setting things right

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Chloe's phone was buzzing like crazy of the 'Crazy Frog song.'

Charlotte opened her ocean eyes. She checked her silver analog watch, 5:45.

Chloe was in the kitchen cleaning up but didn't touch the food, she was awake before the alarm. She was wearing black jeggings and a grey hoodie. Her blonde hair was pushed back into the hood that lay behind her.

Jasmin and Caitlin weren't awake, as they are deep sleepers. Chloe's alarm didn't even make them move.

Charlotte got up and unsteadily walked to Chloe. She grabbed her drink bottle from the fridge to wake her up a bit faster.

"Good morning Charlotte," Chloe said in a bit too chirpy tone.

Charlotte stopped and looked at Chloe with dead eyes and a frown. The water didn't change her mood.

Chloe was smirking at Charlotte, "naww, does someone need more sleep!"

Charlotte snorted and walked back to the lounge to grab her clothes, she could hear a quiet swishing/patting sound and assumed it was a fan.

She went to the bathroom. Put on her grey track pants, black tank top and slipped on her light sweater. She thought she wouldn't need the jersey since it'd be hot later on. Lastly, she put on her black ugg boots. She then tied her hair into a high bun.

When she had gotten back to the lounge, Chloe had just woken the others up.

Jasmin was in her usual (morning) foul mood and had stomped to the bathroom about 5 seconds ago.

Caitlin was sitting up in bed, half awake.

After she realized where she was, she asked the time.

It was 5:56 am.

Charlotte panicked a little and said in a bit too quick tone, "come on guys we are wasting time, people could be everywhere, If we don't leave soon."

Caitlin yawned, "oh ye - ahh. Forgot abou' tha- "

Caitlin was interrupted by Jasmin coming back into the lounge with a loud yawn, She was now tearing through her bags to find her clothes.

Chloe quickly reminded her to grab something suitable for walking.

Jasmin returned Chloe with a glare saying she knows.

She picked out black overalls. Then went back to the bathroom.

Once Jasmin was ready, Caitlin had just rolled out of bed. She was now clutching the edge of one of the bunks and pulled herself up and said good morning to the people in the room. She picked out yoga pants with flowers on it and a white top.


When everyone was finished, they all strode towards the front door. When Chloe opened the door, they were welcomed by heavy rain.

Everyone stood there gasping at it.

"How did we not hear it? And why right when summer comes!" Chloe asked worriedly.

Jasmin sighed, "my overalls are gonna get wet." she was looking down at her sad clothes.

Caitlin smoothed out her white top and said, "mine might even go see-through, we can't go in this weather."

Charlotte whispered to Chloe, "we can't just cancel our plans."

"Yeah. I know" Chloe was staring at the water splashing the ground. "What are we gonna do though?"

Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows and looked around, "ya know what!" she didn't let anyone answer. "We can still enjoy this walk. It's just gonna be more fun ya know? because of the weather..."

Chloe was nodding, "yeah! We just need umbrellas and warmer clothes!"

Jasmin was open-mouthed at both of them, "Yeah. you're. Right!"

Caitlin clapped her hands and pointed behind them, "let's go do that then!"


Chloe had tied her hair in a ponytail and was clutching one of the two black umbrellas. Jasmin was wearing a black sweater and jean shorts, she never wore leggings or jeans. No one has ever seen her in them either. Charlotte swapped her sweatshirt for a grey Everlast hoodie with pink writing on it. Caitlin wore a black long sleeve t-shirt with a purple owl on it, she was clutching the other black umbrella.

Everyone was ready to go, Jasmin shared the umbrella with Caitlin while Charlotte walked beside Chloe.

As Charlotte walked, she crossed her arms and looked down as the wind blew towards them slightly. The gravel crunched beneath her feet and crept its way onto her jandals. Chloe, who held the umbrella, had one arm holding onto the other side of her. Hands deep in her sleeve. Caitlin and Jasmin swayed together, as Jasmin held the umbrella too high. Caitlin was getting drenched almost but didn't care. Everyone was silent.

Charlotte spoke about two minutes later, "ya know, this isn't that bad. It's rather peaceful ya know?"

"Hmm," Chloe nodded slowly.

"I mean, it's actually rea-"

"Hey! Look we're almost at the..." Jasmin was running towards the beach now and left poor Caitlin to catch up, her sleeves were soggy. They both stopped at the footpath.

Charlotte and Chloe didn't rush to catch up with them. They made their way to the two girls who were slightly shivering and off they went...


The Potato girls were about ten minutes away from finishing their walk.

Caitlin was rubbing her stomach, while Jasmin made beats as she walked with her dance shoes.

Charlotte was talking away as Chloe listened, "When I think about that subject, how are we going to go 'actual' food shopping when none of us know how to do it?"

"Hmm, there's a simple solution to that! We can go back to the caravan and think out what we actually will need. That way-" Chloe was interrupted by Charlotte making a loud clap.

Charlotte had her eyebrows raised and was wearing a goofy grin, "smart idea! I'll tell the others! Hey! Jasmin and Caitlin! We're gonna go home and create a food list."

Jasmin looked slightly confused, "um. Ok?"

Chloe butted in, "actually! We are going home and creating a food list and we're going to think about it carefully, so we don't buy more than we need and don't just buy stuff we snack on."

Jasmin shrugged.

Caitlin just realized they were talking, "what!" Jasmin shook her head and told her what they were doing.

Charlotte started wandering off until she heard a loud growl.

Caitlin (who was about two meters away from Charlotte) looked at her stomach, "uh! Yeah... speaking of food... I'm. hungry."

Everyone laughed. While Caitlin continued rubbing her stomach.

Chloe was trying to hide a smile as she spoke, "and get food for breakfast."

Jasmin was nodding, "yeah, I'm hungry too actually."

Chloe and Charlotte agreed.


It had been about 10 minutes and everyone had finally gotten into dry and warm clothes. The potato girls were sitting in a small circle on the floor, in front of the tv. Everyone was a little exhausted.

Chloe neatly arranged the refill pad in front of her and was clutching a pen, "ok, all we need to do now is quickly but 'carefully' make a shopping list. Any ideas?"

"Maybe we can limit how much we spend and then think about what we'll need to eat." Charlotte was using a precise tone while looking at Chloe.

The potato girls discussed what they needed and came up with a long list. 

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