Beginning Of The Fangtastic Job

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Here's the next chapter......


Eric stared at me in his office as I munched on french fries, since Pam, the blonde ash haired girl was told to buy me some McDonald's, and I already inhaled the Big Mac in like three minutes.
"How long did you go without eating may I ask?"
Eric asked me as I stopped chewing my bite of three fries I stuffed in my mouth.

"Since five in the morning, when I got gas, with the last bit of my money I had saved up a year ago."
I tell him.

"A year ago?"
He asked me.

"I was living with my parents, even though I'm an adult, because I wasn't financially stable yet, but they kicked me out, also  because I was the sinner in not believing in God, and I never settled down.
The church believes all women are good for is having children, and mommying their fucking husbands, who suck on the teats of their mothers still."
I tell my boss Eric.

"That was saucy and I'm not surprised by your parents being involved with the church."
Eric says to me.
"You have fire.
I like it."
Then he asked me next.
"How old are you?"

I tell him, and he blinked rapidly in shock.

"You look sixteen."
He says to me.

"Yes, and pedos tend to approach me more often."
I say to him, then I stuffed three fries in my mouth, chewing them up.

"Was it worse when younger?"
He asked me.
"I imagine it would be."

I swallow my fries down after chewing them.
"The church you could say isn't safe for children."
I say to him.

"I know.
I have been alive a long time.
I know the churches have a child rape issue, including they have child molestation insurance.
And yes it's a thing."
Eric says to me.

BTW: Google Churches with molestation insurance and you'll see how big and bad child molestation is in the church.
It's a real thing molestation insurance for churches to get.
France deduced over 330,000 churches have been involved in child molestation and rape, including cops, and school officials.
I saw an article a cop raped a 4 year old and got off scott free in the United States.
43 states in the United States child marriage is legal, and children cannot divorce their adult partners until 18, so they are trapped until then, if they run away, police are called by their adult partner to take them back to their adult partner.
Also poverty can cause child marriages to spike; studies show that countries that are impoverished marry their children for money and to feed and clothe themselves or have a roof over their head.
Even a republican voted against banning child marriage and said on video he knows a 12 year old who is married to an adult and supports child marriage.
Most Republicans support child marriage and there's long lists online of Republicans being involved with sexual relations with children/minors in the United States, including as I said churches are a hot bed of child rape.
Including adoption agencies tend to sex traffick children, how I know, I've had foster kids who came to me about being sex trafficked.
Adoption is horrid for certain individuals and shouldn't always be an option for those seeking abortions, because the adoption industry is corrupt and tends to sex traffick their foster kids.
The more I talk to foster kids; the more I get stories they were sex trafficked for money by foster parents, raped by the foster parent, or were beaten badly by said foster parent, or all the above by their adoptive parents.
I'm not for any party, but I call out the worst in each party, just so you know.
I was also trafficked too by a family member, so I tend to spread awareness about it.


"Mister Northman, so what does my job entail?"
I ask him.

"Feeding me."
He says to me and I blink in shock at that.

"Feeding you?
As in letting you drink my blood?"
I ask him.

He nods.

"Was that really in the job description?"
I ask him.

He gave me a serious look.
Did you read it carefully?"
He took out the paper from the filing cabinet, and points to a spot on it.
It seems you overlooked this part."
I stand up and look to the place he pointed.

The secretary must tend to all Eric Northman's needs, including letting him feed on said secretary.
It said and he's right I overlooked it.

I blink in shock and his fangs elongated.
"Now, you are lucky I fed before you came here.
But tomorrow night you will be feeding me."
I look to him, setting the paper down.

"I understand."
I tell him.

"You will be well compensated."
He says to me.

"By letting you bite me?
How much money are we taking about here?"
I ask him.

"Five thousand dollars."
He says to me and I gape at him in shock.

"Holy shit!
That's alot of money!"
I exclaim.

"You already signed the contract, so you are bound to me until you piss me off enough to actually fire you."
Eric....I mean Mister Northman says to me.

I better call him Mister Northman then since it's more proper.
I thought to myself.

