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Albus' P.O.V

            I was walking down the hallway with my two cronies behind me, Kirk Marshall and Timothy Elliot. They were both purebloods but it wasn't a nuisance I was only a half blood; my father was Harry Potter. We decided to go torment some first years but that was until we saw the little Malfoy boy walking by himself.

            "Ah I spot a little Gryffindor." I smiled maliciously. "Oh Malfoy!" I said in a sing song voice. His eyes impulsively moved to me and they widened at my smirk. He bolted in the direction he came from and we chased after him. He was fast but I was faster despite the other two trailing behind. I pushed him to the ground and got in a straddling position, me straddling his hips. He wiggled under me and tried to push me off.

            "Get off me Potter!" He screamed trying to wiggle out from under me.

            "Oh Malfoy, you're in Slytherin territory." I taunted. "What ever are you doing down here?"

            "None of your business. I have a right to be down here too!" He yelled.

            "On the contrary little Gryffindor. This is my turf!" I barked. Kirk and Tim finally made their way over to us. I stopped straddling him and pulled him up handing him to the big kid we called Kirk.  "He's all yours Kirk, I know angered you are now that you have detention tonight." I smirked and his eyes widened. Kirk smirked and slammed the boy against the wall. Just as he was raising his fist, it was grabbed.

            "Mister Marshall, please reframe from hitting other students." Professor Snape sneered. My father saved the dungeon bats life so as a courtesy, he usually stayed out of my business.

            "Oh but sir, we're simply just playing with Malfoy here." I smiled. Snape looked at me glowering and then to the boy who was still pinned.

            "Mister Malfoy, is that true?" He asked and I shot the boy a glare. Malfoy nodded and cleared his throat.

            "Yes Professor just playing."

            "Alright but Potter I still want you in my office. Mister Malfoy please get back to your dormitory at once."

            "Yes sir." Kirk dropped him and he bolted after picking his stuff up.  Snape glared at me giving me a pointed look and motioned for me to follow him. I rolled my eyes but followed him. He led me in his office motioning for me to sit. I sit and placed my feet on the desk making myself at home.

            "Potter, put down your feet." He hissed. Huffing, I dropped my feet and looked at him boringly.

            "You wanted to speak with me Professor?" I asked.

            "Potter, you are in your fifth year of school yet you still act like a first year."

            "I do not!"

            "Tormenting other students will not be tolerated." He told me ignoring my comment. "You've been doing it way too much."

            "Oh Snape, it's only Malfoy." I waved my hand. "He's a bloody baby."

            "Potter, ten points from Slytherin for back talking and another ten points for talk badly about a fellow student."


            "You will be leaving Mister Malfoy alone or there will be consequences." He hissed and I grew a smirk.

            "Consequences sir?" I ridiculed. "May I remind you who my father is?"

            "Oh Merlin."

            "My father saved your bloody ass!" I yelled at him. "Not so much a thank you not to mention so I do suggest that you stay out of my business which you've been doing a very good job at so far and we won't have an issue." I yelled and he slammed his hands on his desk. I raised my eyebrow at him and sneered.

            "Detention with me for the next week Mister Potter. You are dismissed." He told me. Rolling my eyes, I walked out but before I was completely out the door, I turned my head and spat,

            "Don't forget who my father is." I walked out of the room and into the common room. My girlfriend sat on the green couch. I smiled and walked over to her plopping down next to her. She went by the name of Peggy Zabini. Pureblood witch of Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson.  She had long brown hair and her eyes were brown as well. Her skin a dark hue to it.  I kissed her cheek.

            "Hey love." She smiled. "Kirk and Tim said Snape called you in his office." She stroked my raven locks and I let my eyes flutter close at the feeling.          

            "Yeah he was being all over protective over the Malfoy git."  I growled. "I have detention with him for the next week."

            "See this is why you should try being nice." She suggested and I swatted her hand away.

            "I am not 'nice' Peggy." I hissed and she pouted placing her hands in her lap.

            "Whatever." She rolled her eyes. "Have you done the transfiguration essay yet?" She asked and I scoffed.

            "No of course not." I told her. "But since you're a good little girlfriend, you'll let me have yours." I said and she made a face of disgust.

            "Prat." She sneered.

            "Oh come on." I said. She got up and went to walk away but I gripped her wrist.  "Where do you think you're going?" I snarled.

