A guy with red hair

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A red haired boy by the name, Akabane Karma, casually walked in the classroom.

"Karma, late as usual I see"

A delinquent in Class 3-E.

"You dont have to tell me that teach"

A guy with dark hair narrowed his dark eyes at him before sighing.

"Im not even gonna bother."

The red head snickered

"Right call"

Although Karma calls himself ruthless ironically enough he was sent to Class E for saving someone. Granted he used violence to do so, but it doesnt shrug off the fact that he did so for someone other than himself.

School, for Karma, was boring as usual. It confuses him how the others still couldn't understand after the third or fourth time the teacher repeated the lesson. Not suprising though since they are in the End Class.

Not only that it was Koro-sensei's lesson.

He was a teacher-in-training and seems quite passionate about his job. A little too passionate. Although teachers-in-training arent supposed to be the advisors of a class, Koro-sensei took it upon himself to do so. Probably because their actual advisor has been absent ever since the first assembly.

But enough about school. The best part about Karma's day was when he got home. Its not because he could be as lazy as he wants with no worries whatsoever. And money's not a problem since he's an Akabane. But its because of a certain bluenette always waiting for him at the doorstep.

"Welcome home Karma!"

Was the first thing Karma heard the moment he opened the door to his apartment.

Karma instantly tackled the bluenette to the floor smiling widely.

... this is heaven..

"Im home Nagisa"

After quick greetings Nagisa got up with the help of Karma before skipping towards the kitchen.

"Well the bath and dinner's ready which one would you like first?"

Karma contemplated before walking towards Nagisa who was stirring the curry he was cooking in a pot.

Karma wrapped his arms around his waist, smelling his hair.

"A bath sounds nice but I wouldnt want Nagi to wait that long. You know how long I take in the bath."

Nagisa giggled a bit before turning to face Karma and gave him a little peck on the lips.

"You know that I take way longer in there than you"

Karma laughed a bit at the bluenette's response

"True, but I dont mind. You smell wonderful either way."

"A bit weird but thank you"

Nagisa said as he managed to make Karma let go of him before returning to the curry in the pot.

"Well... if you want dinner first would you mind preparing the table?"

Karma smirked before walking towards the cabinets filled with eating utensils.

"Not at all. I'll take care of the rice."

"Thank you"

The two ate quietly. Luckily for them Nagisa was good at cooking so they wont worry about Karma blowing up the kitchen, again.

"You take a bath first. I'll take care of the dishes."

Karma hummed before saying

"We can deal with that later. Let's take a bath together"

Karma pouted a bit. It's been a while since the two took one together. Karma liked massaging Nagisa's head while squirting shampoo on his hair.

Nagisa placed a finger on his chin before sighing.

"Alright, I guess the dishes can wait."

Karma couldnt help but smile widely. And although he's acting out of his usual character whenever he's home, its fine for him because its a nice and refreshing feeling.

The red head dragged Nagisa towards the bathroom to take a bath with the bluenette.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Karma asked as he washed Nagisa's hair who was also currently on his lap. The two were in the bathtub filled with now lukewarm water.

The red head noticed earlier how Nagisa leaned back on his chest clearly worn out.

"Mm-hm. Its a bit late now. Maybe 10? You know how early I tend to lose my energy"

Karma finished washing Nagisa's hair before kissing it and helping the bluenette up from the tub.

He dried the bluenette with a towel before helping him with his pajamas.

"Thanks as always Karma."

The red head smiled warmly before grabbing a bottle of meds from the nightstand beside their bed.

"Heres your medicine also some water."

Nagisa took the pill and drank the water before laying down on the comfortable bed.

Karma turned off the lights and layed down with his partner.

"Love you Karma"

Nagisa muttered under his breath before sleeping peacefully.

Karma smiled warmly, carressing Nagisa's blue hair.

"I love you too. Nagisa"

Another day in school. Another day to come back to his menacing demeanor. Another day away from Nagisa.

Karma sighed as he walked towards school. He really didnt want to be away from the bluenette for hours. After years of feeling like crap he finally felt happy the moment he found Nagisa crying in the middle of the street at midnight.

Karma was sitting on his designated chair at the back of the room.

He was minding his own business when a sudden conversation from a group of his classmates near him caught his interest.

"Have you heard about what happened to Asano?"

A blonde girl started

"Yeah. We heard he suddenly got into depression. I dont know the details..."

Another girl with green hair replied.

"I think I might know why."

A guy with dark short hair raised his hand to get the others attention.

"I overheard one of the Five Virtuosos. They said something about Asano losing a dear friend"

"That guy? Has friends?"

"Apparently yeah. They were his neighbor and they got along well. They said that this person is ill and is sometimes bedridden."

"So why is Asano depressed?"

"Well... his friend all of the sudden went missing."

The group gasped

"Wait! That reminds me. I saw Asano handing out missing posters at the front of the school and around the city! I think I saved one.."

"Really? You saved one?"

"What? The girl on the picture looks cute"

"You're messed up."

"Anyway here it is! Yeah its this girl!"

"Let me see..."

The group leaned in on the piece of paper one of them held.

By that time Karma was already ignoring them. He quietly drank his strawberry milk, wanting to go home. Away from everyone and spend quality time with-

"Shiota Nagisa?"

The sudden calling of the bluenette's name made Karma's neck snap back towards the group in shock.

Karma listened not wanting to cause a scene. He quietly crushed the now empty milk carton in his hand.

"Heh~ I didnt know Asano had a friend like this. A petite bluenette huh? Shiota Nagisa... and whoah!! The reward is huge!!"

"What do you expect from an Asano. But since it was Asano Gakushuu, the 'almighty' Class A ace, that got these printed out this 'Shiota Nagisa' person must be someome very special to him"


"Yeah guess Asano has a heart after all hah!"

Stop it

"But man.. they said this Nagisa person is ill right? Sometimes bedridden?"

You dont GET to say his name!

"Yeah why?"

Someone wants to steal Nagisa from me?!

"Well since he's missing and has a weak body.. dont you think he would be..."

You will pay.. you ALL will pay!


All of the sudden Karma stood up violently causing his chair to fall down and his desk to move.

Everyone glanced at him confused and a bit scared.

The red head took his hand bag and walked out the door.

"Im leaving early"

Was all he said before doing so not even sparing anyone a quick glance.

He bumped into Koro-sensei who eyed him suspiciously

"Shouldn't you be in class?"

"Some important stuff came up"

"Tell me what it is and I might let you off if it does seem importa-"

"Personal. Important stuff.. its none of your business"

Karma hit the teacher with his shoulder before walking out the building.

Koro-sensei sighed and took out his class records. Marking Karma absent.

As Karma marched out the campus he grit his teeth. He found a missing poster on the wall and took it quickly, ripping up a piece of it.

Shiota Nagisa
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 106 lbs
Appearance: blue hair and blue eyes. Petite figure.

Last found: *insert address to the Shiota residence*

If seen please contact:


Karma tore the paper apart and walked towards his apartment.

His walk slowly turned into a jog which eventually turned into a sprint.

He despirately wanted to see Nagisa now. All this new information. All these new feelings are driving him mad. What are these? Anger? Jealousy? Hatred?

He opened the door harshly and was met with a shocked Nagisa who was in the middle of cleaning the hallway.

"Karma! You're home early. What happe-"

Before he could finish. The bluenette was tackled into a tight hug.

Karma didnt want to let go. He finally found someone that makes him feel complete. And knowing someone out there wants to take him away. Is an incredibly annoying feeling.

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