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Scorpius' P.O.V

It was the weekend and Albus hadn't woken up yet. That would make it day three. Promfrey said he was just recovering from the trauma which very well could be the case. They hadn't found out who did because most of the Slytherin's weren't complying and the ones who were were the suspects. I walked into the hospital wing and Albus looked so peaceful. He was pale but didn't need the oxygen mask anymore. I smiled and since he was on the edge of the bed I curled up to him lying on the bed.

"Snake you should wake up some time soon." I whispered. "Our dorm is really lonely without you." I whispered. "I brought your hippogriff in case you wake up while I'm not here, so you're not lonely." I said and then swallowed hard. I lifted his arm so the hippogriff was under it. "I love you so much and you wouldn't believe it, your father visits you every day after work with special permission of course. He's really worried about you and I can't blame him, I'm worried too." I blinked away the tears that were threatening to fall. I pressed a kiss to his temple and cuddled him closely to my chest. I closed my eyes only to be awakened by the loudness of a door swinging open. Harry was walking over to is and he smiled slightly.

"How is he doing?" He asked sitting next to him.

"The same I guess." I told him and he nodded. His eyes fell on the hippogriff and he smiled.

"Ginny gave that to him when he was born. He loved that thing."
"He still loves it, sleeps with it every night. I reckon it's his security blanket, last thing connected to his mother." I said and Harry gulped while nodding.

"Did he tell you? Did he tell you what happened that day?" He asked and I nodded.

"Sir, I think he's told me in more detail than he's told my father. It-what happened-seems horrific to anyone." I said.

"You must think really poorly of me." He said sadly and I shook my head.

"No sir, I don't think any less of you." I told him truthfully. "Albus, well Albus is sick and just because his illness is brought on by um I guess neglect." I bit my lip and sighed. "But just because he's struggling with it doesn't mean I have to hate you or anything. Sure he's my boyfriend and I love him, it's just, I don't go around telling him who to hate. I have a mind of my own and he respects that."

"I am happy to hear that Scorpius, thank you."
"And if it's anything, I told Albus you should be a part of the baby's life." I told him and gently rubbed on the forming bump.

"He probably didn't want me to be a part of anything." He told me and I shook my head.

"It's just, you know the healing process sir, he needs to heal. He loves you sir and I know he does. But he needs time to realize it and if that takes a long time, you'll just have to be patient."

"Okay." He nodded. "I can do that for him."
"If he hasn't learned how to deal with you by the time we have our little bundle, I'll have him owl you and send pictures."

"Thank you Scorpius, it means a lot." He said. A silence fell between us but it wasn't for long because a stirring between us startled us.

"D-dad?" Albus' voice barely came out in a whisper and I looked at Harry who was looking at his son.

"Al, I'm here." He croaked. "Can you open your eyes?" He asked and Albus let out a groan but slowly his eyes opened. They winced at the shining light but adjusted. He looked around and they began to be panicked.

"Where am I?" He yelled.

"Shh you're in the hospital wing." I assured and he turned to me.

"Scorpius!" He piped and kissed my lips.

"Whoa settle down." I hushed and he looked at me.

"Why am I here?" He asked.

"Well you were beaten up and slit open with a spell. Do you remember anything?" I asked and he nodded.

"What do you remember?" Harry asked and Albus looked over to him. He seemed alarmed but started speaking.

"I um was walking to go see Snape when um someone stopped me."

"Do you remember who it was?" I asked and he nodded. "Well who was it?"

"I-I don't want to say." He shuddered and I stroked his hair.

"Shh you can tell us." I told him and he looked over to me.

"Not in front of him." His voice dropped allowing only me to head. I nodded and kissed his cheek.

"Okay." I whispered and then turned to Harry. "Sir, can you um tell Madam Promfrey he's awake and we can alert Sev?" I asked and he glanced at Albus.

"Yeah I'll be back." He said and got up. He walked out of the room to Promfrey's office. I turned to Albus and gently stroked his cheek.

"Okay baby, who was it?" I asked and he looked me in the eyes.

"My brother."

Snape's P.O.V

I got word that Albus woke up so I made my way to the hospital wing. So far, no one admitted to doing it so it was good he was awake, we could catch the person who did it. I swung open the doors and Poppy was hustling over him as Scorpius sat on the bed with him and Potter sat in the chair next to the bed. I stalked over there and Poppy nodded towards me.

"He's recovered just fine Severus. Just the two little scars but otherwise he is just fine." She told me and I nodded.

"Has McGonagall been informed?" I asked.

"I'll go do that now." She said and walked away. I looked at the two boys in the bed and Albus looked at me with fearful eyes.

