A boy with blue hair

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A blue haired boy, by the name of Shiota Nagisa, casually cleaned the apartment while waiting for a certain red head to come home.

"I wonder what we'll have for dinner"

Nagisa mumbled under his breath as he wiped off the dirt and smudges from the glass door leading to the balcony.

"Ah. It looks like its about to rain. Better get the laundry inside."

The bluenette slid open the glass door before grabbing the now dry laundry and placing them in a basket.

Before going in however, Nagisa did something he hasn't done in a while. The bluenette looked at the scenery from the balcony before looking down to the bustling streets outside the building. All the people running by the streets in an attempt to get out the rain made Nagisa's breath hitch.

The bluenette quickly went on his knees and grabbed a hold of his blue locks.

"Theres a lot of people. They're noisy. Noisy is bad. I dont want it to be this noisy."

A sudden memory flashed in his mind. Two adults, a man and a woman, were arguing in a room. They were loud. Really noisy. Nagisa didnt like it. The man walked out while the woman found and ran towards Nagisa, who was hiding, and proceeded to beat him.

"N-no... what is this... who are you...?"

Nagisa's breathing was irregular. He continued pulling on his hair before it all sudden disappeared.

The noise was down and the memory faded. Not that he knows if it is one of his memories. Now that he thinks about it the only memory he remembers is waking up in a room with a red head walking up to him, soup in his hands.

Nagisa breathed in and out slowly and silently.

He might need to take his meds a bit early.

Nagisa proceeded to clean the room, acting as if the earlier scene didnt happen.

He was in the middle of cleaning the hallway when the doors bursts open.

Nagisa watched as a red head panted trying to catch his breathe.

"Was he running?"

"Karma! You're home early. What happe-"

Before he could finish. The red head tackled him into a tight hug.

Nagisa looked at Karma in confusion. He realised he was shaking a bit.

"Did something happen while he was out?"

Nagisa slowly pet Karma's head, knowing that it calms him down.

"Its fine Karma. Im here. Everything will be alright"

After giving a couple more words of comfort Karma finally calmed down. He stood straight and dragged Nagisa by the arm.

Nagisa was asked to lie down on the bed while Karma was next to him. The two cuddled under the sheets.

"Karma. Did something happen?"

Nagisa asked with a concerned voice.

Karma hugged the bluenette tight. Knowing someone out there wants to steal this precious blue jewel from him makes Karma want to hold Nagisa 24/7.

"N-Not know Nagisa. I just want to get it off my head.
Let sleep for a bit. Its early and I'm sure dinner can wait."

Nagisa gave his partner a smile before snuggling into his chest.

"Alright. Wake me up in a few hours."

Karma returned the smile

"Will do"

Nagisa woke up to the sound of an alarm. He turned it off and got himself out of Karma's hold before walking slugishly to the kitchen where he cooked dinner.

Karma was later woken up to the sizzling sound and the delicious smell of hamburg steak.

"Slept well?"

"Yeah, you being there helped. Not to mention I got to wake up to this!"

Karma said before sitting on a chair.

Nagisa smiled, placing two plates on the table, before joining the other to eat.

They said their thanks and ate.

Karma seems to have relaxed now. But Nagisa, like what he noted earlier, needs to take his medicine early because of the sudden stress that came earlier.

"Karma c-can you get me my meds?"

The red head raised an eyebrow at that.

"Is something wrong? You're taking them quite early"

Nagisa chuckled nervously.

"Yeah well I suddenly felt a bit sick earlier and decided I should take meds earlier than usual."

Karma looked at him worried before grabbing the pills and giving them to Nagisa who said a quick thank you.

After that the two took a bath together and got ready for bed.

"Goodnight Nagisa. Love you"

Nagisa smiled and snuggled into the red head's chest

"Love you too"

The next day Karma went to school but instead of going to class he instead made a turn towards the Class A.

He saw a student by himself out of the room.

He went towards him and asked about Asano

"Probably sleeping in the infirmary. He hasnt slept ever since he started trying to find a Shiota Na-"

Before he could finish Karma quickly placed a hand on the other's throat and squeezed tightly making him try and gasp for air.

"If you say his name I swear I wont hesitate to kill you"

Karma threatened as he let go and started stomping towards the infirmary in anger.

Karma opened the door and looked around to make sure noone was really there.

All clear


He looked at the only other person in the room.

Asank Gakushuu was sleeping on one of the beds mumbling something under his breath. One hand held a missing poster while the other was covering his face.

Karma slowly and quietly walked up to him with a crowbar in hand.

Karma raised the tool up and attempted to smash Asano's head in. All the while his eyes glowed in a scary way.

But before he could land a hit the doors suddenly opened.

"Oh, you a friend of Asano?"

An adult woman in a nurse's outfit came in while carrying a bunch of paperwork.

Karma turned towards her and gave her a fake smile. Crowbar nowhere to be seen.

"Nah. Someone asked me to check up on him."

"Well. Whoever sent you here please tell them that he needs plenty of rest and maybe some medicine for a fever. All that lack of sleep might have gotten him a cold."

"Will do"

That's all Karma said before walking out the room. He clicked his tounge in annoyance before walking away.


Asano woke up soon after and was greeted by the nurse. She told him about his visitors and nothing seemed to stand out that grabbed his attention. Right as she left the room Asano dropped the missing poster that he was holding. He bent down to grab it but something else caught his attention from beneath the table.

A Crowbar?

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