The new city

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Charlotte and Jasmin woke up to a bang coming from the kitchen. It was 7:06 am.

Chloe woke up Caitlin earlier that morning, to help her figure out where things are in the kitchen. They were planning on making some breakfast but realized they only got avocados, watermelon and junk food for shopping.

Chloe looked surprised when she saw Charlotte standing at the doorway watching them. Charlotte looked half asleep, "what on earth are you doing?"

Jasmin walked to where Charlotte was with a yawn, "Thanks for waking us!" (sarcasm intended)

Chloe got up from the ground after picking the pot up from the floor, "sorry, we were just seeing where everything is"

Charlotte and Jasmin looked annoyed.

Neither Jasmin or Charlotte liked the mornings, they were always grumpy and moody. Chloe and Caitlin like the mornings though.

Caitlin sprung out of the corner, "It's a new day! Time to get food guys because I'm hungry."

Charlotte relaxed a little, "Yea, what are we gonna do for breakfast."

"We can go to KFC," Chloe suggested.

Jasmin walked closer to the kitchen, " I'm vegetarian, animal eater!"

Chloe shook her head while everyone else chuckled.

"Let's go through the drive thru at Mc Donalds and then drive around this new city," Charlotte suggested.

Jasmin nodded in agreement, "but first let's get changed.

Everyone nodded their heads and piled out of the kitchen space.

Charlotte decided to wear her handed - down (from her brother) striped t-shirt. With black leggings and a grey jersey. She tied her hair up in a (messy) bun. She slipped on her green jandals (jandals were the only shoes she wore)

Chloe wore her denim jeans and a black top. With a purple hoodie and white converses. She brushed her hair quickly since she had not finished unpacking the rest of her stuff.

Jasmin wore a grey tank - top with a heavy denim jacket. She had fancy black jeans on. Her hair was nicely brushed since it didn't take long to get changed. She put on her black dance shoes.

Caitlin wore a white shirt with a colorful pug on it. Her jersey was a plain blue sweatshirt, with a zip. She put on her blue trainers. She tucked her hair in the hood of her jersey.

It was time to go...

When they arrived at the Mc Donald's driveway they ordered:

Charlotte: 3 hash browns, 2 pancakes with maple syrup and a chocolate thick shake.

Chloe: 4 pancakes with maple syrup, 1 hash brown, and a medium lemonade.

Caitlin: 10 pack of chicken nuggets, a pancake with butter and an orange juice.

Jasmin: 3 pancakes, 2 hash browns, and a strawberry thick shake.

Charlotte decided that she would pay for everyone's food.

On their adventure, there were loads of clothing shops. They turned the corner and found a plaza.

There was a Wharehouse, a sushi shop and many other things.

Chloe studied every shop, "we should go shopping!"

"yes and go actual grocery shopping after," Jasmin suggested.

Chloe parked the car at the plaza.

They walked up to the first shop that they saw, Rebal Sports.

Caitlin and Jasmin saw a huge rugby player manikin.

They had that mischievous smile on their faces again, they walked up to it and pretended to pick its nose.

Chloe and Charlotte continued walking like they didn't know Caitlin and Jasmin.

A few minutes later, they found the swimming section. They decided to purchase some inflatable accessories.

When they had left the shop, it was almost nine am.

Next, they walked through the isles of accessories. Everyone picked their own unique outfits.

Caitlin got a fancy a yellow crop top with blue, denim jean-shorts,

Chloe got light-blue denim jeans and a purple sports shirt,

Charlotte found an off-the-shoulder black top, with the feminist sign, on the corner.

Lastly, Jasmin got a blue layered shirt, with blue jean-shorts with threaded ends.

When everyone arrived at the counter, there was a cute boy. He looked about the girl's age. He had brown spiky hair that scattered over his head. He had dark green eyes, that always looked shiny. His face had no freckles and was slightly tanned. Everyone giggled nervously as charlotte paid. Charlotte did not seem affected by the cute boy and walked out of the shop like he was nothing special.

Everyone walked silently until they were away from the last shop they visited. Everyone except Charlotte screamed and yelled from excitement.

Until Caitlin finally spoke, "Oh my gosh! That guy was so hot!"

Chloe's expression was shy, "Yeah I guess, that was so intimidating!"

Charlotte looked around, "hey, guys! Where's Jasmin?"

Everyone looked around, then looked at each other in shock.

Charlotte slapped her forehead, "we left her in Cotton on with that dude!

Everyone sighed, then ran down the grey path, back to Cotton on. Their feet made a loud stomping noise as they ran.

As Charlotte ran she couldn't stop thinking about how everyone could find that guy hot. Until she smacked into a man rushing the other direction as her, "oh sorry!"

The man looked like he was in his 40s. He had a beard that was growing out after being shaved. He had a bald head, it seemed to shine under the heavy sun waves.

He looked even grumpier than before, "watch what you're doing little girl."

Charlotte got really offended being called a little girl, it reminded her of her petite figure.

When Charlotte continued to run again, at a steadier pace, Chloe and Caitlin were already at the shop. Charlotte was about 6 shops away.

When she got there, Jasmin, Caitlin, and Chloe were crowded around Jasmin who was talking to the boy.

You could hear Jasmin had a small crush on him from the way she talked to him.

"Uhhh. and this is Charlotte my other best friend." She pointed to Charlotte as she walked in the store again.

Charlotte shook her head and said hi before telling everyone that they had shopping to do.

The boy seemed to give no facial expression as he said hi back and when he spoke to the girls after they asked him questions. He looked like all he did was work out at the gym, from his build. He had a strong Australian accent when he spoke.

Everyone said by and started to leave, except Jasmin. When Charlotte started to pull Jasmin's arm, she panicked. Jasmin grabbed on to everything she saw. "by Noah, I'll call you tomorrow." she yelled before calmly walking out, with Charlotte.

Jasmin had a devilish grin on her face, "I got his number hehe."

Chloe walked beside Jasmin, "Well if he replies to your messages, he could come over to the camp sometime."

Jasmin jumped up and down as she walked, "That's the best thing you've said all day Chloe! How awesome can this summer be? There have already been cute boys and amazing shopping!"

Everyone cheered after Jasmin. Charlotte told everyone she disagrees about the cute boys.

Caitlin looked annoyed after Charlotte said that, "just because you haven't met as many cute girls, doesn't mean there haven't been cute boys for us."

When Caitlin said this to Charlotte, a boy was walking with a large group of friends. He looked about 14 years old years. He yelled, "Fag!"

Charlotte looked relaxed at the boy, "just because I talk to more girls than you, doesn't mean you have to take your loner life out on me."

The boy's friends erupted into laughter at him. He looked surprised before he continued walking.

The entire potato group looked at each other, grinning with silence.

Satisfied with what just happened Charlotte decided to speak, "I think we should go back to the camp and have an adventure?"

Everyone agreed and crossed the street, to the car.


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