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Sexual Content

Scorpius' P.O.V

            "Oh god Albus." I moaned thrusting into him. Mum and dad were out so Albus and I decided to make love before I needed to leave.

            "Fuck Scorp." He moaned and leaned forward to kiss my lips. I sloppily kissed his lips and then my hand found its way to his cock. I pumped him slowly and then faster as his hips thrusted forwards. "Scorp, Scorpius, I love you."  He moaned and then came into my hands. I felt his walls constrict and I released into the condom letting out a silent moan. I rode out my orgasm in him and when I finally died down; I pulled out and lied down next to him.

            "Some goodbye sex." I laughed and covered us snuggling under the comforter. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck.

            "I'm gonna miss you tomorrow." He said and I looked him in the eyes.

            "I'm going to miss you too." I told him. "You're coming to the train station right?" I asked and he smiled.

            "Of course and Ky is coming with us." He told me and I smiled. Ky was now almost one month old and he started to pick up on our facial expressions. He would smile and giggle when Albus or I cooed to him.

            "I'm gonna miss my baby." I frowned and he kissed my lips gently.

            "Just think of all the sleep you can catch up on." He pointed out and I groaned.

            "You're so right." I let my head fall on his bare chest.

            "Are you gonna be able to keep the private room?" He asked and I shrugged.

            "Probably if I leave every Friday, it'll be easier for me to escape with no questions." I said and he nodded. The baby monitor started to go off so I groaned but rolled out of bed. I threw on my boxers but not before Albus whistled. I put my boxers on and slapped him playfully. I walked out of the room and to the nursery where the little baby was crying.

            "Oh love, don't cry, mama is here." I cooed and picked him up from the basinet. I gently rocked him and grabbed a bottle from the mini fridge. It was charmed to be the perfect temperature. I put his to his lips and he immediately started suckling on the bottle. I sat on the chair as I fed him. He was really a cute baby and he resembled Albus a lot. Had his eyes and his hair, and even his giggle. Ky was staring intently at me as I fed him. "Are you all better love?" I cooed and leaned down kissed his nose. I pecked his nose and was inches from his face so he could see me. "Mama loves you." I whispered and he ate a few more before spitting it out. I gently took it away and burped him gently.

            "He's gonna miss you." Albus' voice rang in my ears. I looked up and he was standing in the doorway in sweats. "He'll know when his mama isn't home."

            "I know." I pouted and snuggled my baby after he burped.  He was on my shoulder and he snuggled into my neck.

            "But don't worry, papa will hold down the fort along with grandpa and Mimi."

            "Still don't know why my mum wants to be called Mimi." I scoffed slightly and he chuckled walking over to me. He sat down and kissed my forehead.

            "Cause' it makes her sound younger." He said and I shrugged. He opened his arms so I went to pass the baby over but he shook his head. "Come here." He pulled me into a hug as I cradled Ky in my arms instead of my shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my belly under my arms and held be from behind. He sighed putting his chin on my head. "I'm going to miss you a lot."

            "Do you think you'll be okay without me?"

            "I hope so." He said. He gently brushed a finger over the baby's cheek. Ky looked like he was fighting sleep so I gently rocked him so he could sleep. I knew he'd wake up soon enough to be changed but it was better he got as much sleep as he needed.

            "I'll only be gone for five days."

            "Six the first." He corrected.  "But I think I'll be too busy to actually freak out. Plus I have our son and he brings be just as much joy as you." He kissed my neck gently and I shivered.

            "I love you so much Albus." I whispered and then turned around to kiss his lips. I pecked his lips and got up to place Ky in his basinet. When he was asleep and lying down, I sat back down with Albus, curling up on the chair. "It's funny to think that this time last year, I was dreading to see you."

            "It's weird to think that this time last year, I was dating a girl." He chuckled. "Peggy definitely just used me to get to Kirk." He laughed.

            "Well if it's any consolation, I am far more attractive than her." I teased and he kissed my lips.

            "Yes, yes you are." He kissed my neck and then snuggled closer to me. We must have fallen asleep because someone was shaking us awake.

