Devil's fiance 😈 Part 1 - The Angry Announcement!!!

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Ishaani's POV:

Tears kept flowing continuously from my eyes...

While he kept looking at me with all the frustration and anger!!!

'Stop that water from your eyes!!!'

He spoke so insensitively!!!

Not that I ever expected better from him but knowing what was telecasted on TV pissed him off!!!

'Out from here Pragati' he said calmly.

Pragati nodded and quickly left the room.

It had a killing silence!!!

'I said stop it Ms Sharma!!!' he roared again...

I was helplessly in tears and next second I flinched and froze!!!


He threw the paper weight on the tv that was yelling shit about our relationship status!!!

I fell on my knees!!!

I cried like there was no tomorrow!!!

He walked and stood next to me while I was crying my heart out on the floor!!!

'Where is your phone Ms Sharma?' his voice roared again!!!

I was hopelessly drowning in my own tears...

Mumbling to myself...

'M my cannot tt....ake it ...I'm finished!!!'

'I asked where is your phone Ms Sharma why weren't you picking it up' he roared like a lion...

I was shivering at the pitch of his voice...

He quickly held my forearm and made me stand up...

'Ahhhhh' I winced in pain...

Yesterday nights marks he left on my hand still pained a lot!!! I was scared and angry both at him right now!!!

Just then he left my hand and said...

'Do you even realise how much your family is trying to reach you from morning??? Why the hell is your phone switched off??? They have been calling me from morning 7am nonstop!!! No one was able to reach you!!! Who leaves to Bangalore without even dropping a note to their own family in the middle of night ??? Are you a fool???'

With his roaring voice my voice as well went louder and louder...

Tears were flowing like niagra falls from my eyes...😢😭

He was getting angry he was literally throwing the files and pushing chairs and anything and everything he was getting now!!!

Next second he pushed me to a wall and said...


My cry had stopped but my tears weren't under my control...

Just then our eyes met!!!

My wet teary eyes met his big intense brown devilish orbs!!!

Was there a spark?

His hands held my shoulders....

His voice became a little softer!!!

'Stop it Ishaani Please....' he said...

I looked at him at once...

He left my shoulders and turned around!!!

Now his back was facing me...

'I hate to see women cry Ishaani... Please wipe your tears' he announced...

I was shocked to hear this... I never saw him behave this softly in any of our encounters... He was pretty civil!!!

'Water???' he asked...

'No' I replied...

He breathed a deep sigh and said...

'First call your parents...they are really worried for you... They have been trying to reach you from morning...' he said while his back still faced me.

'Here....' he gave his mobile to me...

I dialled Dad...

'Ishu ... Are you fine puttarji (puttar in punjabi means child)'

I couldn't control my tears...

'!!! I ...I... Didn't... It's a...all.... a l...lie'

I couldn't speak properly!!!

'Ishu please calm down...we trust you baby... Don't ... please...and don't worry... everything will be taken care... You just first wipe your face... And go along with Dev...Your Daadi has spoken to Saudamini aunty... Everything will be taken care as planned!!!' dad assured

'D...Da..Dad... I didn't...m..mean to s..shame... It....acc... accident' I couldn't complete the statement properly...

'Ishu we know...just do as I say...Dev will take care' dad said at once...

I looked at Dev...

His back was still facing me...

I cut the call...

Offered his phone back to him... while our fingers brushed...

I felt that 'sudden spark' this time...

And he too turned around to look at once...

His big brown orbs looked straight into my eyes!!!

I diverted my gaze!!!

'In next 10 mins...we have a press meet!!! 2nd floor... Conference room... I want you there... Without that water your eyes or cheeks...' he said...

I didn't know what to say...

I hummed a soft nod.

He left the board room.

I quickly went to the washroom in board room and freshened up.

I came out where Pragathi was waiting for me...

Probably Dev instructed her.

Before I could say anything... She said...

'2nd floor...conf room right??? Come I'll take you'

She said and we entered the conference room.

It was filled with media...the minute I stepped in I couldn't open my eyes almost... There were so many flashes hitting my face...every media guy was kind of shoving his camera into me!!!'

I was so scared of this although I have seen fame, media and crowd while having my clothing line or collections launched...or when I got the young award.

Suddenly I heard a voice saying 'Back off'

And then I saw a bunch of bodyguards pushed away media from near me... I was covered with gunmen and we'll built guards...

Then I saw Mr Devil-Orbs reach the center stage and picked a mic to announce...

'Welcome my dear Media....Did you miss me???

I saw your juicy gossip on the news channels and papers already... seems like you guys are doing more digging about our kiss or makeout session...all that???'

'Why dude....ask me na...'

'Sir...we have been told two stories... One that you both are already dating which was the reason for your breakup with Vidisha Khurana...and the other about you both loosing it last night and you know...Hanky Panky... 'Cough cough' ' while mostly media folks tried to control their laugh

I was feeling like fresh tears formed in my eyes 😢 I hated being there...I almost felt like I was been categorised into those women who slept for pleasure with this Devil Kapoor!!!

But I put up a straight face and tried to calm down...

'Well... You must definitely ask your daughter or wife to stay away from know you wouldn't want hanky Panky' he said and winked at the media person...

'Mr Kapoor you are getting personal now!!!' he yelled...

'So were you Mr!!! You are supposed to behave a certain way with women??? Get it???' I saw him roar loudly...

Such that I was scared again!!!

He was standing exactly next to me...

Next minute I felt a sudden pull on my waist and I crashed into something hard!!!🥺

I heard media go...'huhhh'

I looked upto meet the most sexiest pair of brownish orbs I ever saw in my life!!!

His eyes were on my face and he had a strong grip on my waist now...

I shuddered at his touch!!!

A lump in my throat barely went down my throat...

And he announced louder...

'Well...I don't know what you published and what you analysed till now about me and Ishaani!!!

We thought Daadi would announce it by this weekend...

But media's 'LOVE' for me is beyond the limits

So take it from the horse's mouth!!!

Meet her she is

Ms Ishaani Sharma!!!

Dev Kapoor's one and only FIANCE!!!

Future Mrs Kapoor!!!'

He announced and i stood rooted there!!! I froze like a dead body!!!

I saw jaws drop to knee length in front of his foreign revealation😳😱

I lifted my head sidewards in horror to see the man next to me whose hands were still on my waist and had a stupid smirk on his face!!!

That minute I felt a bomb was dropped on my head!!!

I was dumb struck!!!🥺😳😱

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