Chapter Seven

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Class has just ended, and thank god. After Jack left for the principle's office, I couldn't concentrate.

I've been dwelling on what Daithi said....

"...he was talking about this girl he was with and he got all depressed because she wouldn't fuck him."

Was Jack just trying to use me, then leave?

I couldn't be...

I was walking back to my dorm and walked by the principal's office. I stopped and backed up to peek into the door's window.

Jack was sitting in one of the two chairs in front of the Dean's desk, and the Dean was yelling at him. Well, that was an understatement. He was screaming at him. His face was red, veins showing on his forehead. Jack was slouched in the chair, elbow on the armrest and hand on his own forehead. He looked like he was trying to ignore him.

I looked down at by feet then down the hall, then back into the room and kept walking.

I want to know what happened last night, he clearly wasn't stable or in a good place.

Sean POV (Back to last night, after you went inside)

She blew a kiss to me, and to play around I pretended I caught it and slapped it on my lips, knocking me over.

She giggled, and it was like music to my ears.

She's so gorgeous, it's unfathomably explainable. She makes me happy when I see her, and I just wanted a kiss. But her fucking phone rang.

She was about to go inside as I stood up and started dusting myself off, and I saw she was watching me with her gorgeous (e/c) eyes.

I got nervous and chuckled to play it off, so scratching my neck, I waved goodnight to her, and she went inside.

How could I be so stupid? I can't just use someone like her, she was a precious little flower, that needed nurturing and care. She doesn't deserve a one-night-stand asshole like me, she deserves better, she deserves the world.

I got mad at myself, I didn't want to text her but I wanted to hear her sweet voice. I can't handle this.

I snuck back over the campus wall. I'm drowning out my problems the only way I know how.

I walked to a corner mart and bought two six packs of beer....

And the night begins.

I walked back to the park where (y/n) and I had almost kissed, not even an hour ago. I sat in the swing I was in and stared at the beer. Two were missing, the ones I already drank. I took hold the third beer from the first pack. Down the hatch.

I stopped drinking and glanced over at the swing to my right, the one (y/n) was in.

I imagined her beautiful, slim body sitting on the swing beside me, smiling and closing her eyes to lean in and kiss me. She kissed me but all I felt was wind against my lip, I was already drunk after two and a half cans.

I started crying. What am I supposed to do? I want her beside me, but she's so far away. Couldn't it just be us? Together... alone... at my apartme-


I can't treat her like that.

Still crying and on my second beer of the second pack, I decided to call Daithi. I can't do much else.

It rang four times.

"Jaaaaaack.... It's 4:30... Can't you wait until class?" He sounded groggy and tired, I must have woke him up.

"No... it c-can't..." I sniffled.

"Oh boy, are you drunk again?"

"Dai...Daithi... I almost got 'er man. But I didn't... I coulda... I coulda..."

"Got w-ho Jack?" His voice cracked on 'who' which pushed a small chuckle from my lips.

"Her man. I was only trying to get a quickie in at first, bu-hut s-he's just s-so amaz-zing..." I started getting choked up, my voice was cracking and my hands were shaking. I opened up my ninth can.

"Okay, just relax man." Daithi reassured me with a calm voice.

I chugged the ninth down in only five seconds.

Daithi sighed with disappointment.

Yes, he was my best friend, my classmate, and band mate, but he hated drinking.

"How many have you had?"

I looked at the now empty can in my hand and threw it into the pile and grabbed a tenth.

"A-about my elevendy-sev *hic* enth *hic*."

"Sean, that's not even a number. You're drunk off your ass. Grab a glass of water, and go to bed."

"O-okay, MOM!" I shouted into my phone. I got up and fell to the ground.

"I'm in bed." I mumbled into the phone.

"Goodnight ye drunken bastard."


"And don't try to kill yourself."

"Daithi, why w-would I do that? I'm 'd-runk' as you'd *hic* say. N-not suicidal."

"I don't know, go to sleep, Jack."

I hung up and passed out.


I woke from the ground, covered in moist mulch (from rain ye smellies, get yer mind outta the gutter) "Ewww..." I said to myself. It's Thursday... so I still have class.

I walked to my dorm and changed, then started for literature. I'm already an hour and a half late to class, so why not take my time?

I slowly made my way to the building, and shuffled to my class door. I entered and all eyes were on me. I immediately shot my eyes to (y/n) as she was handing a note to Craig's girlfriend... I forgot her name.
She saw me and she stared as her eyes widened in shock and sympathy.

I heard Dennis calling for me, but I figure if I pretend he's not there, he will shrug it off and continue forward.

He started yelling at me, which was killing my head from my hangover.

I tuned back in as I sat down.

"Mr..... McLoughlin...." I heard him growl. I looked up at him to acknowledge him, show him I was listening, but my head felt like it was 1,000 pounds and too much to hold up, so I plopped it down into my hands on my desk.

"SEAN WILLIAM MCLOUGHLIN, I HAVE TOLERATED YOU MORE THAN ENOUGH AND I WILL NOT BE IGNORED, NOW WHY ARE YOU LATE?! He yelled. I covered my ears and whined, it felt like something just pierced my ear drum.

"Please..." My first word today. I hadn't spoken prior to it, so it came out weak, almost helpless. "don't yell..."

"Principle's Office." He stared down at me.


Hewwo (•3•)
Yes, I know this was a long chapter (1108 words), and it was sort of repetitive when Sean entered the room but that was only a fraction of the chapter so I hope you didn't mind... but I have some questions!

How long do you think this book should be?

And not only that, but how long each chapter?

I may or may not have Chapter 8 come out since this was such a long one... but we will see.

Message me or comment to answer and help meeee

Thank You for reading Darlings :D <3

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