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Trigger Warning 

Third Person P.O.V

Albus lied limp and bloody in the hospital bed. He had been unconscious for an hour when Harry finally got to the school. Scorpius was sitting at his bedside as Snape, Promfrey, McGonagall stood around him.

"Mister Potter?" McGonagall sounded surprised. He just lifted his hand and handed her the letter.

"H-he sent you one too?" Scorpius croaked.

"I- just got it." Harry said and swallowed hard. "Well after I've calmed down." He made his way to his son and gently stroked his head. "Where was he?

"In the dungeons, he tried to slit his wrists with his wand." Snape declared. Scorpius let out a strangled cry. Harry gently stranded his fingers through Scorpius' hair and soothed him.

"Has Mister Malfoy been notified, being his doctor, he should be." Harry said and he felt Scorpius relax under his gentle touch.

"We'll notify him right away." McGonagall said and Harry looked up.

"Why is he still out Poppy?" He asked softly.

"He lost a lot of blood, presumably, and he's emotionally distraught." She explained. "He'll pull through."

"Okay." He nodded and sighed. Harry took the seat on the other side of the bed and stayed by his son's bed. He looked at his sons wrists, they were bandaged tightly. His face was pale and looking lifeless. "Can you three give us some time?" He asked the adults.

"Certainly, we'll notify mister Malfoy and allow him to come as soon as Albus wakes up." Snape said and Harry nodded. They left and Scorpius was nuzzling his face into Albus' side.

"Scorpius, how about you get some rest?" Harry said softly and Scorpius shook his head. He lifted his face and looked at Harry.

"I-I can't d-do this without him." He told Harry. "I-I can't l-lose him." He said and Harry nodded.

"I know, but you need to relax. Relax for your baby." He assured and Scorpius swallowed. He sat back and gently rubbed his belly.

"I've felt him move you know. Albus isn't able to feel cause he's not kicking but he's moving." He sniffled.

"It's a boy?" Harry asked elated.

"We don't know for sure but we decided to call him he." Scorpius smiled sadly rubbing his belly.

"Well I'm sure you'll be happy no matter what your child is." Harry smiled and Scorpius nodded. He stifled out a little yawn. "Come here." Harry advised and he did. Harry stood up and transfigured the plastic chair Scorpius was sitting in, into a bed with a fluffy comforter. "Go ahead, this way, you're close to him." Harry urged and Scorpius did something that surprised him, he hugged him.

"Thank you Harry." He whispered. "Goodnight."

"Sleep well Scorpius." Harry said. Scorpius nodded and snuggled under the comforter. He slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep. Harry smiled at his son's boyfriend; he was holding Albus' hand gently and he looked really peaceful. Harry's thoughts drifted and he couldn't bear to lose his son the same way he lost his wife. It really did split up the family and it was an eye opener for him. He knew his son was sick but didn't think it was to that extend. He thought his son was going to be okay and that proved he wasn't getting better. He was stuck; he didn't know how to help his child. He already promised to stay away but obviously that wasn't what he needed, he needed his father to be there and he vowed to himself that he'll finally be the father Albus needed.

Draco's P.O.V

Astoria and I were cuddled up in bed, with her head on my chest when there was a pecking sound. Astoria groaned and lifted her head. We were sleeping.

"Drake, there's an owl. It's a school owl." She whispered.

"What why?" I asked. She got out of bed and let it in. She took the letter, fed the owl a treat and sent it on its way. She opened the letter and judging by her gasp it wasn't good. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" I asked and she walked over to me. She sat down and nuzzled her face into my neck handing me the letter.

Mister Malfoy,

With heavy hearts we need to inform you that earlier this morning, Albus Potter tried to take his own life. It is in everyone's best interest that you come here as soon as possible when he wakes up .Your son has obviously taken the news the hardest but we have him under the watch of Albus' father. We will see you soon.

Headmistress McGonagall

Astoria seemed heartbroken, she come to love Albus just like a son. Sure he wasn't at our manor a lot, but she really cared for the boy. For me, I was devastated. I felt as if I didn't do my job. I felt like I failed him and I felt like I was going to lose a child because in reality, Albus was like a second son to me.

"Love, we can go to school. Once Albus wakes up; we'll see how he's doing." I hushed her rubbing her arm gently.

"H-he was such a n-nice boy w-when he came h-here." She cried.

"Shh relax sweetheart, he'll be okay." I told her and kissed her head. "McGonagall will notify us once he wakes up." She just snuggled up closer to me and sniffled. "Come on, go back to sleep."

"How is Scorpius going to take the news if he dies?" She asked and I gasped.

"Tori, love he'll be okay. McGonagall said he'd wake up."

"Can we go now?" She asked. "I think he'd feel better if we were there when he woke up." She looked at me through her lashes almost pleading with me. I sighed and kissed her lips.

"Okay, get dressed." I told her and she almost leapt out of the bed. I sighed and stood up. She didn't bother getting dressed in nice clothing but her best casual clothing sufficed. I got dressed in work attire and we both went to the floo. Stepping through, we landed in McGonagall's office, surprised to see her there.

"I thought I would notify you when he woke up, and you brought Astoria." She smiled.

"Nice to see you again professor." Astoria said.

"We've come because we think it's best to have Albus surrounded by those who love him when he wakes up, he hasn't yet correct?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Unfortunetly not. You're free to go there." She told us. We bid her a thank you and goodbye before walking to the hospital wing. Once we stepped in, Harry lifted his head.

"It's good you've come now." He whispered with a slight smile. "Just be quiet, Scorpius is sleeping." He said and we nodded. Astoria rushed over to him and started to flit over our sleeping son.

"How's he doing?" I asked walking over to Harry. I took a seat next to him and looked at him.

"I don't know how well he is but he'll live." He told me and I nodded.

"I'm really sorry Harry." I said and he gave me a confused look.

"For what?" He asked.

"I've failed him. He's my patient and I've failed him." I said and gulped.

"It's not your fault Draco, he's ill. Very ill and you couldn't have prevented it. He stopped taking his potions." He informed me and I stared at him.


"He stopped taking his potions." He told. "He said they stopped helping. He must of needed a dosage increase or something. Scorpius told McGonagall's he's been struggling."

"All I can say is I'm sorry." I apologized. "I think of him as a son Harry, he was really polite while he was at my house."

"When he wasn't going through everything." He scoffed.

"Still, he's a good kid."

"Thanks Draco." He said. "Draco, what am I to do?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well he says I trigger him but at this point, I can't leave him alone. He needs me." He said and was nearly in tears. I gently put my hand on his back and patted it.

"Harry, you can ask him when he wakes up. Ask him what he wants."

"And what if he doesn't want me?" He asked.

"Make him want you." I said and he nodded biting his lip. I knew that it was killing him but it was for the best. He needed to speak with Albus and I believed that after everything, Albus would want him too.

A/N- Sorry that I've made you guys cry, you know I love you all xox

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