[013] lesbian stalker

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[013] lesbian stalker

                          Gwen thought that everything had been perfect between her and Iris. But she'd unfortunately be very wrong.

                          Dana was fully intent on exposing Gwen for the weirdo she was. There was no way she was going to let a total loser completely ruin her social status. If Dana was going to go down, she was going to make sure that she dragged Gwen Hollow with her. The news she had was enough to completely destroy Gwen for good. So what was the first thing she decided to do?

                          Go and tell Iris.

                          When Dana had initially asked Iris to meet her at the bar, Iris wanted to turn her down. But Dana was way too persistent, and Iris knew that she wouldn't leave her alone until she talked to her. And so, Iris agrees to meet with Dana at the bar. A part of her was curious about what Dana had to tell her.  But another part of her just wanted to meet with Dana so she could potentially bully her if she ended up wasting her time.

                          Dana was already waiting there for Iris by the time she arrived, smiling at the sight of the blonde. Iris just sits down next to her and flags down the closest bartender she could find. She had a feeling she was going to need a drink if she was going to be able to get through with this.

                          "What's with the long sleeves? I don't think I've ever seen you cover up this much before," Dana chuckles. She was totally clueless to what Iris had done. And honestly, Iris was determined to keep it that way.

                          "Why did you bring me here? What's so important that you couldn't just tell me over the phone?" Iris ignores Dana's question entirely by answering one of her own, resting her chin in her hand.

                          "I had to make sure your little lesbian stalker wasn't listening around the corner," Dana rolls her eyes.

                          Iris scoffed. "Gwen is not my lesbian stalker. She is my best friend and she's more faithful than you and the rest of those idiots can ever be."

                          "Your best friend, huh? Do you know everything about her?" Dana questioned.

                          "Why do you care? You were never Gwen's biggest fan so don't bother to pretend now," Iris answers. Deep down, she already knew that she didn't know everything about Gwen. But she wasn't going to admit that to Dana and let her think she won. Little did she know Dana was determined to have the last word.

                          Before Dana could keep talking, the bartender shows up to take Iris's order. Once she brings Iris her drink, Dana then takes the opportunity to talk. She was going to get her message across whether Iris wanted to hear it or not. She didn't come all this way for nothing.

                          "Did you know that Gwen got transferred to ten different schools before she finally graduated and made her way to Oxford?" Dana asks.

                          "Yes, I know about that. It's not even that big of a deal. She just went through some bullying. Honestly, it was so unfair," Iris answers, shaking her head. "If you brought me out here to tell me something I already know then -."

                          "Do you know the truth about why she got kicked out of so many schools?" Dana questioned.

                          Iris falters. "What are you talking about?"

                          "Do you know why she always got kicked out of schools? That doesn't happen to normal people. Only psychopaths. At every school she was in, there was always some sort of violent incident. Apparently, Gwen had a habit of trying to get close.to other girls and it ended up with violence. A broken leg here, a head injury there," Dana continued with a smile. She was pretty satisfied that she had finally managed to unveil the dark truth. After all, she had always known that something was off about Gwen and now she had been right. 

                         "The final straw was when a girl who had allegedly been bullying Gwen ended up dead. It was framed as a suicide since she supposedly jumped to her death but there were some suspicions there. And she didn't even leave a note which is a red flag within itself. That's why Virginia recognized her name. They had gone to the same school together. Virginia was there when the girl died and Gwen mysteriously disappeared shortly after that," Dana adds.

                          "Ok so even if that was true, why didn't Gwen get charged with anything? Why wasn't she even arrested?" Iris asks, folding her arms across her chest while leaning back in her seat.

                          "Isn't it obvious? The Hollow's are fucking rich. They're old money. I know you wouldn't think it because of the way she dresses. And the way she acts like a socially awkward loser. But it's the truth. Obviously, they wanted to cover it up with money and whatever else so they could get Gwen out of trouble. They can't risk letting the entire world know that their daughter is a total fucking psychopath who kills anyone she likes. Not only is she a lesbian stalker but she's a lesbian murderer too," Dana explained.

                          "How do I know that you're telling me the truth? For all I know, you could be starting something just to try and ruin Gwen's reputation. And I won't allow you to do that," Iris questioned. 

                          "What reason would I have to lie? Think about it, Iris. I know you noticed how weird she is. For all we know, maybe she had been stalking you all this time before she mysteriously managed to bump into you that night and save you. None of this might be coincidence at all," Dana challenged.

                          "I don't know. Maybe it's because you're jealous and you're just determined to try and destroy Gwen's life," Iris chuckles. "Why else would you bring me out to this bar and tell me that my best friend might be a psychopath?"

                          "You seriously think I'm jealous of that lunatic? You have to be joking. It's not a ninety percent chance, there's a one hundred percent chance that she's completely crazy. And if you're not careful, you'll be next," Dana laughs.

