Red And Abe

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Bear with me I'm having relapse with my anxiety tonight.....I get anxiety to where I feel like I'm literally dying or having a heart attack.
I don't know why the anxiety attacks get like that, but it causes my chest to hurt bad.
I haven't had one this bad in a long time.
I fell asleep from taking my medicine for anxiety, so that's why I didn't put up this chapter sooner.

Here's the next chapter......


Frustrated I was in leaving the medication behind in Nuada's room, I walked down the hallway, and opened the door that Kent went through with my own skeleton key, and I heard laughing from David.
"Told you Kent that she wouldn't be able to give him the drugs!
You owe me fifty bucks."

Kent handed David the second fifty to David.
Kent walked up to me asking me, concern lacing his voice and his face showed concern too.
"What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it."
I walk by him, and grab my drink I brought from the gas station, which was a Diet Dr Pepper in a foam cup with a straw, and I sipped it.

"It was that bad huh?"
David giggled and I glare at him, not amused by him making fun of me, so to me David was an asshole through and through.

"You guys didn't tell me Nuada had super strength."
I sassed them, not pleased Nuada had inhuman strength like me, so we were evenly matched, and I wasn't used to being evenly matched.

"Well he ain't human sweetheart."
David sassed me next, him giggling here and there.
"So he'll have abilities we don't."

"Did he overpower you?"
Kent asked me, and I glared at Kent next..
"Maybe I shouldn't of asked?"

I avoided the answer, then I ask them.
"Is Nuada's room always so dark?"

"Yeah, he likes it completely dark.
We give him candles to lighten it, so he can do his meditation."
Kent says honestly to me.
"We try to make him comfortable as possible so he don't have his tantrums."

I ask Kent, curious what he meant by tantrums.

"Kent calls them tantrums because Nuada is a spoiled rich bitch."
David says sarcastically, and I wasn't surprised Nuada was a spoiled brat, since he acted like it earlier in his confinement of his room.
"He's royalty in his realm, so he has had everything handed to him by his daddy dearest."
David does air quotations saying this.

"So that's why he's called Prince Nuada?"
I ask Kent.

"Well yeah.
He still has that title in Nuala's realm she rules over."
Kent says to me, honestly lacing his voice.

"Are they really twins?"
I ask Kent.

"Yeah they are.
I told you, that if Nuada gets hurt, so does Nuala, so he careful handling Nuada, because it also harms Nuala, and Abe cares alot about Nuala."
Kent warns me, and I swallow hard.
Kent sighs, shaking his head, him asking me.
"Did you hurt him?"

"Does elbowing him in the gut and kicking him in the balls count?"
I ask him, squeaking that out.

"Any injury he sustains Nuala sustains."
David sassed me once again.

"So I bet she felt it when you kicked his balls in her privates, which probably hurts."
Kent says to me, and I giggle at that, knowing yes, it does hurt when girls are kicked in the groin, since I had the tip of a football hit there as a kid, and I fell over, from me crying in pain, so the movies or shows depicting it don't hurt for us to get kicked there or hit there is false, since our vaginas are our most sensitive organs.

"It's not funny.
Nuala will complain that her brother is being mistreated, and possibly get us fired dumbass!"
David grits out to me, and I look to him as if saying Should I Care.

"Well I'm sorry I see it humorous!"
I sass David back, me not liking his attitude towards me at all since I got here to my new job as a security guard.
"Besides I don't think he'll try to harm me again after that lesson of me crushing his balls."

"Don't do it again!
Harm him, you harm his sister, now keep your hands to yourself!"
David ordered me, pointing his dirty icing covered finger at me.

I roll my eyes and say.
"Fine, but I can't help that it's instinct to defend myself."

"Just try your best."
Kent says to me, giving me a warm look, a look he cared if I got hurt by Nuada, or possibly due from this job.

"Quit babying her Kent!
We could get fired if she keeps this up, including her getting fired for harming Nuada!"
David snarled out to Kent, and Kent glared at David.

"I'm not babying her!
She wasn't debriefed on the connection between the two siblings, so just knock it off David!"
Kent snarled back at David, him not liking David's attitude towards her since she got here, as if David didn't like her, which was upsetting to say the least.

David scoffed.
"I ain't getting fired!
I've done this job for years until you came along Kent!
This girl needs to keep her paws to herself!"