            "Love, it's time for dinner." My mum's voice was soft. I opened my eyes and she was cradling Kynaston in her arms.

            "What time is it?" I asked.

            "Six, you two seemed a little tired. Kynaston was crying when I got home, didn't even wake you two."

            "How long was he crying for?" I asked and she shook her head patting my leg.

            "Didn't seem too long, come on, it's the last dinner we can have before you go back." She said and I nodded. I turned and Albus' arm was slung over my shoulder. "Thank you mum." I said and she nodded walking away with Ky in her arms. I shook Albus awake and he woke up with a start.

            "What's wrong?" He asked.

            "Come on, we took a long nap, it's time for dinner."

            "Oh." He said and I nodded.

            "I'm gonna go get some clothes on and I'll bring you a shirt." I said and he nodded. I walked away, got dressed and threw a shirt at him. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

            "Come on, love one last dinner." He said and kissed my temple. "That is until you come back again love."

            "One week."


Albus' P.O.V

            "Oh Albie." Scorpius held me tightly. Ky was in a baby carrier on the ground as I was hugging Scorpius goodbye. His parents allowed me to floo there and take him. They said their goodbyes before we left. Draco claimed it would be harder for him to say goodbye to me.

            "Don't cry Scorp, it'll be six days."

            "But I haven't been away from you since- since you were in the hospital." He pouted and I smiled kissing his lips. A little whimper came from the baby carrier and he let go of me squatting down. "And I haven't been away from my baby ever!"

            "Relax, it's only a few more months then you can be with us at any time."

            "I will come home every weekend." He said jumping up again. "Even if I have detention for Merlin knows why, I'll leave and come to see you."

            "Okay love." I chuckled and he gave a small smile. He threw himself at me and held me tightly. I hugged him tightly back and kissed his cheek. "I have something for you." I told him and he pulled back.

            "What?" He asked and I pulled it out of my pocket. He blinked at it and then looked at me.

            "I shrunk it." I smiled.

            "But won't you need it?" He asked.

            "No, I can cuddle with Ky. My hippogriff is there to keep you safe." I said and he burst into tears. He pocketed my hippogriff and grabbed me. He held onto my tightly and I rubbed his back. "Shh, relax." I chuckled.

            "I-I'm gonna m-miss you." He cried and I sniffled.

            "I-I'm gonna is y-you too." I told him crying slightly. "But it's only for a few days and you'll be fine you Gryffindor you." I chucked. I pulled away and kissed his lips. "Use some of that Gryffindor courage for six days and then you can come home into my arms."  I said and he let out a shaky breath.

            "Okay." He kissed my lips.  "Six days."

            "Six days." I agreed. He squatted again and kissed Kynaston goodbye.

            "Goodbye my love, I'll miss you." He cooed and Ky gave a tiny giggle. He stood up and hugged me one last time before getting on the train. I waved goodbye and picked up the baby carrier. The train started to move out of the station so I picked up Ky and walked out of the platform. I walked into a little shop that I knew to be wizard and floo home.

            "How did it go?" Draco asked as I walked into his study. I sat down taking Ky out of his carrier.

            "Tears were shed but I know he'll get through it." I said and rocked Ky gently.

            "How about you?" He asked.

            "I think I'll be okay." I sighed. "I'll miss him but we've been apart for a month before and it's only six days."

            "Do you feel like you need potions?" He asked and I shook my head.

            "I feel good, really I do." I smiled. "I have this little guy." I said and looked at Ky who was suckling on a pacifier. I kissed his head and looked up. "Plus I have plenty of things to distract me." I said and he smiled.

            "I'm very proud of you." He said and I smiled. "Really Albus you've made so much progress and I am happy that you've made it."

            "I owe it all to you sir." I said and gave a grin. "Thank you Draco."

            "It was all you Albus, I just helped you get there." He smiled and so did I. I was finally better and believe it or not, the Malfoy's helped me out.

A/N- I threw out my back yesterday bending over to get something, I'm convinced I'm 85. I'm alright though. Hope you liked this chapter, the epilogue is up next!

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