Chapter Twenty-Four

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~Last of Jack's POV I'm sorry okay don't hurt me~

My best friend was kissing my girlfriend. Right in front of me.

"Uh... What do you think you're doing?" I walked up and interrupted them.

"I'm kissing my girlfriend." Daithi retorted with a sneer. I can't believe this. (Y/n) is my girlfriend. Not Daithi's.

"Excuse me?" I asked getting closer.

"Daithi, I can do this." She lightly stroked his cheek and stood up to face me. Her mascara had run down her face in small streams of black tears filled with regret.

"Jack. You did this yourself. I am not the source of your problems, you were. I didn't tell you to live the way you did or are. I'm with Daithi now, because you decided you didn't love me anymore. You need to leave me alone, and you need to leave my boyfriend alone." She gestured her hand to Daithi, behind her. This isn't really happening... is it?

"(Y/n), baby..." I trailed off and grabbed her waist but she wiggled away. Daithi stiffened and sat up straight, taking notice of my actions.

"I never stopped loving you. Not even for a second. We never even broke up..." I grabbed her face and tried to kiss her, but she turned away so I only got the corner of her lips and her cheek. Daithi immediately stood up and pulled (y/n) away slightly.

(Y/n) chuckled shortly.
"You really don't remember, do you?" She asked me and looked back at Daithi to watch him shrug his shoulders and then look back into my eyes.
"Remember what?" I grew curious and worried about what I had done this time to make her this upset at me.

She started to explain.
"Last night, you got drunk at the park and I found you and you told me you thought you weren't good enough for me but I cheered you up and you told me you actually loved me. And actually I believed you. Then we went dyed our hair each other's favorite colors... which luckily red is Daithi's favorite color too. But we got home late and your mom heard us come in, and you guys got in a fight and I cooled her off and when I went up stairs to cool you off, you got mad at me and blamed your problems on me. The drinking, the stress... You told me you hate me. That you never want to see me again and if I step foot on your property again you would call the cops. I broke down... and... Daithi was there for me the way you never were. He treats me like a princess and it's only been a day." She smiled back and Daithi who kissed her cheek, but when she looked at me her eyes read gloomy and her smile sinked to a frown.

I told her I hate her?

I'm so fucking stupid.

"(Y/n), I-I don't remember any of that! Y-you gotta believe me, I-I would never hate you!" I tried to pull her back in by the waist but Daithi pushed me off her.

I hate him.
He betrayed me.

I pushed him back.

And he punched me.

I wiped blood from under my nose and swung back at him, knocking his glasses off his face. That will leave a black eye. He deserves it.

He pounced on me to make me fall and jumped on top of me, hitting me every chance he got. I tried to hit him back and failed, so I flipped us over so I was on top and had an advantage. I beat him until my knuckles were bloody, but I froze and looked over at (y/n) who was screaming and crying in fear. What am I doing? I'm scaring her...

I froze and she took the opportunity to run over and pull me off of Daithi and continued to cry while examining his beaten face.

"D-Daithi... Oh my god..." She grazed her hands across his wounds as I started to slowly back away.

"I.... I'm o-ok-kay (y-y/n)..." He mumbled out the best he could and let out a small laugh to reassure her. "He's a p-pussy for not finishing me o-off anyw-ay..." He darted his eyes at me. The fire inside me exploded. I started to run toward him and got ready to hit him, but (y/n) moved closer to him to cover him from me and I stopped right before I could hit her. Her face was tucked into his shirt, and she slowly turned around to look at me.

"W-we're leaving. We're d-done here." She quietly sobbed, the mascara lines deeper and darker than they were before. She picked up Daithi's glasses and gently slid them back onto his face.

I watched as (y/n) and Daithi walked to the front gate, Daithi's arm over (y/n)'s shoulder to help him with balance as he limped at her side.

I never told her I hate her.
I couldn't have.
I didn't...

I hit my head with my hands after they were no longer visible, and laid on the ground and watched the stars.

That's it.

She doesn't love me anymore.

She never had anyway, she never told me that she actually did.

What am I suppose to do?

She was my world. My everything.

I started to cry at the moon and the stars.
"Why?" I asked nothing in particular.
"Why did she leave... Why did I drink... Why am I me...?" I rolled on the ground. I can't get my head together.

I started to walk down by the shop that's near my house and bought two six packs of beer. I just want to drown my blues away in the alcohol.

When I arrived to my house with the problem solving liquid, I unlocked the door and walked up to my room.

I snapped a single can out of its plastic wrapping, and cracked the beer open. I put the opening up to my lips, but paused before the solvent could touch them.

This wouldn't help my case, it will only make it worse.

If I want to get (y/n) back, I need to prove that I don't need booze to help me and heal me.

I don't.

I need her.

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