite

Has the attacks collide but Krookodile kept his hold on Dusknoir

Dahlia:Dusknoir fly high and drop him
Ash:Not yet buddy wait a little

Has Dusknoir flew up he tried shaking off Krookodile

Dahlia:Okay then use Shadow punch
Ash:Now use let go and use Dragon claw

Has he let go the shadow punch miss but Krokodile landed his attack has he was able to hit him

Ash:Now use Rock throw

Has the barrage of rock landed too and Dusknoir was hit by the barrage bringing him down

Ash:Now use Bite
Dahlia:Dusknoir look out dodge it

Has Dusknoir started to get back up it was too late and Krookodile landed its attack has Dusknoir faint has the trick room disappears

Ref:Dusknoir is unable to battle frontier brain Dahlia send in your next Pokémon
Dahlia:You impress me kid that was unexpected
Ash:I'm made of surprises you see

Has she giggle at his comments

Dahlia:Indeed you are now then Togekiss try again

Has Togekiss returns to the battlefield

Ref:Alright battle resume
Dahlia:Togekiss use Air slash
Ash:Use dig to dodge

Has Krookodile goes underground and come out from the back with Bite

Dahlia:Use psychic

Has he is stop and toss to the wall but he got back up

Dahlia:Use Hyperbeam
Ash:Dark pulse

Has both attacks were fired and explosion accord and both Pokémon were on the ground until krokodile got back up but was weakened

Ref:Togekiss is unable to battle Dahlia send in your next Pokémon
Ash:Thanks buddy rest for now
Dahlia:I thank you a Togekiss for now take a good rest

Has both returned there Pokémon they stared at each other and smiled

Dahlia:Well Ash let us continue
Ash:Yeah let's
Dahlia:Medichamp let go
Ash:Furfruo I choose you

Both Pokémon entered the battle field

(oh and I'm gonna change Dahlia Medichamp attacks seen I don't see how I can do with the ones it has)

Dahlia mind:His on a disadvantage but I feel there more to this than it seems
Ash mind:Medichamp this will be nice
Ref:Battle begin
Dahlia:Medichamp use Karate shop
Ash:Dodge it and use Sucker punch

Has he dodges the attack and strike at him sending him back a few fit

Ash/Dahlia:Zen Headbutt

Has both collided there heads both pushing each other back

Dahlia:Now use High jump kick
Ash:Double team

Has he multiplied has Medichamp only hits the clone and has for them they glare at there opponent walking around him

Ash:Use giga impact
Dahlia:Jump up to dodge

Has he jump up the clones crash against each other has then the real one comes out of the chaos and charges at Medichamp

Dahlia:Ice punch

Has both attacks collided with each

Ash:Sucker punch
Dahlia:Karate shop

Has both Pokémon charged at each other hitting each other at the same time has they both fell and faint

Ref:Both Pokémon are unable to battle send in your next and in Dahlia case send in your last Pokémon
Ash/Dahlia:Return you did great now take a rest

(don't ask)

Dahlia:Well Ash this was amazing but I think it's time I bring out my secret weapon go Zapdos

Has one of the trio of birds comes out Zapdos the electric and Flying type enters the battlefield

Ash:Bow thus will be a challenge Krookodile I need your assistance

Has krookodile enters the battlefield again

Ref:Alright battle begin
Dahlia:Zapdos use Air cutter
Ash:Dodge it and use Rock throw

Has he flips to dodge he fires his rocks which land the hit but Zapdos recovers quickly

Ash:Now use Dark pulse
Dahlia:Use Signal beam

Has both attacks collided with each other but Zapdos started to go over Krookodile has signal beam was getting close to Krookodile has it blew up out of the smoke Zapdos was fine but Krokodile was defeated

Ref:Krookodile is unable to battle Ash send in your last Pokémon
Dahlia:And now we are tide
Ash:It seems so well then it's time go Aurorus

