McCreepy McCreepface

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Here's the next chapter, enjoy.......


Kent used a skeleton key to open the metal titanium door that was the second one to the right, since there were similar doors, I bet leading to other rooms, the other doors that were in a circle around where we stood with David by David's desk.
With a cranking noise, the door I know unlocked, and he pulled it open, which the hallway, which was pitch black, once the door opened, it lit up by the motion of the door opening, and there was a long hallway leading down to another metallic door, and there were other doors along each side of both walls, and I follow Kent down the hallway, as he shut the door behind us, him locking it with his skeleton key, and I asked him.
"Are the other doors to other rooms with the prisoners?"

Kent nods.
"Each door goes to another hallway leading to their room doors."
He says to me.

"Where is Nuada's room?"
I ask him.

"In front of David's desk in the hallway, beyond that door, his room is at the end of the hallway."
Kent says to me.
"No other prisoners are occupied near his room or he'll lose his shit, threatening to harm himself in killing his sister Nuala, which Abe is in love with."
Kent looked towards me.
"We need the peace treaty between Nuala's people and humanity, and if it's destroyed then both our worlds will go into chaos."

It seems serious, like the end of the world stuff."
I say to him, honestly my thoughts.

"Hellboy if he turns evil will bring the end of all time."
Kent says to me, honesty laced in his voice.
"But I don't think that'll happen."

"Wait, so Hellboy is the antichrist?!"
I ask in shock.

"The son of the devil I think, so yep."
Kent says to me, and I gape at him in shock.
"But as I said Hellboy is a good guy."

"For now he is, until he turns dark side like Anakin from Star Wars."
I sass Kent.

Kent laughed at me.
"A Star Wars fan huh?"

"Well, I like the older movies."
I say, me flustered by him laughing at me.
"I like fictional characters better than real living men anyways."

"I'm not trying to upset you.
I like both Star Wars and Star Trek.
I'm just amused I found a fellow fan."
Kent says to me, him smiling warmly at me.
"To be honest I like having a new recruit around, it livens things up around here, and maybe you can get Nuada to take his psycho meds."

"I doubt he will."
I say to him honestly.
"He'll probably just spit them out as usual."

Kent sighs, rubbing his neck, and he then unlocked the door we stood in front of at the end of the hall.
Then we stepped into a room, and a guy in like a old fashioned underwater suit stood before us, and I didn't see no human form in the suit.
The guy turned around facing us.
"Johann this is the new guard over Nuada."
Kent motioned towards me with his hand.

"I'm Johann Krauss."
Johann held out his hand, which I didn't take.

"I don't like being touched unless you ask permission to touch me."
I tell Johann, and I give him a weird look, me asking him next.
"Why are you in that suit?"

"My body was destroyed long ago.
My spirit remains in this suit."
Johann says to me, and I blink in shock.

"That's kinda creepy."
I tell him honestly.

"What is your name may I ask?"
Johann asked me.

"Alicia Madden."
I tell him.

Are you related to Olivia Madden?"
Johann asked me.

"Yeah I am, why?"
I ask him, giving him a look I didn't understand why he asked that.

"Your mother was a good agent of this organization, until she died in action."
Johann says to me, and I could tell he was being honest.

"I knew my Mom was obsessed with the paranormal, but I didn't know she worked in this organization?"
I say to him, me confused.

"Probably she didn't want you to know."
Johann says honestly to me.
"This work can get to you at times, especially when you put your life on the line, going against monsters that can kill you in a heartbeat like Nuada."

"Truly is Nuada an elf?"
I ask Johann.

"Indeed he is.
Hellboy stopped him from raising The Golden Army.
He would've used The Golden Army, that cannot be destroyed by manmade weaponry to invade the human realm."
Johann says to me, and I blink in shock.
"Hellboy's origins is from a demon called Azzael, and he files his horns down to not give into his dark side."

"So Hellboy is the antichrist?"
I ask him, and Johann laughed.

"Not in the way the Bible talks about no, but if he gives into his dark side, the world shall end.
The Bible was in fact wrong on how the world will end."
Johann says to me honestly.
"I have studied on creatures like Nuada and Hellboy."

"Abe was an experiment."
Kent says to me.

"So Abe is a man-made creation?"
I ask Kent.

"Truly Abe is a man-made creation.
He's intelligent, and loves rotten eggs.
He can sift through many books a day in his tank, him reading them outside his tank."
Johann says to me, him sounding amused by his voice hinting it.
"Were you not debriefed?"

"Actually not all the way.
I kind of scared the boss to prove my point that I can handle myself in this job."
I say honestly to Johann.

"She broke a desk."
Kent says to Johann.

Johann says honestly to Kent.

"About our business here Johann....we came to grab Nuada's antipsychotics."
I say to Johann.

"I doubt you can have him willingly take them, everyone has tried, and met death doing so."
Johann says to me, him very blunt.

"I'll try what I can to get him to take them."
I shrug at Johann.

Johann walked over to a shelf, and handed me a orange bottle that had Nuada's name, and the prescription on it.
"I highly doubt it."
Johann says to me, honestly again lacing his voice.
"But you can give it a shot, yet you shall regret it."

"Me and David have a wager she can't get him to take them."
Kent says to Johann.

"Placing wagers on such a thing, to where she can end up dying is actually pitiful."
Johann says bluntly to Kent.
"I will not participate in such a wager.
Now I have work to do."
He waved us off.