"Signing that contract means you belong to me for now.
You will receive an apartment soon enough.
Pam already found you a place."
Eric says to me.

The door slammed open.
"Which isn't my job description."
Pam sassed.

The two argued in another language I never heard before, and Pam sighs.
I'll do it!"
She left out the door.

Eric threw me a key ring, and I caught the key ring, which had a key on it.
"To your place.
As well as Pam will call the internet company, and start up your electric, water, and gas."

"Was that why she was sassy?"
I ask him.

"Yes it was, because to her that is a human chore, and I can tell you are not from Louisiana, so I doubt you know what right places to call."
He says to me.

"Mister Northman thank you.
I appreciate everything you've already done for me."
I tell him, smiling warmly at him.

"Being cheeky like that and kissing ass will not get you far in this bar."
He stands up and opened the door, and I stand up, going to stand by him, and he handed me a paper with my apartment's address on it.
"Use your GPS to get to it."

"Mister Northman I don't kiss ass, I am just a kind and generous person, know that."
I then left out of the office, heading out of the bar and to my car.


I admit the apartment is a luxurious apartment, it has the latest gadgets of the year in it, and everything was up to code, technically the apartment looked like it was recently remodelled, and now it's all mine.
I couldn't believe after being homeless for years, struggling to get a bite to eat, to bathe myself, and I bet I stank like shit when I was at the bar, and I sniff my underarm and flinch at my rank stench.
I was glad Mister Northman gave me money up front for even signing his contract, money I can use on new clothes, food and hygiene products, which I bought on my way to the apartment, and I was currently bathing myself, using Axe products, since I like to wear men's clothes, use men's products for bathing in, but I love cherry blossom perfume, which I found some of the brand I get at the store, me happy I got my favorite perfume.

After my bath I slept until eleven in the morning, but then started fixing me something to eat after I took another shower, since I have a sweating disorder, so I sweat alot.
I inherited it from my father.
I sigh as I fixed me dish that was cut up beef sausages with potatoes cut up, all seasoned, which I cooked in a little bit of oil, me flipping over the food in the pan.

I look to my phone, which I got a fifty dollar plan on from Straight Talk at Walmart, an unlimited plan you fill every month.
The apartment was in Shreveport, and not that far from Bon Temps.
I was not so sure if I'm the only human Eric treats this way.
I feel I maybe sloppy seconds, in how he looked at me, with hunger and desire.
Like a predator looking at its prey with hunger, which he did the same to me, looking at me like that.

I never knew vampires were like this until today, especially when it became nightfall and I had to go to work at Fangtasia.
I was not looking forward to being his main food source, but I had no choice in the matter.

I sigh as I was driving to work at Fangtasia, my short light brown gray pepper hair spiked up like Dean Winchester's hair, and the cool AC in my car felt so nice, because I was hot at the moment, and a heatwave was rampaging through the south at the moment.
I prefer my hair short.
Military short with my bangs spiked up like Dean Winchester's hair.
I've had this hairstyle since I was four, because since I was four, I wanted to be a boy, and saw myself as a boy.
I go by she and him, but southern idiots are homophobic and transphobic, so I never came out to anyone, since I was kicked out by my family.

I pull into the small parking lot in Fangtasia, me parking in an employee spot, and turned off my engine, and I grab my purse, and I was told in a text by Pam, that I'm not allowed to have my phone on during work, nor am I allowed to film anything going on in the club, that I'm only supposed to call on it if it was dire or if I needed to schedule a health appointment.
The rules were so uptight, but I need this job to not be homeless.
I was homeless for years, and I don't need to be kicked out of this job, and be homeless again.
So far I have no bills thanks to Eric.
And I got a message from him that he assigned health insurance for me, and life insurance, the best kind of both, so technically he cared about his employees more than certain places do that hire people.
He told me in a text I'd get paperwork on both in the mail.
And yesterday I changed my address legally to my new apartment's address, which legally I needed in order to receive the paperwork.
Everything was set up for me including internet, the internet and gas turned on, including the water thanks to Pam.
Mister Northman is my main boss, and I think Pam is the manager of the bar.

