Chapter 23 (Pt. 4, Side B)

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Playlist  - Blue Side (Outro) by J Hope


I drove my car through the secret driveway of Henry mansion. The particular route Chase used, to sneak in and out of his house, unscathed and without letting his father know. 

What the hell was Chase up to, now? I can't have a moment of peace. 

Grunting in frustration, I parked my car in reverse and got the hell out of it. That fucker better not be taking any substance or else I'll lose my shit. He needs to quit acting like a child. 

I clenched my fucking teeth together, my concern morphed into anger at the thought of how much I am willing to sacrifice for friend, sister. It won't be worth it, I know that much. 

I jogged to the hallway of his mansion and spotted Axel pacing back and forth like a madman. “You have no idea what's going on,” Axel said as soon as his impatient gaze met mine. 

“Damn it. What's he doing now?” We both went inside the house, taking the spiral staircase. 

“He trashed everything and I can't even begin to explain what all he has done.” 

We rounded the bannister and headed  to the next set of stairs, heading upstairs to Chase’s floor. It was eerily silent when we got there. I could sense something terrible had happened. 

“He has lost his shit. Got in a fight with Cade for starters and now he's locked himself in the study. Axel said. “I'll go fetch the keys from the maid.”

“What the fuck were you doing, anyway?” I shot him a glare as he went to retrieve the keys. I turned the knob around to see whether it was unlocked, it wasn't. 

“Chase?” I tapped my palm on the door. “Dude, stop behaving like a child. This is not the time for it.” I pounded my fist on the door. “C'mon, you asshole.” 

I tapped my foot to the floor, growing impatient as every second passed, when Axel took forever to get keys. Was he carving those keys? 

Sound of heavy footsteps followed was Axel’s appearance in the dimly lit passage. He held the keys up in air before quickly tossing it for me to catch. 

“Open that bloody door.” He took in long exhales to catch his breath. “Now.” 

“I don’t take orders from you,” I shot him a lucid glare. “What were you doing here in the first place? You could have stopped things from escalating further.”

“I wasn’t bloody hanging out with him,” he clarified. “I merely came to have a word with him, and you should be thanking me instead of throwing accusations my way. If I hadn’t been here that crazy asshole would have either been killed or had killed.”

“Kill, really?” I asked with a lift of my brow. “Do you expect me to believe it?” 

“Goddamn open the door already. We can talk later.” 

I turned away from him and inserted the key into the keyhole. Seconds later, it was finally open. I pushed the heavy door open, ready to berate my friend, only there wasn't a trace of him in the room.

“It's empty,” Axel spoke, airily. “How?” 

“Damn it.” I clenched my jaw tight. From Axel’s side profile, I could see his fist was balled up with a vein ready to pop. 

We didn’t have to pretend to even give a thought where Chase could be right now. It was clear to both of us as to where he could've fled to. 

“I am not going to a graveyard at this ungodly hour.” Axel’s tone was firm and I didn’t give two fucks of what he wanted. I shot him a pointed look. “Damn, why am I even friends with you fuckers, anyway?” He grumbled. 

“Because you're no different than us,” I stated as a matter-of-factly. He sighed, miffed. I didn't give him a chance to whine any further and tapped on his shoulders. “Fuck, let's go.” 


It was understandable why Chase had decided to take a stroll in a graveyard, out of all places. Drive up to St. Thomas graveyard was not long distanced, not when I crossed all speeding limits to get there as quick as possible. 

Mia had been buried at this place and there was no doubt to why Chase wouldn't be here. Damn, I hope he was here.

I let out a breath of relief as I spotted Chase’s maserati tucked safely away in the thick bushes that surrounded the picket fence of the church. 

“Let's go.” Axel unbuckled the seat belt, getting out of his seat, slamming the door shut. I wasted no time in following him. “Where was that chick buried?” He yelled. 

“Keep silent and follow me.” My boots stepped over the muddy surface and I walked to the far end of the land. I halted in my strides when my eyes landed on Chase. 

He laid back, resting his back on Mia’s tombstone while the bottle of Jack latched on his mouth. He was sprawled on her grave and his jacked was thrown on the muddled ground. 

