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Scorpius' P.O.V

I was happy because Albus would be released from the hospital and I was allowed to help him leave. I made my way to St. Mungo's and waddled towards to his room. When I got there, Cynthia was helping him pack.

"Fun has arrived!" I called and Albus ran over to me hugging me tightly.

"I get to leave!" He practically yelled. His face was beaming and I couldn't help but smile.

"I know! I'm so happy!" I kissed his lips and I heard Cynthia chuckle. We pulled away and I rested my hands on my bump which was now nearing into my seventh month.

"Anyway, Cynthia is allowed to come in the school and help me unpack once we get to our room." Albus explained. McGonagall, despite Albus withdrawing, suggested he stay on campus for my sake and for the sake of the baby. He wouldn't need to attend classes but he could eat with us and all.

"Okay." I kissed his cheek and he grinned wrapping his arms around my waist. Cynthia finished packing the last and picked up the hippogriff from the bed. She smirked and handed it to Albus who blushed.

"How does it feel to be home?" I asked and she smiled.

"Great actually." She smiled. "I am getting a job at Flourish and Blotts."

"Oh cool! We get to work near each other!" Albus high fived her. It was refreshing to see him happy with a friend. I smiled but had the wind knocked out of me when the baby kicked me hard. Albus noticed it and grabbed my belly. "Love, are you alright?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, just kicked me in the ribs." I groaned and straightened up.

"Aww baby PM, hurting mama." Albus cooed.

"Mama? Oh goodness you two are so cute." Cynthia clapped her hands and hugged us. There was a knock at the door and we all looked.

"Albus your father is here to take you back." My father said and his eyes fell upon me. "Scorpius, when did you get here?"

"Mm five minutes ago."

"You're supposed to check in with me." He hissed but I smiled.

"I'm here dad!" I announced and he rolled his eyes.

"And now you're leaving." He said and I nodded. "Well it was nice seeing you."

"You too." I smirked.

"Albus, I'll check in on you next week. Remember to take your potions."

"Yes sir." Albus nodded and then grabbed his trunk. He handed me his hippogriff and I cuddled it as I had his hand in mine. Cynthia was next to me and smiled. We walked in silence to Harry who nodded. My dad has walked us there so we hugged him goodbye and Harry shook his hand thanking him. Dad seemed very happy about the handshake that he smiled widely and walked away.

"Hi guys and girl whose name I do not know." He greeted and Cynthia chuckled.

"Cynthia sir, it's a pleasure to meet you." Cynthia shook his hand and he smiled.

"Harry Potter, you must be Albus' friend."

"Yes sir."

"Well thank you and it's nice to meet you too." Harry said and grabbed Albus' trunk. He started walking away. We all followed and Albus squeezed my hand. I turned to him and smiled which he did back. We walked outside to the car and Harry placed the trunk in the back.

"I call shotgun!" Cynthia yelled and Harry laughed shaking his head. They took seats in the front and I sat with backseat with Albus.

"You know what they say about the back seat." Albus whispered in my ear.

"He's almost seven months pregnant, there's not much you two can do back there." Harry chimed in and I blushed burying my face into his shoulder. He put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. I yawned and Albus rubbed my arm gently.


"Exhausted, baby pm does not know when it's nighttime."

"Which is kind of ironic." He chuckled softly. "Go to sleep, I'll wake you when we get there." He said and I nodded. I slowly closed my eyes and let the sound of his heartbeat lull me to sleep. The next time I woke up I was being lowered on a bed.

"Snake?" I whimpered.

"Go to sleep love."

"I need to come with you to talk to McGonagall."

"I already talked to her." He smiled and crawled into bed with me. "You were sleeping on my lap. You looked too cute to put down." He told me and I curled into him. I inhaled deeply and my nose got filled with his scent. Apples and Cinnamon.

"I must have looked weird." I murmured against his neck.

"Nah she thought you looked cute too." He whispered. "My father and Cynthia said goodbye and McGonagall agreed to my idea." He said and I nodded. I shot up like a bullet startling him.

"She did?!"

"Yes." He chuckled and then pulled me back down kissing my neck gently. "She thinks it's very responsible of us. You taking on your education while taking care of our child on the weekends and then me getting a job. Says we're very mature." He whispered and I smiled tiredly. I flipped on my side so my belly was touching his.

"I'm so far away." I pouted and he chuckled.

