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Albus' P.O.V

Going back to Hogwarts wasn't as smooth as I hoped it to be. My 'family' shunned me. And I'm not saying that they just didn't talk to me, it was the fact they MADE a point to not talk to me. Every time I walked by either James or Lily, they would literally turn around, giving me the cold shoulder. When I sat to eat at the table, James would shift over even if he wasn't next to me. I decided to sit with Scorpius and Lily did the same thing but she would scoff. Scorpius always gave me a sympathetic look. However, Rose was a lot nicer to me, she would smile at me and always said hello. She was in our room a lot because I mean, her and Scorpius were best friends, like I said before, I couldn't get in the way of that. We were back for maybe two weeks when Snape asked me to go see him. I didn't know what it was for so I ventured down to the dungeons nervously. I stepped into the hall and the familiar cold air washed over me.

"Going somewhere?" A voice hissed. I jumped and whipped around. James was standing there looking at me maliciously.

"I- S-Snape asked me to s-see him." I stuttered. Usually I'd never be afraid of my brother but the anger and hatred radiating off of him was terrifying.

"Oh Snape can wait." He said and grabbed my shoulders. He shoved me against the wall and punched my face. I groaned. "Stop playing that you're sick because we know you're not." He said.

"I am." I retorted and tried getting out of grip but it was so tight. He punched again but this time in my stomach making me winded.

"You're not! If you were, why did it just develop?! Why didn't you have this when mum actually killed herself?!"He spat and the flashbacks flew through my head.

"Please don't mention it." I mumbled and he slammed my head against the wall making everything go blurry. He dropped me to the ground and kicked my ribs.

"Stop pretending you ungrateful swine! You're pathetic and I don't know why they dealt with you." He shouted. "It's your fault mum is dead!" He yelled and then kicked my face. I screamed in pain and the bloody taste filled my mouth.

"P-please." I begged.

"Stop!" He yelled. "I have pain too Albus. I miss her too! You're not the only one who lost her. Stop wallowing in yourself pity." He said.


"Silence!" He screamed. "You don't even want to be with us anymore and dad can't face to lose another loved one, but guess what, I can."

"W-what do you mean?"

"What I mean is, Sectumsempra!" He shouted and my chest ripped open. I screamed in pain. "Bye little bro, it wasn't nice knowing you." He spat and as my eyes grew heavy he stalked off. Blood was pouring out of me and I began to feel lightheaded. I heard footsteps coming down the hall and a gasp.

"Oh my, Potter!" Snape yelled. He walked over to me and kneeled down.

"T-tell Scorpius t-that I love him." I told him shakily and I went limp.

Snape's P.O.V

I noticed Potter was late again. He was only ever late when he was getting himself in trouble so I decided to go and find him. I swiftly walked out of my office and walked through the halls. I saw a pool of blood surrounding a body. I gasped and ran over to them. The black mop gave it away.

"Oh my, Potter!" I yelled and I stormed over to him. I knelt down next to him and he looked at me. His eyes were glazed over and it looked like he was punched.

"T-tell Scorpius t-that I love him." He told me and his eyes shut making him limp. I chanted the reversal spell and his bloody slowly absorbed back into his body. I checked for a pulse and it was faint so I picked him up and ran to the hospital wing.

"Poppy! He was hit with the Sectumsempra spell." I shouted and she jumped up motioning for me to place him on the bed. I did and she was chanting healing spells. We hooked him up to one of the muggle heart devices and his heart rate was low. She gave him a few pain potions. Suddenly the heart rate monitor flat lined and she jumped into action. She flicked her wand making him jolt. His heart didn't start again, I started panicking but she kept calm and did it again, he jolted up, not waking, but his heart started up again.

"That was close." She sighed. She hooked him up to a breath device. "He'll need to this to regulate his breathing." She told me. "I will go notify Professor McGonagall." She told me and I nodded.

"I'll notify his father." I said sadly.

"We'll need to interrogate who did this." She told me. "Obviously someone was very angry at him." She sighed.


"Well we must let him rest, I will go notify McGonagall."

