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Third Person P.O.V

Albus was curled around Scorpius crying gently as Scorpius tried to console his boyfriend. Scorpius didn't need to know the details; he only needed to hear the name 'James' to know it wasn't good. Albus' head was on Scorpius' chest as his hand rested on the bump feeling his baby's slight movements. Scorpius' heartbeat softly lulled Albus as Scorpius gently threaded fingers through his hair. When he felt Albus relax fully, he dropped his hand from his hair and wrapped his arm around Albus.

"Did you have a good day?" Albus whispered.

"Eh it was per usual; both of my parents' parents came over. They're very eager to meet the man that knocked me up." He giggled and Albus laughed.

"Are they mad it was out of wedlock?"

"Yeah probably but it's not their place to say anything." He kissed Albus' head. "And Uncle Sev was there and he gives his love." He told Albus which made him chuckle.

"Oh how nice of Professor Snape." Albus laughed and snuggled his face into the crook of Scorpius' neck. "Go to sleep love." He whispered and kissed Scorpius' neck. "I love you."

"I love you too." Scorpius whispered. "Goodnight." The pair fell into a deep sleep and they were awoken hours later to Draco walking in.

"Guys you need to wake up, breakfast is in ten minutes." Draco whispered and Scorpius groaned. Albus was the first to wake up and he nodded to Draco. Draco nodded back and left a pair of sweats on the bed for Scorpius. He walked away and Albus turned to his sleeping boyfriend.

"Love, you need to get up, its morning." He whispered and Scorpius groaned.

"I have to pee." He mumbled waking up. "Come with me?" He asked and Albus smiled.

"Sure but get dressed in these first." Albus said and Scorpius groaned but sat up. Albus helped his pregnant boyfriend strip out of his clothes and into the clean one. Scorpius hugged himself and leaned into Albus.

"So cozy." He gave a warm smile.

"I'm glad, let's go." He said and got Scorpius out of bed. Albus quickly tossed off his bloody clothes, grimacing when realizing he fell asleep in them, and tossed on clean clothes. The pair then made their way to the bathroom, did their business, and then walked out to find a table. Cynthia was already sitting there so the pair just joined her.

"Morning." Albus greeted taking the seat across from her. Scorpius mumbled a good morning and sat next to Albus. Cynthia raised an eyebrow and cocked her head to the side.

"Wanna explain to me what happened last night?" She asked and Albus looked at her.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Albus huffed.

"Oh so the distraction wasn't coming from your room but the room next to yours?" She asked sarcastically (there wasn't a room next to his) and he sighed.

"My brother got in the hospital somehow and started beating on me. I fought back and we were fighting. Security came and so did other healers. D- Healer Malfoy was called then Scorpius came to calm me down."

"Oh, well are you alright?" Cynthia asked and Albus nodded. "Well that's good, what happened to your brother?"

"Honestly I don't know." Albus shrugged.

"Your father took him away; I was coming in while he was being dragged out." Scorpius answered and Albus' head snapped in his direction. Food appeared on their table so Cynthia began to dig in.

"What? My father was here?" He asked perplexed. Scorpius nodded taking some eggs and toast.

"Yes and he was very livid at James, I mean I understand why. I've never seen him so angry, I mean not at James at least. At you, yes." Scorpius turned to look at his boyfriend. He placed a kiss on his lip. "Eat now love, you need your strength."


"Shush just eat." Scorpius moved his plate toward Albus and took the empty one. He piled food on to it and smiled. "So Cynthia, when do you get to leave?" He asked and she smiled.

"End of this week actually. I'm really gonna miss you though." She said to Albus who smiled in response. It was a real smile that Scorpius missed so when he saw that, he grinned widely.

"I'll miss you too but we'll definitely keep in touch, yeah?"

"Of course! And I wanna see your little cupcake when he or she is born." She cooed.

"Oh yes, you'll be one of the first to know." Scorpius patted his belly.

"Oh yay!" Cynthia squealed. "Are they moving?" She asked and Scorpius shook his head.

"No, must be taking a snooze. However they're sleeping on my bladder so I have to pee."

"Are you okay going alone?" Albus and Scorpius nodded. He kissed Albus' head and sauntered off. "So, did I keep you up last night?" Albus asked Cynthia who shook her head.

"No I was just wondering what the hell was going on." She said. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm sure my healer is going to want to meet with me. Then I'll definitely have to talk to my father."

"Will you need to stay here extendedly?" She asked and Albus sighed.

"I hope not, I really just wanna go home. Well back to Scorpius'."

"You wouldn't live with your father?" She asked and he shook his head. "Why?"

"Too many memories." He answered. Scorpius came back and sighed.

"Dad said he wanted to see you after breakfast and that I should go back home." Scorpius pouted but Albus kissed him.