                          "You promise it's the truth?" Iris asks. She needed to be sure that Dana was telling her the truth. Because if she was, then Iris had to accept the fact that everything she had known about Gwen was nothing more than a carefully crafted illusion.

                          "I promise it's the truth," Dana assures her.

                          Iris sighs, twirling her finger around the rim of her glass. "Alright. Now leave me alone. I need to be left alone to think about all of this."

                          "That's it? How are you not more freaked out about this?" Dana scoffs. She was shocked that Iris was acting so calm about everything she had just told her. Dana was even a little freaked out by it. But Iris was just acting like they had been talking about the weather.

                          "I said, leave me the fuck alone," Iris snapped and her cool facade finally cracks within that moment.

                          Dana scoffs, quickly getting up from the table. "Fine. Don't be surprised when she turns around and tries to kill you."

                          Dana storms out of the bar after that and Iris is left alone. Or so she thought. As Iris sat alone at the table and continued to think about everything Dana had just dumped on her, Gwen sat in a booth of her own.

                          Gwen had followed both Iris and Dana to the bar, eager to see what the two of them were talking about. She was suspicious and she just knew that nothing good could come out of this conversation. And Gwen had been right... but this was something straight out of her worst nightmares. Dana had managed to find out about her past, including the one mistake Gwen had tried so hard to run away from. Gwen could already see that everything was falling apart, and she quickly blinks away her tears.

                         She leaves the booth and leaves the bar in a hurry. Just as the door closes behind her, Iris looks in that direction. For some reason, she felt as though someone had been watching her but everyone else was engrossed in their conversations. And plus, Dana had already left. Iris immediately shakes the thoughts from her mind and instead focuses on everything Dana had just told her.

                         And she also thought about the nightmare she had been suffering from a couple nights before. What if it wasn't a mere nightmare after all?

                         Gwen wipes the angry tears from her eyes and pulls out her phone, calling the first person she could think of. So when she hears the other line pick up, Gwen instantly feels so much better. "Hello?"

                         "Gwen? Hey, how are you doing?" Zoey answered. She sounded happy to hear from Gwen since it had been a while. Zoey was beginning to think that Gwen had abandoned her for good.

                         "Shitty actually," Gwen admits, sniffling. "Um, is it ok if I go and hang out with you?"

                         "Yeah. I'm in my dorm room studying," Zoey answers.

                         "Cool," Gwen nods.

                        She quickly left the bar and went straight back to Oxford, going to Zoey's dorm. She had been there once or twice before so she easily knew the way. Gwen tried her best to wipe away her tears and try to act like everything was fine. But when Zoey opens the door and takes one look at Gwen, she could see it written all over her face.

                        "Come here," Zoey motions for Gwen to hug her.

                        Gwen does just that and it takes a lot of strength for her not to cry onto Zoey's shoulders. Zoey closes the door behind her and leads the both of them to her bed where she and Gwen both sit down. Zoey holds onto Gwen's hands and begins to rub them, comforting Gwen even more. She was so used to Iris doing things like this but now Gwen was convinced that friendship was over, so she'd just have to find all of that in someone else.

                        And just maybe that someone else was Zoey.

                        "Did Iris do something?" Zoey immediately asks. "I swear, I'm going to give that cow the reckoning she's been asking for -."

                        "No, I did. I really messed up and I'm pretty sure I ruined everything. I don't know what I'm going to do," Gwen shakes her head.

                        Gwen couldn't fathom the idea of losing Iris. She had worked so hard and planned everything perfectly just so they could be together. She thought she had done pretty well in keeping her past hidden. Gwen thought that she had done everything right but still, she hadn't counted on Dana coming back in and ruining everything.

                        "Do you want to talk about it?" Zoey questioned.

                        "Not really," Gwen shakes her head.

                        "Do you want to talk at all?" Zoey asks her next.

                        Gwen looks over at Zoey and that's when Zoey leans forward to kiss Gwen. Gwen was taken by surprise at first but before Zoey pulls away and tries to apologize, Gwen kisses her back. It was easy for her to pretend and act like it was Iris. Really, she was basically putting a band-aid on a bullet hole. But Gwen needed this.

                      But while Gwen and Zoey continued to make out with each other, Gwen was completely unaware of her phone ringing. Iris was calling her, wanting to talk about everything she had learned. But Gwen was too busy with Zoey. And Zoey was not about to let Gwen go so easily. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time and now that she had gotten it, Zoey was eager to make the most out of it.

                       But Iris wasn't going to let her girl go either.

( 🍇🖤🔪 )

word count: 2030
notes: ahhh so as you can properly guess, iris and zoey did the do. and now iris knows the truth about what gwen did. so get ready for some absolute chaos to follow

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