Axel and I exchanged glances. His eyes were embedded with pain and sympathy for his friend while I couldn't dismiss the feeling of something… like an impending disaster was going to happen. 

It didn't long for Chase to notice that he had company. His face twisted into a lifeless grin as he spread his arms wide in a welcome gesture. 

“You showed up, finally.” His voice laced with sourness.“My friends.” As if on cue, a layer of ominous clouds gathered on top of us. 

“Chase.” There was nothing much I could do other than whisper his name as I took a step closer to him. “You have a lot to explain.” 

“I don’t answer to anyone, not you, not my father,” he spewed venom when he uttered ''father. “You’re stepping over your boundaries here, my friend. Go fuck your whore.” 

His words pissed me off and a tick in my jaw highlighted the fact, I wanted to punch him, I would if his eyes hadn’t been bloodshot. He was crying. 

“Why did you come here?” Axel cut right to the point. “Don’t tell me it's because of her. Dude, she's dead.” 

Chase shut his eyes holding up a finger in warning. “Don’t.” The word alone was filled with nothing, but painful torment. 

“Throwing a sucker punch at your father won't bring her back.” Axel stepped closer to him. “You acted out of line and you know it.” 

Don’t take a step closer.” He threw both of us a withering look. “I am warning.” 

My jaw had flexed hard and fists were already balled up tight. “Or what?” I took determined strides towards him. “Trying to gear up for a fight, well, look around, it's two against one.” 

You can label it as arrogance or even wounded pride, but there was no fucker allowed to call my girl, a whore. That was what I could say to her when she was up for a dirty fuck. 

I knew my friend wasn't in the right headspace when he said it, or even knew the slightest bit about the new turn in my relationship. Still, this crossed limits. Even if he unknowingly did it. 

“Stay right there, both of you.” His face tensed up a little, but he was smart enough to mask it with contempt. “Damn, you want to play? Fine, let's do it.” 

Chase dropped the bottle of Jack on the ground, pulling up the sleeves of his gray sweatshirt, flexing his muscles. Regardless of his strength, I will beat up his ass tonight if not more. 

“You little shit,” Axel muttered under his breath. 

He grabbed Chase by his shirt and lifted his fist to take swing at his face. Before his fist could meet Chase’s jaw, Chase had dodged the attack, but he could his defence, Axel’s knee met his stomach. 

“Son of a bitch.” Chase’s footing faltered a moment and then he laughed under his breath. He charged at Axel, but I pushed him hard which made him stumble backwards. “You bastards are lucky I am drunk.”

I chocked my head “Well, finally I have some luck on my side. Get up.” 

Chase let out a dry chuckle and ran a hand through his head, looking all too exasperated. “You don’t know how to quit.”

I crouched down, staring into his eyes. “Not until you tell us what's actually wrong with you.” 

This time, instead of losing his ground, he headbutted my nose, sending me grunting on top of Mia’s grave. I groaned in pain and Chase took the advantage of my shortcoming to shove his fist to my jaw. 

“Quit acting you care, like anyone of you care.” 

“You fool.” I clutched his neck and squeezed his throat. “You think I don't care?” I yelled even though a sudden blur had formed in my eyes. “If I didn't care of any of your stupid grudges, I wouldn't have been gambling my happiness for you to have the last word. You motherfuckers, I hate you all.” 

“Shit.” I heard Axel mumble when my hold on his throat didn't ease up. “Stop it, you guys. This has gone way too long.” 

“It's just starting,” I said. 


Chase was soon pulled out of hold and I heard him take a huge gulp of air. I slammed my fist on the ground beneath as I felt my eyes stung. Everything was getting out of hand. I was losing control. 

Luna’s sweet face flashed in my head and 
I closed my eyes, tight, if only to escape the ache I was feeling everywhere. I was scared to lose her and that fear kept settling inside me until I couldn't breathe. 

She was living in a lie, I let her because there was nothing I could do about it, not unless I want to lose her forever. I just couldn't sum up the courage within me to come clean to her. Not when there was something precious on the line. 