Has the ice and rock type Pokémon appears

Ref:Battle begin
Ash:Aurorus use Ice beam
Dahlia:Zapdos dodge it-mind:He's trying to freeze its wings

Has Zapdos moved around dodging the attack

Dahlia:Now use heat wave
Ash:Use Rock throw

Has both attack hit there opponents the rock throw hitting Zapdos and the heat wave making good affect on Aurorus

Ash:We are not gonna give up use Aurora Beam!!
Dahlia:Who said we will use Thunderbolt

Has both fired there attack they collided with each other but it seems batting hit by two different Pokémon's rock throw affected zapdos has Aurorus pushed harder that reached Zapdos Lansing the hit has it fell Zapdos has faint

Ref:Zapdos is unable to battle the winner is Ash
Ash:Aurorus you did it

Has he head lowered to Ash has she nuzzled her head with he's after Dahlia returned Zapdos she went to Ash has he was celebrating his victory has he was with his girlfriend

Dahlia:Ash that was amazing battle I hope we can battle again
Ash:Yeah that was awesome
Dahlia:Has did your victory here the chance symbol

Has he takes it they leave the battle arcade and go to the battle tower has they go in the see Palmer taking to Scott


Has the two look at the entrance where are hero is

Ash:I'm ready
Palmer:About time
Scott:So your defeated all of them right
Sara:He did and they were great battles
Palmer:Then follow me to see battlefield

Has they go to another floor has they arrive they got ready but before it began the elevator also bright other people has the other four frontier brains and Caitlin go in

Palmer:I see your here to see are battle
Argenta:Of course
Ash:Then I better not disappoint
Ref:The battle between frontier brain Palmer and the challenger Ash will now begin this will be a three on three battle now trainers send in your Pokémon
Palmer:Heatran show me your power

Has the fire and steel type enters the battlefield

Ash:Infernape I choose you

Has the fire and fighting type gets in the battlefield

Ref:Battle begin
Palmer:Use dark pulse
Ash:Dodge it and use Mach punch

Has he ran to his opponent dodging the Dark pulse until

Palmer:Now explosion
Ash:What are you insane

Has Infernape land his hit the explosion happened has the dust settled both Pokémon have faint

Ref:Both Pokémon are unable to battle trainers send in your second Pokémon

Has Ash and everyone else look at Palmer in shock or confuse of his decision

Ash:Infernape return I'm sorry you had to live trough that embarrassment
Palmer:All part of the plan
Ash:There was no plan was there
Palmer:Nope hahahahaha

Has the laugh it out on the stands

Sara:What just happened
Scott:Palmer got to happy his lost it
Argenta:That reckless
Darach:Just doomed himself
Dahlia:He's gonna lose

Back at the battlefield

Palmer:Alright then let us continue Cresselia let's go

Has the next legendary Pokémon on Palmer side appears Cresselia the psychic and fairy type appear on the battlefield

Ash:It work on Darkrai Sceptile I choose you

Has the grass type enters the battlefield

Ash:Palmer please no more suicide moves
Palmer:No promises
Ref:Battle begin
Palmer:Cresselia use Signal beam
Ash:Dodge it with quick attack

Has he ran at speeds he got right to Cresselia

Ash:Now use Leafblade
Palmer:Use psychic and push it back

Has he was stop and send back to we're he began

Palmer:Shadow ball barrage stage
Ash:Dodge it and charge up solar beam-mind:This place should give enough light for us to use it
Palmer:Keep following with Shadow ball
Ash:Dodge them

Has he ran around the battle field dodging the attack until then Ash see it's ready

Ash:Now turn and use Solar beam
Palmer:Signal beam Cresselia

Has both attacks collided but sceptile's went full through signal beam landing its attack landing the attack has the dust settle Cresselia was still standing

Ash:Use Leafstorm
Palmer:Dodge it

Has she was not able and the attack drags her to the ground but gets back up

Ash:Use quick attack and Leaf blade
Palmer:Cresselia this morning time to give up use I've beam aim at the ground