Kent motioned me to follow him, and we left the infirmary where Johann was at, and Kent guided me back to the room David was sitting in his desk monitoring the desktop screens.
Kent then guided me to the metal door in the middle of the room, him unlocking it, and opened the door, the hallway dark, but when he opened the door, the lights flickered on, and we walk through, and he guided me down a long hallway, that had other doors along the walls, but the door down this long hallway I could see had Caution yellow and black tape, including a sign that said No Trespassing on it.
It also said Beware on it in red and yellow letters.
So much Caution tape plastered upon the very door I would be in charge of is unnerving, and this might be the hardest job I have ever taken in my life, but I will endure.

Kent and I stood in front of the door, and he held a water bottle, him handing it to me.
"Well I'll be going, so do your best.
Nuada already had his lunch, so don't worry about him making threats he'll skin you alive and eat you, because he's a vegetarian, so he won't eat you."
Kent then scampered away down the hallway, leaving me in front of Nuada's door, him leaving out the entrance metal door of this hallway, him locking it behind him.
I stick the bottle of medication in my right jean red bootie short's pocket.
I'm glad I left my phone and purse at David's desk as requested by Kent earlier when Abe left.
My heart raced as I pull out the skeleton key, and I stick it into the lock, and I jiggle it, making it click, and I pull the key out, then pocket it in my other jean red bootie short's pocket, and I pull open the door, and the room was lit with only candles, but I could see in the dim darkness golden eyes looking at me that was near the floor, but then they moved as if a person was standing up, and I walk into the room, shutting the door behind me, my heart racing, knowing the person with those golden eyes was Nuada.

I felt something whizz by my head, and then I heard a ching sound, meaning something sharp hit the metal door behind me, and whatever was thrown, soon clattered to the floor behind me, and I felt a stinging sensation on my right cheek on my face, and felt warm blood dribble down my cheek, and I heard it drip to the concrete floor.
"You do not flinch, which is amusing."
I heard a British voice say to me.

"When you've been a military brat, little scares me anymore."
I say to him, my voice cold.

Human military?"
He asked me.

"Yes, human military."
I say honestly to him.
"Now are we gonna do this the hard way or the easy way?"
I sass him next.
"Because you're not gonna like me fighting back if you do this the hard way."

He boldly laughed at me.
"You think you can overpower me human?!"

"And you think every human being is weak?
Well I'm not that weak."
I sass him back, putting on hand on my round right hip, sassing him once again with my posture.
"You need to take your meds kiddo."
I sass him once again.

"I am no child!
I am thousands of years older than you!"
He spat.

"I don't care if you're as old as time, when you act like a petulant toddler I'll treat you like one!"
I retort back calmly.
"Now, take your medicine."
I pull out the bottle from my jean red bootie short's pocket.
"Or shall I bend you over my knee, and spank you, then shove them down your throat?"

"Try as you may, but you will not lay a hand on me, nor force me to ingest the medication."
Nuada laughed more at me, him seemingly amused that I say I can overpower him, and force him to down his medication.
"Bring it on girl."
He taunts me, as I saw him flash a wicked grin, his white straight teeth showing in the darkness.

Then all the candles were blown out all at once, and full darkness was engulfing this room, and I stiffened at the darkness clouding my vision, and I close my eyes, listening on if he would walk towards me, and I didn't hear any footsteps, but I then felt a sharp blade, the tip, touch my throat, and I open my eyes, as a slim yet muscular arm went around my waist, and I freeze, me stiffening more, because I don't like to be touched without permission, so my instinct was to backhand anyone who does so, and I elbow him in the gut, making him cough, and slam against the door behind us, and I heard something metallic clatter to the concrete flooring.

I turn around, me breathing hard, and I started shuddering, and ran my fingers along my body rapidly, me still holding his medication bottle, and I gagged, a thing I do if I'm touched without my permission.
"It seems you need to be locked up in here instead of me if someone touching you makes you act like that."
I look down, seeing golden eyes looking up at me.
Then those golden eyes moved to where they were above my height, to where I had to tilt my head to look up at those golden eyes.

"I don't like being touched without my permission, and it has nothing to do with mental illness.
It has to do with my brain is quite different than yours when it comes to sensory issues."
I sass him.

He then grabbed my wrist that had the medication bottle, him ignoring what I said I bet, and I started to attempt to tug my arm away, but his strength was stronger than mine, and I've never been overpowered before, so I was severely unnerved, and I didn't like him touching me at all!
I attempt to backhand him, but my hand didn't meet anything, meaning he dodged my hand in time, then he grabbed that hand, and I soon was slammed against the door, making my back feel pain go acrossed it.
I flinch at the pain, and glare up at the golden eyes, and I dropped the pill bottle, it clattering to the floor.

I started shuddering from him touching me as I shout.
"Let me go dammit!
Let go!"
I was breathing hard, glaring up at him, and tears started to form in my lashes, cause I do cry when I'm freaking out, when someone touches me without my permission.

"Who is the petulant child now?
Especially since you are crying like a bloody infant."
Nuada mocked me, and instinct took over, and I kicked him in the balls, making him let me go, and him I heard slump to the ground with a thud, him coughing, and I then took out the skeleton key, and quickly unlock the door, and went through it, leaving his medicine behind, and shut the door, me locking it, me leaning against the door, and I breathe hard, and I try to do my breathing exercises to help me calm down, and eventually after awhile I calmed down, but I did indeed fail in trying to get him to take his medicine, which pissed me off, but at least he didn't kill me like David thought would happen, including Johann, and Kent.
But David won the bet that I couldn't get Nuada to take his antipsychotics it seems.


To be continued....

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