"Nice to see that you're up Albus." I nodded. "Now can you tell me who did this to you?" I asked and he shook his head. "Do you not remember?"
"Sir, I can't say who it is." He mumbled.

"And why not?" I asked raising an eyebrow.


"It was James!" Scorpius blurted out. Albus looked horrified as did Scorpius. I looked over to Potter who seemed disgusted.

"You think my son did this?!" Potter yelled.

"He did do it." Scorpius defended. I noticed his grip on Albus' hand grew tighter.

"How do you know?" Potter yelled. "Because your boyfriend told you that? I know my son and he wouldn't do that!"

"How do you know that?!" Albus yelled. "Is it because of all the time you spend with him? And I'm sure you think Lily is an innocent angel too. Please father, if we were really comparing the three of us, I would be angel." Albus spat.

"Albus, how could you accuse your brother of such a horrendous crime?"

"I knew you wouldn't believe me!" Albus yelled. "You know what, just leave!"

"I have been sitting here worried sick and you tell me to leave?" Potter screamed. "The least you can do is show me some respect!"

"Oh because you're finally being a father to me?" Albus retorted. Potter raised his hand but I spoke up.

"Alright enough!" I spat. "Potter, take a seat!" He did. "Now Albus, what happened that day you were attacked?" I asked and he blinked at me.

"I want him to leave before I speak." Albus said and I sighed.


"I am not leaving." He protested.

"Sir, if I share my story, my father will make an excuse for my brother, as you just saw, it won't matter what I say." He said and I glared at Potter.

"Mister Potter." I said and pointed to Potter. "You will NOT under any circumstances interrupt your son." I spat. "Am I being clear?"

"Yes sir." He mumbled. Just then McGonagall walked in and stood next to me.

"Mister Potter, it is very good that you're up." She started and Albus smiled slightly. "Now can you tell us what happened that day? It would be three days ago." She said and he nodded.

"Well I was um going to see Snape so I walked downstairs. I remember thinking it was chilly but it was a nice kind of chill. As I made my way to the classroom, someone started speaking in a hiss. I turned and James was standing there, he looked really angry. I told him I was going to see Snape and that's when he attacked me."

"That's when you were hit with the spell?" McGonagall asked.

"No." Albus shook his head and scooted closer to Scorpius. "He um beat me up first demanding I stop acting sick. Then he was telling me it was my fault my mother was dead. He said he lost her too and that he was in pain." He swallowed.

"When did he hit you with the spell?" I asked.

"He threw me on the ground and kicked me." He explained. "H-he said that my father couldn't risk losing another l-loved one but he can."

"And he hit you with the spell?" McGonagall asked and he nodded. "Did he say anything else after?"

"He said 'bye little bro, it wasn't nice knowing you.' Then he walked off. I-I remember Snape coming and I said something but it was all fuzzy." He explained and then put his head on Scorpius' shoulder. "Can I get something to eat?"

"Yes we'll get you some food." I said and snapped my fingers. A house elf appeared and I asked them to retrieve some food. She disappeared and I turned to Potter.

"So?" I asked.

"Professor, its best we speak outside." He said and I nodded. He got up, kissed Albus' head and walked out with me.

Albus' P.O.V

I was eating slowly because I didn't want to get a stomachache.

"Piglet?" I whispered and he turned to me.

"Yes?"He asked and I sighed.

"Do you think my father believes me?" I asked and he kissed my nose.

"I think he does." He told me. "He did kiss your head." He pointed out and I nodded.

"I just hope he does."

"I hope he does too." He said. "I'm sorry I let it slip, I couldn't bear to see you in pain." He said and I snuggled up to him.

"It's good you said something because honestly I don't think I would be able to." I said and took another bite of the duck. "I don't know what I am going to do if he doesn't believe me"

"Well would anything even change?"

"No. But I just wish it could." I gulped down some water. "I wanna get better Scorpius."

"I know you do. How are you feeling now?"
"Depressed I guess. My own brother doesn't want me alive. He hates me and this proves it. I just hope it doesn't prove my father hates me as well." I turned to face him. He looked into my green eyes and he gave a sad smile.

"I know." He pressed his lips against mine. "But if it does, I will be with you one hundred percent." He said and then grabbed my hand slipping it to his belly. "We both will and that's a promise."

A/N- So last night I was at this entertainment thing at the resort. You eat dinner and a show is performed. So I was sitting there and they were calling people to the stage. So I was in the middle of messaging someone on here when one of the people came over to ME and clamped his hand over my wrist and dragged me on stage. I had to sing and I am terrible at that. Guys, i was so embarrassed. 

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