"Probably best for the piggy." Albus placed a kiss on his belly.

"Wait, you're last name is Malfoy?" Cynthia asked and Scorpius nodded. "Is that how you two met? He was your healer?" Cynthia almost squealed.

"No, I was his erm bully." Albus blushed. "I made him be my friend with benefits cause I was curious and was having feelings for guys."

"I was willing cause I mean, Albus is very attractive." Scorpius chimed in.

"I um didn't use a condom the night we actually did it, he told me a week later. Obviously I wouldn't make him do it alone cause it was my fault. We got moved to private quarters and got together." Albus shrugged and Cynthia looked smug.

"That's an awesome story." She told them smiling. "Were your parents mad?"

"My parents were uneasy but they deemed it their fault for not talking about safe sex." Scorpius chuckled.

"My father was livid." Albus smiled and then he frowned slightly. "Kind of when we were on bad terms."

"Oh." Cynthia gave a sad smile.

"Anyway, love you should get going, I'll see you tomorrow?" Albus asked and Scorpius nodded.

"Of course."

Albus' P.O.V

After I dropped Scorpius off at the floo, I walked into Draco's office because that is where I was needed. I knocked on the door and he looked up. He nodded and motioned for me to sit.

"How are you Albus?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Better today I suppose, thank you for allowing Scorpius to stay."

"Oh it was nothing." Draco said and I nodded. "How did yesterday go before everything happened?"

"Uncle George says once he's out of here I can work for him."

"Instead of finishing school?" He asked and I nodded. "I take it you're going to move in with me."

"Yes sir, be there for Scorpius and the baby when he comes." I said and Draco nodded.

"Have you talked your father about this?"

"Yes and he is okay with it."

"Okay and how did Scorpius take it?" He asked and I bit my lip.

"He was upset which is what I expected but I told him a solution. Now this is also your decision."

"Okay what?"

"I wanted him to floo back home every weekend, give or take, and go back Sunday nights. That's when the baby arrives though since he only has a few months left."

"Um okay, that's a good idea." He said. "However you need to talk to McGonagall. And you need to withdraw."

"I will sir."

"Okay how are you feeling about last night?"

"Alright. I cried to Scorpius before but I'm okay now. It just shocked me that I can't get away from him."

"Well if you move in with me, I will make sure he doesn't come near my residence."He said and I nodded. "What about the negative thoughts you were having?"

"They haven't gone away but they're not as loud." I told him and he nodded.

"Like I said, I don't want to give you another dosage but I can give you a mood stabilizer."


"Now you can take the antidepressant at night again and the mood stabilizer in the morning. You can start that tomorrow." He said and I nodded. "Also your father will be here at noon." I said and checked the time.

"So three hours?"

"Yes." He said and I nodded. "You can leave, I'll let you know."

"Thank you sir." I said and he nodded.

"See you later."


My father walked in and sat at my desk as I was sitting on my bed.

"So how are you?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I wanna leave honestly." I sighed. "Could you take me out?"

"I think if I took you out I'd need to take you home with me." He said and I sighed. "And I know you don't want that."

"It's not that I don't want to live with you, it's just that house." I said and his face fell.

"It's the house-"

"Yes." I cut him off.

"Is that why you refuse to live there?" He asked and I nodded.

"Too many memories." I told him. "I frankly hate it there."

"Okay." He said. "So it wasn't necessarily me you didn't want to see?" He asked and I shook my head.

"You just always made me angry but I've forgive you since you see my side now." I told him and he smiled.

"I'm happy to hear that Albus." He said and his eyes filled with tears. I got up and hugged him.

"Don't cry."

"I've screwed up with the family." He told me. "Your mother always knew how to do these things and how to handle tough situations. I'm sorry for being such a bad father."

"It wasn't that, I understand it's been hard for everyone."

"I've neglected you Albus and I am truly sorry." He sniffled and I hugged him tighter.

"I forgive you dad." We stayed in silence for a little until I spoke up. I pulled away from the hug. "What happened to James?"

"I asked Petunia how he got out and she said he must have done it when he was going to work. He is being sent off to-" He stopped and closed his eyes. "A work camp. It was either that or jail."

"And he picked that?"

"Surprisingly yes, hopefully he learns."

"Have you gotten him checked?"

"After I've I learned my lesson with you, I have. I checked multiple times and different healers."

"And he's hurt me on his own free will?"

"I'm sorry Albus." He said and hugged me again and I shrugged.

"It is what it is." I said. "At least you're there for me now."

"And I will be from now on, I am sorry for everything." He said and I smiled slightly.

"I forgive you." I told him and he hugged me tighter. It actually felt good to have him on my side, sure things between us weren't one hundred percent better but for once I wasn't feeling pitied, I actually felt loved.

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