"I will notify his father." We both left the room but I decided to go see Scorpius first. I walked to their shared quarters and knocked on the portrait. Scorpius answered it and I peered in to see Rose Weasley.

"Uncle Sev?" He questioned. "Albus just went down to see you."

"Scorpius there's been an incident." I said and watched the color drain from his face.

"W-what do you mean?" He asked.

"Albus was hurt pretty badly and he is in the hospital wing."

"What?!" He went to jet out but I caught him.

"He is unconscious right now."

"Can I see him? Oh please let me see him!" He begged and he was close to tears. I was nervous because hysteria was not good for a growing fetus.

"You can see him but you need to remain calm and Miss Weasley should accompany you."

"That's fine." Rose said. "Come Scorp." She held him tightly and they set off for the hospital wing. I walked back to the dungeons and I bumped into Albus' brother.

"Evening sir." He smiled.

"Oh Potter!" I said.

"What's the matter professor?"
"Your brother has been seriously injured." I told him and his eyes widened.

"What?! Is he alright? Where is he?" He rushed out. I sighed and patted his shoulder.

"He is in the hospital wing as of now and he is unconscious. I need to inform your father so it's in your best interest you tell your sister."

"Will do, thank you for telling me professor." He said and ran off. I sighed and sauntered off into my office. I decided floo was best so I stepped in the floo and called out his office. I stepped in and Weasley was at the front.

"Snape?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"Weasley." I nodded my head. "I need to speak with Potter." I said and he nodded.

"You're free to his office." He said.

"Thank you and by the way, your daughter is lovely." I nodded my head and his eyes widened as his face turned pink.

"Thanks." He mumbled and I knocked on the door. Potter called out 'come in' so I entered and his eyes widened.

"Professor? What seems to the problem?" He asked standing up.

"Potter, Albus has been injured gravely. You should come with me to the school."

"What do you mean gravely injured?!" He asked.

"Someone used the Sectumsempra spell on, I presume you're familiar." I said and he went white as a sheet.

"Oh lord." He said and bolted over to me. "I-is he-?"

"His heart stopped for a brief moment of time but we got it up." I told him and he looked sick.

"Who did it?"

"We have no clue but we should get back to school." I told him and he nodded. He shakily walked out with me and we floo to the school. We landed in McGonagall's office where she happened to be missing. Potter took off to the hospital wing and I followed. Once we got there, Promfrey was shooing away everyone. Everyone, including Scorpius, stood up and started walking out. He was a mess so I grabbed him as everyone made their way out. Potter went to Albus' side as I held Scorpius.

"You stay here. We need to ask you questions." I told him. He nodded and hugged me tightly. I patted his back and he let out a sob. "It's okay Scorpius, he will live."

"B-but w-what if he doesn't?" He sobbed holding on to me. "I-I can't d-do this by m-myself."

"You won't have to now, come sit." I said and sat him down. He sniffled and Potter sat on the other side of his son. He gently brushed a hair out of Albus' pale face.

"It's surreal you know?" Potter started not looking up from Albus. "You cast this spell not knowing what it does but you never expect your child to be hit with it." Potter chuckled bitterly. "One minute you're fighting and the next he's clinging on to life." He said and gently rubbed a finger against his cheek.

"Potter, he's going to live."

"I never expected to lose him." He said. "I mean in a physical sense at least, we were finally getting somewhere." He said and then looked up. Those green eyes bordered with tears. "He said he can find love for me no matter how much he resents me." He said smiling slightly.

"He's always loved you sir." Scorpius spoke up. "He just needed some time to realize it."

"Scorpius, do you know who could have done this?" Potter asked and he shook his head.

"No, I mean he kind of keeps to himself now." He answered. "He doesn't want to risk getting in trouble."

"Well does he have enemies?" Potter asked and Scorpius shrugged.

"I mean the peoples he's bullied but none of them would want to seek revenge." He said.

"Well what about friends? Maybe one of them turned on him."

"He doesn't have any friend's sir." Scorpius said and I watched Potter's face fall. "Other than me, he doesn't speak with anyone. He eats alone unless it's with me, does work alone; he doesn't even go to the common room anymore." Scorpius divulged.

"What do you mean?"

"Like I said, he keeps to himself." Scorpius said.

