Chapter Six

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"Open your books up to page..."

"So who were you with last night?" Charlotte distracted me from Mr. Dennis' lesson.

"Not now Charlie, I'll tell you later." I whispered back at her.

"Come on, Candy. I was worried about you last night."

"Don't call me that anymore. I don't like it." She stared at me, puzzled.

"Um, okay... but who were you-"

"Charlie! I said not now! Just wait!" I whisper-yelled.

Apparently loud enough for the whole class to hear, because their eyes were on us.

"Ms. (l/n), please save all conversations for after class."

"Sorry, Sir."

He continued his lesson.

Charlotte started scribbling something on a piece of lined paper. She handed it to me.

I arched my brow at her and she gestured toward the note. The first time she wrote was a mistake, because she wrote 'Candy,' but erased it. The new message said "(y/n), I'm sorry for getting you in trouble.... I was worried about you. You don't have to tell me who you were with if you don't want to."

I quickly wrote back, "Charlie, it's fine. I promise. I'm sorry for snapping at you. I'll tell you who, just give me a minute." I tossed the note back and she read it, afterwards giving me an 'okay' signal with her hands.

I wrote on two new sheets of paper, "hey, do you know where Sean-" I erased 'Sean', remembering only I was aloud to call him that. "where Jack is?"

I handed one note to Craig and one to Daithi, since they were both behind me, though without a Sean to complete their trio.

They both read their own notes and dragged their pencils across their papers. Daithi tapped my shoulder and handed it to me, since he was directly behind me. Craig crumbled his in a ball and threw it at the back of my head. I glared at him with a 'real mature' look in my eyes, and he shrugged as I picked up the note.

I read Craig's crumbled note first, "Nope, haven't seen him since yesterday :p" I folded his note and put it in my pocket. Real helpful.

Then Daithi's, "I'm not sure, but wherever he is it can't be good. He called me at 4:30 in the morning, as slurred as a drunk."

My eyes widened

"HE WAS DRINKING?!" I wrote back and without turning around, gave the note to Daithi.

A few seconds later he put the note on my shoulder which slid into my lap.

"I would think so, he was talking about some girl he was with and he got all depressed because she wouldn't fuck him."

I was that girl...

I looked back at Daithi, but he was on his phone, not paying attention.

"Daithi, I want you to text me. It's easier. My number is •••-•••-••••."
I tossed the note over my head, pretending to pat down my hair.

My phone vibrated.

"You hit me with that note, ya know :p" It was Daithi.

"Sorry, but did Jack say anything else about that... girl?"

"Ooohhhh (y/n), are you jealous of lil' old Sean?" Using his real name, Daithi mocked me. He must know I like him...

"Shut up dude :/"

Charlotte placed a note on my desk.

"Are you gonna tell me?" She wrote.

This is getting a bit out of hand, I mean come on, we are in literature.

"Yeah, sorry got caught up. It wa-"

A text from Daithi.

"Oh, so you do like him now? :3"

"Daithi, no D:<" I typed back, getting annoyed.

I started writing back to Charlotte.

"It was Jack."

As soon as I put the note on her desk, in came a pale, hung-over Sean. He moaned as he shuffled into class.

"Mr. McLoughlin, you're late."

Jack ignored him and continued to walk to his desk.

"Mr. McLoughlin"

Jack ignored him again and sat down.

Mr. Dennis growled.
"Mr...... McLoughlin....." he said in a low, dark tone.

Jack looked at him, straight in the face, then crossed his arms on his desk and put his head down. Everyone was staring at him.


Jack slowly looked up to him, with tired eyes.

"Please... don't yell..." he said quietly in a weak voice. Only Daithi and I knew why.

"Dean's Office." Dennis stared down at Sean.


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