25. Icastle

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-Whis sure does get along with Vegeta nowadays, what happened?-- Goku asked. He looked towards the lake in which there was Whis and Vegeta sitting at tree stumps, talking. The Saiyan sighed exasperatedly, "
--How long will they take!-

-Shut up Goku!-

-But Lord Bee|-

-Shut. Up.-


-What do you think all of this predicament will lead to? Tenni doesn't seem to be alright. Although I have mixed feelings about all of this, I still feel like it's too harsh on him, and sis as well... -- Vegeta said, worried expression visible in his hardened face.

-This is all his fault isn't it. So why would we feel sorry for him. He shouldn't have slept with another woman knowing exactly he has a wife--, Whis said indifferent to the subject.

-You're a child-


-You know what I mean.... I agree that he was wrong to what he did but there should be a second chance for everyone. I did the same mistake when I was drunk and stressed, after a lot while of talking... And yelling. She forgave me. Two times--

-That's very indecent-

-You don't understand how it's like to have a family. Especially if you're the man. Bulma is rich, she has everything she could wish for, I just provide her with protection, love and such. But at times you just feel frustrated and stressed, especially after an argument. It's part of a marriage. You just have to be strong enough to withstand it until you both talk and come to a conclusion--, Whis expression was uncertain. He didn't well understand.

-So you mean that Naleta was in the wrong for just leaving without conversing about it?-- Whis asked. Yes she was wrong for leaving him and his siblings after they gave their love to her and accepted her in their family. But he understood her anger. He just wished she could have told him before leaving.

-I'm not saying that. But I think what ticked of Naleta the most was that she wanted a child yet she couldn't have it. I'm sure it has been eating at her, her whole life that she couldn't give her husband a child, or that she has her own child. Now that she has, it eats her that it wasn't Tenni who is the father of the child. It's all complicated, even for me--, Vegeta sighed and looked off into the distance. --I do hope things get fixed somehow-

Whis sighed before looking off to the distance as well. Deep in thought he placed his arms on the railing, folding them, and layed his head. --In all honesty I do hope so as well..... -


Dai looked at his staff. Debating whether to call or not. It was risky to do so but he had to try. He had to at least get information on where Naleta was, one of them had to know something. But he reckoned Whis did not.

He called. Korn. He would be the safest bet. He answered but his tone of voice was clear that he did not want to talk to him. And his expression was even more visible. Korn was someone who was neutral as him yet he splattered emotions everytime he saw him. And they weren't pleasant.

-Yes Grand Minister? How can I help you? And if it's about Naleta don't count your luck because I will never help you in that. She's better off without you--, Korn didn't bother to make small chat, that Dai already knew. He went straight to the point.

-How did you|-

-Whis told me. He always tells me-

Dai sighed and dropped the call. He then called Kusu. The worst bet. She didn't take it lightly when she heard that Naleta was gone... Because of him.

As soon as she reached the Palace, she saw shards of the broken crystal orb that gave her the answer. She took an offensive and attacked Dai in anger. He had let her strike once, knowing he deserved it. He was left with a scar on his right cheek down his neck, that one of the shards in Kusu's rage made. It was still there, reminder of that day Naleta left.

She didn't pick up. He tried again but still to no avail. The last try, she did, but answered with a foul words, --Leave me the f*ck alone Jameson-
Non of his children dared to call him by name, but Kusu now called him that. It's hurt him how he broke even the tiniest bit of their relationship. He knew now they were only pretending to like him, only for Naleta. But they did not care, not even Whis.

-Why do you try to constant them when they seem not to want you. I now understand why you didn't want me to meet them-

-It's complicated.... It's quite my fault actually. When I slept with you mother, I didn't mean it. I was stressed, really stressed and everything came in once..... Although I know I made a mistake. I'm glad you're here, because you're the only one of my children who actually likes me--, Dai sighed an sat down beside the deity boy. The latter looked at him sadly, as if feeling what he felt.
All his sorrow, pain, anger and all his negative feelings were visible right from his eyes. And the eyes never lie.

-I wouldn't say like like. After all I just met you-

-I know that Alex--, Dai looked at him and smiled wryly. --I do wish I could spend more time with you. To get to know you more. But I can't-

-Why can't you?-

-Alexander Icastle Conicrus.... This is all difficult for you to understand. But you will soon enough--, the boy stood up from the couch.

-I'll make you something to eat...father--, half way to the door of the kitchen Alex stopped and turned to his father. --Was Icastle the name you gave me?-


-What does it mean?-

It means:

Castle of a Dead Light
The king was in darkness but the prince found the light
And the prince is you

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