"Has anyone been giving him issues?" I asked and Scorpius looked down. He started to squirm in his seat.

"Scorpius, what's been going on?" Potter asked.

"Well um James and Lily haven't been the nicest."

"Well I told them to leave him alone."

"That's just it sir." Scorpius started. "They do leave him alone but are kind of nasty about it. If Albus goes anywhere near them, they will turn their backs and like throw up their noses. Kind of an 'I'm better than you' sort of way.'" Scorpius explained and nervously rubbed a hand over his belly.

"The thing is, I told James what happened and he looked just as shocked." I said and Potter looked over to me.

"He's a Slytherin." He pointed out.

"While that may be true, James was in a class at that time."

"What about Lily?" Scorpius asked.

"We'll have to check with McGonagall but there's a possibility she had a free period." I answered.

"I don't think my other children did this. They may harm him with words and actions but never spells." Potter protested.

"Well it has to be a Slytherin." Scorpius said. "Not many kids roam the dungeons."

"Well we'll interview the Slytherin's." I said. "Scorpius what was the name of Albus' ex girlfriend?"

"Zabini, Peggy Zabini."

"Okay, I will check with her first and then Marshall and Elliot. Potter you may stay here until Promfrey kicks you out, same for you Scorpius."

"Thank you." They said in unison and I walked out.

Scorpius' P.O.V

I was awkwardly left with Mister Potter. I had maybe only one other encounter with him and that's when he found out I was pregnant.

"So um are you two going to find out the gender?" He asked and I smiled shaking my head. I placed my hands on my belly.

"No we wanna be surprised." I told him. "Albus has really helped out loads, despite everything that's going on, you really taught him well." I said and grabbed my boyfriend cold limp hand.

"Thank you." Mister Potter smiled.

"It's no problem really." I said and he nodded. Silence fell between us so I sighed. "Mister Potter?"

"You can call me Harry." He said and I nodded.

"Harry I probably shouldn't be telling you this but I think you have the right to know." I said and he nodded. "Well Albus has told me and my father, on different occasions, why he feels so unloved. Since I am just his boyfriend and not legally obligated not to say anything, I feel you should know so in the future, you can work on it."


"Well he feels likes the black sheep. He said you never want to spend any time with him the way you do with James and Lily. Like you spend quality time with them and him. He's told me that since James is the oldest and your first son, you're with him a lot. Lily is your youngest and only daughter; you treat her like a princess, so where does that leave Albus?"

"In the middle."
"Precisely." I said. "He just wanted you to spend time with him when he needed it most."

"And now that opportunity has sailed."

"He feels like he's replaceable in your family and he's trying to remove himself before you replace him." I explained and he nodded.

"So he's feeling that bad because I never spent time with him?" He asked in disbelief.

"Sir, it's not just that. You never told him you loved him, always yelled at him, never let him explain himself, always took your other children's sides... you really just left Albus to fend for himself, sure he's great once you get passed everything but he's so fragile." I explained.

"So your saying it's my fault, which I've come to terms with, that he's ill."

"In other words yes." I said flatly. "I may not know you but I know of you and I know you're a really good guy. Albus is just like that and he needs you."

"He can't be near me."

"Sir, he'll heal in time, you can still send him letters and I know deep down they make him happy. His eyes shine a little brighter when he hears from you. You're showing him you care and that's all that he wants. Just stop apologizing for everything because he feels like he's being pitied. He doesn't want that but other than that, you're helping him heal." I explained and Mister Potter nodded his head. His face broke out into a grin.

"You're every bright Scorpius and I am really glad my son has you."

"I'm lucky to have him as well." I said and then looked at my boyfriend. His face was all pale and slightly bruised. The lotion for that only heals that not makes them go away. His chest rose and fell quickly but a steady quick pace. I frowned because I couldn't bear to lose him. Leaning in I placed my lips to his forehead. He really was something special.

A/N-So yesterday I went on a boat and there were tons of seagulls in the water, which are birds, I am afraid of birds. So the guys driving the boat was feeding the fish and the seagulls came so close to the boat I almost cried lol Also we saw sea lions! That was pretty cool.

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