Chapter Twenty-Five

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~Your POV~

I wanted to stay home today so I could take care of Daithi, but he wouldn't let me. He said he'd be fine on his own.

It took a while, but he finally convinced me to go so I wouldn't fall behind.

I got to literature and Charlie greeted me with a nice iced coffee and a warm smile. We had time to spare before class started, so she wanted me to explain what had been going on. Daithi and Sean apparently had both been texting Craig about this whole ordeal, and he talked to her about it because he had not known what to make of the situation.

I explained all major details to her, up to where we are now. She sighed and told me everything will be okay in the end.

I wanted to change the conversation around so I asked her how her and Craig had been doing, since she's spent just about no time in our dorm and all her time with him like I have recently with Sean then Daithi.

We had to stop talking, because Professor Dennis had stepped to the front behind his desk and announced class was starting. As he did so, I caught the green-haired idiot that is my ex step into the class with red, puffy eyes, and sit in his assigned seat next to me.

Charlie had started paying attention, but Craig had texted me.

'If he starts to give you a hard time again, give me a sign and I'll stop him. Try something like.... tapping under your seat twice with your finger. I can help. ;p'

I appreciated his offer so I texted back.

'Thanks Craig :)'

We were taking notes on these boring novellas when Sean kept looking and staring at me. I wouldn't look back, but I was watching him through the corner of my eye so he couldn't tell. I heard him sniff and look down. I ignored it until I felt my phone go off.

Sean McLoughlin: 'I'm so sorry...'

That's all it read. I changed his contact name to his legal name, I didn't want to think of him as I used to anymore.

I rolled my eyes and started to put my phone away but it vibrated again. I looked at the message.

Mini Ladd: '?'

I changed Craig's name too because he became a good enough friend where I could make fun of him with him taking it seriously.

I put my hand down at my side, knowing he'd watch for a signal and shook my finger no.

I put my phone back in my pocket and continued taking my notes.

Sean held his pencil in his hand, ready to write, but continued to watch each of my every movements.

I can't sit near him anymore.

He's starting to creep me out.

He moved to his phone once again so I could only assume he would text me.

I was right. A few moments after he put his phone away, I got another message.

I was wrong.
Craig text me, not Sean.

Mini Ladd: 'He told me to ask you if you can just talk with you after class since he knows that you would respond or read his own texts to you :/'

I pinched the bridge of my nose.

'Tell him I said 'A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.' I can't talk to him right now.'

I sent the message and waited for a reaction.

A minute or two passed before I saw Sean turn around and give Craig a strange look. I couldn't see Craig, so I slightly turned to watch him shrug his shoulders at Sean then his eyes panned to me, which caused Sean to turn his head in my direction as well. I finally looked at Sean and took into his drained features. The red eyes, the out growing shadow beard, the tear stained cheeks.

Maybe he really does miss me?
Maybe he is sorry?
Maybe... he didn't mean it...?

"Excuse me back there." I heard Dennis shout. It caused Sean, Craig and I to turn our attention to him, while the rest of the class started to stare at us.

"Please pay attention to my course, or you will be forced to stay after class."

We all nodded and at least pretended to pay attention.

I was going to go to Dennis after class anyway to see if I could move my seat, but maybe I shouldn't.

Maybe I should hear Sean out.

Revised by NonexistingReality

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