The Boy

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*guys I have a good plot coming up...*


The lady with the smudged lipstick was waving her arms around, motioning to them. Chloe slowed down the car and eventually came to a stop just outside the San's camp kitchen/dining area.

Everyone on the left winded down their window's, allowing the blonde lady to speak to them.

"Ahhh, hello ladies. We uh, have a slight problem. Do you remember the email we sent you, saying we have upgraded you from your tent?" She was slightly panting.

Everyone nodded slowly.

The blonde lady was now holding her hands in front of her stomach, "Well, it turns out there was a malfunction and there is a person, who has booked that cabin before you."

There was awkward silence before she spoke again, "and there is no other cabin available, so you can either tent in the tent area or stay in your car."

Chloe turned away from the lady to hide her shock. Everyone was just sitting there, thinking of possible solutions.

Until Jasmin spoke, "Guys! I bought the tent!"

Everyone sighed in relief.

The blonde lady was slightly smiling, "ok! I assume you want a space for the tent? I'll go and arrange that, Someone'll come and deliver it to the cabin as soon as possible."

And from that, she waddled away to the reception.

Everyone put their windows backup. It was only spitting with rain now. Everyone was silent on the short ride back to the cabin.

When they got inside, Charlotte went straight to her bed and laid sprawled out, breathing heavily.

Everyone else was by the heater or on the couch.

Chloe rubbed her hands together, deep inside her sleeves, "we should probably go grab the food that needs to be refrigerated."

Jasmin suggested, "I reckon we just snack on what we have for lunch and watch Netflix."

Everyone else nodded and got the important things out of the car.


After the movie had finished, Charlotte was snacking on a celery stick, Caitlin was finishing a bag of sour patch kids. Until Jasmin noticed, "hey! Is there any more of those?" She was pointing at the Sour Patch Kids.

Suddenly, in the middle of the 'Sour Patch Kids' argument, there was a knock at the door.

Everyone's head popped up, towards the direction of the door. Everything was silent until another knock came but louder.

Jasmin got up and ran to the door.

Until Chloe stopped her, "Hey! Wait for me. We don't know if whoever's knocking is a weirdo."

Caitlin cracked up and nudged Charlotte's shoulder, "like you!"

Jasmin froze for a moment before speaking again, "Or... what! Ever it is..."

Charlotte rolled her eyes again, before dragging herself up, and stomping past everyone to the front door. Eyes followed her back.

When she opened the door, the same male from 'Cotton On' had just turned his back to leave. His olive skin looked soft and his brown eyes hindered as he turned around.

Charlotte just stood there, bewildered.

As soon as he spoke Jasmin turned up, followed by the other two.

He was clutching a small stick-it note, "Hey guys, um my boss told me to give this to you and give you directions."

He pasted the note to Charlotte. Chloe turned pink when she caught eye contact with the boy.

Jasmin unfolded her arms and looked the boy up and down, "So, how many places do you work at?"

He sniggered at Jasmin's words, "Actually just this place, Cotton On and as a cashier in a restaurant in the mall."

Caitlin raised her eyebrows, "Why do you work at so many places?"

Charlotte nodded, "And how old are you, man?"

Jasmin slightly jumped forward, "Hey, he told me before that is 16 years old!"

Chloe awkwardly stood there.

The boy looked between Charlotte and Jasmin, "oh, well my dad wants me to save for my sports for University."

"OoO. What do you play?" Jasmin stood there.

"Rugby, Basketball, soccer-"

He was cut off by Caitlin cooing, "Chloe does all of those!"

Everyone looked at Chloe, Chloe turned an even dark shade of pink.

Jasmin turned back to the boy, "What was your name again?"

The boy replied, "Noah."


All the girls were chatting away with Noah as he guided them to their new destination. Chloe was even just starting to warm up to him.

Suddenly, a red expensive-looking car was heading towards them and winding down their window.

As it passed, a red faced teenager with curly brown hair poked his head out of the window and shouted, "Aye! Look who it is!" and threw something at Noah's head.

The car sped off, picking up dust and throwing it into everyone's eyes.

Charlotte looked down to see a beer can on the ground, "wow. Who the heck was that?"

She looked at Noah who didn't seem to notice her speaking.

Jasmin grabbed his muscular shoulders, "Are you ok?"

Noah's brown eyes were glowing but his face was hiding something, "Yeah."

Everyone continued walking in silence, wanting to know what just happened but also not pushing Noah's boundaries.


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