Chapter Twenty-Three

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~Still Jack's POV sorryyy~

I was trying my hardest not to break during the class session. On the outside I showed my regular self, not a care in the world with nothing to phase me, but on the inside I was crumbling. Falling apart piece by piece because when (y/n) left my heart and when she removed herself from me, she left a hole. She was the support in the structure of my heart, but now it's just shattering.

I grabbed one last piece of paper from my notebook and sniffed to hold the waterfall of tears behind my dams of eyes.

'please...' Was all I could manage to write. I started violently shaking, and I could barely control my hands so the writing was almost completely illegible.

My unsteady hand reached for her desk and gently put it down. She wasn't happy.

She immediately stood up and took the note.
"DO YOU THINK I'M A GAME, SEAN? THAT I CAN BE PLAYED THEN LEFT BEHIND? I'M DONE WITH YOU AND I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN! CAN'T YOU GET THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL? LISTEN FOR ONCE AND LEAVE. ME. ALONE." She ripped up the note, threw it at me, grabbed her things and stormed out with tears in her eyes.

Daithi gathered his things and pointed in my face.
"I'm having an extremely serious conversation with you later." He growled and followed, running after (y/n). My bottom lip started to quiver. I couldn't hold it anymore.

I put my arms over my desk and my head a top them, and let go. Everyone in the class was staring at me, but I didn't fucking care.

She's gone.

She left.

Because of me.

After about ten minutes of sobbing, I calmed down and the class was dismissed. I grabbed my things and headed to the door, barely able to see through my swollen red eyes.

"Uh, McLoughlin, stay after." Dennis called from behind me. I let out a large sigh. I just wanted to go home... where I could drink my problems away...

"Y-you wanted to s-see me sir?" I asked in my most polite tone. I'm not in the mood to get on anyone else's bad side today.

"What was that earlier?" He pointed to where I had been sitting.

"Sir, in all honestly I don't know. Admittedly, I was trying to write notes to (y/n) because she's been ignoring me and I'm not sure why but when I kept trying she got mad and stormed out. I'm sorry I interrupted your lesson."

"It is quite all right, just see to it that it doesn't happen again." He grabbed my shoulder and firmly but lightly shook my with reassurance.

"Okay sir. Enjoy the rest of your day."

And I walked out of the room.

But then my phone went off.

Daithi: 'Get outside of (y/n)'s now.'

I gulped and moved to her living space.


When I made it to (y/n)'s dorm, I saw her and Daithi on a bench facing away from me. He had his arm around her, while she lightly sobbed. A small fire ignited inside of me, out of pure jealousy from Daithi. And right then, when I thought things couldn't get worse...

He kissed her.

My best friend,

Was kissing my girlfriend.

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