"Look who's talking."
I heard a voice say from behind us.
"David you could at least keep your area clean."

I turn around, seeing a guy with red skin a red tail, and beard, and his other hand was made of stone, and he had a gun on a holster on his right hip, and he had filed down horns on his head too, and Abe was standing next to him.
"Hey chick, what was all that yellin about?"
He asked me.

"Well Red this girl clocked Nuada in the nuts."
David says sarcastically.

"I bet he deserved it too, so quit giving her a hard time."
The guy with red skin and a stone-like hand says to David.

"Even Abe knows if Nuada is hurt so is Nuala you stupid monkey!"
David shouts at the guy with red skin.

"Call me monkey again and I'll bow your head off!"
Red pulled his gun from it's holster and Abe shoved his arm away.

"Red don't point that at David!"
Abe scolds Red.

He's giving a newbie a hard time!"
Red snarled out.

"It's fine."
I butt into the conversation.
"I shouldn't of kicked Nuada in the balls, so it's my fault."

Red looked to me and sighs, holstering his gun.
"What's your name?"

"Alicia Madden."
I tell him.

You're the kid Olivia was yammering about years ago!"
Red says to me, pointing his human-like hand at me with one finger.

I asked him.
"You knew my Mom?"

He nods.
"I'm Hellboy, but everyone calls me Red."
He held out his human-like hand to shake, but I only stared at his hand.

"You must ask permission before I let you touch me, since I don't like being touched."
I tell Red.

He pulled his hand away.
"I understand."
He nods to me.
"Kent, is she learning the ropes?"
He asked Kent.

"Yes she is.
She met Johann already."
Kent says to Red.

I just came by with Abe after a mission to check on the progress."
Red says to Kent in reply, him looking satisfied by that news Kent gave him.
"Since baldy was worried."

Abe snickered so did Kent.
"You're an ass Red."
David sassed Red.

"I'm glad to be one."
Red says sarcastically.
"It's my motto."

I giggle at what he said, him returning the insult back at David.
"So, how old are you?"
Red asked me.

"Red that's rude asking a lady her age!"
Abe scolds Red.

"I'm thirty-one."
I tell Red.
"And you can ask my age anytime."

You don't look it."
Kent says to me, honesty lacing his voice.

"I guess I have good genes."
I tell him.

"Did Nuada give you issues?"
Abe asked me.

"Kent was right, well everyone, that I couldn't give Nuada his medicine."
I say to Abe, me rubbing my neck nervously.

"Nobody ever could, so do not feel bad."
Abe reassures me, but I truly wanted to succeed, but I failed.
"The only thing he'll ingest is his vegetarian diet sadly."
Abe remarked.

"The man is a mule on steroids."
Kent says to me, and I giggle at that.

"Don't worry about giving him those drugs, just worry about surviving the next time you go into his room to give him his food."
Red says to me, honesty lacing his voice too.
"Truly I don't want another guard to die."

"Red hates it when agents die, though it's apart of our job if it happens."
Abe says honestly to me.

"That reminds me, dinner will be ready soon."
David says to me, and I look to David.
"You'll need to give Nuada his food."

"And I bet he won't be amused you are going into his room again, after you kicked him in the nuts."
Kent added that onto what David said.

"My point exactly."
David says to Kent, him giving me a warning glare.
"And don't hurt the guy if he tries anything.
Just run away out of the room."

"Fighting back isn't wise."
Abe says to me, and I sigh in my annoyance at the rules were so strict here when it came to Nuada's care.

"I know, but what if he hurts me?"
I ask Abe.

"Just endure it until we can rescue you.
We can't risk Nuada being seriously hurt, causing Nuala to die."
Abe says to me, and I rub my face.
"Can you do that?"
Abe then asked me that.

"Yeah I can."
I say to him, me holding back the urge to hit him.

Abe smiled at me.
We will be going now."
Abe left with Red, and I was beyond annoyed by Abe.
It was clear Abe cares more about Nuala's safety than the employees here who deal with her brother Nuada, and I don't like being treated like a slave that could end up dying doing her job, no offense, but that's how I feel.

"Well, I'll show you to the cafeteria."
Kent butts in, and I look to him.
He motioned me towards the first door on the right side.

I say unenthusiasticcally.


To be continued......

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