Chapter Twenty

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"(y/n)? What's wrong? Why are you calling so late? Are you okay?"

"Daithi... can we talk in person please... I need someone."

"Yeah... yeah of course I'm always here (y/n). Meet me at the café outside of campus?" He sounded worried for me.

"Sure... On the way..." I struggled, trying not to cry.

I don't understand why Jack would treat me like this. I am not the cause of this. He brought it upon himself, at least that's what I keep telling myself.

I reached the café but didn't spot Daithi, so I started to order so I would have something to do while I wait.

I only ordered a small coffee and doughnut. As I grabbed my wallet to pay the woman behind the counter, I felt a pair of arms slither around my torso. He can't be here. He shouldn't be here.

"Jack, I am done with you. Please let go and..." I drifted off as I turned around and didn't see Jack, but Daithi.

"D-Daithi..." I mumbled and joined him in the hug. I started to cry again and he just held me tighter. "Shh... It's okay... It's okay..." He kept whispering in my ear. He didn't even know what's wrong, but he kept me calm. This is how Jack should have treated me... Daithi isn't even my boyfriend and he's better than Jack already...

"Um... Ma'am?" I heard a voice from behind me. "Yeah, Hi, sorry, not trying to ruin the moment or anything, but you kinda still have to pay." She said, pointing at my order on the countertop.
"Oh..." I started grabbing for my wallet again. "Right, sorry." I nervously chuckled.
"It's alright, enjoy your night." She left to go to the back after I placed my money down and picked up my order.
"You too!" I shouted even though she probably couldn't hear me. I sighed and looked up to Daithi, since he was a lot taller than me. He smiled and gave me another hug, and we just stood there for awhile.
"Thank you..." I lowly mumbled.
"Why are you thankin' me?" He asked pulling away. He grabbed my hand and held it while pulling away, but I didn't really notice.

"You'll know why soon enough..."
"Oh. Do you uh- wanna grab a booth?" He asked, pointing to a booth with his thumb in his free hand. "Yeah... sure..."

We sat down and I didn't know where to start. "Did you know about... Jack... and I?"
"What about you?" Daithi asked.
Did Sean really not tell anyone about us? Was he really that embarrassed by me?
"We were dating for a while... and it all started at the playground..."

I told Daithi everything. From the 'first date' at the playground, to the football stadium where I... gave him ....a blowjob... To dyeing our hair each other's favorite colors... to him getting his grades up 'for me'... to the fight we just had.

"(y/n), I'm really sorry... I... didn't know.... I should have been there for you." I was crying, but to try and lighten the mood I pushed my finger to his mouth and laughed, saying "Shh... you didn't know. You couldn't have known." I got up to throw away my trash.
"I wish I had." He speaks as he follows. Does Daithi... Like me? No. That's stupid.

We started to walk out of the café and headed back to campus, still holding hands. I don't quite know why, but it felt rather comforting.

He paused and looked around for a few seconds.
"Would you... uhh..."
"What is it Daithi?" I said sweetly, getting annoyed but trying my best to not show it.
"Would you wanna stay at my place tonight? 'Ya know... so you're not alone?" He shook a small bit.
"Sure!" I jumped and hugged him. I'm not sure why, but he's being extremely nice to me.
I kinda like it.
I kinda like him.

"Do you live off campus?" I asked.
"Yeah actually. A lot of people do." We walked past the college.
"Oh, cool." Now I'm sort of wishing I rented an apartment.

When we got to his house, it looked just like mine back home in America. It made me smile, but sad at the same time from being slightly home sick.

"What's wrong?" Daithi asked since I paused before I moved into his home.
"Nothing. Your house reminds me of my own back home. That's all."
"Oh. Where do you come from anyway? You have an American accent, so I assume there?"
"Yeah... Were you raised here?"
"Yup. Jack and I were neighbors growin' up. And Craig moved here from England about five years ago. (these facts aren't true at all please don't believe me XD) I can't believe Jack would treat you like that." He sighed. I sat on his couch and patted the open seat beside me, signaling him to sit beside me. He did so and I placed my head on his shoulder, then he left his head on mine. I put my hand on his knee and started to lightly rub it. Not in a sexual way, but a 'thank you for calming me down' way.

"Daithi you didn't know. No one did. Not even Sean's own mother. Thank you for just being here for me when no one else was." I moved my head, making him move his head and I looked up to him and smiled, and he looked back at me with a straight face.
"(y/n), I'll always be here. I promise..." He started to lean in and close his eyes. I had no time to think, but I figured it's the least I could do for him helping me and just being here. So I followed his footsteps and after about half a second,

Daithi's lips were kissing mine.

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