            "I'M going to my room and finishing my homework, maybe you should do the same." He yanked her wrist out of my hold and got really close to my face. "Grab me like that again and I promise you'll regret it."

            "Someone has their period." I mumbled and she slapped me before walking away. I hit the couch angrily and stomped up to my room. I was gonna go into my dorm when I was gripped and pinned to the wall.

            "Albus you stupid ass!" James yelled and I shoved him off of me.

            "What the fuck is your issue?" I growled.

            "Dad has enough things to worry about without you getting detentions!" He yelled.

            "How did you even know about that?" I asked.

            "Well for one you made your girlfriend cry and she told me the whole story. Seriously Al grow the hell up."

            "Shove it James.  I didn't ask for a lecture, I'm doing fine on my own."

            "You're never on your own Albus." He argued. "You think you're the only one who lost a parent that day? Stop going on with this façade that you're a bad ass kid 'cause you're not." He yelled. I shoved him and sneered.

            "Then I guess you don't know me at all." I growled. "Some brother you are." I spat and continued on my way.

Scorpius' P.O.V

            I slumped onto the couch in the Gryffindor common room. Rose Weasley was the only other person in there and she was reading. She was my best friend ever since we started and I didn't know what I'd do without her.     

            "What happened with him now?" She asked and I sighed looking at the roaring fire.

            "He pushed me down and kept asking why I was done there. I just wanted to talk to Sev in all honesty. But he prevented me from doing that." I sighed. "Then Kirk Marshall was going to punch me but Sev stopped him and told me to get back here so I did." I mumbled and her eyes softened.

            "I'm sorry; he's an ass I know." She told me. "He was really never like that when we were kids but once Aunt Ginny passed he has all this built up anger."
             "Well he doesn't need to take it out on me." I mumbled and she hummed in agreement.

            "Don't worry Scorp, we're done in two years and you'll never have to deal with him again." She said and I smiled shyly.

            "That is unless you and I get married. Then I am definitely stuck with the intolerable git." I told her and she rolled her eyes.   

            "Get real babe, you're queerer than a two dollar bill." She said and I giggled.

            "Shh Rosie, that's our little secret." I told her and she smiled. She got up from her seat and hugged me gently.

            "Trust me Scorp; you're lucky you're not stuck with him the rest of your life."

            "Yeah I know; I do apologize." I told her and she smirked.

            "Wanna know a secret?"


            "When Albus was younger, he had this stuffed hippogriff he always snuggled with and according to James, he still has it." She told me and I hollered with laughter.

            "Seriously?" I laughed and she nodded.

            "Yeah James says he always closes his curtains at night and snuggles with it. Then in the morning, he hides it and opens his curtains."

            "That's great!" I laughed and tried to contain them but it didn't work.

            "I see you're enjoying this."

            "I mean come on! He's the most brutal Slytherin in our year. I just found out he snuggles with a stuffed toy, of course I find this humorous!" I told her wiping my eyes and she smirked.

            "Well just in case you wanted the upper hand for once." She told me. "There's a little starter for you."

            "Thanks Rose you're the best." I said and she kissed my cheek.

            "I know." She said and I rolled my eyes. "Come on let's go to dinner." She said and I nodded. We made our way out of the common and towards the Great Hall. As I was entering it, I felt a foot under mine and I toppled over. I looked up and Potter was smirking at me. He was with his henchmen as his girlfriend was rolling her eyes behind them.

            "Are you okay?" She asked me and I nodded as Rose helped me up. Potter shot her a disgusted look and dismissed her with his hand. She scoffed before walking away taking the henchmen with her.

            "Are you thinking of joining the family? Because we don't have room for death eater children." He sneered.

"Oh the irony." I mumbled.
"And come on Rose, you can do so much better." He said ignoring me.

            "Oh Albus, I was just thinking the same thing for Peggy." Rose mocked and he rolled his eyes.

            "Oh like she could do better than me." He laughed wickedly.

            "Yeah so much better." I said and he shoved me but out of reflex I gripped his hands. His eyes widened in alarm.

            "Get off me Malfoy!" He yelled.

            "You let go of me!" I pestered. Much to my surprise he released me first so I dropped his hands. He was eyeing me cautiously and I noticed he rubbed where I grabbed. He leaned in close to my face.

            "You better sleep with one eye open Malfoy." He hissed before sauntering off. I rolled my eyes. Stupid git.

A/N- Well that's chapter one! Hope you like it so far!

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