I step out of my vehicle, locking it, and I walked up towards the open leather red doors that had a red rope in front of it, and off to the left was a line where people were waiting to get into the club, and Pam was checking identifications of people, but she looked to me, then towards the crowd in line.
"Have fun with your new boss."
She smirked at me, and I get chills when she said that, unwanted warm chills.

I walk through the crowd as booming rock music played, the song Cherry Pie played, and I walk passed the crowd, and went to Mister Northman's office, knocking on the door, and I heard him say.
I open the door, seeing him sitting at his desk, and he stood up, him towering over my short stature, him a Sasquatch compared to me.
"You are late."
He frowned at me.

I was cleaning up and getting me something to eat along the way."
Indeed I did, I took an extra shower after cleaning the apartment, and sweated alot from the work, cause my sweat disorder, and I took a shower cause I stank.
I then along the way here got Wendy's, the David's classic burger meal, and large fries, and I'm currently holding my Wendy's cup with diet coke in it.

"You had Wendy's by the looks of it."
He sat back in his leather desk chair behind his desk, and I could hear the music still going outside the door, and Black Veil Brides played, the song Rebel Love Song.

I didn't take him to have such taste in music, since he was a vampire I thought he'd like classical music, mostly like Edward Cullen from Twilight.
Well as a teenager I loved that series, the movies came out when I was a freshman in highschool, and because of it, I read the books, but I haven't read the genderbent one yet, which I really want to.
Seriously, I thought vampires sparkled, but no, my reality is that they sleep during the day, and don't sparkle, and I don't know what else at this point.
I know nothing about vampires in reality, only the ones in like Twilight, and The Originals, and The Vampire Diaries, which those vampires don't exist in reality.

I sat on the couch in the room sipping my diet coke.
"Are you enjoying your drink?"
He asked me.

"Actually I am.
I haven't had Wendy's in years, so when I bit into the fries and burger my taste buds exploded."
I say honestly to him.

"Then I am glad my money I give you is keeping you well cared for."
He says to me, slyly smirking at me.

"Mister Northman; I appreciate everything you've done for me, but didn't you say I'd be feeding you?"
I say to him.

"Indeed you are; but I already fed.
I recently decided I want you to become used to my prescence before I feed on your blood, and I need your health history first, since certain diseases can harm my people, and I do not want to take a chance at being infected with a disease that could harm me."
Mister Northman says to me, him clasping his fingers together, his elbows bent on the desk, his ocean blue eyes looking at me with a serious look, and then he picked up a stack of four papers in a folder, and holds them out to me.
"Fill this out for me."
I stand up, and he hands me a clipboard, and pen.

I sit back on the couch, and started working on the paperwork, writing down my health history of my family, and myself, even quoting my sweat disorder, and it also asked if I ever have been infected with any forms of STDs STIs, or hepatitis variants, which I disclosed I have not.
It even asked if I am sexually active, which I marked I have not, keeping my rape at eight years old a secret to myself by a pastor at our church.
It asked also if I have any cycle disorders or a narrow cervix, or had any surgeries in the past.
I put down I have only had my wisdom teeth removed, and I'm known to have kidney stones, and had a hysterectomy, including my cervix removed.
I do not have a cycle disorders at all now either.
I finished the paperwork and stood up, handing it to him.

He looked over the paperwork, and puts it in a file with my name on it, and he files it away in a metal cabinet.
"I still will schedule you to have tests done to check if you have any hepatitis variants or STDs or STIs, since I have people who lie to just get a job here, and infect my vampire staff."

"I understand."
I say to him, and he hands me a card.

"The appointment for those tests are at ten in the morning at this address."
He hands me another paper with an address to a Doctor Schlotzbalm.
"The female PA will be thorough."

"So what do I do tonight?"
I ask him as I go to my purse, putting both the card and paper into my purse.

"All you can do is sit on my lap at my throne on stage, since I'm bored; I would like you to do so."
He says to me.


To be continued.....

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