26. Petals Are An Indication I Will Wake

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Sitted on a hammock overlooking the galaxies on his chamber's balcony, Marcarita sleeping on his chest oh so warmly, Dai was quite tired.
Not only did he get tired by work, but he needed to keep up with Naleta all day. The princess didn't like him at all, and he began getting irritated at her incompetence.

-Naleta do you want something to eat?
:I know how to cook for myself your serene majesty!

-Naleta you should focus more on trying to clear your mind of everything and anything
:Shut up I know what I'm doing

-Can you cook for the kids tonight, I'll be a bit busy
:I'm not your maid, you can clearly do it yourself

It's always an up and down. Even if Dai tries to be nice, she will always respond rudely. And he has had enough. He wants her to go but he knows he can't go against Ryaku's orders. Since he already agreed to it in the first place.
Letting out another sigh he caressed Marcarita's head and rocked the hammock slightly before closing his eyes.

Almost dozing off, a knock interrupted him. Another sigh. It must be one of the toodlers having a nightmare. --Come in-
He was surprised to see a tall figure entering. It was dark in his room so it took sometime to figure out it was the Saiyan princess.

Tall, dark, beautiful, elegant and above all she was a kind beauty. No. What was he thinking. That woman was no more than a rude house guest. Yet he had to admit that she really was kind to her children. Just not to him. He still wonders whatever he did to make her hate him so much.

Studying the beauty walking towards him in a very elegant step. He could see she was wearing a night gown, a bit tight and it captured her curves. All her curves. That can make any man or woman crave her. And Dai was precisely a victim.
Her hair was tied a messy bun, that he wished to mess apart, grab hard, letting her pick lipstick smudge on his hard c--

-Lustful much--, Naleta said amused, cutting Dai from his lewd thoughts. He blushed purple in surprise, before looking down at him. Seeing that his crouch as where it should be he sighed in relief. --How lewd. You have a child in your arms yet you think of such-

-I'm a man. You're a woman. It happens-

-That's what Asmodeus would say-

-Of cause, he absolutely would--, the Angel stood up, making sure Marcarita was still well at rest. -Do you need help with something?--

-She's cute. I've never seen her awake. Why's that?-- she was avoiding the question.

-She has a sleeping condition. Or so they say. She'll sleep one third of her immortal life. I don't know why but at the very least she's alright. She has no curse. Just this. When she was two I contacted a phrophetist who told me just that. As she grows, it will get more difficult. She has a duty to guide, but by the looks of it, I think she'll be better to stay here. With her dad--, Dai explained and sighed. Marcarita got her prophecy even earlier than anyone alive. Her condition concerned him very much.

-A sleeping cutey-

Dai looked at Naleta. She seemed to be longing for something. Yet he quite did not know what it was. And he didn't want to pry. --Do you want to hold her?-

-Um are you sure?-

-Certain. She won't wake-

Naleta sighed with an awkward laugh before extending her arms a bit. Dai slowly gave her the child. Seeing how she held it, he started instructing her how to hold her correctly.

-I'm not a child so don't instruct me like that!-

-Well that's my baby and I don't want you to drop her. Just calm down-

After a few 5 minutes of instructing, the Saiyan finally got it right. She had a wide smile, declaring her success. After a while it began to sieze as she looked at the little girl. Dai noticed this in an instant and was hesitant to ask, but he did anyway.

-What's wrong?-

-I... No nothing. T-there's nothing wrong--, her voice gave her away and the tear that rolled off her cheek as well.

-I'm not trying to pry Naleta. I only want to know what's bothering you-

-All my life. I wanted a child. I remember how my mother took care of me. And how my father gave me all the love in the world, even if I wasn't biologically his. I loved it. I loved them. I wanted a child of my own so I can just as good as my mother at being a mom.....--, Dai listened carefully watching another tear roll down. --I was once married. He left me because I couldn't conceive a child. An heir to him. He abused me for just that, I never wanted to tell father but he found out anyway. It was found out that indeed I was infertile...... The only thing I ever wanted, I couldn't get-

She broke down crying. Dai didn't know what to actually do. He was helpless in emotions.
Although he did what came to mind first. He hugged her warmly, making sure Marcarita is still comfortable. Naleta was taken aback by the gesture.

-James? -

-I'm not good with words so I can't comfort you by them. This is the best I can do. You've been through so much--

Naleta stepped away a bit. She was clearly shaken up and Dai felt more like an idiot with the lengths he took just to give her a comforting hug. But he forgot one thing; Naleta totally hates him. Or so he thinks.

-I'm so stupid--, Dai sighed and looked down. He didn't know what to really say next. He had just offered himself up to stupidity. --Naleta I'm sorry I th/-

Before he could finish, he was attacked with a hug. It startled him to see that Naleta reciprocated. And Marcarita was on the bed, sleeping soundly. Stunned as he was, he wrapped his arms around her.
It took about 10 minutes for her to calm down.

-I'm sorry for... Crying on you. I don't usually break down like this. But Dai, thank you. You're a wonderful person and pushing yourself down isn't good for you. Please try and think positively--, Naleta with a small sad smile.

Dai returned the smile, helping Naleta wipe a tear from sliding of her cheek. --I'll try but I can't promise. Its just the way I am-

Naleta snorted laughing before blushing in embarrassment. She looked at Dai and offered once again an awkward smile, Dai's hand still resting on her cheek. As how a cliché would go, they locked eyes. Silver to violet, and violet to silver.
Everything around them dissolved and it felt as if they were the only people in the multiverse.

No one in the cosmos would interrupt this loving although cliché moment. Captured in each other's eyes, the space between them started to get small and smaller until they were inches apart.
Naleta closed her eyes, feeling this moment would be magical, as well did Dai.
And it happened....


-Daddy daddy!! I'm awake!--, a voice shouted, engulfing the entire room and breaking what would be the moment of a lifetime for Dai and Naleta.
Little Marcarita trotted down the bed only to stop on her tracks. The moonlight shone at her little figure, casting shadows upon her. The night gown she wore and the small pigtails blew lightly with the breeze coming from the balcony.
The pink petals there were nicely placed upon the coffee table on the balcony flew along with the wind, creating a magnificent scene upon the room.
Marcarita smiled as she was the center of it all.

-She is indeed a sleeping beauty--, the comment came from Naleta as she watched carefully the movement of the child and the magnificent display around her.

"Daddy is that mommy?"

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