Chapter Twenty-One

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I pulled away from Daithi and looked down.
What am I doing?
"Hey, uh... C-can I use the restroom please?" I asked him without looking at him, trying to avoid awkwardness.
"'Ya, sure. It's the third door on the right down there." He pointed to a hallway behind him.
"Thanks." I said stepping around him. I quickly walked to the bathroom and shut and locked the door. I placed my hands firmly on the sink and closed my eyes, hanging my head down.

I just broke up with my boyfriend because we got into a fight about him getting drunk and blaming it on me... then I go to his best friend who just so happened to be one of my best friends and, then he kisses me. Seriously, what am I doing? It doesn't feel right, but my brain is telling me that this is what needs to be done.

I look up to the mirror and see my broken face. Make up and tear stained cheeks, and red puffy eyes. I look like a mess.
I turn on the sink and splash water on my face to calm me down some more and wake me up from this nightmare. I was happy with an amazing guy, then he made me feel like the root of his problems. But Daithi is helping me feel better. And that's good... right?
I scrub the dried and ruined make up off and put on a fake smile to head out. I sit back down next to Daithi, who was on his phone and turned it off to talk to me.

"(Y/n), I want to talk to you about something important, and...  I just want you to listen to me first. Okay?"
I nodded my head in understanding and waiting for him to continue.

"Berenice and I broke up about two weeks ago because I told her I was falling apart. That I started to have eyes for someone else. I told her I still loved her, but she didn't care much. So she left. (Y/n), ever since I first saw you when I was with Jack and Craig, I thought you were incredibly gorgeous and immediately wanted you by my side. But since I'm sort of an introvert, and that fucking bastard was more of an obnoxious extrovert, he had more courage built up to talk to you. I always talked to Craig and he kept telling me to stop being a twat and just talk to you before Jack swept you off your feet like he can everyone. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I really like you."

Did that...
really just happen?

My mouth stood open in awe and I looked down. I just couldn't find the words to speak. He liked me even when he was with Berenice? Ever since I met him? The same day I met Sean..?

I had always thought of Daithi and Craig to be cute in the back of my mind, Daithi more so, especially when Charlie started seeing him. Maybe this could work...

I didn't realize it but my eyes grew glossy just thinking of everything. I was still looking down, since Daithi stopped talking.

"Are you mad at me?" He questioned. I shook my head no and sniffed to prevent myself from crying, and continued looking down so he couldn't see.

He grabbed my chin and guided my face to his, now being only centimeters apart.  As he brought my face up, he placed his hands on either side of my face as tears started slowly rolling down my reddened face. He lightly laughed and wiped them away with a gentle glide of his thumbs.

"It's okay..." He leaned in slowly but this time I didn't hesitate or have to think twice. I just pushed myself into him and wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands snaked from my face down the curves of my body to my waist. I repositioned myself so I was sitting on his lap. I enjoyed this until I pulled away moments later and buried my face into his neck.

"What does this make us Daithi?" I asked out of curiosity, my voice becoming mumbled from his skin.

"Well that depends..." He started and pried me off of him to look at me properly. "Do you like me... this way... too?" He asked, nervously looking around and avoiding eye contact. I kissed his nose. "Answer your question?" I asked, getting his attention and staring into his eyes. He laughed and responded with, "I supposed it does. In which case (y/n), I know you just broke up with Sean, so I respect any answer you give me, but, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

I know I shouldn't be excited, and I should be sad and depressed because I just broke up with a man that I thought I loved, but after hearing Daithi's little yet meaningful speech, I pushed it all away. I still felt shitty about Sean, but he brought it on himself. I was not the source of his problems, he was. I just need to let it go. It was not my fault.

So, without hesitation to answer Daithi, I pushed my lips to his and smiled. "I would love to." I whispered into his ear.

Hi. So yes, I did add some Daithi action in there, and it may seem confusing, but this is still a JackSepticEye x Reader, so it will all make sense later. Things are gonna get saucy. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Later taters :*

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