Has she fired to the ground where sceptile was coming from has he slip a slider away to her

Palmer:Now use Signal beam

Has the attack made its mark and hit Sceptile but his wasn't out yet he got back up

Palmer:Now Cresselia make the battlefield and ice battlefield

Has she fires her ice beam at the ground making it solid cold

Palmer:So Ash what will you do now
Ash:This Sceptile let are bond become even stronger and mega evolve

Has sceptile transforms into its mega Y

Ash:Now spread your vines with Frenzy plant
Palmer:Use Signal beam and shadow ball on them

Has she destroyed some but they were to many and they took Cresselia has she faint

Ref:Cresselia is unable to battle Palmer send out your last Pokémon
Ash:Rest now you took to much damage return
Sceptile:Scep(Yeah I need that or I think we all do after this all redemption)

Has both trainers return there Pokémon

Palmer:Time to end this go Reggigigas

Has the leader of the Reggie's appears

Ash:Okay My turn I choose you ????

(the Pokémon that appears will be a surprised for now so I'll keep you guys guessing)

After Ash defeated Palmer he was given the skill symbol are hero and his mate are now in the plan flying back to Kalos has Ash thinks


Flash back
Ash and the others were in the Airport has he was given the thing that has all symbols

Scott:So I'm sure your gonna say that you not gonna be a frontier brain
Ash:Well not of Hoenn but maybe just maybe after I'm done with this hole kalos league maybe you guys might want to make some space
Scott:Wait you want to be Sinnoh frontier brain
Ash:Maybe not now but Scott keep hope that I'll be one them see ya

Has the pair go inside
Flash back end

Back with Ash who look to his left to see Sara sleeping on his shoulder has he sleep in her head but when he opened his eyes he was somewhere dark with a little blue then he look around to see the two zygared's(If your asking where they were in the hole thing they were outside of the HQ on a rock resting in the sun)and ???? then another Pokémon appeared

Dialga:Hello chosen one I have been send by Arceus to show you something
Dialga:The crisis

Has the got the attention of other three Pokémon

Ash:What about it
Dialga:Let me show
Ash:Okay then is there anything I need to do
Dialga:Just close you're eyes and I'll show you the rest

Has he closes his eyes again

Dialga:Now open them

Has he does that he finds himself in Luminous city but destroyed but look a little grey

Ash:Is this luminous city
Dialga:Yes but look around

Has he began to look around he then saw a human like figure when he got to it it

Ash: a Statue
Dialga:Now that's a real person turn to stone
Dialga:Look over there

Has he did he saw so many turned to stone has look around what horrified him the must is seeing Professor Sycamore turned to stone but has he kept looking around he saw the gym leaders,Diantha,his friends and even his love has he feel to his knees when he saw her

Ash:Who did this

Has he looks up he see a red bird and with a man riding it his hair was orange and then in front of the man facing him is Ash with mega charizard,both Zygared's and ???? has both sides clash there attacks then Ash was send back to Dialga dimension

Dialga:And now you know
Ash:So that Pokémon that man with the orange hair are the cause
Dialga:I don't know of the Pokémon but the man is definitely the cause and it's up to you
Ash:I'll find him and I'll stop him
Dialga:Good I wish you good luck

Has then he opens his eyes again

Sara:Ash Ash you okay
Sara:Yeah I'm here we are almost to Kalos just wanted to wake you up
Ash:Oh okay
Sara:Everything okay
Ash:Yeah just had a weird dream
Sara:Do you want to talk about
Ash:No I'm fine

Has the plans lands the two get out and return now to luminous city

Ash mind:That man with the orange hair if I need to kill him to save the ones I care I will do it this now what I'm aiming for I can't let that Pokémon break lose of not Sara is in danger I need to stop it before it even begins

Has they leave the Airport and go to prism tower to say hi to Clemont and Bonnie

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