'BREAK'ING NEWS: 'Kiss'story's mystery

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Ishaani's POV:

'What the actual F... Back off'

I pushed that Devil off me trying to get up who had just landed on my lips 😳

But he wouldn't move!!!

I could see his eyes literally widen and pop out!!!


Probably he was also SHoCKED!!!

Understatement honestly!!!


I was blank for a few seconds!!!

What the F happened!!!

He quickly got up the next minute!!!

While we noticed everyone's eyes were on us!!!

Including our friends and family!!!






We kissed??? Shutup Ishaani... It was an accident!!!

But his lips were soft!!!

What the hell! Stop!!!

Maybe he should trim his beard!!!

Shut the F up Ishaaani!!!

Urggggghhhh don't think about it!!!

I went to the lobby to notice a young couple making out!!!


I quickly got up and ran to the garden outside the pub...

Only to notice my innocent elder sister stuffing her lips hungrily into my would be brother in law!!!

What the hell!!! Why am I only seeing people kiss each 😵


While I turned around I saw Devil himself standing behind me!!!

I froze!!!

What the hell is he doing here!!!

I hope he doesn't consider whatever happened few minutes ago like a lousy excuse to be around me!!!

I have seen him eyeing me the entire evening!!!

There's something about those Devil-Orbs!!!

Before he could start...I began!!!

I: What the Bloody hell are you doing here???

DK: I.... Actually.... Your...

I: Following me???

DK: Whattt????

I: What what??? Just because I'm joining your company as a designer tomorrow onwards don't you bloody think you can try to play things like how you do with other woman get that???

DK: Whatttt are you???

I: Shutup!!! Don't think I don't know what you are... You change girls more than clothes!!! You have sex more than food!!! Don't think no one's unknown when it comes to your flings or your popular Casanova reputation Mr Dev Kapoor!!!

He started shooting glares at me!!!

But I didn't care!!! I went on!!!

I: Don't think that just by hiring me as your employee, I become like one of your ex designers!!! I know why Vidisha Khurana left Kapoor Group and Gaya's!!!

And let me remind you!!!

Im not Vidisha Khurana or any other lousy fluizy cheap women you slept with!!!

I work my ass off to reach my destination!!!

I dont need any favours from my boss!!! So don't you dare think whatever happened inside you have a chance ???

You are absolutely not my types!!!'

I was literally panting hard after my raging reply!!!

That's when I saw his blood red eyes!!!

He was angry I could tell!!!

But I'm not scared of him!!!


Next second he started walking towards me!!!

His red eyes were literally shooting daggers at me!!! It's like shooting fire arrows at me!!!

Probably I had made his hackles rise now!!!

The way he was taking a step each to Me I knew I probably showed a red flag to the raging Bull!!!

Next second he pushed me onto a tree in the pub garden area!!!

My eyes almost popped out like I was thunderstruck the moment he held my forearm tightly and pulled me into him😳

I couldn't believe what happened!!! I felt catatonic suddenly!!!

My throat went dry!!!

His eyes looked sharply into my eyes !!!

Our faces were so class that I could feel his hot breath and grunting like noise when he was roughly breathing!!!


I swallowed a lump in my throat!!!

'So you think I am desperately trying to get some action from you??? Miss Sharma???'

I felt words were stuck in my throat along with my saliva!!!

I was horror struck while Devil himself was in front of me!!!

Into my face literally!!!😰

'You think by hiring you...I am trying to play around!!! Also whatever happened inside there in the pub was my fault???

You think I bloody wanted to stick my tongue in your mouth??? You WOMAN???😠😠😠'

I flinched at the pitch his voice shot up to!!!

Such that my eyes had slight tears forming!!!

But his eyes were still raging anger!!!

Tightening the grip on my forearm he said!!!

'I am not a road side Romeo or a cheap molester Miss Ishaani Sharma!!!

Im DK!!!

The Dev Kapoor!!!

And I don't need to

Woo women!!!

Impress women!!!

Puppy around them!!!

Hire them!!!


For that matter do lousy cheap tricks to get them into my bed!!!'

His lips were cms away from mine!!!😰😰😰

Eyeing my lips he said...

Snapping his finger he said...

'This ....this is the speed women come to me...

And only by choice!!!

I believe in consent!!! Always!!!

Also ya...get that point!!!

Whoever slept with me till now did that for their own pleasure and nothing else!!!

And huh....DK has never till date for sex either!!!

It was always women pouring in!!!

Educated... beautiful...sexy... talented!!!

All forms of them!!!

And you don't even belong to my
'Desirable's list!!!'

You are here only because you are Ahana's sister!!!

You are going to join Gaya's because bloody heck I need s designer!!!

And for the rest!!!


DK has his own league baby!!! You don't even qualify there! Get it lady!!!'

Pressing his hand hard on my forearms...while I winced in pain...

Just a breath away from my lips when his nose touched mine almost!!!

With his eyes still being red like a mad bull!!!

He said...

'You can never be my type Miss Sharma!!!'

My heart was beating frantically with his continuous breath piercing on my face and lips!!!

