First Afternoon

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*Picture of what Caitlin looks like* 

Chloe drove her flash car onto a wide grass patch, on a slight hill. It was above most cabins. Next to it was a wooden - teak coloured cabin. It was about eight meters wide. The door was placed in the middle of it. Charlotte saw a small kitchen through a window. 

Chloe and Charlotte heard Jasmin parked her car beside them, then heard Caitlin's door slamming.

She jumped out enthusiastically, "Wow! Look at that! It looks better than I imagined!"

Chloe and Charlotte shared a quick glance, before smiling. Their savings were worth it. There was a perfect view of the beach that laid ahead. The sounds of the ocean were peacefully singing. The Pohutukawa trees swayed gently in the breeze. There was a deck around the front of the house, they guessed this was to enjoy the view during their stay.

The rest of the Potato girls got out of their cars and walked to a spot outside the front door. Charlotte stretched her arms and yawned, along with Caitlin. Jasmin and Chloe seemed wide awake.

Charlotte checked her emerald - green watch, it was 4:46 pm.

Caitlin looked at them, trying to hide her tiredness.
She smiled with wide bags under her eyes, "How was your trip."

Chloe smiled back, "Pretty good actually, despite we didn't stop."

Charlotte sighed, "Yeah, it didn't feel like we stopped aye?"

Jasmin nodded her head in agreement, "who has the key again?"

Chloe pulled out the key, "me!"

Everyone followed Chloe to the front door, forgetting about their belongings.
Chloe struggled to turn the key.
Eventually, she unlocked it, pushed open the door and to their surprise found a dark oak landing. With a light oak table and a vase to match it.

Everyone piled in, to their left was a living room, surrounded with bunk beds.

Jasmin sighed at the bunk beds.

The carpet was grey. When they walked in, there was a flat screen attached to the wall, with a black sofa. There was an electric fireplace behind the couch.

At the far left corner was the door to the bathroom.

On the right was a counter, looking into the small kitchen they saw from outside. Through there was

All those rooms seemed to fit perfectly into a rectangle of the cabin.

Everyone gasped at everything.

After about two minutes, they finished exploring the cabin.

The potato girls huddled together again.

Jasmin spoke first, " should we go get our stuff?"

Everyone heard Chloe's stomach rumble. Chloe turned red like a tomato.

Charlotte giggled along with everyone else, "yip and get some food after."

Caitlin rubbed her stomach, "yea I'm pretty hungry too."

Jasmin started walking towards the door, "Come on, we can't waste time!"

Everyone rolled their eyes and followed her.

After walking to the car, Caitlin brought in her purple suitcase with a fancy name tag. Charlotte was with her the time Caitlin and her family went to the warehouse to buy it. Her parents were a little fussy, to make sure Caitlin wouldn't pick a ridiculous one.

Jasmin brought five bags full of her stuff. They seemed to be handmade.

Chloe and Charlotte had two gigantic suitcases. Charlotte's was lime green and Chloe's was aqua with stripes.

Chloe and Charlotte love doing hair, so Chloe brought her curling wand and hair straightener.

They later brought in the extra stuff - Jasmin accidentally brought her tent because she thought they were tented.


After unpacking they decided to jump into Chloe's car and head to Subway to get cookies.

It was confusing being in a new city but after two weeks the girls knew they would remember their way around.

Charlotte looked out the window of the passenger seat window, she was sitting in.

She watched the tall buildings pass by her on the main street in Napier. Martins street had elegant hotels and fancy stores. This was a street where lots of people shopped.

They arrived at subway, they got out of the car. When they walked in, Charlotte pulled out her purse and offered to pay.

Caitlin got the M&M cookie
Jasmin got the rainbow gem cookie
Chloe got the sugar cookie
Charlotte got the double chocolate chip cookie.

Charlotte paid for them and went back to the car with the others. They decided to go to the supermarket for groceries. Everything in Napier was spaced out, so it took about ten minutes.

Pak n save was the closest place to the last place they visited.

When they arrived, Chloe parked the car underground. Charlotte and Caitlin were excited, they jumped out of the car. Everything echoed underground, Charlotte and Caitlin took this as an advantage. They were yelling random things like Skittles.

Jasmin and Chloe were already walking to the ramp, to reach the supermarket. Eventually Caitlin and Charlotte and caught up with them.

If this was gonna be what it was like already, then it was gonna be a crazy two weeks

Caitlin raced Jasmin to grab a trolly. They walked into the fruits and vegetable aisle, Chloe helped Jasmin pick out:

Some avocados and a watermelon.

Caitlin and Jasmin were starting to get bored. Jasmin was practising her dance steps in the middle of the potato aisle while Catlin picked up every vegetable she saw and studied it.

Charlotte and Chloe told them they were going to go find the other food and they would come back to find them.

Little did they know that was a mistake...

As soon as Chloe and Charlotte left, Jasmin and Caitlin gave each other a mischief look...

When Chloe and Charlotte found them, Jasmin was pushing Caitlin around in the trolly, around a corner, annoying customers.

Chloe and Charlotte looked at each other worried. They ran to catch up with Jasmin and Caitlin. When they got there, a worker was talking to them.

Caitlin looked at the worker blankly, "uh yeah, sorry."

When they had finished talking with the worker, they acted as nothing happened.

Charlotte and Chloe burst out laughing.

Jasmin turned bright red, "what?"

Chloe was trying not to crack up, "yes Jasmin, we did see you push Caitlin in that trolly."

They bought a lot of junk food.

It was 8:30 pm and everyone was tired. They decided to not have dinner because they were not hungry.

Chloe and Charlotte decided to go on the top bunks, Jasmin and Caitlin on the bottom.

They turned off the light and jumped into bed.

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