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Here's the first chapter.....

I'm thirty years old, and religion has traumatized me.
My parents were very religious, made me and my two sisters take part in purity culture, which is a rape culture, and I was raped by a pastor at eight years old, and I was told I tempted him, I mean come on!
An eight year old tempted a pastor?!
I mean you know it's not my fault, me wearing a pink and glittery tutu dress was temptation and my fault?!
Hell no it ain't my fault, but alas my parents called me a slut at eight years old for tempting the pastor of our church, and my sister Sarah was the queen bee of our family, the favorite.
Nothing bad ever happened to her, our youngest sister then went missing, and I was once again blamed for it, me being kicked out of the house a year ago, and I'm homeless, homeless for awhile.

I was desperate for a job and a roof over my head, me living inside my mustang, and I didn't care what job it was, I'd do it.
Seriously I'd take it, even if it was a job that vampires reside at.
That's when I heard a vampire bar was hiring people that are human, which I immediately jumped at the chance for the job, finding a vampire bar needed a human employee, well a secretary for the owner, in which I applied for.
And I just parked in front of the bar, which said on a bright red neon sign....Fangtasia.

I know that's a pun for sure calling this bar Fangtasia.
I thought to myself, turning off my 2005 mustang.

I grab my purse, and locked my vehicle, which had boxes of my things in the trunk and in the backseat.
I took a shower before I came here at a YMCA, but I didn't eat anything, because I used the rest of my money on gas this morning, so I was starving, my stomach growling alot, and cramping too, but I was ignoring it as I walk up to the entrance, and  an ash blonde haired woman was setting up a red rope towards the entrance.
"Excuse me ma'am."
Once she heard my voice, she straightened herself, and turned to face me.
"Um.....I'm here for the secretary job?"

She eyed me from my black converse shoes, to my black sweatpants that had Godzilla on it, and I wore a black One Punch Man shirt, with Saitama throwing a punch, which was a little snug on me, so my big breasts showed prominently in my bra under my shirt, and my slight potbelly did too.
I also have short gray light brown hair, and it's styled in a spikey way like Dean Winchester's hair.
I got precocious puberty early, so I gained weight fast, since I was put on birth control at age nine, because my periods were horrid, but at 28, I eventually had to have my uterus removed due to my periods became life threatening.
So I'm completely infertile, but my ovaries are still intact.
My cervix was too tiny too, which is a deformity, same with my uterus was that of a childs, though I fully matured at twenty-five, so having both removed was a good thing, because a pregnancy would've killed me.
It hurt to have sex because my insides are tiny, still does at times, depending on the man's size, and because of it, I never had a true orgasm.

She stared at my chest then looked to my face.
"You don't look half bad for a tub of lard."
She smirked at me, and I glare at her fat shaming remark, me wanting to bitch slap her, me holding in the urge to do so.
"Come inside."
She guides me inside the bar, and the bar was empty of customers, and there was a stage with an antique throne wooden chair that looked to be from the victorian age, and looked gothic too.

"Stop gawking and follow me girl."
The woman orders me rather rudely, like she was above my ass in rank, and I look forward, following her to a back hallway, and she opened a red wooden door, and motions me inside.
"Your future boss awaits you."
She says in a mockingly way, then I walk into the room, and she shuts the door behind me, which I looked back at seeing her doing so, and I then heard a male voiced throat clear, and I look forward, seeing a man that looked over six feet tall, he had slicked back blonde hair, was muscular, his muscular chest showed prominently in his black tank top he wore, and his six packed abs did too, and he had muscular arms too.
His skin was pale, and he had vibrant ocean blue eyes.
He wore dark jeans and black leather boots.

He stood tall over my five foot two height, so I was tiny compared to him, him a Sasquatch as he stood in front of me, him slyly smirking at me.
He finally spoke.
"Are you the one who answered my advertisement?"
I merely nod.
"Are you sure you can handle the job?"
He mused out.

"Sir I can handle anything you throw at me, so I'm sure I can."
I tell him honestly, because my religious family was harder to deal with than vampires in my opinion.

"I will take note of that statement when you decide to quit."
He says to me, and he sat behind a desk, in a leather desk chair, clasping his fingers together.
"Now, tell me your name."

"Sunny Crabtree."
I tell him and he started chuckling.

He smirked.

"My sister goes by Sarah Newlin."
I tell him, and he scowled at me, fathom showing upon his facial features, him standing up, him clenching his fists upon his desk, and him looking quite upset.

"You are that whore's sister?!"
He spat, fathom and hatred in his voice towards not me but my sister Sarah.

Just mentioning my sister's name infuriated him, which confused me to no end, so then I ask him.
"Do you know my sister?"

"She tried to make my maker meet the sun!"
He snarled out.

"I'm not like my sister, since I'm her half-sister in a way.
My Mom cheated on our Dad, so I'm the bi-product of an affair, which is why I was treated horribly by my family, so I don't have the same beliefs as my sister.
Though I was taught vampires are evil, I don't believe such things, since I'm athiest."
I tell him honestly.

He sat back down, his look softening.
"So her last name was once Crabtree?"

"Yeah it was."
I tell him.
"We both got made fun of by people, them saying we had the clap."

He boldly laughed.
"I can picture such teasings."

"Whatever my sister did, please don't treat me badly because of it.
My family abandoned me awhile ago."
I tell him.

"Why did they abandon you?"
He asked me.

"Different beliefs."
I tell him.
"And because I dress like a man."

"I see."
He seemed to calm down from his anger.

"I need this job sir, since I'm living out of my car right now, so please don't shoo me away."
I say to him, practically begging him.

"You are hired, but if you betray me, I will fire you, and wipe your memory of me and my club."
He says to me, and I swallow hard, me nodding.

"I understand."
I tell him.

He sets a paper on his desk.
"Sign this."

I nod as he handed me a pen, and I look through the contract.
I was forbidden to use my cellphone to film any part of this club, only make calls and texts with no pictures of the club, or more or less have it off most the time unless I need to make important calls.
I was to wait on him hand and foot for his needs.
Basically it was an easy yet strict workplace.
I signed the contact, and he took the contract, putting it into a file in a metal file dresser behind him.

"I will give you an apartment to stay in."
He says to me.
"My workers will not remain homeless."

"Thank you."
I tell him.

"My name is Eric Northman.
I am over a thousand years old, and you are now my secretary."
He says to me.
"First I'll have you fed.
Your stomach is making racket."


To be continued......

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