"Flip over.'" He said and I flipped on my other side. My back was touching his chest and he wrapped his arm around me placing his hand on my belly. He nuzzled his face into my neck. "Rest up we still have some time before dinner."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you." I said and closed my eyes slowly fell back to sleep. I slept for a few more hours until I felt the pressure on my bladder and I cursed. I wiggled out of Albus' grip and ran to the bathroom. I had to sit and pee now because the healer said it was easier. When I was finished, I walked out and Albus was lying down but awake. "When I'm not pregnant, we're taking extra precautions not to get pregnant until I want another baby." I told him and he nodded tiredly.

"Yes dear, baby giving you trouble?"

"No just a very tiring thing." I said and crawled in with him. He placed his hand on the bump and the baby started to kick. "What are you going to do while everyone else in class?"

"Oh McGonagall is letting me work with Hagrid."


"Yup and Uncle George told me that we should wait for me to start in the summer anyway."

"Then it works out."

"Yes it does." He smiled. "Will you be alright?"

"Yeah I will be because I'll see you at night in the summer."

"And every weekend." He said and I rubbed our noses together.

"Are you excited? We need to make a nursery and get stuff but I'm sure we can ask my father to transfigure things into baby essentials."

"I am very excited and I am sure my father wouldn't mind helping."

"You and your father are on good terms it seems like."

"We had a good talk actually last week." He smiled slightly.

"I'm so happy to hear that." I hugged him tightly. Well as tightly as I could. "What about Rose or Lily?"

"They can get stuffed." He said and I chuckled. "Well Lily can anyway."

"She'll see the light sooner or later, don't you worry."

"Oh I'm not worried, come on, let's go to dinner."

Albus' P.O.V

On Monday morning after breakfast, I kissed Scorpius goodbye and made my way to Hagrid's hut. I knocked on the door and he opened it moments later.

"Ah 'er you are Albus." He motioned for me to come in. I did. "Look 'ust like your dad."

"I take offense to that Hagrid." I scoffed and his eyes widened but I smirked. "Just kidding, thank you."

"'Ight so you 'ant some tea?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Sure thank you sure." I said and took a seat.

"So 'ell me Albus why aren't you in classes?"

"Well you see, I've missed too much school and I need to support my boyfriend cause he's pregnant and we're gonna need money."

"I see." He nodded and poured me some tea. "Well I wish you the 'est of luck." He said and I smiled.

"So what do we do?"

"Well we manage the land." He said and I nodded. "Shouldn't 'e too much work."



I walked into my room and heard Scorpius cooing the baby softly.

"And I know we call you a boy but if you're a girl we'll love you regardless. Both of us and you will be so loved. I know your papa is very excited cause every time you kick, his eyes light up. You make him happy my little piggy and I am so thankful for that. Mama can't imagine a life without your papa even if he and I are just friends after all of this, I still want him in my life, and you're to thank. I love you baby." I heard him sniffled and I wiped a stray tear from my eye. I closed the portrait and Scorpius looked at me.

"Hey love, you alright?" I asked and he smiled nodding. He waved me over and I sat on the couch with him.

"How was work?"

"Cool actually, we got to walk around the grounds and then we saw the hippogriffs! Real hippogriffs! Can you believe that?"

"That sounds great snake." He kissed my lips gently.

"How was your day?" I patted my legs so he swung them over and placed them there. I started to rub them and he hummed.

"It was just fine. I did well in potions and in charms."

"What about Defense?"

"Let's not talk about that." He chuckled and I laughed. I continued rubbing his feet and he moaned. "Merlin, I am so happy you know when my feet hurt." He hummed and I laughed.

"Well it's the least I can do." I said and kissed his bump. "And then when our little one comes around, I'll keep busy."

"God I love you." He sniffled and I smiled. I leaned over and his met me in the middle kissing my lips.

"And I love you." I told him and he smiled. "Come on, let's go get some dinner."

"Oh are you asking me on a date?"

"Something like that." I smirked. "Come on love." He dropped his feet and got up as did I. However I grabbed him and carried him bridal style. "Let's go my princess, off to the great hall to eat with the peasants." I said and he giggled wrapping his arms around my neck. He wasn't that heavy so I supported the weight.

"Why am I the princess?" He asked as we started walking out.

"Cause you bottom."

"I topped once."

"That was a onetime thing." I told him and pressed my lips to his. We walked out of the portrait hole and I closed it behind me. We started walking and Scorpius was being quiet until he mumbled something.

"We'll see about that."

A/N- I do apologize, I dont know how to speak like Hagrid 

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