A tear rolled out of my eye...

He left the grip on my forearm!!!

He left fuming from there!!!

His anger had left a mark on my forearm!!!

His fingers printed red on my forearm!!!

I quickly pulled a jacket and put it on and left from the party!!!

My parents didn't question me why...

Probably they heard about the scene that happened inside!!!

I went home and changed into my PJ's

While my forearm still had his fingers printed!!!

His angry face came infront of my eyes again!!!

His rage!!!

His breath!!!

His bloodshot eyes!!!

His alcoholic smelling mouth!!!

His pink lips!!!

I closed my eyes!!!

Shook my head!!!

Thought again...My heart screamed loudly!!!

'Ishaani... You still have time... You can choose other offers and reject Gaya's!!!'

But next second my mind said!!!

'Why??? For that ??? For that Devil Kapoor!!! Who the F is he!!!
Why should I leave a deserving opportunity!!!
I was selected without any interview!!!
Didn't Pragati tell me that Jiju loved my work!!!
This Devil Kapoor is nothing I can't manage!!!
You're brave Ishaani!!!
Hasn't Mumbai taught you worse in last three years???'

Tears formed again in my eyes!!!

But so was determination that I can handle this!!!

So I stopped overthinking!!!

Hit my bed!!!

After all I had to join my NEW BOSS AT WORK Tomorrow 😠

Soon I drifted to a deep slumber!!!

Next day morning I got up early morning around 3 am and started dressing up...

I chose a grey pencil skirt with a polo neck t-shirt. My cab arrived by 4 am!!!

I was in Bangalore by 8:30 am almost!!!

I didn't have the time to go back to Di's apartment although I had the keys!!!

I chose to directly report to Gaya's Fashion house!!!

I went and reported at the reception... introduced myself...

The receptionist looked at me like I was a ghost!!!

I didn't know why she gave me those expressions...

She looked nervous!!! I didn't know why...🤨

I shook my head and took to the 11th floor which was my reporting place and time...

When Pragati came and shook hands with me...

Although she was warm...she looked a bit confused!!! A little nervous probably...I didn't know why...

Soon she welcomed me on the floor...

I saw a bunch of people on their systems while a few were running in hurry with clothes and materials...some carried mannequin with them...

But one strange thing was...

Everyone looked at me like I was a 3 headed snake 🐍


Pragati showed me the board room and asked me to wait there saying BOSS would be here anytime soon and that he was in a meeting!!!

Pragati was being sweet and asked me if I ate something...

I told her I'll eat something post reporting!!!

She warmly got me a cup of coffee...

She was sweet ☺️

I smiled at her .. although she gave me a nervous smile.

'Pragati....I'm feeling a bit odd!!!'

I said to her as I couldn't keep this emotion to me...

'Why what happened...' she asked me

'Ummm... since I stepped into this office...from receptionist to peon to everyone on floor including you are giving me confusing glares.... Is there an issue???' I asked her curiously...

Looking here and there she said...

'Ummm...it's probably the papers and media!!'

'What papers??? What media???' I didn't understand her point...

'Well probably everyone read the morning newspapers... Well ... don't worry... DK is on a call with media... He'll handle it...it's quite a norm for DK. Media writes him off always... And you are also a special case na...after all you are Ahana Mam's sister na so it's a bit blown out of proportion!!!' she said...

I was worried now!!! I didn't understand her jumbled answer....

'Whats on the papers' I asked her...

'Ohhh... You didn't see today's news or read the papers??? Wait...'

She said and got me today's newspaper...

Also switched on the TV!!!

And I almost.... nearly died seeing the crap that was running to be the hottest news in town!!!

Newspapers read ...

'D.K's new muse??? '

And below was a photograph of our EMBARASSING kiss😳😵

I felt like someone poured a glass of cold water on my head!!!

That's when the tv in boardroom having a news channel flashed crap like...

'Has DK found the one finally???'

'She is his new designer or his new girlfriend!!!'

Know who is Ishaani Sharma!!!

DK's love life!!!

I was shocked!!!

There were cheap taglines running around being flashed on headers!!!

I changed to another news channel ....

Where the news anchor was shouting his lungs out!!!

So is India's biggest Casanova...Fashion Industry's raging king settling down???

😳 Huhhh???

Has he fallen for a mere family girl???

😳 What even on earth is this news???

Has younger brother's love story ignited love inside the Flirt too???

🥺 The crap is he barking???

'Did they kiss to confirm last night???"

😨 Whattttttt?????

And make out in the garden!??

😢 Disgusting!!! What rubbish 😢

Know the secret Mysterious love life of India's biggest Casanova...

In our news story today!!!
'DK's KissStory Mystery'

😱 What the Bloody F actually 😢😭

I was shivering while tears were rolling down my cheeks non stop!!!

I turned around to see Dev standing in front of me in the board room!!!

He was again raging like a bull!!!😠😠😠

His eyes were looking at me and then TV!!! He looked very ANGRY!!!

I was shivering like a leaf!!!😢😨😰

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