“You love her?” It wasn’t a question by any means, Chase was stating it. He laughed in his goading fashion, I didn't know I would hate the sound of it. “HA. This is just too good. You really fell in love with someone your sister wants to tear apart for kissing this asshole, here.” 

My vision cleared and my nostrils flared in fury. Slowly, getting up to rest my body weight on my elbows, I looked at my friends. 

“Is that true?” Axel looked at me, accusingly. “You know what she did and yet you let this shit happen.” 

“Oh, please.” I watched when Chase spat on the muddy surface of the ground. “End your charade, already.”

Axel face tensed, shoulders stiffened. I stared closely at my friend, urging him to speak. What did Chase mean? 

“You’re going tell him or should I?” The arrogant glint was back in Chase’s voice. He was enjoying himself. Axel averted his eyes to the side, running a hand through his hair, pulling on it. 

“Tell me what?” I demanded. “Axel Trent, don't you dare think about taking off. What are you not telling me?” 

Axel wouldn't relent. He turned his back to us and my suspicion aroused. Damn it! 

“Don’t make me come and get you,” I warned him. “This night won't end well for you if you don’t spill the beans.” 

I looked expectantly at Chase. “You wish to continue?” 

“I want to make this one sweat, a little.” He pointed at Axel. “I could tell you what I know, but this is fun.” 

Sadist bastard. 

Axel turned to face me, his eyes hesitantly landing on my face which I was sure was scrunched up in livid curiosity. “A-Ares, this was a l-long time ago. I wasn't thinking straight.” 

“Stop with this cryptic bullshit and get to the point.” 

“You know that blonde girl Charlotte saw me making out with?” I nodded. “It wasn’t Luna. I mean, I did kiss her, but only because I'd mistaken her someone else.” 

Everything went silent when his words registered in my head. I shook my head, amused at his words. Before I could comprehend my next movie, my foot had met Axel’s face.” 

“You sick bastard.” Axel fell to the ground and braced for another attack. “You manipulative shit.” This time I straddled him and threw a series of punches across his jaw, nose and all his perfect features. 

It took Chase a lot of effort to pull me away. 

“Shit. Ares, control yourself.” 

He was successful in pulling me away only because I let him. I needed to settle the score with him too. I pushed him back and backhanded his cheek. One more time. 

“You all are selfish assholes.” I bit the inside of my cheek to keep my emotions at bay. “You don’t deserve my time or my friendship. It's done here.” 

I threw one last glance at both and took long strides to get away from them. 

“I am getting married after graduation.” I heard Axel yell.

I stopped in my tracks. He was trying to bait me to stay and hear him out. Not going to happen. Do whatever you want with Charlotte, I won't interfere. 

“To Astoria.” That actually made me pause. “I love her more than anything, Ares. You need to understand why I lied to you, to Charlotte and everyone. I thought I loved Charlotte, but that was just a facade. She was controlling me, dictating my every move.” 

“So?” I turned to face his slightly bruised form, laying on the ground. “What am I supposed to do? Throw you a pity party?” 

“Listen to me, then you can do whatever you want. End everything and I'll make my peace with our situation.” 

I jerked my chin at him to continue. 

“Your sister is a manipulative shrewd, I found out the hard way. When I knew how cleverly she was pulling my strings, jerked around, made me feel powerless, I did something I wasn't proud of. I knew she was staring when I kissed Luna. It was only because I thought she was my Astoria,” he clarified. “You had thrown a party for everyone to come and she did, in a disguise. That was the first time I actually thought of her something other than my friend,” he chuckled, wiping the blood off his bursted lips. 

“Luna was just there at the wrong time, but thank god, it was Luna, your sister saw me kissing. I wouldn't know how to deal with Astoria on her radar. It would have driven me crazy and I understand what you're going through. I won't push you to take part in Charlotte’s scheme. You're free from it, at least on my side.” 

No one said anything for an eternity. We both wanted to protect the person we loved, I understood his perspective, but it was not enough. Had I known this sooner, I wouldn't have pushed myself to endure this burning agony. 

