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Poppy awoke to find herbs around her, shredded. Berries, squashed, and leaves, slashed and crumpled.  *Oh no! How will they get more? It's leaf-bare!* 

She got up, and was about to go to Skullstar, when she saw him standing in the entryway. "Skullstar!" She said, relieved. "Someone destroyed the herb supply!"

He narrowed his eyes. "I'm aware, I'm also aware your the only one in the den, and have been, for the whole night."

Poppy gaped at him

"I-it wasn't me!" She protested.

"We'll see what the clan has to say about that." He mewed, his voice almost a growl.

He leaped up to a tall rock. "All cats gather around for a clan meeting!" He yowled. 

Poppy sat at the front. She new what was going to happen.

The apprentices all sat together, slightly excited. Was someone being apprenticed, being made a warrior? We're there Intruders to fight off?

The kits were excited to finally be included in a clan meeting, whatever was happening must be important!

The Queen's murmured among themselves, while the elders complained of the cold.

"I have called you here, to make an important decision." Skullstar said, voice never wavering. All talking and whispering ceased as soon as he started talking. Poppy noticed Cloudpaw looked rather smug.

"As you all know, we invited Poppy, to stay with us, for half a moon now, even allowing Lilacwing to take care of her." He said, telling the clan what they already knew. Some cat's faces seem to say, 'Alright we know, get on with it.'

"But, today, I found Poppy in the den....... with the herb store destroyed." He paused dramatically, and as soon as he finished his sentences the air was filled with convictions and protests.

"Send her away!" Hissed a Senior Warrior.

"With a few scratches!" Added an elder.

"She's just a kit!" Said a queen.

"We'll teach her a lesson!" A young Warrior yowled.

"Poppy wouldn't have done that!" Poppy heard Blackpaw say. 

I'm glad someone stuck up for me.

"Really?" Skullstar said, his voice smooth. "Then perhaps you'd like to assess the damage in the Medicine den, Blackpaw. Go on."

Blackpaw looked terrified, glancing back and forth between his leader and Poppy. Poppy turned to look out Cloudpaw, who was now smiling. 

You devilish conniving little She-cat!

She saw his tail disappear into the Medicine Den, and the entire clan was silent. Waiting, for what would happen next. The smallest hint of Poppy's interference would label her guilty, and Poppy knew that.

*What did I do wrong to make her hate me so much?* She thought, upset. She had been sure this was the one place she was welcomed, but now she was questioning how welcome she really was.

Blackpaw walked out, tail low, a few herbs and berries in his jaws as proof.

"Well?" Skullstar asked. Blackpaw looked at Poppy, sad.

She'd already known her sentence, but that didn't make it any easier to deal with.

"Some of the herbs had grey fur, and smelled of Poppy." He said quietly. "I'm sorry." He whispered, his will had been forced, he didn't want to see her go.

"Well of course the herbs would smell of her!" Challenged a voice. Poppy's ears pricked up, as she saw Lilacwing make her way through the crowd. 

Poppy watched Cloudpaw's eyes widen in fear.

"Poppy's been sleeping in there ever since she came! And she's not the only one with grey fur!" Lilacwing said.

"Are you challenging me Lilacwing?" Skullstar hissed.

"Yes." Lilacwing replied, her voice strong.

"That's rather interesting, because I thought a leader's word was ...... Law." He said coolly. "Isn't that right Blackpaw?" He said, turning to the apprentice.  

"Yes." He mumbled, hating to be here, doing this.

Lilacwing looked uncertain. But finally, she sat in defeat. *I don't blame her there's no more she could've done.* She looked at Blackpaw, his gaze was pleading for forgiveness, and she merely nodded her head.

"Cats of Mapleclan, I do this before my ancestors in Starclan, from now on, this alley cat known as Poppy, is exiled from Mapleclan, never to set paw on this territory ever again. Never to share a meal with any Mapleclan cat, and most certainly never ever, invade this camp and live to tell the tale."

"Drive her out!"
"Feed her to the foxes!" Shouted a few cats.

The warriors gathered their apprentices, and formed a semi-circle,  with Poppy in the center. "Out, rogue." One snarled. Poppy lowered her head, and limped out of camp. She heard the Warriors behind her, as they walked through the forest, making sure she couldn't go were they couldn't see her. They came to the scent markers, and halted.

Poppy crossed it, bakc to the alley, back to her old life. "Bye." She whispered, to Icewind, and Owlpaw. And the friends she thought she had.

"Go, quickly, before we have to attack." Icewind said hurriedly.

"Are you sympathizing with the rogue?" Hissed a light Tom. "I might have to talk to Skullstar about your disloyalty, Icewind."

"Oh really?" She mewed, unfazed. "And who was it that ate a whole shrew and rabbit by himself, and come back to camp, claiming to have gotten nothing?" She hissed.

"Go away, and never come back." Cloudpaw snarled.

Poppy looked at the cats of Mapleclan,  and then turned to the streets, and limped away.

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