Chase whistled, breaking the silence. “If it makes you both feel any better, I found that my stepsister wasn't really a step.” 


“Say what now?” 

We both spoke simultaneously at his announcement as it piqued both of our interest. 

He chuckled, pain evident in the sound. “Yeah.” He stared into the dark sky. “It's true. It's a long story, do you all want to hear?” 

“Tell me before I lose my cool even further.” 

His senses were alerted at mere mention of his past lover's name. It was forbidden to speak of her in his house, not without the pain of what she had done to him, had broken his heart, had come crawling back to him. 

“Silas wants money, Cade.” Chase listened to what his whorish stepmother was talking with his father about. “He wants compensation, he's even threatened me countless times.” 

His father's sinister voice spoke next. “It's not like his threatening is going to work.” The slap of skin could be heard, no wonder on Rosa, his stepmother, ass was always smacked by his father. “You’re my wife now. No one can touch you.” 

“I know, honey.” 

“What are you worried about, then?” 

“He threatened to tell Chase the truth about Mia. She's not my daughter in the first place, I had taken her from Silas because he was a lousy dad to that poor girl. If I had known she would cause me trouble in future, I would've left her to rot in Silas’  care.”

Chase went arctic cold as the words slipped from Rosa’s mouth.  He couldn't move, his heartbeat went awfully still as water threatened to pool into his eyes. He couldn't believe what his ears heard  

“On top of all, he knows what you did to Mia,” Rosa sighed. “It was a bad idea to involve him in the first place.” 

Lights faded and his heart stopped. He couldn't breathe. He was suffocating at the depth of the words spoken. As if acting on his instincts, he knew there was only one way to confirm whether he was still capable of feeling anything. 

To attack his piece of shit father. 

My mouth dropped open and I sat back on the ground, trying to take in Chase’s words. 

“That’s when Axel came in and stopped everything from going further downhill.” 

Axel had dropped his head in his hands, surely going through the same reaction as mine. My eyes softened and I placed a hand on Chase’s shoulder to offer some support. 

“I don't even know what you're going through…” I choked on my words. 

“Your father is terrible,” he spewed the words harshly. “If only I could beat the shit out of him.” And from the tone and the look on his face, I knew he was dead-serious. 

“I know what you guys think of my relationship with Mia. Not going into the semantics, but it wasn’t anything you imagined. We were genuinely in love. It was our tactic to make everyone think I had kept her captivated in my room with no place to escape.” He let out a long breath. “It was the opposite of it.” 

Chase, I and Axel were both just friends. We were brothers even though there was no biological relation of our dna. It perplexed me to even think about the fact how neither one of us revealed our true intentions, our feelings to each other about the girls we loved. 

All this misery could've been avoided if we were just honest. 

“I was going to run away with her after the end of this school year. Raise our child together, live a life away from this monstrosity dictating our every move. I guess they got to Mia before we could even execute our plan.” 

He fell back. “I lost her. I don’t even know if she's alive.” 

“Do you want to find out?” Axel quipped with a lift of his brow. “C'mon, we dig this grave, the three of us.” 

“We could,” I said. “Do you want to do it?” I asked Chase. 

“Is there any option left?” He spoke rhetorically. “Only one way to find out.” 

Blood pumped in my ears as adrenaline rushed through me. We were doing this. All three of us worked our way to get to the bottom of the pit. Finally, reaching the casket. We paused to let Chase take over. 

He steadied his shaky hands, lifting the casket open. 

“Uh-huh, it was a close casket funeral for a reason,” he whispered. 

“What?” I asked. 

“Both of you.” He motioned us to take a closer look. “See it for yourself.” 

The casket was empty which could only entail one thing. 

Mia was alive. 


next update - March 25

i am embarrassed to not update sooner. i was not in the great mental shape for the past few days and because of it there was no way i could bring myself to write a single word.

i hope you guys understand.

assignment season is starting for me so that's the reason why ive chose to have the next update on 25th march.

good news: only a few more chapters to go.

i have published this book on Inkitt and Dreame too.

Inkitt username- comicsthinker
Dreame username- comicsthinker
Instagram username- comicsthinker

pm for links.

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